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Is The War Against The NWO Already Lost?

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posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by spy66

You say some ineresting things and put it in a new way of thinking. I actualy agree with what you say in this mather. NWO is meaningless and wount happend. Its not realistic in anny way.

An other thing that cought my tention is what is going to happend on october the 13 2008. Thats new!! can you tell us more about youre thoughts please i would love to hear about it.

And Ps. The first thing that corsed my minde was jusdas as well. But dident god already have the plan witten by profits before jesus was even born ? Jesus just told us what is going to happend ,and why. I just wonder !

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

Concerning my October 13, 2008 date. Usually you hear people talking about the 2nd coming of Jesus. But its not necessarily about a man, its about a family. The true promise, which God made directly to his only man was this: "You will get your Son back!"

This war started when an innocent man was murdered by a priest, a military leader and at least one of the women he trusted. I haven't figured that one out yet, but it looks to be his oldest daughter. He was exceptionally wealthy and powerful. But most importantly he was a family man. He lost his wife, his two daughters and his unborn Son, In addition to his wealth and power. For the promise to be fulfilled, all of these things will be restored to him.

Now, this man has already gotten back his wife and two daughters and the wife is pregnant with his son. But the youngest daughter is legally the the daughter of the adversary (longer story) and that's why the war continues. On October 13 2008 she turns 18.

The combination of the birth of the son and the daughter turning 18 will result in a restoration.

This is when all will see just how pathetic is this NWO.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by bruxfain]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by FiatLux

Its cool. I came to this thread to make a point about the fruitlessness of the NWO plot. The point I want to make is that while I do accept that there is a war, I see that the bad guys are losing by a rout and have no chance of success.

I figure it like this. All I really believe is in the singularity of humanity and whether I am the head or the pinky toe, I don't care. The whole body ends up in the same place in the end. I still think I am the head. But perhaps you are right and I am wrong.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by bruxfain]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Progmusician

I agree with what you have to say and maybe this is not the thread to post it in, but if there is some "evil" force controlling these high power "puppets" where is the "good"?

I am beginning to believe that, for example, our presidents are puppets and are controlled by something much greater and more evil, but I wonder where the good is. It is there, but why isn't it destroying this evil presence?

I also believe that good will prevail...just why hasn't it yet!?!?!

Edit to add thought: If the NWO is going to happen and with it people will be killed and imprisioned...Say it is as bad as bad can can the good let that happen? It is something I ponder about often. Why so many innocents have to suffer when they want change and positivity and are clueless to what is going on around them. I worry for everyone.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Faith628]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by FiatLux

sure, why not?!! honestly, i have nothing to lose at this point by stating out my opinion in the clearest form possible whether others agree or not.

i am sick of this mindset of "blaming". i MEAN blaming other cultures, other religions, and others in GENERAL!!!

we are ONLY responsible for ourself!!! we were not, IMO, put here to tend to other's business. all of you and every one else that crosses my path certainly serves it purpose, but the purpose is not to create dissension, but rather points of view that would be incorporated into our own points of view, AS SEEN FIT!!!

when ppl STOP trying to dictate to one another how their lives should be led, but rather appreciated for the diversity, then MAYBE we STAND a chance at peace!! until then, we can bank on the fact that war will be fought w/ guns and god forbid, weapons of mass distruction (which, i, as an american will agree that our country has not only displayed more of than any other country, but misused more of than any other country......... although, other than my voice, there is not much i can do about thtat).

i am tired.......... i am tired of fighting over religion when my children have no father with whom they can relate and fashion their life after in a good manner. i am tired of children starving across this globe when i have more than i could hope for in that manner but can only contribute to those starving children through corporations that would manipulate that money into serving their own selfish purpose.........

and i am SICK of hearing how this is the AMERICAN'S FAULT when this world belongs to EVERYONE and if some corruptness is coming from a certain section, it makes it ALL of our fault.

i am sorry to vent all this here...... and maybe no one will take notice, but i am a VERY upset person who is only one and can only hold out hope in myself and cant' hold it out for EVERYONE ELSE!!!

i only have myself to blame if i don't speak up. pick up for you all by killing w/ guns?..... i think not!! taking the blame for what "america" is doing? HELL NO!! i believe that thoughts can do more than weapons can and if mine aren't working to create a more peaceful world, the blame falls on all those who aren't thinking peacefully........ not me or my kids, or any other person who is trying to get the peaceful message across!!

