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Old World Secrets the Omega Project Codes

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posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by The Stand
The first time I heard something like this was about three months after the book was first put into print. You may not like this and I hate to mention it but I was told that yahoo was doing this and people were claiming that they would not deal with them again because they claimed when they mentioned this book they would not only get blacklisted from the site but their computers would be infected and data lost. That does not include all of the people who have told me that they have been blacklisted from Craigslist. Just so you know, you are not the first person to say this has happened to them.

As for what I think you should do, just keep trying to explain it to people. I think one of the biggest problems is that most people are not even aware that what is being said here could even be a possibility.

[edit on 27-9-2008 by Brandon Levon]

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 04:31 PM
I am just adding this because I hear people claiming this all the time. The Jews are not resposible for the old testament..... They were only the slaves of the last age, just like the Christians are now, they did not know they were slaves then just like the Christians do not know they are slaves now. We have all been used so that their families will live and ours will die.... Wake up people quit listening to what they are telling you and start studying are ancient texts before they find a way to destroy them all....It is hard to tell what is really missing from Iraq, but I am sure that some of it is of great importance to us....

[edit on 27-9-2008 by Brandon Levon]

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 06:04 PM
Brandon, could you emplain to us further, about the dollar bill. It clearly lines up with the street layout of DC, but what if anything have you found at these different locations? Or to state in a clearer fashion why do you think this was done for?

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

As you know it was the Devil, the god of the bible that had control of the zodiac calendar and wanted no one else to know of its capabilities. We came from Venus and in my opinions even though I left this open in the book to make your own decisions, I think this planet was a prison. I think it was set up just like Australia, America and many other places by using many forms of slave labor, what many people do not understand is the money system is one of these forms of slave labor. As you have read in the book these large stars have been found all over the world with the outer points being ancient churches with no roofs, used to keep control of the people by being able to predict the future by the movement of the stars.

Only the most high were allowed into these ancient temples. Just as was described in the bible with the mobile temple for the ark which I am certain at least contained a form of the zodiac calendar if not was only just that. I believe they built these large temple complexes with the star of Venus in the center so that the gods new what territory they had conquered, Just like the bible tells us they were doing, conquering all territory, making a one world order put into plan by the one true god of the bible. Here is an example of one of the oldest temples with what I believe to be one of the best examples of how it was actually used against us even though this does not suggest that. I believe only the most high could enter, just like the rules of all Enlil's temples.

When this planet is no longer usable it will be prisoners and money motivated people who build Mars like earth. Mars is just like earth just as Venus was before. All of the ice that will become oceans when it is thawed out is under the dust of the surface. When it gets to the right distance from the sun it will begin to grow plants just as earth is doing now, only at that time the earth will be drying up, it will not be because of global warming.

It is a natural process that for some reason nobody ever mentions. If I am not mistaken I think very recently they have even discovered some of these under the dust frozen ice spots on Mars just like I said they would. They have been in charge of all of these planets long before earth was habitable. The signs are everywhere and I put a lot in the book but the thing that seemed so strange to me was the fact that they never mention any of this even though it is so obvious. They want you to believe that it is global warming that is making the planet hotter even though every year the earth gets closer to the sun and it is inevitable; they have a plan that is older than the inhabitants of this planet and when they repeat this process on Mars with the cAmen people not knowing this was done before, they will build large markers to be spotted from the sky indicating the territory they have conquered, that is if the people do not wake up first, realizing who the god of the bible really is and what he has taken from us.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by Brandon Levon]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 09:46 AM
Every where you look and I mean everywhere I keep seeing the same crap, the same crap I have seen all of my life and this site is filled with these people. These people keep saying things like it is O.K. because my faith is strong. That is like saying I like killing children, I want my family to all be slaves in the future, I want my little girl to become a sex slave to the rulers that be because the writers of the bible are behind almost every bad thing that has ever happened.

Almost if not every war ever planned came to be with the cooperation of the worshippers of that age. That means who ever put this together needs to wake up or quit trying to lead people in the wrong direction the bible is a plan of war to be followed with the signs of the zodiac based on disasters that are coming on this earth. These plans of war were not possible without the help of the Christians just as it was not possible in the last Age without the help of the Jews, and it was not possible in the age before that without the help of the people inhabiting the promised land of India, they were all slaves just like you Christians are now, you have been marked to die by your stupidity.

