This is indeed sad... I debated with shots SO many times! We didn't agree on anything. But the fact that we were always "in it" meant that I had a
good deal of respect for him.
I had the pleasure of interacting with shots on many occassion when Breaking Alternative News was ATSNewsNetwork, back in 2005.
I was doing what I thought was a great job in one thread debating him, and for the first time, used a source that I "knew existed but couldn't
find"....he won that round when he called me on it. I spent the rest of that day trying to find that source to no avail...
I enjoyed when he was a part of any given discussion and always felt that he was a voice worth listening to (or as the case may be, read).
He will be missed thoroughly by those of us who were graced by his words and attention.
JSOBecky, perhaps you could email this thread URL to Shot's wife - I'll bet she'd like to hear our condolences and she may even have something
she'd like to say or tell us.
I remember shots quite well, I always loved his avatars. Nice man who always added something valuable to the threads he was on. I was wondering where
he's been lately and have missed him. I had a very dear friend who passed away from Gehrig's disease several years ago. Such a vital, alive woman
and still fairly young, it was very difficult to see her go and I still miss her a lot.
My condolences to your family, Shots, you are missed here. I hope the family can find some comfort in their sorrow at this time.
I have never dealt with the passing of family or friends very well.
Shots had words of encouragement for me at one time when I needed it the most. Like the hand of a friend on your shoulder.
I'd like to think that still rings true.
It's nice to see many long time and prolific members coming together and remembering a "truth-seeker" (to quote Antar). Let this be a reminder to
us all that we are people, not just avatars. We have feelings and families. We are all just searching to make sense of the world. We are kindred in
purpose if not ideology.
Wow. I hadn't checked this board for a few months, so this is one of the first posts I've read in a while. Although I don't know many people on
here, I do remember shots... RIP man.