Hey Manson whats that on your head? Does it trap the heat so your brain hallucinates ridiculous visions of prophits that aren't real?
Americans may be a bit dumbed down and I agree that our culture isn't so grand...
But my life is great and i'd rather die then live like people do in the middle East, dumbed down and asleep implies comfort and a system that works
to provide it for most people...
the Taliban was sick and is sick, Even allot of Iranians want to be able to listen to music and look at thier girlfriends... what kind of 13th century
culkture dominates the places we invaded? I don't care what was done in the middle east in the past, right now aside from Africa it's mainly a
backward hole in the earth
When the conquistadors encounterd natives on this continent...thier culture was almsot as retarded as some of the middle east is today... but they
looked at a people who... Played soccer with human heads and ripped the hearts from young girls to "appease the gods" lol
and they removed them, because they were repulsive, thier culture had reached Fail... and in a modern world thats where the most fanatical of islam
and...plenty of people in the islamic world want to be free, it is sad that innocents suffer in war... but the reality, Our culture is on the right
track, we are ... at least trying, embracing the modern world...
some Islamists feel sympathy, like Jews do for zionists for... true barbaric people because they share culture or language, but really, millions more
are aware that life sucks under rules that are superstitous and biased and harsh.
People say we are a police state, lol compared to Taliban law? They might not have cameras but... I'm let to live everyday here, my way, no one has
yet interfered in my personal life in my home...
Americans are duped? No way... we pushed religion out for the most part, it has a voice, but it's within a vote and not dominant... China has, russia
has most of the EU has... fanatics under complete control...
The Middle East endangers the world, I'd rather die then be islamic... so if you don't like us, come and get us