A feeling shared by so many. One of Joni Mitchell's songs in her "Dog Eat Dog" album contained words I'll never forget: "the watchful ones amongst the slaves". In all the ways to help, we are perpetually blocked. But raising awareness is still critical. In physics there is a mass momentum and even the impact one person may have in the mix.

Grass roots could be the best possible way. It is lack of media that is the major dilemna here, and it could resolved with small groups of letter writers, and people coordinated to getting out in quick newsletters (everyone sharing the cost of printing out a few so its not an overwhelming thing) so that critical news stories that havn't been reported are shared, where it will be easy to demonstrate their media is not to be trusted: ie. no mainsteam media reported Oklahoma declares sovereignity. This is a major story and the pdf can be downloaded from the gov site. Stories that have evaded them need to be shared with alternate media sites being given for them to check and with suggestions they write to everyone, officials and media and demand truth for a change.

Also, imagine a small ruthless (by that I mean capable of mass murder of civilians and children) trying to control the entire world. This isn't Hitler and the relatively small country of Germany. They couldn't even hold their stronghold in Europe as they advanced, and there armies were not large. The critical difference is, true evil has many intermediates to attempt a global conspiracy. There will be many heroes stepping forth. I don't believe most of their worst plans can be brought out. This large intermediate group must know its expendable if the population is reduced to 500,000. Not one of these truly evil men can trust each other in any way. Its a den of vipers. We definately have hope.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by bruxfain

I believe you are right, most of us are the "pinky toes" , it`s just that a few of us "pinky toes" have opened our eyes to the things that are going on around us, and we don`t like what we see. So we are going to do our best to stop it. Even if it`s just getting people to understand it`s not "life as usual" right now, but something more.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:58 AM
the battle with the elites and illuminati is entering new territory,
all the old power structures are fast deteoriating...
examples are the finance/banking powers among others,

the 2nd & third tier NWO underlings are pumping the oil & commodities
prices to their advantage & profit, the old money and power people are static in comparison...
the fall out caused by the 300 years of the fractional reserve system, and the recent credit expansion bubbles and housing bubbles are in the process of changing the power landscape to the tune of $10-15 Trillion....

and when the peasants & serfs finally get priced out of even a subsistance living, that's when the paradigm shift goes into a 21st century replay of the French Revolution... where the aristocracy gets a trip to the gilloutine.

here's a tid-bit... when the Bilderburger meeting was held in the posh resort in Turkey, ther rooms let for $345 per room...
this year the Bilderburgers meeting in Chantilly, VA was at a hotel that charges a mere $119 per night,

my how the mighty have fallen already

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by vinceinn
Hello I would like to open for discussion this scenario

1. Let’s say the people of the USA wake up and realize they are/were sheep (not all but most) and are ready to fight the NWO and the second American Revolution starts

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Dulcimer]

Soooo, the NWO is only affecting the US, well that's good to know, I'm not there.

Aside from that, most ppl would be in shock about learning of the NWO (and i'm sure it's made itself across the public there in one way or another. The problem is...threads like this (not to offend you in anyway), people thinking, writing, wondering "what if the ppl of (place country here) did this, or that against the government?" The fact is, the gov'ts done there job..they've made ppl lazy to act on there instinct and beliefs.

So, with that said, let's keeping wondering and not acting.

edit, spelling.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:12 PM
Thanks for the reactions; My first ever on ATS hehe

But back to the topic,
I really meant to say that the "good" will win anyway...
I mean I read some very deeply speculative (however I believe a lot of it) stuff about the spiritual rules of the dimension we live in and many of them state a fact that "every entity has a free will to do and not do what they want to do; but they have to face the consequences" and as everyone here probably knows the "karma" principle (also highly speculative; but very "true" in many situations) a superpower like this new NWO is just not meant to exist! Maybe it would be implemented for a short time but if nature's laws take over the rebellion of humanity will be so fierce that the NWO-conspirators will probably # their own pants

But I think that in a spiritual perspective the NWO is necessary to learn us all a big lesson in the fact that we ALL participated in this corporate machine, and we must ALL go back to our spiritual mother nature (the power of love) to change this world for good...

