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A real American campaign: Never vote Liberal

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posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Peace, are you serious? Since 1970 we have had war in Vietnam, in the 80’s we had some smaller conflicts Grenada, Panama, and the start of the war on drugs. Then in 1990 we had gulf war 1 then throughout the 90’s we never stopped bombing Iraq and we also had the thing in the Balkans, then in the 2000’s we have had a war on terrorism and gulf war 2 plus the continuing of the drug war.

Wow. "peace and self-preservation" in the context i used it is saying we've kept our mouths shut to appease those who anger us. At no point in time did i say anything about "peace from war"

They based there opinions on what they were shown and told, but what they were shown and told was all lies. It was so easy for them to lie, because American media is in there pockets, they tell them what to report and you believe it.

the video i posted about bill clinton was aired during his presidency (towards the end i do believe) it had nothing to do with 9/11 ... or... didnt you look at the date?

Uh the link you posted has nothing to do with speaking or free speech, let us all remember who invented free speech zones, yup ladies and gentleman it’s a Conservative Republican idea. Now it is common place both parties are using them.

True, yesterdays republicans invented PC talk in order to combat yesterdays democrats.
But todays liberals have expanded the thought of PC far-beyond its original intent, and it was influxed into the private sector. An american invented the VCR, but a Japanese man made it better. Who does the world think of as the inventor of the VCR? My point exactly.

Politically correctness Is a way to get you to talk they way they want you to. If you fail to see that, then i really dont know how much hope someone like you has.

Hmmm has his movies been debunked?

In what way do you mean "debunked"? If you mean "has it been proven that he does his stuff in canada to avoid paying more money" then yes, its been proven. If you mean "can you refute his conspiracies" then no. You cannot refute a conspiracy. Ever. A conspiracy exists on the premise of lack of information. When something is built on "zero credibility" then how can you ever strip it....of credibility?

As opposed to abortion is wrong but war is good and needed because it’s good for no bid contracts for our corporate buddies.

Im actually refering to capital punishment. But you already knew that, so you had to change the context to fit your agenda. thats okay, im used to it. Liberals say no to capital punishment because it kills. But they say yes to

Thank God I’m a moderate!!
Ill agree with that.

don’t have a problem with a moment of silence, but sex can kill you and conservatives don’t really talk about sex other than don’t do it.

and i dont have a problem with sex. What i do have a problem with is government telling kids they cant pray in school if their God is from Christianity. And yes, its not officialy Christianity, but you give me a teacher who will stand up to a muslim child praying in school, and ill give you one un-employed teacher.

I have a problem with anyone who says "religion is not okay" but i use the religious debate to point out that they say sex is.
its okay to give your 7th grader condoms and condone sexual acitvity
but its not okay to let him or her pray?

I scoff at the notion.

The militarization of our police is pretty much complete thanks to our wars against drugs and terrorism. We live under a tyrannical government and they use the police to keep the population in line, or in a free speech zone. I’m not saying all cops are bad, but the people that run em have a mighty short leash.

The police officers in question were only doing their jobs. Nothing more. Its unfortunate that the black man who got shot had to act in the ways that he did. Oh, also....two of three officers who shot *spoiler* so...are they racist to their own skin color? Or could it just be that the cops thought the man had a gun and was going to kill them?

Perhaps they were justifiable? The riots did make was for a federal trial in which the cops were convicted of violating Rodney Kings civil rights, not that the riot was wrong, but what is a crime to one person can be justice for another.

Okay until now, i considered you a decent debator. Riots are never "justifiable" in cases like this. Rodney Kings civil rights? Rodney King was a loud mouth scum bag who assaulted the police. Did the police retaliate? Yeah- i admit, the police are not innocent, but neither was Rodney King. Did it merit a riot? Certianly not. Remember the rioters dragging the truck driver out of his semi and beating him repeatedly with a brick? My point proven.

Hmmm welfare for the poor is bad but corporate welfare is good?
What is "corporate welfare" ? And yes, welfare of any kind is bad. When you take my hard earned money and give it to some lazy bum, its a bad thing. More on this in a future topic.

They might be victims of the system in Mexico, why do you think they come here? Would you work for 50 cents a hour or come here and make $6 or $7 a hour, do the math!

