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Is The War Against The NWO Already Lost?

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posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Well said. Keep thinking that way and your kids will grow up to be independent, responsible adults. Speaking as a single dad of 2 boys, I appreciate your frustrations regarding how immature people are. I equate most of the "blame all others" crowd to the idiot in the F450 doing 60 in a 35 and bearing down fast on me and my two boys as I look nervously in the mirror; they are dangerous because they don't THINK through their actions AND, if the guy crashed into me (as it has happened), somehow it is my fault because I drive a corolla and I like to drive at the speed limit. Poorly worded, but I've felt your pain and agree. Keep your head up, and love those kids to bits.

My hats off to the both of you. And don`t continue to let what others say and do get you down anymore. It`s time to stand up and take control of your lives and let what they say and do just roll off of you, don`t let it enter your thinking. It`s when it does, that it destroys the world around you and the world we live in, because we let it.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by FiatLux]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by FiatLux]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:13 AM
I agree with manifesting Life, though I'm a bad example as of late. Yet, through positive threads and people, I feel the momentum rolling forward. NWO is mono graphic for NAZI NZZ for W and "oh" being silent. It also means SS. Look at it as the "Arc" of the Beast. I think also that the bible is read like the Mayans read time. Cycle within cycle or story within story. Like the little Japanese dolls, that come out of one another. NWO also stands for NOAH which is translated from hebrew No-akh meaning "Rest". The flood is future folks, not past...we are Egypt, again from Hebrew (Hiberu) (Niberu) Egypt meaning e-Mitzraim or simply, Mary.
"I shall call my firstborn, OUT OF Egypt (mary)"...from the people, not a separate race or country, but from the people. Self existent has no need for a country, as, all are his nor race, he creates all and is in all. Hear oh Yisrael meaning "He will rule as God", call apon his strength, for he is mighty to save from the twister coming up....

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

well, i was off to bed, but i can't sleep when so much is going on across the world and in my own personal life. such is the "awakenings" of one who "cares". thanks for this. this is all i hope for. i CAN NOT be held responsible for those who choose to bicker and argue over stupid things as when the world will end. for all i know it will end two minutes from now or 2,000 yrs for now. i am at my wits' end w/ everything and all i can say is that i am only responsible for what has been set on my plate. most importantly that is my boys, god love them!!!

honestly, i want to know the secrets. i want to be assured of how to obtain the ultimate peace, not for me so much as for my boys. i fear i fail them in every capicity in that sense and yet, all i have to give them IS my thoughts AND my HOPE that if we remain true to ourselves and the goodness that lies w/in all of us, somehow, it will not be in vain.

i have heard every theory on this board thus far and trust me when i say i have contemplated them all. i am CURSED w/ one of those over analyzing minds!! but trust me also when i say that i have not lost hope. i have held tightly to the last fiber of hope maybe, but have NEVER, NOR WILL EVER allow myself to lose it completely.......... the reason is my sons. if my sons were not existence, the reason would be each and every one of you.

i believe firmly in the goodness of the species to which i was born ~ humankind. when that is lost, you may then hand me a gun w/ one bullet. but rest assured, i am a fighter (even if only through my thoughts) and doubt highly that no matter how dire things look, i will always look at the world optimistically. i believe in you bc ultimately, i believe in myself.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:42 AM
Well in general its not the americans fault at all. But you do get the blame.Maybe because the US play sutch a big role in the world.

If thats right or wrong depends on the eye thats sees the problem. And what information you work out from.

I feel that ouer history books are a cover up for what realy is happening. If you read about the pepole that made history, you will start to see that you realy dont know what to belive anny more. Ouer history books are right up to a point. But then it stops there. Ouer history dont tell us the truth about what happend behinde the seens. Thats classefide information and very hard to prove. And is easely denide by the goverments and media. So who did what and why is not easy to comprehend or prove. Thas why we get all this conspiracy theorists. Or the fight betveen right and wrong or true or false.

This goes all the way back to the time long before the Romans. And is a big issue to day as well. Take the 911 and Irak war. What do you think will be stated in ouer history books about these two events ?

Take the Irak war

First we say that Irak has massdestruction weapons and go to war, but now we fight for a whole different reason. Liberation of the Iraki pepole. Thats the direct statment we aply to today, but is there a doubt here!!! That we might be fighting for some other reason?

Have will we ever know the truth about all this?

What can we do to get the facts ?

What impression will ouer kids get about history when they read about all this?

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by spy66
Well in general its not the americans fault at all. But you do get the blame.Maybe because the US play sutch a big role in the world.

If thats right or wrong depends one the eye thats sees the problem. And what information you work out from.