Third Reich was a lesson; but we didn't wan't to learn

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by bruxfain

I believe you are right, most of us are the "pinky toes" , it`s just that a few of us "pinky toes" have opened our eyes to the things that are going on around us, and we don`t like what we see. So we are going to do our best to stop it. Even if it`s just getting people to understand it`s not "life as usual" right now, but something more.

Well I think it has already been stopped. This is the point in the game where to protect your lead and run out the clock. Their is a clock running down. The NWOs are the ones that need to make a move, not you.

The frustration and anxiety people feel is imposed so that you feel you must do something. Something drastic. The main point of the enemy is to trade places with you. They are all on a sinking ship. If you abandon yours ship then a place becomes available for them.

I have been reading on these pages about running on the bank, growing gardens and stockpiling and such. If you were going to do that it should have started years ago.

For now I would say that the true power is already in the hands of the people you would trust if you knew them. They are playing it conservative and not revealing the gains they've made over the last 2.5 years.

But I can tell you this. If they were to be successful and all of their mass incarcerations and martial law took place, a gun will not help you. Not with what you are up against.

I'll tell you why. The only way they can be successful is to capture a King, I think its me. If they do that the current reality will crumble before your eyes, the Sun will rise in the west and demons called Gog and Magog will rush over the entire earth for three days. This is very serious.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:12 PM
speaking up or recognizing the greed and horror in the world isnt enough. THats not all you can and are supposed to do.

THe reason this struggle is going on is based on the way our perception is wired. Its a disease in the mind, in the inside, reflected into and manifested in the outer world.

The answer is waking up in consciousness. Those who have seen thru the illusions and live based on those insights have done their work. If a majority did that...we wouldnt have to fight. Im not exactly sure how it works, but i think the energy change would make the bad guys sick or dead. There also would be so many awake people infiltrating the system that many companies and govt officials would be changing it. And also i think this would allow the galaxy to come in and assist.

One basic illusion one has to see thru is death. So if u havent seen thru this illusion, u are still part of the problem. If the elite knew there was no death, they would start thinking long term and fear the consequences. Short term corporate thinking reflects this as well.

you would also start to see that u arent going to be able to run away from all the people u are screwing over by dying!!

Waking up is the sneakiest and easiest way to fight without fighting.

Start meditating and die one time!! Its easy

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:13 PM
And by waking up in Norway or anywhere.....helps americans wake up too.

We are all connected.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by bruxfain

Originally posted by spy66

You say some ineresting things and put it in a new way of thinking. I actualy agree with what you say in this mather. NWO is meaningless and wount happend. Its not realistic in anny way.

An other thing that cought my tention is what is going to happend on october the 13 2008. Thats new!! can you tell us more about youre thoughts please i would love to hear about it.

And Ps. The first thing that corsed my minde was jusdas as well. But dident god already have the plan witten by profits before jesus was even born ? Jesus just told us what is going to happend ,and why. I just wonder !

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

Concerning my October 13, 2008 date. Usually you hear people talking about the 2nd coming of Jesus. But its not necessarily about a man, its about a family. The true promise, which God made directly to his only man was this: "You will get your Son back!"

This war started when an innocent man was murdered by a priest, a military leader and at least one of the women he trusted. I haven't figured that one out yet, but it looks to be his oldest daughter. He was exceptionally wealthy and powerful. But most importantly he was a family man. He lost his wife, his two daughters and his unborn Son, In addition to his wealth and power. For the promise to be fulfilled, all of these things will be restored to him.

Now, this man has already gotten back his wife and two daughters and the wife is pregnant with his son. But the youngest daughter is legally the the daughter of the adversary (longer story) and that's why the war continues. On October 13 2008 she turns 18.

The combination of the birth of the son and the daughter turning 18 will result in a restoration.

