Good thread idea!... The strangest thing? I can name a few that are on equal footing. By the way none of these were drug-induced... I'm not into
drugs. I'm noticing drug experiences as a kind of theme in this thread but I'd hardly call those 'real' experiences.
Funnily enough, similar to the OP as a kid I was VERY close to a lightning strike. Scared the absolute **** out of me and I can't tell whether my own
shock/fear made it hard to move afterwards or some of the charge had passed through me. We lived out on acerage... I guess being a tall object in an
otherwise mostly-flat area isn't a great idea when there's lightning about! Unlike the OP there was noise... SO loud...
I'd almost forgotten about that... Thanks for reminding me!
A second one at around a similar age and same location to the first experience was a weird occurence in my room. I was laying in my bed, which faced
the door. So I'm looking at the door and on the right of it is a desk with one of those old-style globes on it.
All of a sudden, the door slams shut and the globe falls off the desk... Err...
I'm not particularly superstitious but that scared the hell out of me and I'm still uneasy about it today. This wasn't a 'gust of wind' sort of
thing, or someone walking past or a hallucination, it happened because I had to pick it up and open the door again. I wish I had an explanation...
Third good one that happened to me was, again, as a child but a bit older.
I was riding the school bus home and I suddenly started REALLY thinking hard about "what would happen if the bus crashed?". I wondered if bracing
myself would help, so I put my head down level with the seats, and held onto the hand rail on the back of the seat in front of me.
5 seconds later, we slam hard into a car that crossed the centre line going around a corner. A mindblowing coincidence? Well I have no other
explanation for it so that's what it's been to me. A scary one but jeez...
The guy in the car was really beat up too, I felt bad because we got off the bus and walked home and I saw him but I didn't know what to do, I was a
kid and had no idea what to think so I moved on with my afternoon and remarkable story. I kind of wish I'd been older and could've helped him out
and everything. Once again, I swear on my life that story is true! Too bad it was in the days before mobile phones and 'proof' like that, but I
guess I could never prove that I was bracing myself etc.
Other than those things I've had a fairly dull life! I see odd number combinations a lot, I see recurring words or phrases for months at a time, but
neve anything significant and I think I'm just being an idiot. Oh and I was electocuted a few times by a lamp as a kid (nothing too serious!) and my
mother (being into the supernatural stuff herself) used to try and get me to "use ESP" on cards, but I don't think that ever went past gueswork.
So there's my story... Time to read more of the thread!
Reading this thread reminded me of another experience I had a few times as a kid! Well, I think it was a few times.
Call me totally insane, but I was lying in my room and I either couldn't sleep or I'd been woken up, I can't remember. All of a sudden the sound in
the room got more and more muffled, eventually there was no sound at all.
Then I saw, or at least I thought I saw, a cube sort of 'come out' of the ceiling. Think of it melting out of the ceiling, but the cube looked solid
and had very sharp edges.
The cube fell slowly towards the floor. When it touched the ground it made no sound AFAIK, but blackness and green gridlines like those in some sort
of old videogame started to come out of it and the floor/house and anything it touched turned black with those green gridlines.
I freaked out. I bolted from my room, looking behind me and as I ran the blackness/lines were spreading even faster behind me. Alarmingly at the same
time, the walls started to bow inward towards me, I was feeling like I was going to be killed by it.
I think I eventually ran into my parents room and asked them for help and it stopped... The end is the part I don't remember. This experience still
disturbs me today, but it could very well have been a night terror.
To add to the problem though it 'tried to' occur a couple of other times. The same deal happened with the cube, but before it hit the floor I bolted
to the lounge room and turned the TV on loud and tried to snap myself out of it and calm down. It seemed to work, so maybe it was just night terrors
after all but god, that doesn't make it less disturbing.
[edit on 20/7/08 by Duality]