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Here Come the Black Haters?

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posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by yankeerose

I seriously doubt there are "trolls" visiting just to argue the Obama debate. I think most came here to post on other topics but they ALSO post on political topics.

ATS caters to a specific type of interest, and there are a lot of other sites that would attract people only interested in discussing Obama.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Gools

You left out that is his wife and associates are racists. They are white haters. I think before one starts drumming the beat of here comes the racists you should realize they are already here and on Obama's team.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by yankeerose

As obviously posted in this thread... they are not only coming to ATS, they are already here! And YES, we should be concerned.

But ever since all this racist crap has started, I would be too embarrassed to point anyone in this direction. Once the elections are over, I am sure most of the trolls will leave, and ATS will get back to the "Deny Ignorance" philosophy that it is known for.

I would suggest that you look around here more. The vast majority of the posts have been accusing people who criticize Obama as being racist. Those accusing others as being "black haters" or racists because they question Obama are the people who are perpetuating ignorance. Sadly, this includes at least two mods that I've seen directly state that people who don't vote for Obama must be racists.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by v4vendetta

I'm not the racist... You're the racist... See how that goes? Sounds fairly childish... Why not debate my points? New Orleans was run my the "Choclate" Mayor who ran for his life and left those busses sitting there... Who do you think runs that cess pool? Blaming Bush for that as well?

Well here is your thug Obama today in action. You can take the boy out of the inner city but you can't take the inner city our of the boy....

Obama thug statment today at a town hall....

[edit on 01/01/2008 by Perplexed]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Perplexed

im not the one using chocolate references, who's childish? theres no need to get all rude! who runs the mayor?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by v4vendetta

Check your histroy... Mayor Ray Nagin said he was the mayor of a choclate city... Do you do any research or do you just shoot from the hip?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 06:35 PM
Actually the U.S. isn't all that racist, being hispanic/white I've actually seen more racism stemming from hispanics and blacks than whites. I mean, just look at a lot of the schools these days, who are the most picked on kids? The scrawny white kids, of course. So, what I'm saying is that racism works both ways.
And just because someone doesn't like Obama, doesn't mean they're racist, which apparently some of you outsiders seem to think. I don't like Obama because he's a liberal bureaucrat, not because of his skin pigmentation.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by laiguana

That's assuming the people doing the bullying are black/hispanic and not white. I can't speak for you of course, but I've personally seen more racism from white people.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Perplexed

yeah but "perplexed" said 'the chocolate mayor', not 'mayor of the chocolate city', thats completely different. Your country has done nothing to improve race relations, thats why your all biting each others heads off.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:48 PM
Check out this post, it says what will happen in the 08 election...

its pretty interesting...

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by laiguana

Robbery Stats on Interracial Crime from 2005:

In 2005 there were 266,900 White Victims of Robbery of those:
98,753 (37%) were White Offender and White Victim.
96,084 (36%) were Black Offender and White Victim

In 2005 there were 54,990 Black Victims of Robbery of those:
2,694 (5%) were White offender and Black Victim
48,391 (88%) were Black Offender and Black Victim

Lets all remember there are five times as many white people in the U.S. as black people, that makes the numbers even more dramatic.

The numbers on interracial rape are far more extreme. The national news LOVES to make a huge big deal out of any alleged white on black crime (remember the Duke rape case?) perhaps because it is so rare. Yeah that must the the reason.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by Sonya610]

[edit on 15-6-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by v4vendetta

Come on... The implication is there. If the mayor is black and he says the city will be a choclate city once again he is including himself as a choclate person of color... Nice try though...

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
reply to post by Perplexed

yeah but "perplexed" said 'the chocolate mayor', not 'mayor of the chocolate city', thats completely different. Your country has done nothing to improve race relations, thats why your all biting each others heads off.

Sorry are bottom feeding in most of your posts. I agree with many of the posters here. They have a right to express thier opinions. They also have a right to disagree for what ever reason.

You come across as if any attempt to disagree with the candidate of your choice is racism. I dont buy into it. You are attempting to use Racism as a default setting to stiffle dissent or difference of opinion.

This tack or tactic has been so overused by people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to silence others and stiffle dissent yet allow them to play through unquestioned.

People who would question or debate the point or issue tend to automatically be labeled in such templates as racist..or sexist or whatever the issue of the moment is.

What you are attempting to do v4vendetta is called by people in the know...censorship. We simply dont buy into it. It is also a tactic used by the body politic.

