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I've been taken three times, here's my story.

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posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 06:13 AM
1. Did they say anything about what happens after death?
2. Will we ever get the chance to discover all the knowledge they possess about the universe?
3. Are these different "cosmos" overlapping each other in different realities but lie in the same area in space as our universe or are these lie in a different part in space, i.e. somewhere away from our universe? (like different universes lying on top of each other in different dimensions or are they all spread out through space in one dimension)

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 06:19 AM
It's hard to say what stories are true or not. I will give this one some credit though... although I do feel maybe he is just saying english is not is native language because he doesn't want people to say he is dumb... so why not cover it up by saying you don't speak good english. He does seem to write very good english for a french guy though... just the little sayings and stuff make me beleive this guy isn't even french. And, like many people have said... anyone could find this information on the internet and turn it into there own story. So, as of right now, I am stuck in between beleiving and not.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 12:35 PM
Would you accept to meet me and tell full story ? That would be very nice . Btw , where in France are u staying ?

I live in Montpellier, it's city in south France, on the coast of the Mediterranean sea. Where do you live?

1) How did the aliens act, towards you, and towards each other?
2) Were they cold and emotionless?
3) Were they happy?
4) When you were communicating with them, did you feel what they were feeling?
5) Did it scare you when you first met them?
6) Did you feel at ease around the different aliens you met?
7) What did their ship look like on the outside?
8) Did they relay any information pertaining to the "galactic order" or I should say the interactions with other alien races?

1. They are very kind, caring and hospitable beings and they have a high respect for humans. They treated me like I was a very important person to them.
2. They're full of emotions. And just like thoughts, they can project their emotions to your head when ever they want to. Their emotions are more powerful than a humans and when you feel what they feel, your own emotions go away, and they sort of take over your mind.
3. Very much so. I never sensed any fear in them.
4. ^2
5. Yes.
6. Yes, I felt totally at ease with them. They're all very laidback and they radiate this certain peace of mind. I felt secured. I felt like nothing bad could happen to me. I felt like I was invincible.
7. The ships are all metallic.
8. They did not tell me much about other races or about any Galactic Order.

How many other species live underground in these bases? I was told they have reptillian bases underground on Mars. Did they tell you anything about the greys or reptillians or warn you of other ET's?

I don't know how many races there are living in the bases. I have met aproximately a hundred individuals from three different races on my trips.
They did not tell me much about the other races. I do not know if there are Grays or Reptilians on Mars, I never encountered any and they never told me that there were any. But it is possible.

Could you draw what these "Whites" look like? Did they have noses?

I'll try to draw them later. I don't have a scanner but I can try with Paint.

Did they say anything about the US government or the grays?
Is the government planing a fake alien invasion to make us fear the Aliens?
What about quantum physics and the unified field isn't it all one at the fundamental level?
Did they say anything on the soul or ego being able to transcend physical death?

They have had contact with various governments and made deals with them about keeping their existance hidden.
Don't know.
They made it clear to me that everything that has a life, will die eventually. And I don't mean just living entities, but stars and universes as well. They never spoke about reincarnation and I don't think it's real. It is possible though.

1. Did they say anything about what happens after death?
2. Will we ever get the chance to discover all the knowledge they possess about the universe?
3. Are these different "cosmos" overlapping each other in different realities but lie in the same area in space as our universe or are these lie in a different part in space, i.e. somewhere away from our universe? (like different universes lying on top of each other in different dimensions or are they all spread out through space in one dimension)

1. ^
2. When they're ready to contact us, they will share their knowledge and technology with us. I don't know when this is going to happen but I got the notion that it might not take long.
3. I got the idea that they are seperate spaces from our universe. They exist somewhere outside this reality and do not overlap each other.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 12:36 PM
1) Did they tell you something about the pyramids there in Mars and here on earth?
2) What is the shape (triangle, circular, rectangular) of their space craft? those differ from each specie of ET?
3) This 3 different species believe in GOD? all of them know about the 21 universes?
4) The female you saw was she a pretty one?
5) How is their reproduction (for the 3 species) it is sexual or asexual?

1. They didn't directly tell me about the pyramids, Mayans or Egyptians, but they told me that they have had some kind of involvement with every civilization that has lived on Earth.
2. Most of them are round, disc-shaped. I saw a few that were triangular-shaped. I don't know if it has anything to do with what species they are.
3. Yes, they all know the same things and they share their knowledge with every species. I think they all believe in God.
4. They're all very beautiful from the outside, including the males. Even more so from the inside.
5. They have sex.

