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Is The War Against The NWO Already Lost?

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posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by vinceinn

We need NESARA now!!

We need to change course..evil has master plans that's true though..

very scary only if you can handle real evil stuff

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Skipper1975]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by bruxfain
reply to post by spy66

Oh yeah, I am talking about my own life. This is the stuff I have to live with everyday. All of the people I mention are around me everyday. Like the shah and the khan. aka the priest and the military leader.

And one more thing, I've seen a lot of predictions. So, just consider mine one of many.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by bruxfain]

Yeah i think i get the picture here and what youre saying. I think i see what you mean by struggel and wars. We all have auer own struggels and wars to fight in a way. We meet bariers all around uss all the time. And get challenge by auer deeds and choices every houer and every day. The way to god is through Jesus. And the way to Jesus is by love. And by loving youre next of kind you have soulved the possel.

PS. Yes i hope that the tribulation started in 2001. As each day goes by we are on step closer to the end Of this war.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by vinceinn

I'm not so sure of the NWO winning at all. There's something brewing out there in the shadows. Something that's good for the well being of ALL of us. There is a Son Of God here on Earth who's in the fight of our lives. The media and government have done an outstanding job keeping this information suppressed. Seek the one who holds and can explain the "Philosopher's Stone".

I'll give you a clue. He's an "Initiate", Thrice -Master, and has an invention/device that improves the balance of everyone on the planet. In Love and Light,UC41

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by bruxfain
reply to post by Anti_

The goal of the US military is not to take over Iraq. It was to remove Saddam Hussein and to support the development of a secure and stable democratic system that serves the Iraqi people. It is to provide support for the development of their oil sector and bring stability to the region.

I was always taught, among many things, to trust what people say and hold them to their words. I think the problem is Americans have learned to believe that they are liars, murderers and thieves. Is that what you think of yourself. I know I am not a criminal.

Do you actually believe that Bush and Cheney, elected by the American people, just pulled off a murder and armed robbery in Iraq? America is winning the war, is too strong to lose and if oil is what they wanted they could have bought the entire country with the money spent at war.

It is not logical or even sensible.

I dont agree that that was the goal we where told in the begining. But we in Norway might get the news in a different version. In the beginning we where told to belive that Irak had mass weapons of destruction. Youre point of wew is what the war has become now in a later state. Now we are fighting for liberation of Irak. And that might pollute some mids to think that we are there for some other reaseon then pease. They get the idea that we are there for oil. And that sort of makes sence.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by spy66

IMO It doesn't make sense to have gone to Iraq for oil. The west can buy every drop of oil Iraq has or will ever produce. Moreover in the west we actually have the processing capacity to make oil worth something. The middle east has a lot oil but very little if any ability to transform it into something of value. Oil, in its natural form, is messy and it stinks.

If someone says we didn't want Hussein to get the money. I say why, you say he's not a threat and has no WMDs. He can use the money to care for his people. Maybe GWB really doesn't like Saddam and wants him dead. You don't need a war to get a weak leader like saddam killed. His own people would have done it.

There has to be a real reason we went to Iraq and I think it was because SH was an exceptionally dangerous man. You don't rise to power in this world and keep it for 28 years by being a push over. The US didn't put him into power. He put himself into power and the US had to accept it because he was strong enough at the time to make it that way.

Take any world leader. I don't care how benign or harmless they look, they have got a side that if you cross it they'll show you how they got the power.

This is what I think SH was up to. He wanted to live forever in this world. He along with others devised an evil plan and carried it out. The plot they hatched is frankly, a bit hard to sell to the average person. So they say he is hiding a WMD program. Everyone knows what a nuke is, but most people don't have the capacity to contemplate in detail global subversion and intrigue, which technically is conceptually nuclear and biological and if their spies use poison, chemical.

The same thing with Iran. They probably don't have any "Nuclear Warheads", but they will try to subvert the governments of the world.

You do this by catching Adam. If you can make yourself the boss of Adam then you're the boss of the whole world. Because everyone knows that God made Adam the boss over everybody.

