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Here Come the Black Haters?

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posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:17 PM
What? Obama is not half Arab, he is half black. His fathers side of the family is Luo. Also he was abandoned by his father when he was 2 years old.

The main Kenyan ethnic groups include: Kikuyu, 22 percent; Luhya, 14 percent; Luo, 13 percent; Kalenjin, 12 percent; Kamba, 11 percent; Kisii, 6 percent; Meru, 6 percent; other African, 15 percent (which includes the Miji Kenda); and non-African (Asian, European, and Arab), 1 percent.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:47 PM
I live in Mississippi, and I can tell you that I am beginning to hear a lot of racist rhetoric from white people who say that they will vote for McCain before they will vote for that N*****. I just shrug and think that these idiots are probably going to get what they deserve with the election of McCain -- i.e., another 4 miserable years of a George Bush 3rd term. The Republicans have nearly destroyed this country in the past 8 years, so let's just finish it off with yet another warmonger (McSame). Being a Native American with a chip on my shoulder anyway, I want to see this country go all the way down. Let's do it! McCain in '08!

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Bumbeni
Freedom of speech is non-existent here, unless, I presume, you are of the same political leanings as the owners/administrators. Just about everyone who is anti-Obama is very low, or in the hole on points. I still don't get the point thing, like who gives a rats behind?

It is actually attributable(The whole "point thing") to how much you contribute, and how much you detract from conversations being held here, if you're violating the T & C with a bunch of Obama bashing threads, I assure you it isn't the politics, it may be your rhetoric. Try to check what you say and do read the T & C:

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by eric52081

as a black person i find alot of your comments unusual and very offense, first of you cannot generalize and speak on behalf what the total or even the majority of what black population feel or think, it's arrogant and ignorant, you almost sound fearful of black people, as black person i dont walk around or feel as if i'm entitled to anything, nor do i know any black people who feel that way despite what you may think, you almost paint us savages who feel as if we are owed everything and that is so very far from true, i've had to work for everything i've achieved and everything i want, nothing has ever been giving to me nor i have i benefited from being black, as a matter of fact i've had to work harder to overcome alot the stereotypes that shadow black people, your comments are very reckless and make absolutely any sense

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 07:55 PM
I don't hate all blacks, just the ones that act like lazy good-for-nothings that are owed an existence just because of their skin color. And that goes for ANY race...

[edit on 05/30/2008 by Jason Bourne]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 08:18 PM
Ummm, it's not as simple as "dividing the country along racial lines"... And whoever thinks the USA is extremely racist and violent has been drinking way too much of the socialist koolaid.

The first thing that you "outsiders" (those outside the USA) should understand is that there is an ongoing campaign of fear-and-hate-mongering here in the States — an effort on the part of our media, our politicians, and our educational institutions to polarize the population using divisive propaganda.

In other words, the instances of racism and violence and economic woe are distorted, skewed, and blown all out of proportion in order to frighten the masses. Once you have the population shaking in its collective boots, then you offer "a way out"... and the population, conditioned as it is to sacrifice its Liberty for promises of Security, will embrace whatever contrived solutions you lay before it.

The myth of the Evil Bush Administration is an excellent example of the lies and hate-mongering used to divide the nation. This guy is just your typical president, a completely interchangeable cardboard cut-out figure, whose words and actions are no worse and no better than any other president. The fact is that he has no control over anything and he answers to the same corporate authorities to whom every Democrat and Republican congressman answers.

Yes, Bush is just a pawn, a fall guy. Doesn't matter what he did or didn't do, doesn't matter if he's impeached, doesn't matter at all — the script called for him to become the most hated man in America, so that the citizenry would accept anybody as a replacement. Even if it means sacrificing a few more "freedoms" in the process.

Likewise, Barack Obama is a pawn, a figurehead of "change" — although this guy has not an original thought in his head and is completely scripted. He's just another cardboard cut-out, a corporate puppet, and his only gimmick is his pigmentation.

Something else the outsiders should understand is that the United States is not controlled by Republican and Democrat leaders and ideologies. The politicking and campaigning and mudslinging and political scandals are nothing more than diversions to provide the American People with the illusion of "choice"... Those corporate entities that actually run America are no more concerned with our Freedom of Choice than they are with The Will of the People.