What was the actual experience of them showing up and taking you like? In other words, how did it begin? What were you doing at the time? Did you feel anything? What did you see? Were you asleep before hand? Etc.
Same question, but in reverse: how did they return you? What did that feel like? Did you wake up in bed? Etc.

The first time was frightening. I didn't know if I was dreaming or hallucinating or if it was real. On the first time I was asleep. The next two times they came for me in the middle of the day. On both times I was playing guitar.
I didn't wake up in bed when they returned me. I was standing in the middle of my living room and very aware of what had happened.

Do you feel that there is any particular reason that they chose you?
Any aspects of your personality such as being an optimistic person?
Did they talk to you about any of the world religions and where the beliefs have come from?
Do you meditate/practise yoga?
What were their views on the worlds governments and their denial of alien existence?

They told me there was a reason but did not reveal it to me.
Yes, I consider myself a very optimistic, up person.
Like I said before, they have interfered with every civilization on Earth and possibly religions as well.
No, I do not.
They are part of the cover up. They don't want the general public to know about the existence. Not just yet. They made it very clear to me that this really was for a greater good.

I think he just mis-understood what he learned from them on that part. Could happen to anyone!

Yes, you are right in that I can be wrong.

did you feel/think you were 15hrs older comparing to other people? if you did then it obviously 15hrs worth of your life

That's hard to say. It's not like a person gets more wrinkles in 15 hours.

Did the two females look in any way like pamela anderson? Maybe Jennifer Anniston?

No but one of the the aliens that I met on Mars looked a bit like Claudia Schiffer.
The females don't have large breasts.

What do they eat? Are they Vegans and only eat naturally like wheat, vegetables and fruit or what?
Also: You mentioned you entered underground bases and especially the one on mars, what do they look like?

They eat all of kinds of plants, vegetables, fruits, berries. I don't know whether they eat grain or not. They don't have any animals in the bases, so they don't eat eggs or milk or anything like that.
Basically everything is made out of some kind of metal. It's as thin as a piece of paper but VERY solid. They are able to give matter a "memory". They have artifacts that you can bend with your hands but right after that they just return to the original shape.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by 330BC
They eat all of kinds of plants, vegetables, fruits, berries. I don't know whether they eat grain or not. They don't have any animals in the bases, so they don't eat eggs or milk or anything like that.

Are you vegan or such? Any cool space food you can describe?

Also can you please elaborate on their endeavour of seeding life, how is this accomplished when scientific evidence shows life on Earth took billions of years to evolve? Given your statement they have been "observing life on Earth for millions of years, and they are the ones who put us here", how old do they live to in Earth years, and how old is their civilisation?

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by 330BC

Sounds like one great dream to me, but thats it. A dream. As others have posted, there are small inconsistencies and we have seen enough hoaxes to know when someone is writing for simple entertainment.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 03:52 PM
i don't think we have enough reason yet to believe it's a hoax. and for those of you that say it looks like he took a bunch of different stories from all over the internet and weaved one big story of his own from it, i think that gives him more credibility than less. wouldn't a hoaxer try his best to be unique? in fact, he'd even try to be shocking, 'cause that would add to his pleasure while trying to convince people. at least in this case we can say that his story is supported by the similar things we've heard over the years.

but i'm not asking you to rule out the possibility that he just might be a fake. no offence 330BC, but we've learnt we have to be really cautious here

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by darklord

No, in my opinion it just means the hoaxer is lazy and unoriginal. I prefer the likes of Travis Walton. Theres a unique story that still has people on the fence to this day...

Heck, even Titor was more original

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 04:40 PM

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
If you dig deep into this story, you will see the contradictions...

It's a fascinating story... but that's all it is. He spends too much time answering questions and telling you about the details... He is writing this to entertain himself.

Someone who would of been abducted by aliens and spent time on other planets with these aliens, would of had their entire reality turned upside down and would of gone through alot of emotional stages and fascination... He wouldn't be here telling you the story

Belief is playing a part here, the people who believe in this are following it blindly and taking it in as dogma because they want to confirm their beliefs to be true.

That's why people write these stories to entertain and delude themselves into that fantasy.