I really dont give a poo what the illegals want They didnt come here legally. You want to enjoy America? Come here legally and we're fine. This is not justifiable. You are only debating for the purposes of debate, i refuse anyone could be this ignorant.

I’m not even going to respond with the rest because wow what a life you must live.

You mean you wont respond because you're out of ideas. And yer right, i live a blessed life. I believe in God, i believe in treating people equally and in a right manner. I believe that if you tread on someone elses rights to further your own, you should stripped of your rights accordingly

I dont believe like you. I dont believe that only my rights should be protected. And i dont believe in hypocrisy.

Thanks for a debate though - still sort of lacked that...oh yeah...factual side of things. You use liberals and i use liberals for reference
but im against them
you're for them. lol

[edit on 3-6-2008 by ybab hsur]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:14 PM
Never vote liberal?Sure.But i sure as hell not voting conservative either.Both sides lie cheat and steal so whats the difference?Left ,right, blue,red its fracking childish to me!They are like a bunch of school kids in the school yard.Ive heard Congress and ive heard sessions of parliment and its totally ridiculous.Hey you can pay me to whine and stomp my feet like child too yknow!/rantoff

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by nikolat23

you are right nikola...i have dived into the the pit of verbal vomit, out of frustration, i admit. i will now administer the self-inflicted lashes of logic that i richly deserve. aaahhhh....reason returns...thanks for the nudge

[edit on 3-6-2008 by jimmyx]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by ybab hsur

Your good and fast considering I posted upto 30 minutes of videos, you didn't even watch I think they should change the mascot of the Republican party from a elephant to the ostrich.

There is no real discussion here

[edit on 3-6-2008 by LDragonFire]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by WinoBot

To use your stance, then i'd say this

Any 'conservative' who supports that man should be labeled the same.

If you're liberal, and you denounce the church, good for you.

You've come a little ways, but still have a way to go. If you consider yourself liberal, thats the problem, and the entire intention of my posting.

I will not come across as unbiased. I am biased. I despise libeals. I cant stand democrats, i cant stand republicans, and i despise far right whacko conservatives.

So you really cannot say that i have to be objective, because, by your own statements, i do not have to do anything i dont want to do, because its my right to do so.

Now! By the standards of this board (if you read the T&C) there are paremeteres placed in there to prevent users from flaming. To prevent users from name calling and topic swaying. I have done none of the above, but all of the above has happened rampantly here.

So i come across as "here is where i stand" if you disagree with me, then tell me where you stand. Dont proceed to call me names simply because i disagree with you. Because if you disagree with me, and you call me names to feel less threatened towards me...then all you're doing is making my original post EVEN MORE TRUE.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

No discussion here? Why do i have to watch your videos? I get your point and i answered your rebuttals. How is that not a discussion

dont take the proverbial "cut and run" technique of most liberals and run when things get too tough.

Im debating you - where you going........where are yo....
he's gone.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by ybab hsur

To use your stance, then i'd say this

Any 'conservative' who supports that man should be labeled the same.

but he's a conservative, so by association you should type Conservatives support pedophilia. Sort of like how you typed Liberals protest soldiers funerals. Or are you just vague with groups you do not like.

i still can't understand why you would bring the WBC in as an example of liberalism, when liberals stand for the polar opposite of what the WBC stands for...

You can type whatever you want buddy, it's up to you. From personal experience though i was just merely suggesting toning down your way of debating... because it always leads to bickering and name calling from anybody. I don't think one person looked at what you wrote and said "i learned something today" all they did was get angry because of the way you typed it.... and that gets you nowhere in the long run.

So you don't like democrats, republicans, liberals or far conservatives. do you like anybody?

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by WinoBot

I like you

And i beg to differ, its currently at 12 stars and climbing, and i've recieved a wave of u2u messages saying how much people enjoyed it.

If it makes someone so angry that they call me names, well fine, they're just proving my case for me. They let their ignorance swell to 'off the chart' levels, and make my job much much easier.

Being biased towards ignorance is not against the T&C

But flamming, name calling, and topic swaying is.
Im not calling out any mods, im really not.

Im just saying that i choose to stay within the confines of the rules in this thread. My opposers, mostly, do not.

