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CHALLENGE: Find 2+ pieces of United Airline debris at Shanksville

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posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by ATH911

Originally posted by hooper
Why? What would you think they should do with the material?

Just wondering if it's protocol for Airline carriers to keep their crashed planes stored at super high security facilities like Iron Mountain. If it's rare that they do, or this is a first time, then wouldn't you agree this is evidence that there was some kind of government conspiracy involving Flight 93, because why the need to keep it's aftermath evidence at a super high security facility? What are they hiding?

[edit on 1-10-2009 by ATH911]

First, I love the semantic drift. First it was armed gaurds, then high security and now we have drifted into SUPER high security. That's good. Exactly how do you qualify this as SUPER high security and not just HIGH security?

You really think that there is nothing special about the wreckage of Flight 93? Nothing at all? Nothing comes to mind that may, just may require some special attention? And know you now where it is, and who has it, is that evidence of a cover-up? Why? Because they won't let you handle it? Do you think you should be allowed to just rumage through the remainder of the plane as you see fit?

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by hooper
One more than what?

Are you unable to read?

"Find at least ONE MORE piece of plane debris from the Shanksville scene that can be identified as coming from a United Airlines plane."

All the plane wreckage that was found was identified as being from Flight 93.


posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by hooper
First, I love the semantic drift. First it was armed gaurds, then high security and now we have drifted into SUPER high security. That's good. Exactly how do you qualify this as SUPER high security and not just HIGH security?

You saying Iron Mountain in PA is a low security facility?

You really think that there is nothing special about the wreckage of Flight 93? Nothing at all? Nothing comes to mind that may, just may require some special attention?

Please, do tell why it deserves to be put in an unusual facility.

Do you think you should be allowed to just rumage through the remainder of the plane as you see fit?

Don't you think it would be nice for United to at least release a photo of all that alleged 95% recovered wreckage so the public can see there really was that amount recovered?

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by ATH911

Originally posted by hooper
First, I love the semantic drift. First it was armed gaurds, then high security and now we have drifted into SUPER high security. That's good. Exactly how do you qualify this as SUPER high security and not just HIGH security?

You saying Iron Mountain in PA is a low security facility?

You really think that there is nothing special about the wreckage of Flight 93? Nothing at all? Nothing comes to mind that may, just may require some special attention?

Please, do tell why it deserves to be put in an unusual facility.

Do you think you should be allowed to just rumage through the remainder of the plane as you see fit?

Don't you think it would be nice for United to at least release a photo of all that alleged 95% recovered wreckage so the public can see there really was that amount recovered?

Please explain what qualifiers you use to determine the security level. You keep changing the description - what is your basis. What is so unusual about the facility? It is for record storage, hell, some of my records are there.

Lastly, the "public" doesn't doubt that the wreckage stored there is from the United Flight 93. Only you. And I guess you don't think there is anything special about the wreckage from that flight - OK.

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