I noticed a few things in his story. We all tend to believe that we have a destiny and that we are all special and meant for something, this plays a part of a fantasy. Why was he chosen? Because in his mind, as with 90% of population, we want to play a big role in life that makes our life fulfilling...

I will bet that this guy isn't from France, his very updated on English slang... I would say that this guy is British

What gave it mostly was how he answered questions all the time, When someone like a writer creates a story... They add to their "fantasy universe" all the time and if you look between the lines, you will see that he is doing exactly the same.

His whole concept of reality would of been thrown out of the window if he was to go on different planets and spaceships...

What this guy has gone and done, has put information from the net, read stories and got fascinated with it happening, that he created a story of his own, to delude himself (Writers do this all the time)

Thanks for the story, it was entertaining... but that's all it was

My argument doesn't suggest that aliens don't exist, I believe that they do, however lets cut the fiction from the reality, have a healthy skepticism, if you're going to believe everything you read... you are no better then sheep.

I agree and second everything he says. It is very true that this is what writers do, only they talented ones get away with a good story. His was very loose and ridged. Too many "sort of's" were in the area where otherwise vital information should have been.

But for those who want to believe (probably wishes they had a UFO poster saying I WANT TO BELIEVE above their beds) will believe it completely. And that's sad.

Don't be polite to him, ask the hard questions and be critical. I personally don't believe a word he says. From a psychological perspective he's displaying the typical signs of someone who needs attention and recognition.

But if his story makes you feel good inside, then maybe, he did a good enough job to catch the attention of internet readers (different from actual book readers)

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 05:00 PM

I'll play along 330,

I'll ask you some questions and you better be as honest about it as you possible can.

1. WHY did they pick you?
2. Why do you think you're special?
3. What is your current line of job?
4. What are you studying?
5. What are your favorite films?
6. Do you have a girlfriend?
7. Does anyone know about this story? (family, friends, etc)
9. And why should we believe you? What do you offer as evidence?

Yes, folks... a lot of you say, thank you for your story... it's just what it is... a story. It's not an actual experience. Try and initiate your filters people, this story isn't the same in scope as the Travis story. His has people confirming some of the aspects of his 'experience'. Try and be critical if you want the truth, then THAT'S what you need to do.

And 330.

When someone asks you what 330 is, now is not the time to hold back secrets. I personally don't care what it is, but if you need credibility you'll spill the beans on everything.

IF your claim is true... wouldn't you want to share it with as many people as possible? Meaning, people in your home town? I.E. Local newspapers reporting on your 'experiences"?. See, if this was real, you'd want to make people understand just how wrong we are all seeing the world, that there are Aliens out there and you've not once told us what their agenda is. If you don't know then how can you say they are nice and good people? What do they want with YOU?

See what I'm getting at? Maybe you can add this to your updated version of the same story on some other forum and maybe you won't have someone like me there to poke holes in your story.

Sorry... but it's not a place to post fake stories... people actually believe too much what's online and take it at face value. Hell, someone actually said here that they'll take it at face value... tsk tsk.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Element-115I agree and second everything he says. It is very true that this is what writers do, only they talented ones get away with a good story. His was very loose and ridged. Too many "sort of's" were in the area where otherwise vital information should have been.

But for those who want to believe (probably wishes they had a UFO poster saying I WANT TO BELIEVE above their beds) will believe it completely. And that's sad.

Don't be polite to him, ask the hard questions and be critical. I personally don't believe a word he says. From a psychological perspective he's displaying the typical signs of someone who needs attention and recognition.

But if his story makes you feel good inside, then maybe, he did a good enough job to catch the attention of internet readers (different from actual book readers)

Originally posted by Element-115

I'll play along 330,

I'll ask you some questions and you better be as honest about it as you possible can.

1. WHY did they pick you?
2. Why do you think you're special?
3. What is your current line of job?
4. What are you studying?
5. What are your favorite films?
6. Do you have a girlfriend?
7. Does anyone know about this story? (family, friends, etc)
9. And why should we believe you? What do you offer as evidence?

Yes, folks... a lot of you say, thank you for your story... it's just what it is... a story. It's not an actual experience. Try and initiate your filters people, this story isn't the same in scope as the Travis story. His has people confirming some of the aspects of his 'experience'. Try and be critical if you want the truth, then THAT'S what you need to do.

And 330.

When someone asks you what 330 is, now is not the time to hold back secrets. I personally don't care what it is, but if you need credibility you'll spill the beans on everything.