So, yes, I'm saying that our elections are meaningless. Our politicians are puppets to corporate interests. Democrats vs Republicans is a stale vaudeville routine, an especially third-rate circus for those citizens who are ignorant and gullible enough to think they are still shaping the fate of the nation. The fate of this nation is determined in corporate business meetings, not by the public, not by the elected officials, and certainly not by whatever dolt is in the White House.

So... You can debate whether or not America is ready for a black president (which is utterly meaningless) or ready for a woman president (even less meaningless), but in the end the nation will remain firmly under the control of our corporate shadow government. Which isn't even in the shadows anymore.

[edit on 6/11/2008 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 08:39 PM

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:46 PM
I have heard that John Mccain hate's "gooks" as he put it and that Mccain voted against
MLK day in 1983-

Maybe he is a racist? Not ATS members!

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Desert Dawg

YES! My husband and I could not agree with you more. I LOVE Rice and would vote for her in a micro second, her skin color means nothing to me personally but it would definitely be a plus for our black citizens to have another role model with a positive influence out in the public eye. The thing about this election for me and hubby and quite a few of our friends is (and yes we discussed race as a possibility any of us were feeling this way and it definitely was not for all but one of us) and none of us will vote for Obama OR McCain; they are both socialists waiting to explode.

However, on the same note I really wish everyone who loves this site and our country and even the people living outside of our country who deem to see fit to comment on a system they obvioulsy konw nothing local, vote every time and for goodness sake realize the President is mostly only figure head!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by kupoliveson

I could not of said this better myself.

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.
Martin Luther King Jr.

I think some people really need to stop for a minute and read the garbage they are posting. Some of you are just here to spewn HATE
not discuss the issues that are real to a campaign between McCain/Obama. And why is African American/Black culture and/ or more so stereotypes even in this discussion.

Aren't we suppose to be discussing Obama. Bush is an idiot, but I don't think all white people are idiots. So why when topics of Obama come up do suddenly the coversations change and the stereotypes start flying. Oh thats right, now the die hard Obama haters will say its because Obama supporters keep playing the race card. Which in my view is a borderline racist thing to say in and of itself, someone who is a minority be it asian, black, hispanic, arab or even a women...when they point out a wrong that has been done to them, throwing it back in there face and saying they are playing the race card no matter the situation is wrong. Yes there are those who wear their idendities on there shirts, but that does not erase the fact that true events happen that are real to people and should not be maginalized just because you think you've heard enough of it. I've watched many arab women here in the US get nasty looks because of there head dress, so if they then say people look at them badly and they feel uncomfortable, should we slam them with the race card line. These are their feelings to what has happened to them personally.

I'm so over these political threads here. They are becoming useless. Back to cooler things like conspiracy, weird monsters, strange lights, and wierd earth activities.

God have mercy on those with evil racist hearts. Also if you are a racist, please don't then claim you are Christian...your making the rest of us look bad.

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.
Martin Luther King Jr.

[edit on 12-6-2008 by whoreallyknows]

[edit on 12-6-2008 by whoreallyknows]

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by passenger

"I don't dislike Obama because he's black, I dislike him because he's an Anti-American, One-Worlder, Socialist.
Most of the people that I talk to feel the same way.
Give me a brilliant black man that believes in America and the Constitution and I'll gladly vote for him over a white liberal.

Granted, that does not mean that there are not people that won't vote for him only because he is black. But I don't think they're in the majority.

The funny thing is, if you knew enough liberal Americans, you'd find that many of them secretly are not voting for Obama because he's black. They're the whitey-tighty crowd that live in gated communities with armed security that follows around the black delivery man and Hispanic landscaper.
It's not just rednecks that are racist in this country. Some of the most virulent racists are the ones that loudly proclaim "diversity and equality" whilst avoiding it at all costs in their own lives"


posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

But the black communtiy 'leaders' like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and lately Rev. a different side.

We are all the 'public' black figures who speak out? They are ridiculed by the same black in point Bill Cosby.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by just great

After being brutely tortured everyday for 5 years might of had an effect on him.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by passenger
reply to post by Gools

I don't dislike Obama because he's black, I dislike him because he's an Anti-American, One-Worlder, Socialist.
Most of the people that I talk to feel the same way.
Give me a brilliant black man that believes in America and the Constitution and I'll gladly vote for him over a white liberal.