What it is with many of the posters here who disagree with you in your positions is your not so subtle attempt at censoring them by the label of "RACIST." This simply will not do. You need to be aware that so many others before you have used RACISM as a cottage industry..a default to stiffle difference of opinion. It is getting very wolfie among those of us who can see it for what it is.
You also need to understand that in such maneuvering and outrage/censorship also comes across as a sense of entitlement and neither are many people out here are not buying into that.

It is getting very olde and wolfie...v4vendetta. This ground has been so overtrodden and pre programmed by our leaders, public spokespeople, media social engineers....public education which is also financed by the body politic..hence its predictable programming here too.

People are people v4vendetta....and they want to be left alone to make decisions for themselves. They want to be able to speak their opinions too.
There are people out here who actually live thier lives by a religion and dogma outside of the RACE issue. Imagine that. We are also well aware that there are people out here who have no other view than race...and the prizm of race. We are not intrested in it. We expect more and better from our leaders than only race. Understand now??
When we see or detect that someone only has race and race issues on their plate...we get immediately turned off simply because this is obviously an overtrodden cottage industry. We are simply not intrested. And furthermore ..we have a right to be not intrested.
Americans expect more and better from our politicians than race issues.
Are you getting the point yet v4vendetta?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
reply to post by Perplexed

yeah but "perplexed" said 'the chocolate mayor', not 'mayor of the chocolate city', thats completely different. Your country has done nothing to improve race relations, thats why your all biting each others heads off.

Sorry are bottom feeding in most of your posts. I agree with many of the posters here. They have a right to express thier opinions. They also have a right to disagree for what ever reason.

You come across as if any attempt to disagree with the candidate of your choice is racism. I dont buy into it. You are attempting to use Racism as a default setting to stiffle dissent or difference of opinion.

This tack or tactic has been so overused by people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to silence others and stiffle dissent yet allow them to play through unquestioned.

People who would question or debate the point or issue tend to automatically be labeled in such templates as racist..or sexist or whatever the issue of the moment is.

What you are attempting to do v4vendetta is called by people in the know...censorship. We simply dont buy into it. It is also a tactic used by the body politic.

What it is with many of the posters here who disagree with you in your positions is your not so subtle attempt at censoring them by the label or implication of "RACIST or RACISM." This simply will not do. You need to be aware that so many others before you have used RACISM as a cottage industry..a default to stiffle difference of opinion. It is getting very wolfie among those of us who can see it for what it is.
You also need to understand that in such maneuvering and outrage/censorship also comes across as a sense of entitlement and neither are many people out here are not buying into that.

It is getting very olde and wolfie...v4vendetta. This ground has been so overtrodden and pre programmed by our leaders, public spokespeople, media social engineers....public education which is also financed by the body politic..hence its predictable programming here too.

People are people v4vendetta....and they want to be left alone to make decisions for themselves. They want to be able to speak their opinions too.
There are people out here who actually live thier lives by a religion and dogma outside of the RACE issue. Imagine that. We are also well aware that there are people out here who have no other view than race...and the prizm of race. We are not intrested in it. We expect more and better from our leaders than only race. Understand now??
When we see or detect that someone only has race and race issues on their plate...we get immediately turned off simply because this is obviously an overtrodden cottage industry. We are simply not intrested. And furthermore ..we have a right to be not intrested.
Americans expect more and better from our politicians than race issues.
Are you getting the point yet v4vendetta?

RACE or RACISM will not suffice as a default setting to stiffle or censor those who's opinion differs from yours or others.
People have a basic right to differ in their opinions. There are those of us out here who will put Light on this type of censorship. We dont agree with it. Today much of...RACISM = Censorship. This is what the issue has become to many who are observant and independant of thought out here.

I can also make the point that such censorship by RACE and RACE ISSUES is against the dictum of ATS...DENY IGNORANCE.

Thanks to all for your posts,

[edit on 15-6-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:39 AM
Blacks fathers have abandoned their responsibilities. They're acting like boys instead of men. More than half of all black children live in single-parent households, making them five times more likely to live in poverty and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father. Is this a racist statement coming from a white man?

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Perplexed
Blacks fathers have abandoned their responsibilities. They're acting like boys instead of men. More than half of all black children live in single-parent households, making them five times more likely to live in poverty and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father. Is this a racist statement coming from a white man?

Around here I see a slow trend in change of this scenerio you post. I see more black men escorting thier children thorugh the stores, Buying groceries with thier women, changing diapers in the bathrooms etc etc. I think this is a great and long overdue change. I encourage it.

