posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:23 PM
Thanks for throwing all white people into that big'ol pool of racists. How dare we oppose Obama on anything regarding his poor decision making and
lack of experience, no we have to be racists. Oh your not implying everyone, well in general terms you are implying everyone. So America is this big
bad racist country because their are a few people in the KKK, same rules can be applied to all races in this country, there are the Black Panthers and
people that follow Black Liberation Theology, there are asian, black and mexican gangs, La Raza is the hispanic version of the KKK or neo nazis. But
here come the black haters, I bet there are more people in this country with strong feelings of hate against white people than the other way around.
I've never seen a white person blatantly say something racist to an innocent bystander. Yet I was with an old gf in a very Mexican part of Chula
Vista, CA and was yelled at by a passing car, "white people go home", one time I was in a Washington Square mall in Portland and two young black
kids did the finger in the pocket thing and tried to hold me up saying, "give it up white boy, or we gonna blow your cracka ass away" ofcourse I
laughed at them and they ran. Last time wasn't that long ago, I was at a grocery store and a clerk opened up and called me over, on my way this black
lady dumps her cart with her 2 kids and sprints over and jumps in front of me despite that I was allready putting groceries on the belt, no one says
anything to and I was like wtf is this and went off on her, she says I don't listen to white people and tells me her bf is waiting outside. Her
groceries were still in the cart with her kids, I had to wait for her kid to come and hold her line than she had to go get the cart....WTF!
But the most disturbing kind of racism I've seen at my expense is from white people like the TC, not saying the TC is white but this is typical of a
person with "white guilt" or something. So go on and taint the political process with this race card pulling nonsense, call out the white people so
they will ever be tainted with this stigma that they quite possibly are just racists for opposing Obama. TC and people that agree, you are the reason
this country is so racist except the racism is flung in the other direction.
[edit on 10-6-2008 by Sheeper]