But maybe I am wrong, maybe the wealthiest nations on Earth wanted to save a couple of bucks so they decided to kill a million people and steal their dirt.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Faith628

No problem man (or woman); not offended in any way, just trying to learn myself

Anyway, what I've learned in my life is that we all chose to live the life we are living now before we were born here as human beings. We chose our parents, our neighbourhood and everything but we made an agreement to lose all conscious memories of those events to fully function as a human being discovering new perspectives in a new world. Think about it; how could this life be interesting when you already KNEW all your steps in advance.
And maybe you've already written a complex choreography to get through this lifes obstacles. The key is remembering that choreography I think, and use you "masterplan" to make the best choices in your life and you might one day see all your dreams come true while even making other peoples dreams come true...

Isn't that what life is about? Being happy and making happy?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by spy66
Well sice we are on this subject . The word of god is something that i cought the grasp off by reading about history and its very new to me. Religion is a big part off auer history. But the thing is that i belive that God is. And that we are heading some where , i sort off have that gott fealing. Its a good feeling ,but i cant explaine it. Thats why i am here to debate and finde out what others might say , think and feel. But to get results you have to be active and put the words out there, so you will get a reaction. Otherwise youre on youre own. And thats not healthy , you can make bad mistakes. And that might not be good for my family or freinds. I dont whant to feed them lies. Or go on this forum with a buch off bull

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

The Word of God, in my own estimation is Adam. When I say Adam I also mean Jesus and everyone along that line. The Word of God is what holds the world together and makes it operate correctly. The Word of God is what brings the world back to its intended design, when it is out of whack.

The lie, or the antithesis to the word, is what throws the world out of balance. When the lie prevails, and it has, the world is flipped upside down and plunged into darkness. When the word of God returns, which is has, the world is brought back into it proper order.

During this time you have War. Proponents of the lie; fighting proponents of the word. That's why I say if you are a proponent of the word, you won't need weapons and such. The liars need the weapons. They enforce their lie with violence; its their way.

But beware of the debate, this is a skill I think was refined by the proponents of the lie. In debate they brought forth the creation of the True Lie.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by bruxfain]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by bruxfain
reply to post by spy66

IMO It doesn't make sense to have gone to Iraq for oil. The west can buy every drop of oil Iraq has or will ever produce. Moreover in the west we actually have the processing capacity to make oil worth something. The middle east has a lot oil but very little if any ability to transform it into something of value. Oil, in its natural form, is messy and it stinks.

If someone says we didn't want Hussein to get the money. I say why, you say he's not a threat and has no WMDs. He can use the money to care for his people. Maybe GWB really doesn't like Saddam and wants him dead. You don't need a war to get a weak leader like saddam killed. His own people would have done it.

There has to be a real reason we went to Iraq and I think it was because SH was an exceptionally dangerous man. You don't rise to power in this world and keep it for 28 years by being a push over. The US didn't put him into power. He put himself into power and the US had to accept it because he was strong enough at the time to make it that way.

Take any world leader. I don't care how benign or harmless they look, they have got a side that if you cross it they'll show you how they got the power.

This is what I think SH was up to. He wanted to live forever in this world. He along with others devised an evil plan and carried it out. The plot they hatched is frankly, a bit hard to sell to the average person. So they say he is hiding a WMD program. Everyone knows what a nuke is, but most people don't have the capacity to contemplate in detail global subversion and intrigue, which technically is conceptually nuclear and biological and if their spies use poison, chemical.

The same thing with Iran. They probably don't have any "Nuclear Warheads", but they will try to subvert the governments of the world.

You do this by catching Adam. If you can make yourself the boss of Adam then you're the boss of the whole world. Because everyone knows that God made Adam the boss over everybody.

But maybe I am wrong, maybe the wealthiest nations on Earth wanted to save a couple of bucks so they decided to kill a million people and steal their dirt.

Well you have a strong argument. But its just a thought like the other thoughts. Youre putting to posseble senarios up against each other. And youre favoring youre own. But that dosent make it a fact. Just a possebilety based on nothing to state the fact of the real reason. Right we are wealthy. But wealth and money are two different things, And so is politics and other agreements made by the >US and other nations in the middel east.

