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Old World Secrets the Omega Project Codes

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posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Brandon Levon

First of all thanks to the op for starting this thread. I have a few questions based on what I read on this thread. please correct me if I have misunderstood any of it.
From what I understand the god that most people know of (e.g. the god the bible) is not the good god that we are lead to believe. If that’s true can you tell me which one is good (god) in your opinion and why? Also before you’re near death experience. what was your belief. Again sorry if I have misunderstood.
I have every intention of buying your book but would love some questions answered while I’m waiting to get my hands on it thanks.

[edit on 7/9/08 by iammonkey]

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by iammonkey
EA was first known as the creator, he was the one that wanted us to have the knowledge of the gods, EA would be the good god unless you believe we should live with the misunderstandings, wars, hunger and disasters that we have today. Believe me it is not a coincidence that this information comes from tablets found in Iraq; they are being destroyed as we speak by the people who follow the one true god of the bible. I am not giving this link as proof because there is far too much research for you to do. The purpose of the book is to open your eyes as to the origins of all of the gods in the bible, where they came from and how they have been used to control us.

The Bible leads you to believe there is one true god, but there were many. In genesis the stories were taken from Ea and Enlil, Enlil became the one true god of the Bible, he was the one blamed for disasters upon the earth such as the great flood. One of his symbols was what we know of today to be the symbol of Satan, the one true god is Satan. It is sad that people defend this god with no idea that they have been lied to, his plan was always to enslave the entire world and the ignorant have helped as much as they unknowingly could, our lives could have been so much better.

Before I almost died I claimed myself to be a Christian, what I saw pushed me to find something that I never ever even thought of before. It pushed me to find out what was behind everything. If your goal is to try and find the truth you should start studying all of the so called mythical gods because they are the origin of the bible before the so called one true god, and they are all the same, all around the world even though they may have different names. I hope that this helps you and if I did not answer what you wanted to know just ask again.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 10:08 AM
I woke up this morning and there was a preacher preaching on TV. I cannot help it but now that I know what is going on it just makes me sick. This guys standing there preaching about how everything in the bible is coming true and how god predicted all of this #. That is a #ing lie, this book is a plan of war that is being followed and has been followed for thousands of years. When the new age comes they kill everyone who does not worship the new god. When the disaster hits that is supposed to hit after the age of Pisces, “when god returns” there will not be peace for the people who are not the descendants of the writers of this war plan, and there will be a new god just like the bible says for the few who are left. What do you think they are going to do to the people who are worshipping the old god? They are going to do the same thing they have always done to the people who worship the old god, kill them. WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Brandon Levon

dang that sucks,. i gave my cousin the web address right after he lost the booka nd asked that he go there as soon as possible, but of couse he didnt. thanks for the info though.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by keeff

I am in the middle of reading the book my self. I also noticed that there are words that are noticeably different from the rest. I got a piece of paper and started to write the letters down. It was a message. Not sure who was talking in the message, but it was so weird, it caused me to feel different. I was afraid to read the book any further. It made me feel like someone was putting data into my braid through subliminal messages. I began to hear and see things differently. Like someone would say something and I would hear what they meant over what they said. There was an instant where someone was talking in a different language and I understood it, like a computer transferring data. Not sure why or how this happened, or why for that matter, I could understand them but not talk back to them. I had to break for a few days.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by keeff
If you are wanting the book for collecting purposes the last 100 of the second edition will be issued with certificates. I know it will never be worth as much as the first one but it still will be limited in the amount that was printed. The bad thing is I am not sure when this is going to happen, but probably will be within the next month or two. When it is done it will only be posted for sale on the books website and it will cost less than the first one.

[edit on 8-9-2008 by Brandon Levon]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:34 AM
I just wanted to add this for anyone reading these posts thinking I may be confused about what I am saying and the bible was not put in place by the same people who control your life today, read “Romans 13” When the new god is appointed and you try to worship the old god “Jesus” your master can put a gun to your head and pull the trigger because if you and your family ever try to stop him you will go to hell.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Brandon Levon

Hello again Brandon. Many thanks for the links. I’m doing my best to get my head around most of it. I hope you don’t mind if I pop in every so often to ask things. Please don’t take it personally. I question everything. It’s very hard to let go of something I believed in so much for so long and if I’m honest it boils down to, what if I end up backing the wrong god? That being said, I am looking for the truth and some things are beginning to look clearer. For example whenever I tried to read the bible it never made sense. And I think that was due to me seeing it as been written by the god I was raised up on. However now when I think it’s possible that Enlil wrote the bible, it makes perfect sense. Only a bad god could write a book of total confusion and contradictions. It says in the bible not to look in to astrology. I now know why.
Also Enki explains that Enlil is unfair to punish the guiltless Atrahasis for the sins of his fellows and secures a promise that the gods will not eliminate humankind if the practices birth control.
Only for enlil to put in the bible telling us to go forth and multiply as well as some religious leaders. What a set up!
Brandon have you ever spoken to Ea? I mean by payer or meditation. If so, any response? Also how is Ea pronounced? Thanks