But i do thank you, to those that did.
Even if you dont agree with me, we can have a civil debate. Through that civil debate, light is shed on new issues and new ideals, that may enlighten one side or the other to a world they never thougth existed before.

Only through debating the issues can you really see the problems. Only after you've seen the problems, can you debate a solution.

Thats the way i see things.

edit: I believe that your correct about another thing as well, though the forums dont let me "edit" my O.P.

I said "the liberal party bashes the leader of the free world, and protests"

i stand 100% corrected, and would like to insert this as a replacer

For too long, have we listened to members of the liberal party bash the leader of the free world, and Protest the burial of our heros

[edit on 3-6-2008 by ybab hsur]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by ybab hsur

good reply... i bet if you wrote a post on not voting conservative you would get crazy props. bash the other side of the spectrum. bash it good.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:48 PM
"For too long, have we listened to members of the liberal party bash the leader of the free world, and Protest the burial of our heros"

i still don't like that sentance, but i appreciate you making it less vague. respect.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by WinoBot

My intentions are to bash on all forms of ignorance and sour minded people.
My "conservative" post is coming soon

If i get "mad props" for it, fine.

I'd rather have mad props because people get my real message
Today's politicians are ignorant. Be it liberal or conservative.

If it takes "conservative bashing" to get props....then i dont really care about props, because that still means that there are a lot of liberals who dont want me bashing them.

Ill bash ignorance, and anyone who gets offended along the way can just keep their mouths shut, or reveal their own ignorance to the world.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by ybab hsur]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by ybab hsur
Wow. "peace and self-preservation" in the context i used it is saying we've kept our mouths shut to appease those who anger us. At no point in time did i say anything about "peace from war"

Can you give me examples of this?

the video i posted about bill clinton was aired during his presidency (towards the end i do believe) it had nothing to do with 9/11 ... or... didnt you look at the date?

No I didn’t look at it, but really the line between Democrats and Republicans is so blurred that a line doesn’t even exist anymore. I would like to see a 5 party system instead, harder to corrupt all of them.

True, yesterdays republicans invented PC talk in order to combat yesterdays democrats.
But todays liberals have expanded the thought of PC far-beyond its original intent, and it was influxed into the private sector. An american invented the VCR, but a Japanese man made it better. Who does the world think of as the inventor of the VCR? My point exactly.

Uh What???

Politically correctness Is a way to get you to talk they way they want you to. If you fail to see that, then i really dont know how much hope someone like you has.

Sorry but Conservatives are the ones into the political correctness talk. You’re for us or against us, remember? Free republics don’t speak of absolutes, dictatorships do.

In what way do you mean "debunked"? If you mean "has it been proven that he does his stuff in canada to avoid paying more money" then yes, its been proven. If you mean "can you refute his conspiracies" then no. You cannot refute a conspiracy. Ever. A conspiracy exists on the premise of lack of information. When something is built on "zero credibility" then how can you ever strip it....of credibility?

It’s your opinion his movies are based on zero credibility. His movies to date have not been debunked, but have you watched any of them? I don’t know why he makes his movies in Canada. Truthfully I really don’t care.

Im actually refering to capital punishment. But you already knew that, so you had to change the context to fit your agenda. thats okay, im used to it. Liberals say no to capital punishment because it kills. But they say yes to

Agenda? I’m not liberal, are you labeling me as such because I don’t agree with your political ideology?

No discussion here? Why do i have to watch your videos? I get your point and i answered your rebuttals. How is that not a discussion

So you admit to not watching the videos I posted, have you watched any of Michael Moore’s films? I’m curious to know to what extent the possible brainwashing is? I know you listen to the governments talking heads and they push one ideology, can you handle listening or watching the other side of the argument, oh wait my bad conservatives don’t want a argument or discussion, they just want their will to be done.

dont take the proverbial "cut and run" technique of most liberals and run when things get too tough.

Im debating you - where you going........where are yo....
he's gone.

Hmmm then why do you consider liberals such a threat? Personally I hate Conservatives as much as liberals, but I feel the conservatives are going to get us all killed

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by ybab hsur
reply to post by tyranny22

But you're using a situation that could never happen, as i've already said (though im sure you ignored that thread too)

I view liberals as a bad party.
You obviously do not. So to say i hate to vote liberal or dictator, thats ridiculous.