Why do you say that SH is trying to go above Adam!! i dont get that part in this happening. Its more like GWB is tryng to be Adam in my eyes. The big diffeance betveen GWB and SH isent that great. It just looks different in ouer eyes.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 03:49 PM
I don't see it happening, the whole NWO thing because there are too many radical groups out there to root out and check in abeiance. If the Constitution is suspended all the dockworkers' unions' would go on strike and seal off the ports. The AC controllers at all the major and minor airports would be laid off or lay themselves off, sealing off the airports in this country and closing the air lanes.

And as for the land borders? Like I said, too many radical groups who would take up border patrols in a "shoot-first-ask-questions-later" mentality.

This country is a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle too free to be taken by the NWO. There aren't enough sheeple to be conned into opening the doors for any invasion or for manning the groups to "round up the herd".

And as long as we keep our fingers on the pulse of our government officials it'll stay that way.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by spy66

Why do I believe that SH is trying to go above Adam. That's the game; its always been the game. In the Christian world Jesus is King of Kings. The only other people to ever claim that title for themselves are the Shahs and the Khans. The Shahs and Khans are a pair that have been together since the beginning of history and they have always fought together against the true king. Gilgamesh and Enkidu, that was the shah and khan. The priest and the military leader. They team up to kill Humbaba, the ruler of the Cedar Forest. In their world Adam dies. In Adams world they die.

I have no evidence that Gilgamesh and Enkidu are the shah and khan, but who else could they have been? SH often compared himself to Nebuchadnezzer and other historical rulers from that region. Gilgamesh was King of Uruk. Nebuchadnezzer conquered Jerusalem. Jerusalem is near, or maybe at that time in the Cedar Forests. SH was good buddies with the last Shah of Iran and even invaded the Iran shortly after the clerics revolution.

I'll admit its all speculation. But I've played and been successful at a lot of sports in my life, so I've learned to trust my own judgement. At some point in life you'll have to make a decision, I hope you're not walking around in the dark looking for suitable evidence to support yourself.

I enjoy these topics and have an extensive background but I only have 4000 characters for my responses. An adequate response to most of these topics would require a volume of books.

PS. I have no evidence to support my belief that revolutionary Iran was subverted and overthrown in the summer of 1988, and replaced with a government that was subservient to the Shah, but I consider it a possibility with profound implications.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 04:26 PM
i think the question posed "is the war against the NWO already lost" is one that each and everyone of us SHOULD be asking ourselves, not only from a general perspective, but from a very personal perspective.

i love what this site is doing for ppl.. allowing us to question ourselves, our beliefs, and priorities and then, very importantly, being able to weigh our answers against the answers of other great minds and good hearts.

however, and i am guilty of tripping into this as well, alot of ppl get caught in this trap that to be aware of the corruptness that is "going down" in the world is what is important. certainly it is something that should be aware of, but remember, corruptness has always been around and yet there have always been "lights" given to humanity during the darkest of times (which often can only be seen in retrospect... example: anne frank).

i can't say what will happen tomorrow let alone on 2012. all hell very well may break lose, or it could break lose tonight...... i don't know. what i do know is that at all times i must be even more aware of the goodness in my own heart and the goodness of those around me.

no matter what religion you follow there is one great message prevelent that stands out (to me at least). great spiritual darkness is always overcome from w/in the own individual's heart. that is my hope.

i am having a hard time doubting the validity of reports that the NWO is in the works as we sit here typing away on this board. but i see the hope in my heart reflected in the hearts of others and who can doubt that come what may, no matter how dark things get or are about to get, good will triumph. there is more power in what some of you convey on here than all the weapons possessed by the gov'ts of the world.

they can take our possessions, our sense of "security", they can even take away our bodies, but they can't take away the "spirit" of the individual.... if that is in their possession, it is only bc you gave it to them. that is where true freedom (and ultimately true HOPE) lies, i believe.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by spy66

Oh yeah, while I have strong Opinions. I am on this site for discussions. I don't think I am always right, if I did I wouldn't be here, I'd be on Fox cable news with the other talking heads having my thoughts edited out.