I have also noticed that in the so called black culture ...the black male is the most disposable expendable commodity ...more so than in other culturers. Social services are staffed around here mostly by black women.
Meaning black women can more easily go from a male as a wallet and support to government programs as a wallet and substitute male...with very few of the liabilitys or responsibilitys to the female. These types of moneys and support can in fact become a type of drug habit to the females. Also this does not strictly apply to black women..but all women on this system.

This substitute wallet system or if you like..this seperate fiefdom..has contributed to the stigma among black women...where there is a level of scorn for the black male. No respect. In otherwords ...the black male is a nice option...but they dont really need him. I do not believe that many peoples outside of the culture even notice this. This too, I suspect ,has contributed to the symptoms you describe Preplexed where the black male carrys on with conduct you measure as boys in stead of men.
What I see that has happened over time is that Black men as a slow result of this scorn have changed thier thinking to going after non black women.
While I have not kept up with fashion trends, this has caused me to ask if this change in black male hunting tactics has caused the trend in many black women changing thier hair colour to blonde. In otherwords a reaction to a trend which concerns them.....primordal female competition. It is just something I have noticed.

I was shocked one night at work to have a black male working next to me tell me that affirmative action benifits the black female more than the black male and destroys the black family structure. What he was saying in essense was that many government programs are contributing to the destruction of the black family.
What I am saying is that not all here is as seems on the surface.

I have also dated women who are apartment managers. They have fired several black women who quietly play the race card and rent apartments to black women who dont quaify under the rules and guidelines in renting for that company. They try to set up little fiefdoms within the company where they can flex the rules by race.
What many of these women do when they are go work for the city in Social Services where they continue setting up the same fiefdoms. Much easier to do in Government service, where like high school, continued government funds are dependent on improving the rolls more people up.
In otherwords these people cannot make it in private employment...doing queen bee type behavior on private funds..but can do so easily on government funds.
This behavior too also makes the black male more expendable and disposable. Not all is as seems on the surface.

My take on this is that it is slowly changing..the scenerio you paint Perplexed. I think it is a good thing among the younger culture.
My concern is what will happen at $6 to $8 per gallon but this will also affect all peoples and not just the black culture.


[edit on 16-6-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 02:33 PM

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 10:57 AM
You know... I honestly try to give people the benefit of the doubt. And I don't want to think that Obama's race is affecting whether or not people vote for him, ESPECIALLY here on ATS. I expect something of a higher standard from the posters here.

But I'm really beginning to second-guess my first assumptions. I'm beginning to think Obama's race has a lot more to do with the hatred of him than people are willing to admit... even to themselves. And it's not because of anything overtly said, but because of the process of ridiculous attacks and rumors and other covert (but obvious) comments against the man, his wife, his religion, his birthplace, his family, etc.

The fact that he was even ASKED to show his birth certificate to "us", the American public, to prove his eligibility, even though there has never been a question of his birthplace before (I smell the putrid odor of Karl Rove in that) is one indication that something about this man is "different" to his critics.

There's just as much (MORE!) evidence against McCain's eligibility for the office, but he has not ONCE been asked to show his birth certificate here. He wasn't even born in the US! But not once has his eligibility been questioned. Or Kerry's or Clinton's (either one) or Romney, or ANY other candidate.

Let's see... why is that, do you suppose? What's 'different' about Obama? Something that people might see as untrustworthy, a little scary or threatening, perhaps...

He's a Senator, married, 2 kids, a Christian, great education, great orator... None of that is 'different'... Yeah, by process of elimination, the only reason I can conclude that this man is being vetted under the most powerful microscope by the American public is that he's black...

I really would like to hear of another reason that maybe I haven't thought of.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 08:44 PM
You deliberately began a very heated racist thread for someone from one of the enlightened nations. We are actually less biased in the States than people are in lets say Great Brittan. We are also more open, and more diverse of opinion. More free in our expression, and more maligned by international media.

Yes you do not understand Americans, and you apparently do not understand yourself.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Straight Razor
reply to post by Gools

You left out that is his wife and associates are racists. They are white haters. I think before one starts drumming the beat of here comes the racists you should realize they are already here and on Obama's team.

Exactly. I love how there are no racist attacks coming from GOP, yet the media is spinning like there is. When the fact is, Obama went to a racist church for 20 years where the pastor was his MENTOR! All the media wants to do is cover that up and quite frankly, I find it disturbing.

Its a classic case of racism, but its coming from "the other side". The GOP is an easy target because most have white skin, which seems to be free game these days.

I could care less what color Obama is. I'm getting sick of accused of being a racist because my skin is white and I dont like him.

[edit on 9-7-2008 by Dronetek]

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