posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 07:27 AM
1. do you know if the nordic and the other 2 beings breathe oxygen as well? or did they have any other requirements/systems? (or apparatus, like
argentus asked...)
2. did they have any qualms about getting out their craft into earth's atmosphere? did they prepare or just casually exit their craft? basically, are
they comfortable in earth's atmosphere?
3. i'm assuming the bases on the moon and mars were airtight, with an artificial atmosphere inside for the beings to breathe. right? apart from that,
did they have any gravity manipulated or were the bases conforming to the natural gravity of moon and mars? to help, gravity on the moon is 17% of
that on earth, and on mars, it's 38%. (at least that's what they tell us...)
4. did you feel uncomfortable in the atmosphere of their craft or their bases? was it easy to breathe?
5. i'm assuming, again, that you didn't get the chance to step out of the bases onto the surfaces of either the moon or the mars. but you did get a
glimpse of their surfaces thru portholes, as you mentioned earlier. so did you notice any mountains, rivers, trees on the moon's surface? maybe you
should have a look at George Adamski's description of the moon's surface.
1. Yes, they breathe oxygen.
2. As far as I know, they don't have any trouble flying in and out of the atmosphere.
3. They can manipulate gravity in any way they want and they do it in their craft and bases. Their gravity is a bit heavier than the gravity on Earth,
although not by much.
4. No, on the contrary. I think the air that they breathe has more oxygen in it because it felt much easier to breathe and you sort of get a little
"high" from the oxygen.
5. Yes, I saw the surfaces on the Moon and Mars and they look exactly like in pictures. There are no rivers or trees or anything organic. They grow
their plants underground.
does any of this sound familiar to you?
No, not really.
Did the Pleadians give you any warnings or talk about any dangers we have on earth with other groups of ETs?
No, they didn't tell me anything about that. Like I said earlier, the Pleiadians are the only ones that interfere with our development. Other races
are just visiting.
.... and that would be what galaxy? Any details about there solar system?
I don't know what galaxy they come from but they said that it wasn't in the Local Group.
Wow, what an intriguing story! You seem to be very credible 300bc. Will you ever divulge the meaning behind your name? Does it have anything to do
with your space odyssey?
No, it doesn't have anything to do with my experiences with them. Or maybe it does and I just don't know about it.
Lately I've been reading a
lot of stuff about Alexander the Great and how he had some kind of communication with gods and how he received help in battle from silver shields in
the sky. It's all very interesting. If I ever meet them again, this is one thing I intend to learn more about.