I have bee researching for the past 6 hrs Brandon and have sat here for about 40 minutes typing findings out only to have it all disappear !!!!!!
I'm going to write it all up in a document and copy and paste it , but I am so tired out now from all the brain work it may be a couple more days
before I back up my claims in full. I am STUNNED by what I am learning - I have had a crash course in Astrotheology now and as I'm an Astrologer I
have an understanding others may not , so this has helped alot in recognizing and interpreating the codes. It's astonishing, you are ABSOLUTLEY onto
something HUGE and you must continue your work !!
Others have seen it to, but I'm guessing it hasn't all been pulled together so much before your book ?
Let me just briefly tell you what I have concluded :
1. We are right at the end of the Piscean Age but due to ages having an "orb of influence" we are feeling the effects of the Age of Aquarius
strongly and have been for most of the 20th century.
2. The Age of Aquarius is the dawning of a new era, which ties in with idea of the kingdom of god ("controllers ??? goodies???") ushering in an age
of global peace. The 1,000 years of peace talked of in the bible cannot happen until the second coming has occured. Before this 1,000 years of peace
the 4th beast/4th reich/global world government plan is beginning to establish itself (RIGHT NOW)
3. In the bible christ is asked when to prepare for the next passover (passover = metaphor for the crossing into a new age /zodiac house). He tells
them a man will meet them outside of the city who is carrying a pitcher of water and to follow that man into the house. So, He is telling them he will
return when the age of pisces is coming to an end and the age of the water bearer arrives (aquarius). THIS WILL BE IN OUR LIFETIME AND VERY SOON.
Elsewhere in the bible christ tells people that all the signs of the end of days will come to pass "before this generation is over", ie before the
age of PISCES is finished.
4. Various signs have to come to pass before the 2nd coming. Almost all have done so. One last sign appears to pertain to signs in the heavens
(astrology-stars) linked to terrible water /sea disasters. Neptune is god of the Sea. planet Neptune returns to its own sign (Pisces) in early 2012
after 164 years of being in Aquarius. THEN AGAIN (it is meant to be confusing after all), Neptune God of Seas has been traversing Aquarius, the water
bearer for 164 years ...perhaps it's change of sign in 2012 FULFILLS the prophecy..we have after all had all manner of storms, tsunamis and the like
wreaking devastation
5. A passage in revelations chapter 19 gives further clues to the 2nd coming, the return of christ. This cannot happen til all the signs have been
fulfilled, so it will not occur before feb 2012 . It will be a time after this when Venus and Mercury are in Saggitarius and when various other
astrological stuff in that passage is in place and all the criteria for this prophecy occurs, wait for it.....on DECEMBER 21
This is what I have concluded from INDEPENDENT research that did nOT involve referencing Mayan lore
From all the clues laid out, we are just a few years away from the fulfillment of all of the 44 signs which must pass before the return. It is not
until the return of Christ that the new age (Aqaurius) truly dawns, for it is through the fulfillment of the 2nd coming prophecy that the kingdom of
God comes to earth in FULL SWING.
Note- am not sure who is really behind this 1,000 years of peace. ...the goodies or the baddies ?
This ties in very well with the Mayan prophecy , with 2012 being the year when one age comes to an end and the dawning of a new one can then begin.
- 12 /12/2012 corresponds to the end of a cycle in Mayan lore
- 21st Dec 2012 is the date the new age begins in Mayan lore
- christ had 12 disciples
- there are 12 zodiac houses and 12 zodiac signs
-there is alot of talk of a 12th planet
- Neptune rules the 12th house in the zodiac wheel, the very last house. Remember that in Feb 2012 Neptune RETURNS to the Sign that the 12 house is
ruled by....PISCES
- There are 12 AGES to the world's cycles...the age of Pisces, The Age of Aquarius, etc etc. The Age we are currently at the end of is Pisces which
- The cycle of PISCES and so the AGE of Pisces is therefore COMPLETED in Feb 2012. When this occurs the SUN will actually be in the sign of...AQUARIUS
!!!! The opposite sign of Aquarius is LEO who is RULED BY THE SUN and the SUN is associated with KINGS , LEADERS , ROYAL FIGURES !!!
- the number 12 is very significant. Add the digits 1=2 = 3 and 3 is the number associated with father, son. holy spirit ....the whole Christian
religion trinity thing
- and of course, the 144,000 thousand in the bible is 12x12
Everything will come to pass by the end of the Age of Pisces which is NOW...WE ARE IN THE VERY END DAYS according to the codes, signs and clues and
Astrological references
Obviously something BIG would have to surround the 2nd coming , something so huge the whole world will stand to attention and shortly after PEACE
reigns on earth (though of course, peace through control and enslavement)
That's it for now, I'm bushed !!!
I'll back up everything with links and a deeper explantation in a separate thread next week sometime
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