I feel that ouer history books are a cover up for what realy is happening. If you read about the pepole that made history, you will start to see that you realy dont know what to belive anny more. Ouer history books are right up to a point. But then it stops there. Ouer history dont tell us the truth about what happend behinde the seens. Thats classefide information and very hard to prove. And is easely denide by the goverments and media. So who did what and why is not easy to comprehend or prove. Thas why we get all this conspiracy theorists. Or the fight betveen right and wrong or true or false.

This goes all the way back to the time long before the Romans. And is a big issue to day as well. Take the 911 and Irak war. What do you think will be stated in ouer history books about these to events ?

Take the Irak war

First we say that Irak has massdestruction weapons and go to war, but now we fight for a whole different reason. Liberation of the Iraki pepole. Thas the direct statment we aply to today, but is there a doubt here!!! That we might be fighting for some other reason?

Have will we ever know the truth about all this?

What can we do to get the facts ?

IMO, you can only retrieve the facts w/in yourself and those most trusted around you. i am only one and therefore look to those who show "fruit" in their lives when considering the so called facts. (by fruit, i mean those who are loving, kind, merciful yet just ~ which to be in the right, requires a fine balance ~ etc etc). i have discounted anything my mom says which is a very hard thing to admit bc i love and respect her as my mother, but the religious goggles she has on offer such a one sided view of a world that is very much multi - sided.

when it comes to trusting, i look w/in my heart, which i DO trust. as long as i treat others w/ goodness and honesty, what does anything else matter. i will stand on the side of TRUTH, GOODNESS, JUSTICE, MERCY, ETC. and sure, it comes at a disadvantage w/ limited knowledge of the true history of the world.......... but it isn't so much a disadvantage when viewed from the perspective of "do unto others as you would have done to you".

it's all i have. i do say, as an american, i take no responsibility for all the wrong in the world. as an individual, i will answer accordingly for the wrongs i have done on a personal level.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:13 AM
I dont doubt that you are a good person, I can easely see that in the way you state youre comments. And you belive in god thats very good. I do to

I just like to tell you all what others think about this topic. Thats why it was posted.

We all have a point or a wew on this topic, maybe becasue we eksperiance it differently, because we live in different parts of the world. And get effected by it differently.

By beeing nice to each other is a start to make things better no doubt.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:36 AM
justamomma, if only more people had in their hearts what you have, you would see such a change in this world as has never been seen before. Bless you woman, never change what is in you. Your on the right path, just give it a little time.

spy, I understand your feelings about what is going on. We feel the same way. It just bothers me when people come to the forums and start pointing fingers and tells us that it`s all our fault, when it`s not. Not all Americans are evil, not at all. That`s like saying, all Germans were evil during WW2, and they weren`t. There were more good people then you can imagine. Like us, they to were brainwashed into doing things that were not right. There were many that didn`t buy into being brainwashed and did what they could to help stop Hitler. The same goes here in this country.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by spy66
I dont doubt that you are a good person, I can easely see that in the way you state youre comments. And you belive in god thats very good. I do to

I just like to tell you all what others think about this topic. Thats why it was posted.

We all have a point or a wew on this topic, maybe becasue we eksperiance it differently, because we live in different parts of the world. And get effected by it differently.

By beeing nice to each other is a start to make things better no doubt.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

"By beeing nice to each other is a start to make things better no doubt."

no doubt, no doubt. that is all we, those who just want to be good and want to experience good can hold on to. i must say, that i DO believe you are good too!!

for the record, i DO believe in God........... although in my head, I only call Him God for the purpose of relating to the way others "see" Him. I know w/out a doubt that i have a creator. i am too curious, and have too much love in my heart to credit it to just mere chance. Who and What this "God" is lies so far beyond my comprehension.

i can only hope that maybe that small spark of hope that resides w/in me will peak his interest in my very VERY small impact on this world........ if not my small impact, maybe the impact of my sons and all of you..... i would suffer all if it just meant that everyone else could live a life w/out suffering (although that is one hope i do not have......... that my life would be considered anything as a sacrifice for the rest of those around me... sorry, i just have too many mistakes and wrong doings chalked up on my board).

[edit on 20-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by FiatLux

Originally posted by spy66
Yeah i see the picture. Its not nice to say "you americans". But what should i call you then ? X-Europeans

You should see the movie that i posted above justamomma. I dont blame you for annything just the politics that run the market.

Before it was the religion that ran thing, But thats not the case anny more. youre constetution is based on religion. But not any more now its based on the politics of the money market.

Youre life is run by money . You cant do mutch with out it. I have to aply to the same game. No money no freedom to buy things i need.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

Understand what I said, it`s not the world, country we live in, the race or color, it`s the soul inside that MAKES US ONE, created by the ONE. If you want to call us anything, call us brother, sister, not you, or they. And if you can`t understand that, then there is no hope for you until you open your eyes.

Also, it is those low thinking souls that have put the world and everyone in it into the mess we are in, those who think they came dominate everyone else. Sorry to say, their not going to get away with it.