When the time comes and the food levels or economy is bad you have been marked by your ignorance to show you have no knowledge as to who god is or how we came to be. You are the meek, and you will be left to inherit the earth when it is left to die just like Venus was….. It will not be a place that you and your family will be able to survive; you will not have eternal life. The bible is an astrology calendar filled with symbolism and if you do not know how to read it or who were behind it, then you are not important as a human being, you are just cattle.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by Brandon Levon]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 05:02 PM
Codex Alementarus goes into affect on December 31, 2009. So on January first it would be wise to have your food stockpiled, because the people behind this expect about 4 billion to starve or die from disease as a result of the pesticides, chemicals and other poisons they will deliberately be adding to our food. All food will be regulated by this and will become a complete monopoly, making it illegal to grow your own food.

This second link here shows many of the pesticides that have been banned from hundreds of countries, yet the mad men behind this operation have been able to put these pop's back on the market.

This link explains a bit better than I can.

Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

In any case, I have been watching these video's which pretty much explains everything from the true origin of Jesus Christ, the rise of the Holy Roman Empire, the true structure of the Illuminatti and who all these 12 tribes are and what they do and how they control society. This information is easy to follow and I promise if you have not seen these videos you will be truly shocked and amazed. There is Not one group at the very top of the Pyramid who is the wealthiest most renowned person in the World, and that person is currently Queen Elizabeth II. She is the woman described in the Bible as having 12 Stars around her head. In reality she wears 12 Stones around her crown. And she has a staff that she carries around that The goddess Isis used to be in possession of as she is a direct descendant and successor of Isis from the last period of Egyptian rule, (aka Cleopatra) married Julius Caesar who has been traced back by Biblical accounts in collaboration with Egyptology.

Julius Caesar and her had a child before Julius Caesar was killed, then she remarried and had 3 more children. Julius Caesar's Child left Egypt and went to Asia where he was tought and read texts of Ancient Buddhist Monks. After this period he returned to Egypt and Created "The Holy Roman Empire" using his fathers outline for a 2,000 year plan to create a One World Government as mentioned in a thread I posted earlier. So who was Julius Caesars son?

According to what this research reveals his name was Jesus Christ, founder of the Holy Roman Catholic Empire. He returned to Egypt performing the miracles he had learn from his Buddhist teachers and established that the "Roman Empire" was now the "Holy Roman Empire".

After this there were many Biblical accounts that are mostly half truths like for example, he died on a cross, this is true but the movie explains how he decieved many and appeared to be ressurected from the dead?

Born of a Virgin? Not according to this account, he was born of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, but left Egypt to conceal his identity as the next successor and Julius Caesars child on the thrown. His adoption parents were Mar and Joseph. So yes Mary may have been a virgin, but according to this account she was not the maternal mother of Jesus.

Just an elaborate cover up and deception of a religion that used to be practiced and then after the exile of Egypt was creatively reconstructed into the Holy Bible adding in the many half truths about Jesus Christ.

So now we have 12 families that virtually run most of the world. The Holy Roman Empire.

Make sure you have some time to view these videos and watch all of them, there are 28 I believe all about ten minute segments bringing the total to around 280 minutes long of information packed hidden history of mankind in a format that is very easy to follow and understand.

Ring of Power

So on a further note, when Queen Elizabeth's time has expired her successor will rule the earth with a rod of Iron, the very same rod that Isis once had.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Very good links 12.21.12, although probably way over the average persons head. I would like to point out that the link to the “ring of power” is very interesting to me mainly because it points out that Washington D.C. is not part of America.

It is part of the organization that brings in every new age and has done so since at least the time of Enlil. It is important to understand that what America thinks of as freedom is actually just an illusion created by television and newspapers. So when lets say we loose in the voting system, the television portrays the reason why giving you proof that there were other people that wanted this to happen.

It is also important for people to understand how this was set up. I will explain it because it seems like even the most well known people in this field have overlooked this either on purpose or accidentally. You should not hesitate to think that many of the people out there are trying to purposely lead you in the wrong direction when the time comes, that is what they have done for the past 6,000 years at least.

When you are scared of what is happening on the earth and you are afraid of dieing where do we all run to, we run to god. We run there confessing hoping that since in this terrible time of war that any day now when you die that since you have gone to church and given yourself to god that you will go to heaven, you will not….

