posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by manson_322
With the exception of a few lunatics over here, most Americans don't believe in using a "first nuclear strike" option, period. Our arsenal is a
deterrent as well. It's just a whole lot bigger, because unlike India which is worried about deterring China and Pakistan, we had the unfortunate
position of being rivals with the USSR, and now Russia.
What happened in 1945 is regrettable, but whether you believe the Russians were going to end the war or the Americans, they still prevented a huge
invasion and occupation. And keep in mind that if Germany and Japan hadn't decided to try and conquer the planet for shucks and giggles, nuclear
weapons would be a non-issue anyways.
As for India being a possible future superpower, I say good for them and better India than China. But let me ask you this, if you're saying India's
government is corrupt now, as a "major power," then how do you think those same people would behave if they gained the status of "super power?"
So they don't waste money on Imperialist agendas... currently. But what would they do if their economic and military power was multiplied tenfold?
Answer: The same thing America's government did, which is the same thing every government in history has done once they became powerful enough to do
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky...
Try to take over the world! (That line's from an American cartoon, fyi)