This is when all will see just how pathetic is this NWO.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by bruxfain]

Ok i got to tell the truth ... i am a bit lost now. Thats probebely no suprice

But i do have an other question. I have to ask to get some more input otherwise you wouldent get now where right. I too seak the truth but i am lost again now

The question i have is : I am told that the 2and comming is Jesus , and that he will come on the mountain of olives. Thats a hill just out side off Jerusalem right !

If i look in the bibel the peases jst dont fitt for the 2and comming in october this year. The 2and comming is to come after the 7 years of tribulation. And we dont know if the seals have opend yeat. Or do we ? We might have signs that the first seal is open now. That the white horse migh have sett out from the west to concure. That meaning the war on terror. Is the Bibel wrong or am i just doing this all wrong ?

HELP!! please

PS. are you talking about youre own life ?

Youre words are like a spell. You feel that there is somthing there but you cant make a clear sence of it. We think we are bright and know a lot. Thats a big weaknes , because it leaves rom for doubt. Youre a bright man can you make me more bright ?

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by vinceinn


I believe nobody has the power, money or technology to stop it...

The very suggestion of NWO to the public is a tactic of acceptance they are merely trying to get us to accept a NWO by repeating themselves over and over again to the public, brainwashing method being used here, our minds eventually are not as surprised when it eventually is announced to happen but serious problems and chaos must take place first such as war, dirty bombs, more terrorist fear, the currency must lose all value and that is being setup as we speak.

The only thing we can do at this point is stay close to our families, keep the love and stay close to God and put our faith where it should be invested in good things not pondering the bad and the horrors that will come! Our thoughts project our future, keep em clean, positive and good!
I always recommend as a backup plan buying some gold coins that will be of value when the dollar loses all face value along with food and water storage supply.

Kindest Regards,
Peace be with you!

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:54 PM
You talk of giving up, this is one reason why I refuse to read 1984, he gives up at the end, I would rather die fighting than give up.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Progmusician
Thanks for the reactions; My first ever on ATS hehe

But back to the topic,
I really meant to say that the "good" will win anyway...
I mean I read some very deeply speculative (however I believe a lot of it) stuff about the spiritual rules of the dimension we live in and many of them state a fact that "every entity has a free will to do and not do what they want to do; but they have to face the consequences" and as everyone here probably knows the "karma" principle (also highly speculative; but very "true" in many situations) a superpower like this new NWO is just not meant to exist! Maybe it would be implemented for a short time but if nature's laws take over the rebellion of humanity will be so fierce that the NWO-conspirators will probably # their own pants

But I think that in a spiritual perspective the NWO is necessary to learn us all a big lesson in the fact that we ALL participatedin this corporate machine, and we must ALL go back to our spiritual mother nature (the power of love) to change this world for good...

Third Reich was a lesson; but we didn't wan't to learn

You say that "we ALL participated". How? I am forced to live in a soceity that depends on the dollar. Money is the root of all evil. I would rather NOT live like this. I rather enjoy life and spread love than be stuck in a cubicle for 8 hours just to make a buck so I can live. How is that living? To me it is not what God intended.

I am not attacking you, please don't think that. I am merely trying to discuss and understand. I get heated not because of your comment, but because I feel so hopeless. I hate what this world has become and I apologize if it comes off as anger towards anyone is not.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Faith628]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Well sice we are on this subject . The word of god is something that i cought the grasp off by reading about history and its very new to me. Religion is a big part off auer history. But the thing is that i belive that God is. And that we are heading some where , i sort off have that gott fealing. Its a good feeling ,but i cant explaine it. Thats why i am here to debate and finde out what others might say , think and feel. But to get results you have to be active and put the words out there, so you will get a reaction. Otherwise youre on youre own. And thats not healthy , you can make bad mistakes. And that might not be good for my family or freinds. I dont whant to feed them lies. Or go on this forum with a buch off bull

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by spy66

Originally posted by bruxfain

Originally posted by spy66

You say some ineresting things and put it in a new way of thinking. I actualy agree with what you say in this mather. NWO is meaningless and wount happend. Its not realistic in anny way.

An other thing that cought my tention is what is going to happend on october the 13 2008. Thats new!! can you tell us more about youre thoughts please i would love to hear about it.