I believe in good, evil, immortality of the soul, heaven, hell, peace and war. In that framework just about anything can take place.

Also remember that I base all of my opinions on my own life experiences. so some of the stuff I say you may never be able to accept. This is Huckleberry Finn, the immortal American elf. Not some regular guy.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by bruxfain
reply to post by spy66

Why do I believe that SH is trying to go above Adam. That's the game; its always been the game. In the Christian world Jesus is King of Kings. The only other people to ever claim that title for themselves are the Shahs and the Khans. The Shahs and Khans are a pair that have been together since the beginning of history and they have always fought together against the true king. Gilgamesh and Enkidu, that was the shah and khan. The priest and the military leader. They team up to kill Humbaba, the ruler of the Cedar Forest. In their world Adam dies. In Adams world they die.

I have no evidence that Gilgamesh and Enkidu are the shah and khan, but who else could they have been? SH often compared himself to Nebuchadnezzer and other historical rulers from that region. Gilgamesh was King of Uruk. Nebuchadnezzer conquered Jerusalem. Jerusalem is near, or maybe at that time in the Cedar Forests. SH was good buddies with the last Shah of Iran and even invaded the Iran shortly after the clerics revolution.

I'll admit its all speculation. But I've played and been successful at a lot of sports in my life, so I've learned to trust my own judgement. At some point in life you'll have to make a decision, I hope you're not walking around in the dark looking for suitable evidence to support yourself.

I enjoy these topics and have an extensive background but I only have 4000 characters for my responses. An adequate response to most of these topics would require a volume of books.

PS. I have no evidence to support my belief that revolutionary Iran was subverted and overthrown in the summer of 1988, and replaced with a government that was subservient to the Shah, but I consider it a possibility with profound implications.

Ok... now you have put some more meat on the tabel. I know this story. i have read about it. Not much to say about the way you put this. Its like stright from the pages. This would also support your point why GWB would cover hes reason for attacing SH. We would never have grasped that argument. Or supported a invation based on a story that the public hardly knows annything about. And not yet proven to man in this late age by facts. They are still digging and analaising the findings about the time after Noha and Nimrod. Because these Kings lived in the time of Nimrod aint i right.

And when it comes to picking sides i have done that. Thats not the hard part. Understanding the big picture is. I have lived my life as a kriminal for 37 years and just opend mye eyes. Its a lot to see and get lost in, so i trip around at bit but with some help ill get back on track. And thx for the good tips. Its helping me a lot. But keep it comming. Because i see that i am a bit far out on the deep here. Its like you have to start to think all ove again with new rules.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by vinceinn

As for the Ganoo blurb Odor... look not for a unifying takeover, but for signs of diconnect; look for the wedges driven between people(s) and you see the real beast the Chaos of greed...
I just don't worry about the big picture- it's which one of your neighbors might try to kill you when the squeeze comes on.
Isn't it coming on already ?
I think were're being set up to fight ( some more ). not to be as sheep.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:15 PM
The main problem is that there is endemic apathy, people feel that they cannnot change anything, this is the mindset of a slave. People need to learn that males are not the enemy of females, and that those of a certain race are not the ememy of another race. Humanity also needs to learn the lesson, that we are all being manipulated by the few so that they can keep their position in the construct that they have created. The war is not over, it just needs to be joined, the solution is to wake more people from their apathetic slumber.

Peace to all, apart from the NWO


edit sp

[edit on 20-6-2008 by djaybeetoo]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by spy66

Yeah, I think Gilgamesh and Enkidu may have been very early in the history around the time of Nimrod, but reconciling Biblical stories, sacred literature and history is a tough, if not impossible job.

The person the Bible calls the serpent or Satan can appear in regional sacred literature as a Heroic king or queen and in history a minor ruler of little renown.

Adam in middle eastern sacred literature appears as a subordinate or sidekick, sometimes an advisor to the local ruler and may not appear at all in history, with Tamerlane and Charlemagne being notable exceptions.