Granted, that does not mean that there are not people that won't vote for him only because he is black. But I don't think they're in the majority.

The funny thing is, if you knew enough liberal Americans, you'd find that many of them secretly are not voting for Obama because he's black. They're the whitey-tighty crowd that live in gated communities with armed security that follows around the black delivery man and Hispanic landscaper.
It's not just rednecks that are racist in this country. Some of the most virulent racists are the ones that loudly proclaim "diversity and equality" whilst avoiding it at all costs in their own lives.


You know This Race will go Down in History. Yes because of a woman being so close too becoming Pres, and Yes because of a African American becoming so Close also. I am a Full blown born and raised Black African American, but you don't see me Going all about black power, yeah yeah, this and that because he is Black in anyway. I have too distinguish myself from that Priority and look at the Result all of the candidates are trying too bring fourth. First of all and I am Praying that Obama wont end up like JFK. and I pray that this Man will bring towards this country something unlike any other Pres, Leader has brought fourth too this Land.

This is what The Lybia's leader Col, Gaddafi Said About Obama.

"We fear that Obama will feel that, because he is black with an inferiority complex, this will make him behave worse than the whites."

P.S. here is the rest of the Article!!


posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by kosmicjack

Originally posted by passenger
reply to post by Gools

They're the whitey-tighty crowd that live in gated communities with armed security that follows around the black delivery man and Hispanic landscaper.

It's not just rednecks that are racist in this country. Some of the most virulent racists are the ones that loudly proclaim "diversity and equality" whilst avoiding it at all costs in their own lives.

Startlingly accurate.


Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 12-6-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Actually, there's far more "racism" between Flyers and Pens fans, or Steelers and Browns fans, than there is between black and white.

Go Browns, and anyone who disagrees is stupid.
I just thought I would prove your point.

There are people in the US who will vote for Obama because he is black, and people who will not vote for him because he is black. I would hope the two sides would cancel each other out.

I know several black people that opted for Obama over Hillary because he was black and several women who opted for Hillary because she was a lady. If people do not care about their politics, they vote for aesthetics, I guess.

I think my browsers spell check is racist because every time I type Obama it says I misspelled Alabama.

Originally posted by intrepid
Guys, discuss the topic and not each other.

I'll discuss you... *shakes fist in defiance*

[edit on 12-6-2008 by DINSTAAR]

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 06:30 PM
This thread needs closure, it just like when blacks started to play basketball, the white man could not believe blacks could be just as good or even superior, I will use the wise words that all english speaking people will understand "don’t ever judge a book by its cover", the sooner this racist crap is over the better, the economy will be on the rise plus we all be much happier within


posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by passenger

I dislike him because he's an Anti-American,

And so what makes you think that your version of America is the correct and only one? It's just like someone told me the other day while making fun of Obama's statements for "change." They said if I didn't like the US the way it was, that there were many boats and planes out of here. Well guess what: There is no "written in stone" version of America, and Obama has the same right to create his vision of America as you do. Oh and finally; Get over this arrogant egotistical crap that we are better than the rest of the world!