What you have just done is give all of your money to the same people who are responsible for you being afraid of dying. You just have confessed to the same people who are going to take the information that you gave them and use it against you and your family members.

Rome is the religious part of a secret organization that has sought to take control of the world since the time of Enlil, This is the part that is so ingenious in this plan because they are the branch that is set to fail. Now people who do not understand this are going to say duh it says so in the bible duhhhh. Rome will fall, ya wake up the bible is a plan of war that has been used to control the ignorant descendants of the slaves.

The bible is a plan of war given to the ignorant with meanings only known to the informed. Rome was planned to fail at least 6,000 years ago…………It is part of a system that is used to and has been used to make sure the descendants of Enlil survive through the ages.

When the new age begins the Christians will be the new Jews. Ohhh it will be horrible but I cant help but to want to laugh at some of these people because I have explained it over and over to them and they just can only imply that I need to read the bible. I need to find god, These people are to far gone they are better left to die because you cannot waist time on these people when there are so many more who are willing to be saved and care about the future of their families.

That brings me to the next part of this and that is the American president and most other countries as well, are put into place just like the Pope is, the American president is equivalent to the pope. He is just a representative over the military part of the trinity started by the descendants of Enlil.

The presedint is not elected by the people as the people think it is all just an illusion. This link is a very good example of how some people are starting to realize what is going on but still cannot grasp the fact of how far back this goes and how many people have been tricked or are unaware of who is behind this.

Although this lady seems to be waking up to what is happening there are things she did not mention or was afraid too. One, I liked the part where it said someone should alert President Bush. Now I don’t know if that was a joke or not but to most they would not get it because most people have no ideal that Prescott Bush was part of I.G. Farben and that his sons along with many in charge of our country were trained by branches of the Vatican to Dictate and help put into place laws against us.

These laws help their families live and ours die. It is important to notice in the link that she mentions Fluoride and how without these other nutrients many of us will die of cancer. Fluoride causes many many forms of cancer and although I hate to say it but I believe she will be disappointed when she losses even though I encourage everyone to help her in what she is trying to do and I know I will. But I think she will be left wondering why so many people voted against what she was trying to do simply because if I understand right she thinks congress is our friend.

Most of them were put into place by the same people who put our president into place in order to control the people by use of the third part of the trinity and that is the money part which is not controlled by America but by the inner city of London. These three city states have been given the name the “Empire of the city” by the people who have realized they are independent of the country that they reside. They pay the members of congress large amounts of money to pass these little laws that the member of congress are willing to except because they will now have a life of luxury. They do not see that this has been going on for thousands of years and that there intensions are to kill us. They think the few laws they help pass is not going to change much but in reality over time they have helped kill us all.

Once you realize what they have done, you realize that it was designed because all three have to be destroyed to even make a dent in this empire. That means Rome, America and London, that doesn’t even include the many backup places that have been designed. And this does not include the fact that the people behind all of this reside all over the world. It is almost impossible to take these people down that is if you could even get a tenth of the world to realize what is really going on.

The only way I see is to quit playing their games but what they will do is cut off our income make us starve. They will drop bombs on what people think is there own people but it is not. 9/11 for example people think oh no they would not drop bombs on their own people, they did not you are not their people you are a mutt. A crossbreed of slave trash that has been used and descended as ignorant waist just there to serve the purpose of building and creating whatever they pay you to with there worthless money.

When they think you are not going to cooperate or need you to fight for something they want or simply just think you are contaminating too much of their air. They will start to lower the production of the money. Resulting in the way the economy is today. They did this same thing before WWII exactly to a T……. People have forgotten or they just are not that intelligent because these same people have put our school systems into place and technically the more you go to school the greater the chance you will be their slave….

If there was a type of school put into place around the world that just taught about their descendants and what they have done, none of these kinds of thing would ever happen again, there would be no more wars and no more starvation.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 03:25 PM
I am posting this link because when I was younger I saw this movie and although I never really understood the possibility of it actually being real on some level at the time. You could actually take this movie as being true or you could just see the people that can be spotted with help as the people who really run this world.

Either way the people who run our country are in charge of what we see and I think they put a lot of movies out knowing they are true but people only see them as fiction because they are to hard to believe. Anyways I think the symbolism in this is great remember wrestling later came out with the NWO

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:10 PM
Wow talk about the power of viral marketing.