But the current war follows the same framework. Consider the first judgement day: God, Adam, Eve and the Serpent. The second judgement day: Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ham. The third: Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and Eliezer of Damascus. Its a repeating pattern, the same participants with minor variations.

The thing I get from this is: Our world, Their world and a reflecting device. The point of the war is to send the enemy back into the reflection and break the mirror. The reflecting device is a mirror in our minds that makes us believe things that aren't real are real and through our own actions we make them real and they grow and live. When the mirror breaks, then you'll see what I know exists and what God intended.

Dont misunderstand, when I say ours and theirs. I don't mean differences in religions, or nations, or political philosophies. I mean something native to a different dimension of reality that has partially invaded this membrane. They obviously have human enablers and those people will end up financially and mentally shattered. With destroyed reputations and enstranged from their families and countries. They end up in the wilderness totally broken and possibly as fugitives from the law until they die.

That's why the answer to the question of the war against the NWO is: no we're not losing we're winning. If we we're losing you'd definitely know it. But the war is not over because two things must still take place before the mirror breaks. Most of their forces are already banished but they still have some operating assets in this dimension. I can tell when I watch the news. I think they heavily invested in the media and press. Other parts of their operation are collapsing in plain view, like banking and housing. And they are using what they have left to pretend like they still have a chance, like the attack on the US dollar and oil prices.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:35 PM
I really don't see how the NWO is winning at all, especially in this post-Iraq II, millions of guns in the public domain/ internet age.

The Elites might have a chance of running the world If their NWO crew puts the world on the path to World War 3 within 4-10 years. If that time comes and goes not with a bang, but a whimper, then I would say they've been 100% defeated.

By 'defeated' I would say their plans for an NWO will no longer be doable.
And even so, even if there is a pathetic version of NWO now... how long could it last without hundreds of millions being killed? With each passing year or failures (Iraq, Ireland's 'no' vote), their mission will only get harder and harder to succeed. This is why the NWO is attempting to make Ireland vote again, and again, until they get the result they want

If the world is awakening at the rate it is now, in 10 years, most of those who are in power will probably be liquidating their assets as an awakening world no longer subscribes to their ideology, or they become obsolete or hated, or many start finding themselves on trial for crimes against humanity.

It all really depends if the sheep wakes up and starts rallying together, arm in arm, against the Architects of Zion.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:48 PM
When it comes, it will at first, be swift and subtle. Those loyal to NWO will be given seats of power via the spoils system. Critics will be imprisoned for unrelated crimes, and with slight of hand and smooth talking, people will be slowly brainwashed, until the ringleaders are in total control with total support, and hide behind a mask of righteousness, pretending to support democracy and the Constitution. They may suspend the Bill Of Rights, "for the good of the people."

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by spy66
A human life is worth a lot , but the dollar is worth a lot more.

In moral we say somthing els to please the crouds but in real life we dont care.

You americans lost this war the 21 of desember in 1913. When you let the private banks run the creation of federal reserve.

Read about JP Morgan , Rockefellers and the Rothchields and you will find out who runs youre life. Or see this movie and try and findout if there is anny truth in it.

2 Private central banks were thrown off before the FED and we can do it again. I myself have wondered many times how to go about this. I do believe that Congress(with its current membership, which will surely continue) will be useless in this capacity, and it will one day rest upon us to do this, physically. I mean literally kick these corrupt asshats out of our country and keep them out. Another way we could do this is to get folks like ourselves into government.

I'm 23 now, and am pondering a run for the House when I am of age(25 for those who don't know). I would encourage anyone with a desire to make a difference in this country to do the same, only if we band together can we overcome these greedy bastards. I think if we get say 20-30% members of Congress with awareness of the situation, we can make them a bit scared. But we also need to create an awareness campaign. Something that your average person who has been fed their information from establishment sources of media won't immediately laugh at and begin to point and call us kooks. All we need is 1 person from each district to run on the constitutional platform, and I don't think we can lose if we work hard and get our names and platforms out there.


posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by justamomma
thats what i call an explaination great job. thier is alot of people that share your same discuss. but the needs to be give to the people it belongs to.

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