Brothers Ok.

You have a religious though here i see. So do i.

Youre thoughts are very nice and it would be a dream come true for us all... There would be no wars nor terror no children starving in Africa and so on and so on. But we all know that thats not going to happend . God told us that in the garden of eden "remember" We humans are not capebel of doing this. Not anny more. The world is run by rules made by MAN now. To serve one common goal and that is money and power and the right to control the resorces we have. God is not in the picture anny more. Not for those who have the power. They use god to justefi their deeds,so we wount feel bad about ouer actions. And we blinedly falow even if we are unsure if its the right thing to do. Some times we dont have a choise because the masses desides whats right or wrong. And we have to folow the rules we make upon ouer self. If not there will be punishment in some form.

Manny pepole think they kown the bibel and the word of god. And see where that has gotten us. We couldent be furhter away for the truth today.

The bibel tells us have god is going to save the belivers. But its not going to be pretty. Even the belivers will suffer the deeds off MAN until the end. That means we are all going to die. Naturly or not.

Meanwhile we will go on with ouer dayly deeds as before. And we will kill in the name of god. Because we think thats ok by him as long as its for ouer own safty.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 03:18 AM
I find it hard to believe that God would not let us change things now as humans. Sounds more like something modern religion has come up with just to keep you from believeing that God is trully inside you, and that you can`t change those things around you from bad to good. Like I said, change the thinking and it CAN be done.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by FiatLux]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 03:48 AM
Dont get me wrong i belive you, And i agree with what youre saying. If we had the right thoughts we could make the world a better place. NO doubt about that. But its not going to happend. It also tells us that in the bibel. God is not going to save the world as it is now according to the words in the bibel. Both god and Jesus tels us in the bibel that the END IS COMMING and that we should be getting readdy.

God whanted to whipe us all out from the face of earth with the big flood remember. The time of Noha. But Noha asked for a new chans on behalf of the human race. And because the love of god was so great he speard us and gave us a new chanse. God whanted to whipe us out because he saw that we where evil. And thats not far from the truth is it.

God has a plan and its not to let us save ouer selvs from the way we live because we cant. we dont have the will to do it. Its has been like this for ages, nothing has changed. Only the sience and the way we live. We can only save ouer self now and hope that god will let us in.

Belivers and non belivers have been struggeling since day one with this issue. We die and new kids get reborn and life repeats it selv. With the same balance with beliver and non belivers. But the belivers get more whaterd out as time goes. Thats why god must cut the time shot or there will be no one left to save.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by spy66
Dont get me wrong i belive you, And i agree with what youre saying. If we had the right thoughts we could make the world a better place. NO doubt about that. But its not going to happend. It also tells us that in the bibel. God is not going to save the world as it is now according to the words in the bibel. Both god and Jesus tels us in the bibel that the END IS COMMING and that we should be getting readdy.

God whanted to whipe us all out for the face of earth with the big flood remember. The time of Noha. But Noha asked for a new chans on behalf of the human race. And because the love of god was so great he speard us and gave us a new chanse. God whanted to whipe us out because he saw that we where evil. And thats not far from the truth is it.

God has a plan and its not to let us save ouer selvs from the way we live because we cant. we dont have the will to do it.

I could easily go along with what you say, but, for one, what you see in the bible, was not all that was written. There is alot of the text missing from it, that was not found with the dead sea scrolls. And the parts of text that had fallen apart from age, was made up to fill in. Also, and remember this, the bible was written in Hebrew, it was then translated into other languages, and from that comes our dear old King James version. The problem with changing it from Hebrew to English is, that there are many Hebrew words that have from 1-3 meanings, now, when you have a church like there was during King James days, one that wanted total control over the people, what do you expect them to put in the book? They also took parts of it out that they didn`t want the people to know about. It`s sad to think, that at one time religion and the bible could have taught everyone that yes, God is in us, that we are a part of God, and that we CAN do all the things Jesus did, and more, and even told us how to do it. But, if that happened, where would the church be today? Oh, it would be there, but it would not have the money, power or control over the people like it does now. That is why I say, change the thinking, and you change everything around you.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:05 AM
Youre are so very right. There is a lot of peases missing. Remember that there is a lot of stuff that we dont know from the time of Adam and Eve. Or the time of Noha. Take for eks. "Nimrod" Nimrod is missing in ouer history but mentiond in the bibel. We are still digging out facts about Nimrod. Or the Nohas Arc for that mather.

To day we preach from the bibel that was desided upon us in 364 AD. THE COUNCIL OF LAODICEA IN PHRYGIA PACATIANA. Even youre bibel is from Rome and that time. And so is your callender. It was given to us by the catholic church in 1582 by Gregor XIII. Based upon the council of 364 AD. and so on. Ouer hollydays where desided in these days. Even if they are against the hollydays mentiond by gods profets in their books (Bibel).