And Ps. The first thing that corsed my minde was jusdas as well. But dident god already have the plan witten by profits before jesus was even born ? Jesus just told us what is going to happend ,and why. I just wonder !

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

Concerning my October 13, 2008 date. Usually you hear people talking about the 2nd coming of Jesus. But its not necessarily about a man, its about a family. The true promise, which God made directly to his only man was this: "You will get your Son back!"

This war started when an innocent man was murdered by a priest, a military leader and at least one of the women he trusted. I haven't figured that one out yet, but it looks to be his oldest daughter. He was exceptionally wealthy and powerful. But most importantly he was a family man. He lost his wife, his two daughters and his unborn Son, In addition to his wealth and power. For the promise to be fulfilled, all of these things will be restored to him.

Now, this man has already gotten back his wife and two daughters and the wife is pregnant with his son. But the youngest daughter is legally the the daughter of the adversary (longer story) and that's why the war continues. On October 13 2008 she turns 18.

The combination of the birth of the son and the daughter turning 18 will result in a restoration.

This is when all will see just how pathetic is this NWO.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by bruxfain]

Ok i got to tell the truth ... i am a bit lost now. Thats probebely no suprice

But i do have an other question. I have to ask to get some more input otherwise you wouldent get now where right. I too seak the truth but i am lost again now

The question i have is : I am told that the 2and comming is Jesus , and that he will come on the mountain of olives. Thats a hill just out side off Jerusalem right !

If i look in the bibel the peases jst dont fitt for the 2and comming in october this year. The 2and comming is to come after the 7 years of tribulation. And we dont know if the seals have opend yeat. Or do we ? We might have signs that the first seal is open now. That the white horse migh have sett out from the west to concure. That meaning the war on terror. Is the Bibel wrong or am i just doing this all wrong ?

HELP!! please

PS. are you talking about youre own life ?

Youre words are like a spell. You feel that there is somthing there but you cant make a clear sence of it. We think we are bright and know a lot. Thats a big weaknes , because it leaves rom for doubt. Youre a bright man can you make me more bright ?

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

I didn't know about Christian eschatology until two years ago, but I think the thing called tribuation began in the last week of August 2001. Thats my hindsight working. I live my life one day at a time. I think its like this; God shows us what we need to know, when we need to know it.

So if their is something you feel left out about, its probably because knowing it would have made your life more difficult. Won't it be cool to find out that the tribulation is almost over, or would you rather find out it's just now beginning.

I didn't have the massive King delusion until I was 34.5 years old. When the delusion began, I was like, "wow there are people who know more about me than I know about myself". The war had already started. It wasn't necessary for me to know.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by spy66

Oh yeah, I am talking about my own life. This is the stuff I have to live with everyday. All of the people I mention are around me everyday. Like the shah and the khan. aka the priest and the military leader.

And one more thing, I've seen a lot of predictions. So, just consider mine one of many.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by bruxfain]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:17 PM
So, maybe we can't win by force.
I myself am not sure if we can.

Here's the thing: we don't need to. Look at the Zapatista Armies in Mexico, or the Iraqis.

Zapatista is officially at war with the Mexican government, but the majority of its followers are militant and thus the Mexican government is letting them be, for fear that even if they can't take on the army, they could easily take the capital or something.

Iraq is a different story - a populace armed with a crate of AKs and a rusty missile from 30 years ago has managed to hold off the US military fairly well. With the equipment available to a civilian in a western country (except maybe the UK) a permanent revolutionary community seperate from the rest of the world could probably be established.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Anti_

The goal of the US military is not to take over Iraq. It was to remove Saddam Hussein and to support the development of a secure and stable democratic system that serves the Iraqi people. It is to provide support for the development of their oil sector and bring stability to the region.

I was always taught, among many things, to trust what people say and hold them to their words. I think the problem is Americans have learned to believe that they are liars, murderers and thieves. Is that what you think of yourself. I know I am not a criminal.

Do you actually believe that Bush and Cheney, elected by the American people, just pulled off a murder and armed robbery in Iraq? America is winning the war, is too strong to lose and if oil is what they wanted they could have bought the entire country with the money spent at war.

It is not logical or even sensible.

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