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 10:12 PM
Ok so this link is sort of a prerequisite for those living behind gated walls and tinted bulletproof windows of the limo, yeah you BONO (lol, just kiddin Bonobo). Here ya go:
Well, and now how do you feel?
You see, black folks and white folks may find friendships on a personal level, but in general; We don't love each other.
I'm more than passing familiar with black family life in downscale, hardscrabble, and 'jects" dwellers.
In fact I could probably claim to have made a closer study of the native born american negro than any sociologist.
My friends didn't bother about pigmentation, but that was how it was being, small town, when Motown had the sound, our hip huggers and bell bottoms are back, but I aint seen a good "Fro" for a long time.
But I still have black friends, some quite successfull, and not due to affirmative action, some will be down forever, same as some whites I know.
Anyway, I aint going to hate on Obama, hey, he's got a good thing going, rain isn't conducive to a good parade.
A man who is half black and half white or any mix you want to stir up is a man, his preacher knows how to put on a show the people want to hear, it pays well. Every body want's to get paid.
A wife who has a few little problems with white folks and comes out with it may be an inconvenient truth, but I didn't hear him say "shadup biatch!", nope, "Barry" just keeps on smiling.
Like maybe he really is everyday people. Why not? I'd hate to be judged by those politically incorrect sentiments blurted out by persons around me. Sometimes it's hard to be clear.
Like when I told a friend I'd have been a "bad 'n-word'" if I'd been born black. He stiffened for about half a second, but we'd known each other since childhood and he knew what I meant.
It's not as prevelent today, but there was a time when whites in a position to hire a man for a job didn't start thinking black till they got to porters and kitchen help. I know what is said in white society about blacks. I know they are broad brushstrokes which are in some very rare cases true, but there are a lot of black folks who are just like me, work, raise a family, try to leave the world a better place than ya found it, and take a minute to understand that the white man who oppresses is a canard which dangles less in the black mind just as the "bad 'n-word'", is a worst example whose time has nearly expired.
Did you see the thing on the news the other day where a little white kid kept his best friend from drowning? Yeah, the best friend was black.
Kids don't hate without some help. And they love without hesitation.
And this kid Obama is as human as some here, remembering that not all who pass this way are homo sapiens, but let's not get off on that, some people would hate another for being gray, and Kermit said it aint easy bein green. So I aint gonna worry too much about what others have said, Obama didn't say he hated half of himself, and he has never to my knowledge let the ones who failed to understand the dream keep him from respecting others, due as much to the content of his character as much as theirs.
On the day the dreamer died, the dream was released as a dove, and a very large percentage of of we here in the U.S.A. of all races remember. We are "everyday people" as Sly put it, and we put a little love in our hearts even before Marcia Griffiths, sang it so sweetly. I'm not going to play quips and arrows with racial people, but I can't help feeling sorry for those who get mugged or worse because they don't understand sometimes the stereotype is real. A little prejudice is sometimes a good thing, but not always, just enough to keep it real. So it comes down to what? Haters? Hate is heavier on those who bear it than it is on those they direct it towards. In the immortal words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?". Yeah, we can man, we can.
But on the fringes of reason are reminders.
We don't love each other.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:08 PM
These guys "get it".

I thank the robocorrecto for changing my original word to n word instead of the rather stronger term I used.
I didn't use "the N word" in any disrespectful way, but rather in a way that black folks might relate to more than your average white person, just because the way I used that disreputable designation carries a well known meaning within the black community at large, and the one I grew up in in particular. I was speaking straight up, if we do not speak our mind, but hide behind some correct social convention, no ground will be gained, no real progress will be made, if it's all just what we are supposed to say we believe, then it's all just "Jive Talkin", and even the BEE GEES had something to say.
Richard Pennyman (Little Richard (the hardest working man in show biz)) used to tell about a friend of his who looked white, who got shot for looking white in a strange black bar where Mr. Pennyman was playing.
Two bucks says he was shot by a "bad N Word".
Anyway, have some Texas Radio:

I wanna tell you 'bout Texas Radio and the Big Beat
Comes out of the Virginia swamps
Cool and slow with plenty of precision
With a back beat narrow and hard to master

Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance
Others, mean and rueful of the Western dream
I love the friends I have gathered together on this thin raft
We have constructed pyramids in honor of our escaping
This is the land where the Pharaoh died

The Negroes in the forest brightly feathered
They are saying, "Forget the night.
Live with us in forests of azure.
Out here on the perimeter there are no stars
Out here we is stoned - immaculate."

Listen to this, and I'll tell you 'bout the heartache
I'll tell you 'bout the heartache and the lose of God
I'll tell you 'bout the hopeless night
The meager food for souls forgot
I'll tell you 'bout the maiden with wrought iron soul

I'll tell you this
No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn

I'll tell you 'bout Texas Radio and the Big Beat
Soft drivin', slow and mad, like some new language

Now, listen to this, and I'll tell you 'bout the Texas
I'll tell you 'bout the Texas Radio
I'll tell you 'bout the hopeless night
Wandering the Western dream
Tell you 'bout the maiden with wrought iron soul.

"Meager food for souls forgot".

Yeah, and if I see Robert Johnson and Tom Joad hop a train, I might feel a little rage against the machine myself.
Poverty, the great equalizer.
Because when your down, you see the enemy.
It's Mr. Green.

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