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by Brandon Levon
I will tell you now that you ask but to me this is really weird, at first when I read your book I really didn’t think much of it to be fact, I am sorry to say but I thought it was interesting but that was about it. It wasn’t till I started researching it that after a few days I started having these weird dreams. I started seeing myself as this warrior that was killing all of these people for trying to keep pictures and diaries of their past. I worked for the person in charge of these people, maybe he was the king, I am not sure. It seemed like it was thousands of years ago, people lived in these straw huts and we would burn them to the ground, I hated it, we killed kids all of the time, it was what we were supposed to do. That was what made a point of what we were saying to be the law. If they did not listen to our ways we would kill their kids.

After a few dreams like that I was in front of this big fire and I was putting wood on it and then I would run into the weeds. There were people assigned to put wood on this big bomb fire. Everyone was hiding from the same people that I used to work for but it didn’t seem like the same time. It seemed like I lived the dream before in the dream but everything had changed and they were trying to kill me. They were trying to make sure that everything my family knew would be destroyed, they were trying to tell us what god to worship but I already knew how they made us do it because I had killed people for the same thing. They did not know that they were just like me before in the dream.

I remember we would keep these fires really high, so high that we could keep warm at a distance so that when they would ride up on us we would be able to run away. All of the dreams I have had since I would be hiding in the weeds and I would hear someone whisper my name, I would look around but there would be no one there. I would always wake up when I heard someone whisper like I was supposed to do something but I would not know what to do, I have even ran some ads on Craigslist stating thank you for opening my eyes, it just seems so real. I hope you don’t think I am crazy but that is the reason why I keep posting; I think I have been here before. I think I was trying to save these people before, I think maybe I am supposed to do it again but I just don’t know how.

The thing is as I see how it all works now if you were to tell me what to do in a way that was to rebel against these same people, I think that they would kill us both just like they did

[edit on 13-9-2008 by seek4 truth]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by seek4 truth
................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................

[edit on 13-9-2008 by seek4 truth]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 08:51 AM
Brandon, if you are going to write a second book (and I hope you do, PLEASE, PLEASE send me the finished version first before you give it to the publishers and I will spell and grammar check it for you.

I really did like the book but it needs some severe proof-reading done on it and to be honest, the amount of mistakes it contained was really off-putting.

u2u me for details if you are interested.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by iammonkey
I don’t mind, pop in whenever, I think it is great that you question everything, I wish everybody would. One of the first things I noticed as well was all of the contradictions and although it seemed very odd I never questioned it for almost my entire life. As for talking to Ea I am not sure, this guy or being spoke to me when I almost died, he only spoke with his eyes but I could understand what he was saying and it led me to writing this book. I do not really know who he was but I thank him for it, I thank him that I have found all of these lies that I would not have found if he did not point me in the right direction.

I think he has given my family eternal life as to say I believe if I did not find out the things that I did they would have been killed off in the future over one lie or another or simply because they were not prepared if that is even possible, I am working on it. I don’t try to talk that much to God as for I figure he has a lot of people to help. I also do not ask for help unless like in the case that I was dieing and then he showed up. I guess I don’t want to be like the boy who cried wolf; I want him to know that if I am asking for help it is real important. As for pronouncing Ea I just say it as it looks not E then A, but E (uh).

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by seek4 truth
I do not think you are crazy in fact it is very interesting because I kept having these visions. I call them visions because I would have them while I was sleeping but when I would wake up, I would not remember it to be a dream, I would just have all of this strange knowledge that I did not have before I went to bed, tell me that don’t sound crazy. Some of this knowledge made it into the book under the part that is talking about the watchers. I remember we would all sit around these large fires; we kept them burning really high because you could see the evil ones in the smoke. There was a war going on with the people who followed these evil watchers and they were trying to kill all of us. This seemed like it was thousands of years ago as well. I remember we had won the war and these things went and hid and they have been hiding and watching us every since.