IF your claim is true... wouldn't you want to share it with as many people as possible? Meaning, people in your home town? I.E. Local newspapers reporting on your 'experiences"?. See, if this was real, you'd want to make people understand just how wrong we are all seeing the world, that there are Aliens out there and you've not once told us what their agenda is. If you don't know then how can you say they are nice and good people? What do they want with YOU?

See what I'm getting at? Maybe you can add this to your updated version of the same story on some other forum and maybe you won't have someone like me there to poke holes in your story.

Sorry... but it's not a place to post fake stories... people actually believe too much what's online and take it at face value. Hell, someone actually said here that they'll take it at face value... tsk tsk.

300BC says he doesn't care if you don't believe in it or not. He just basically wants to share of what he had seen. He doesn't need solid solid proof that everybody seems to want, in order for it to be true, you can ask him a thousand questions, yet I betcha you will still be in denial, because you choose not to believe it.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Shrukin89
300BC says he doesn't care if you don't believe in it or not. He just basically wants to share of what he had seen. He doesn't need solid solid proof that everybody seems to want, in order for it to be true, you can ask him a thousand questions, yet I betcha you will still be in denial, because you choose not to believe it.

But then it's YOU who happens to be in denial. It's not real. Wow. I never imagined people WANTING to believe so much, that they'll take anything, even if it's so obvious.

I choose NOT to believe because it's simply not believable. But then that's the case isn't it? How much YOU need to be convinced. Which in turn also lends its self to the obvious, and that's just how much you believe in which isn't true. ??

Look, he made a valiant effort in trying to sound authentic in his 'experiences', but it's just not very well written for someone who claims to have been through all these fantastic adventures.

Alright, I'll let you play make belief if that's what you want. I'll exit now and you can keep on talking about it. It's no point in me telling you the obvious.

And before you ask, I do have a very open mind... but this doesn't fit the reality I live in. I guess yours is a lot more magical than mine.


And 330, congratulations, you've just proved how easily you can manipulate people into believing in something.
I find that very interesting.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Epsillion70
Like I have stated previously the benefit of egoic magnitude has subsequently been outweighed by the value that the complete ignominiousness of this account that 330BC narrates in its entirety entails.
Think about it what value is to be gained in stating such a narrative that in it self is quite unbelievable in itself. If one is so unknowing of such precepts of said condition?

Man, I sure hope you don't actually talk that way. Try plain speaking, you might make sense then.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 11:12 PM
Hi 330

I live both in Paris and Britany . As free lance journalist I m interested in yr story . Why didn t yu share it on French/European forum ?
Cheers !

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:12 AM
Give the guy a break no wonder he hasn't come back to answer anymore questions!

Does anybody here have absolute proof that his story is bogus?

Didn't think so!

His first language is not English as he mentioned so he is having a hard time explaining himself clearly in English as well, I think people accusing him should take a chill pill and just find another thread if they have nothing positive to add other than "It's a Hoax".

The rest of us would like to hear more of what he has to say.

I want to thank the OP for taking the time to getting around to the ka-zillions of questions people have left.

I hope the OP can overlook all of the negative comments in this thread!

Kindest Regards!

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 03:13 AM
Thank for sharing the story/memory/dream.

A question for the OP...

Are you familiar with the effects of '___' (dimethyltryptamine)? I just thought it was interesting because your description fits very well into the studies conducted by Dr. Rick Strassman where he administered 400 doses to 60 patients.

You might be interested in his site and the results of his experiments.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:13 AM
well at least we know there is a god
according to his story

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:17 AM
im new to this site and you know all i can say about the members here is that..

yes maybe there is alot of people who spin alot of crap but geeee you guys dont give any one the benefit of the doubt and one day some one here who is telling the truth will come along and we are going to miss what he/she has to say.

maybe this op is telling the truth maybe his not but he has the right to tell us what he has experiences with out people abusing him or telling him he is lieing.

some people just need to read and if they dont agree or think its a hoax move on to the next thread.

this is an observation from some one new to this forum

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:47 AM
You have not mentioned that you experienced any fear. My personal vivid, lucid dream involving an et was disturbing. Not a waking state, but a dream. Afterwards, I said to myself "It's was just a dream!" As time passed I began to feel that there was some entity in the room with me as I slept, and this helped create the dream. A few weeks later a poltergeist showed up and after a few puzzling and one funny incident, left. Word.

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