If you want to release a book, just take a clue from modern culture's fascination with countless movies like The Ring where a mysterious video tape causes anyone who watches it to eventually die. Make an account on craigslist post in a hysterical tone that your brother or whomever has committed suicide because of the book and voila - cheap and effective marketing, proof is the book is now sold out. Great job, I may use this technique on a future book I publish. I'll even up the ante, I'll say an entire cult was founded on the concepts of my book and they all drank the koolaid and committed mass suicide due to the 'hidden revelations' they uncovered in my book, which you too can uncover for 3 easy payments of....

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak
So, are you saying nobody is smarter than you? Are you saying that you are in charge of your own destiny and nobody else has any influence upon it?

or do you believe in the Devil?

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by rufusdrak
Wow talk about the power of viral marketing.

If you want to release a book, just take a clue from modern culture's fascination with countless movies like The Ring where a mysterious video tape causes anyone who watches it to eventually die. Make an account on craigslist post in a hysterical tone that your brother or whomever has committed suicide because of the book and voila - cheap and effective marketing, proof is the book is now sold out. Great job, I may use this technique on a future book I publish. I'll even up the ante, I'll say an entire cult was founded on the concepts of my book and they all drank the koolaid and committed mass suicide due to the 'hidden revelations' they uncovered in my book, which you too can uncover for 3 easy payments of....
Upon further research I find your post interesting even though I have gotten death threats over this kid that you are talking about and since then no store has been willing to carry this book for it to be sold out, but they all will carry say books on how to plant flowers, maybe you should write something like that. I guess what I am getting at is why would you come to this post and post disinformation when your only thread is this
What is your game rufusdrak, which side are you on?

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by rufusdrak
I will be the better of the two and admit that I like what you are writing here in your thread but it is kind of important if you are going to write anymore that you realize this has been going on for a very very very long time, it is sad that you have just noticed it. Good luck and I hope you get to the truth sooner or later...

A word of advice though keep an open mind, oh and what I found strange about your post is you posted this just after me mentioning something about yahoo being involved in this same kind of thing you put on your thread, only with anyone mentioning my book. Kind of strange you would show up and try to discredit me just after that……,

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 10:23 AM
I didn't try to 'discredit you'. I posted that after reading only the first page, or maybe the first few posts of this entire thread, which is now obviously almost at 20 pages. I then went on to read most of the rest of the pages and found the thread and book concept pretty interesting. I for the most part agree with everything.

What I found most interesting in the thread though was when you were discussing their use of numbers 8/8/8 and 7/7/7 and yet your post was dated in August or so. Yet just 3 days ago on 9/29 (9 2+9=11, 9/11) the stock market plunged 777 points for a percent of 7% loss. I've never seen 7/7/7 used by them yet, only the big 8/8/8 at the start of the russian-georgian war and I remarked in the other thread about this topic how we 'might be being given a count down of some sort' since first we are hit with a big crisis that puts us on the path of world war 3 marked with 8/8/8, now 2 months later we're hit with a giant crisis with the code of 777 and it seemed like a count down to me with 666 being next.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 10:34 AM
By the way I too have experienced certain things in my life akin to what you and some of you have described here and I too have felt things like what you call the 'watchers' however I take a very different view point on it all. In terms of extra terrestrials and 'watchers' and all that, I have always felt some sort of destined closeness with all of those 'entities' but my viewpoint and belief has always been different: I believe and have always believed that we are far more powerful than them, or at least I believe myself to be, and so they don't frighten me in the least. Don't get me wrong of course I end up spooking myself many times either at night or what have you but it's only my weak mind fooling itself but deep down I believe they do what I say and they wouldn't dare 'harm' me because they fear me/us more than I do them. So if they do 'exist', and they like to stand in the corner there and feed off my fear and negative energy then that's fine they can continue to do that because that's about all that they can do.
I have felt that I have been attacked by them all my life, from my childhood to about age 17-18 I was plagued with strange unexplainable experiences that are hard to describe. Basically I felt like I was being taken somewhere at night by subconscious forces, but gradually as I became aware of my own power over them I rebelled and WILLED myself to dominate them and as I realized and deep down truly began to feel that they are nothing compared to me that's when MAGICALLY the experiences 'stopped' and have never happened again ever since. I told them to bugger off and that they can no longer touch me and they fear my authoritative command. If a 'they' even exist that of course, I'm not completely sold on it all but to me it's a viable theory.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 10:36 AM
brandon hi!
long time reader nd a fan.
so who actually created us?
jesus is the devil?
so were on hell? makes sense, then where do we go when we die?
so theres many gods? are they coming in 2012?
are they evil?
how do we fight them
is there gonna be another depression
finally whos the galactic federation and are they on our side

my thirst for knowledge and truth can never be quenched, but theclosest thing t the truth is you!


posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by her0ofdreams
brandon hi!
long time reader nd a fan.
so who actually created us?
jesus is the devil?
so were on hell? makes sense, then where do we go when we die?
so theres many gods? are they coming in 2012?
are they evil?
how do we fight them
is there gonna be another depression
finally whos the galactic federation and are they on our side

my thirst for knowledge and truth can never be quenched, but theclosest thing t the truth is you!


^and people wonder how cults start.

No one can know all of this information you're asking, don't mysticize 'Brandon' to be your savior, he's just a normal guy who's done some research and probably spent alot of lonely nights beer in hand (or soda and chips) surfing the darker corners of the web.
But I don't care how much research one has done NO ONE can know definitively the answers to the questions you're asking. All someone even like Brandon can do is take an educated GUESS or state their OPINION.
I for one don't believe in Satan or Hell or demons or any truly 'evil' cosmic force so I sure as heck am not worried.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

why am i meant to talk to you rufusdrak, who are you, i know that you have some meaning in my life at the moment because your last post was at 12:44

12 my favorite number and 44 a double (also closest thing to 144 which is 12 squared)

so what info can you give me?

EDIT: ok so its 10:38 and something weird just happened i was looking at this thread then it send me to a link for rufus's thread which i noticed was posted at 10:33
i definately dont think this is coincidence since i dont believe in coincidence.

[edit on 1-10-2008 by tankthinker]

[edit on 1-10-2008 by tankthinker]

[edit on 1-10-2008 by tankthinker]

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by rufusdrak

Originally posted by her0ofdreams
brandon hi!
long time reader nd a fan.
so who actually created us?
jesus is the devil?
so were on hell? makes sense, then where do we go when we die?
so theres many gods? are they coming in 2012?
are they evil?
how do we fight them
is there gonna be another depression
finally whos the galactic federation and are they on our side

my thirst for knowledge and truth can never be quenched, but theclosest thing t the truth is you!


^and people wonder how cults start.

No one can know all of this information you're asking, don't mysticize 'Brandon' to be your savior, he's just a normal guy who's done some research and probably spent alot of lonely nights beer in hand (or soda and chips) surfing the darker corners of the web.
But I don't care how much research one has done NO ONE can know definitively the answers to the questions you're asking. All someone even like Brandon can do is take an educated GUESS or state their OPINION.
I for one don't believe in Satan or Hell or demons or any truly 'evil' cosmic force so I sure as heck am not worried.

I didnt know asking questions that are out of the norm range, automatically point to you being some sort of cultist.

I too am interested in finding more truth than the regular, "nephilim are children of god" etc etc.
Ive always belived in Jesus, and this stumps me, so we are actually worshiping the devil?...then who the hell is jesus


posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by SHiFT

I didnt know asking questions that are out of the norm range, automatically point to you being some sort of cultist.

I too am interested in finding more truth than the regular, "nephilim are children of god" etc etc.
Ive always belived in Jesus, and this stumps me, so we are actually worshiping the devil?...then who the hell is jesus


No I just meant that you seemed so worshipful of Brandon like he was a cult leader and you would follow him to the edge of the world for the revelations he blessed you with.
But anyway, unless I'm mistaken I thought they were saying that jesus is in fact the devil. So your question should be 'then who the hell is satan?"

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by SHiFT

No Shift Jesus is just a normal person like you and i except that he is of the nephelium which I can not say whether or not you are or not or myself for that matter. All I know is that I am not a world banker and I am not a world leader. I am actually broke as hell and I am pretty pissed actually.

Satan is a totally different thing all together.

However you should know that you can mark this day in your calendar as the end of the US. Most people won't notice until tax time that the US has been infiltrated by the Fourth Reich and World Bankers are being set free just as Hitler was and as we have seen Rothschilds, Rockefellers and JP Morgans do so many times before.

Long Live the Queen!

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