posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:26 PM
i have a story to tell that happened at work today and yesterday pertaining to the watchers:
yesterday: i am 17 years old and i work with my dad at a forklift type manufacturing place for the summer. Anyways i was told to go out into this huge
jungle of forklifts and look for loose wood to be brought back to the building. As i was there i asked my watcher to give me a sign of some sort that
related to me in the future. And i got nothing.
so after about 2 minutes i resumed getting wood, and i noticed that all the trucks have a certain number to them, and they are the most random numbers
-1872, 2390, 3784, they make no order or sense whatsoever, they are just random. And which one do i come upon, guess, 2012, i was pretty
shocked but i knew this was the sign i asked for.
Today: So im driving to work with my dad, and im thinking about my watcher, and i decide that we are friends and that he wants my benefit. Therefore i
tell him in my mind that if he has any work to do, that he can have some time off to do it, like instead of watching me all the time.
This is what resulted, at work i was disoriented, i kept bumping into stuff, i felt as if my instinct was totally gone. I had the worst luck i ever
had in my life, i kept breaking things that werent mine and screwing up on stuff. I felt extremely lonely and sad, actually, ive never felt so lonely
in my life. And lastly i felt as if the world no longer made sense, everything seemed out of place and orderly. I told the watcher to come back around
12:00 and after that i was back to normal.
also ive always had a thing with numbers especially the number 12, which has been my favorite number since i was a little kid, but i never had a
reason for liking that number, i just did.