And yes they alos interpitated?? the languages into manny. The council also made rules for hove the church should preach the word of god to the pepole. Thats why you never hear the church preach about a lot of what the bibel talks about.

And at that time only nobel menn , preiests , kings end Rulers could read the bibel. Commen menn werent alowed to own a bibel or seek the truth of god. You could be charged with wichcrafting if you did. Religon was politics at that time. And the once who controled the sword controled the word of god and the politics. Thats one of the reasons we have lost a lot of truth about ouer history. And true religion . MAN has tamperd with everything. So what shal we belive in ?

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by spy66
Youre are so very right. There is a lot of peases missing. Remember that there is a lot of stuff that we dont know from the time of Adam and Eve. Or the time of Noha. Take for eks. "Nimrod" Nimrod is missing in ouer history but mentiond in the bibel. We are still digging out facts about Nimrod. Or the Nohas Arc for that mather.

To day we preach from the bibel that was desided upon us in 364 AD. THE COUNCIL OF LAODICEA IN PHRYGIA PACATIANA. Even youre bibel is from Rome and that time. And so is your callender. It was given to us by the catholic church in 1582 by Gregor XIII. Based upon the council of 364 AD. and so on. Ouer hollydays where desided in these days. Even if they are against the hollydays mentiond by gods profets in their books (Bibel).

And yes they alos interpitated?? the languages into manny. The council also made rules for hove the church should preach the word of god to the pepole. Thats why you never hear the church preach about a lot of what the bibel talks about.

And at that time only nobel menn , preiests , kings end Rulers could read the bibel. Commen menn werent alowed to own a bibel or seek the truth of god. You could be charged with wichcrafting if you did. Religon was politics at that time. And the once who controled the sword controled the word of god and the politics. Thats one of the reasons we have lost a lot of truth about ouer history.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

Yes, well said spy, that`s right.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:24 AM
Quite contrary.

The war against the NWO is being won. By a blowout. I know you can see all the turmoil and such, but those are just the actions of very desperate people. You know what they say - just before a body dies it evacuates its bowels. All the crap you see in the world today is from the bad guys evactuating their bowels.

I know they are losing because they are fighting against me. For some reason I think you may have known me in the past as the Archangel Michael. If you are an American, I am the guy you may know as Huckleberry Finn. I am here to protect you. War against the dragon is my great pleasure and the serious business of my life.

This is a time for you to show what you are made of. The end will come on October 13, 2008. Between now and then you won't know what's going on. Don't panic sit there and take it. In a flash you'll be in the REAL world. It's electric.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by bruxfain
Quite contrary.

The war against the NWO is being won. By a blowout. I know you can see all the turmoil and such, but those are just the actions of very desperate people. You know what they say - just before a body dies it evacuates its bowels. All the crap you see in the world today is from the bad guys evactuating their bowels.

I know they are losing because they are fighting against me. For some reason I think you may have known me in the past as the Archangel Michael. If you are an American, I am the guy you may know as Huckleberry Finn. I am here to protect you. War against the dragon is my great pleasure and the serious business of my life.

This is a time for you to show what you are made of. The end will come on October 13, 2008. Between now and then you won't know what's going on. Don't panic sit there and take it. In a flash you'll be in the REAL world. It's electric.

Ok Michael, come, talk to me, I am waiting. Just knock on my door, and I will answer.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by FiatLux

I am not sure exactly what I could say that I didn't say. I told you what I think. I told you what I know.

I am fighting to bring back the world as it was designed to be. That place I remember. The place with the hum. It takes time because their are rules that have to be followed. And your leaders, who have the same weaknesses as all humans, must be conservative in the assessments. But the fact is that humanity is on the edge of a MAJOR strategic victory against it's enemy.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by bruxfain

Ok then, just a test. What can you tell me was in the original plan that took place 2000 years ago?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:26 AM
Don't forget the USA is building concentration camps... pretty sick in the head if you ask me...

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by justamomma

I understand the concept of good vs evil but honestly, who is to say whom is good and whom is evil? From what I have been able to see in research, the bulk of the 'NWO' type supporters truly feel that they are making the plans for the world for the worlds benefit. In other words, they believe they are doing good.

As for the war being lost or over. Well, as long as the human spirit lives then there is going to be that struggle against suppression and tyranny.

I wouldn't quite give up hope just yet. I really believe that the bulk of these self-proclaimed 'elite' will eventually see the light and realize that they cannot tread all over us 'normal' folk.

As for the grander schemes of population reduction and so on, well, those plans are yet to be realized. It's a dangerous game if the rumors are true because I wonder how they expect to prevent whatever means they come up with from hitting their numbers too.

So, you see, I believe that they will also wake up eventually.

I understand your concern but do not give up quite yet.

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