posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Ingrown
"I find this story to be a little hard to believe for a couple reasons. There doesn't seem to be much emotion or feeling in your story on your part,
as well as much feeling in your responses to the above questions. I think if someone really did have experiences like these (which sound like they
were imagined to be positive in nature) would be filled with excitement and passion upon sharing these awsome memories."
The guy doesn't speak English as his first language try writing a story in another language and please make it sound as you have put it
"Full of
emotion, feeling, excitement and passion."
People need to lighten up on 330BC I think.
Also everyone expects evidence and proof, it's ridiculous in my opinion.
Stories like this will never have evidence or proof enough, there are thousands of them out there and nobody will believe no matter what is provided
unless they took the ride with the aliens themselves.
What do they expect? Pictures of the aliens and mars bases along with the craft etc? I mean come on everyone. (Do you really believe ET's would give
all that up? IF you research the subject you will learn otherwise and it's the case with even the most credible witnesses out there that have
experienced the same things 330BC has.)
330BC shows similarity to many other people's stories which IMO gives him further believable credibility.
Also: People are so quick to judge I notice not all of you but a large majority here on ATS jumps all over someone who shares his story.
These kind of stories are supposed to sound unbelievable because they are unbelievable stories out of this world stories but it doesn't mean they are
I hope more of you can
Open Your Mind to possiblities here before judging someone who could have alot of good information on a true story that
happened to him.
Overall, if people don't have something positive to contribute on this thread
In My Opinion they shouldn't even post in the first place.
Kindest Regards!