These visions seemed real, it seemed like I was here before a long long time ago. The strange thing is some of this knowledge I would look up and find out to be true. Yet other knowledge seemed so strange I could not even imagine a mortal person even coming up with it. After I started writing this book I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would not be able to sleep unless I would do research. I would stay awake a lot, it almost seemed like something was driving me to do it. I bet I wrote more in that book than I have written in my entire life. If you new me you would understand that I am not the type of person that you would ever think would have written a book. If you have anymore of these dreams I would like to hear about them. In fact if anyone who reads this has had any strange dreams or anything like this happen, I would like to hear about it. Maybe there is a larger picture that we are not seeing, kind of like the movie “Stand”.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by justyc

Thank you for the information, as I said before this is the first book I have written and I am glad that you are willing to help. I would be glad to u2u you for mistakes that you have found; it gets rather difficult to write a long story. I did not know it when I began but over time your eyes play tricks on you and the more you try to proof read the more your mind already knows what is supposed to be there and you do not see the mistakes. If you have written a lot I am sure you are aware of the illusion that gets created, I was not. I guess that is why they say even the best writers have an editor.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I think banning the book is a little extreme here. One person decided to end their life and yes it is a tragedy but that doesn't mean you should take an extreme measure because of it. There were probably very many underlying problems in that persons life that contributed to his death and the book just happened to be the last straw. I am sorry for his family, but still the book shouldn't be banned because of it.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:21 PM
Brandon, do you believe in past lives or reincarnation?

Also here is a thread I started a while ago about the heavy editing in Romans 13.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 06:49 AM
Did anyone stop to think that maybe all this hype is coming from the author and publishers to create chaos and increase revenues. Clever thinking on their part!

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12
Very interesting thread, I think it is funny how all of these bibles are supposed to contain gods words. But because of copyright issues gods word is always changed just a little bit, add that to your post and if that does not start to wake people up with a slap in the face to who god really is, then there probably is no coming back, you are probably gone, brainwashed into an irreversible state of ill-usion and you will remain a slave here forever. As for reincarnation, I think this life is like a game that our leaders have set us up to fail. I believe that our guardian watchers or angels try to help us find the truth but our leaders and the evil watchers try to lead us astray.

I think it works like this; you go on throughout the day, the we(a)k, your life, being challenged. As you overcome these challenges you are judged upon whether you are needed by the true world of afterlife. If you fail to realize right or wrong, your true potential, such as worshipping the false god of the bible, which has been purposely put there to make you fail, then you will come back. In this manner you are not only failing to realize that you can help the world but you simply just are not of much use to the powers that be. Therefore you are sent back based on what you learn, or kept based upon your ability to overcome the lies and deceptions, basically based on your ability to be as one with the gods.

You must remember the origin of hell in the bible. (Hades) all mortal men go there, that is heaven for them, Elysian Fields the more everyone begins to learn for themselves where we come from, who wrote the bible, and what gods it is based on the more you are going to realize that only a god can go to the heaven in the sky. By the way for those of you who have not read this book, Hades is actually Nergal the son of Enlil, the one true god of the bible. The one that wants you to keep coming back to be used as a slave the earth itself is hell, we all live in hell and will remain here until we learn to teach ourselves the truth.

There is far more going on here than just control of your money, they control your soul, your future, your destiny and if you are just now starting to learn that only you can wake yourself up to what they have done don’t cry, don’t think you can go back to sleep and dream it all away because you can’t. Now that I have told you no matter how many times you come back you will still be in the same situation and unless you try to help people find the truth, you are just as evil as they are. Your dropping the bomb on every innocent child’s head, your killing your own children and if you are one of the people who will be standing there in the future crying because you didn’t believe or did not care to learn because your faith in god (the devil) was strong then you might as well laugh as they kill your children/grandchildren because not only did you pay for the gun, you pulled the trigger.

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Brandon Levon
I just wanted to say thanks for opening my eyes Levon, I new some of what was in your book because I have read a lot in my life about this subject. I would also like to add that I never have seen anybody in all that I have read put it all together in a way that has totally changed my life as you have. Because of your book I have ran ads on Craigslist stating the relationship between the candidates and the elite and I have now been blacklisted from the site. They want to keep all of this undercover; there is no other way to explain it. I have used Craigslist for years, but once I mentioned what I learned in your book I was permanently banned.

Although I have been following your posts I have just signed up here to state this fact as you may not know what these people are really up to and I am even talking about the people on this site………….. did you know they were banning people here as well for what you have written. If I am mistaken and I hope I am that means if I uncover a plot that involve the candidates and the deaths of our families, this site will blacklist me for mentioning it. Seek 4truth I am posting your song again, screw all of these people, and don’t let them think they won!

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by The Stand
P.S. I had a relative drafted into war who had a very successful business. Although he died in war and we were able to recover, they continued their lives with more now that my family member is dead. I have the money and the time so dont think they stopped me that easy. I changed my IP address and posted twice as much the next day. They pray on our ignorance, Levon you tell me what you think we should do and I will help do it....

Note: I have also been having strange dreams since I read your book.

[edit on 27-9-2008 by The Stand]

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