Here's a question for you

Would you rather

loose your dominant hand
loose one leg
loose your vision
or loose the ability to talk

those are the options you're giving me.

I'd rather do "none of the above"

I have no problem with my dominant hand, leg, vision or ability to talk, so I guess I'd opt to lose all of the above, since I need them equally. After all, my hand, leg vision or speech can never be elected, rule a country or be responsible for thousands of people's deaths.

An "Indian" denotes being from India. To say that one is from India and America at the same time is an oxymoron. The failure to recognize such a politically correct, or "PC" - as you put it, reference shows your prejudice to certain affiliations. All you know is that you call them American Indians, so that's what they are - regardless of whether or not it offends that race of human beings.

You have certain ideas set in your mind that have no room for compromise. It's the definition of a bigot.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding ideology.

Though, you'd have a chance to keep a dictator from rising to power, you'd rather have no say in it because your only other choice would be a liberal.

You say you like to deny ignorance but, you've yet to demonstrate it with your inability to compromise.

I like to say that I'd NEVER vote for John McCain, but if it were a choice between McCain or Hitler ... I'd choose McCain just to keep Hitler from rising to power. I disagree with nearly everything McCain stands for, but if my vote could keep millions of people form dieing, at least I could take solace in that fact.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ybab hsur

You keep saying that I'm "ignoring" that it could never happen.

Ok. It can NEVER happen.

But, speculate for one minute if you can do so. What if ... ?

Speculations is what allows for human beings to be the highest forms of intelligence on this planet.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 01:24 PM
One more thing:
Tolerance is what has made this country the greatest in the world. It's why this country was founded.

Your inability to tolerate a single liberal is a discredit to this country and denotes your ignorance in the title of this thread: "A real American campaign:". If anything, it's the furthest thing from A real American campaign.

Liberal, Conservative, Centrist, Libertarian .... they all have a place in this country and should be tolerated and accepted as political views. Not ignored simply because you don't agree with them.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by ybab hsur
reply to post by blahblah123

To start with, thank you for not actually replying to anything that I have said. Way to avoid the issues!

A.) Don't care about England. To use the "well....Washingtin committed treason" to validate treasonous acts against our current government is just plain ignorant.

To understand the laws of America you need to know the past. This country was founded on everything the founding fathers left England for. To ignore history is just plain ignorant. Ever heard the saying "history repeats itself?"

B.) Stop insinuating that im a far right winger. If you think my viewpoints are what give you this impression - maybe you should read more of my posts. If you think my name gives you that impression - maybe you should listen to the Rush limbaugh show a little more. Not all Rush Baby's (and very few of them for that matter) blindly follow everything he has to say. I listen and respect Rush because he tells it how it is. He also admits to not being right about everything, and there is even liberal and independent media outlets that do "accuracy" tests on him, all scoring in the top 1%. Meaning he's accurate something like 98.9% of the time.

I have never taken a side in my posts. Perhaps you should read. All of my quotes were written before there were Democrats or Republicans. But now I get it, you're a Rush Limbugh fan...NO WONDER! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!!!!

No "liberal" news show can boast that. Infact, the "liberal" news shows i've listened to have recently terminated one of their employees for calling Hillary a monster.

Hey heres some Liberal truth! Bill Clinton lied, but no one died. George Bush lied over 4,080 Americans died.

Gee, now if that isnt biased censorship, what is?
That's no different than Rush calling McCain a lousy republican who has no business being president.
Rush Limbaugh is entertaining and enlightening. And like him or not, he'll challange the very fundamentals that liberals, and liberal-like people base their entire lives upon.

So...what does Anne Coulter do for the conservative movement? Are you Rush Limbaugh trying to promote his show? Need some more prescription drugs?
Furthermore, Nobody said anything about Rush Limbaugh because nobody cares. Further avoiding the issues.

you (nice bold by the way I like it) have turned this into a name calling thread. I never called anyone a name, and if you consider "liberal" a name,'re just helping my case. Did quotes from the constitution call you a name somehow? I apologize the Constitution doesn't like ignorance.

Very few people have actually discussed the topics.
One of the most recent ones is the fact that i consider 9/11 conspiracies treason. If you look at any other country - would be. I even posted a link to prove my case, and could provide countless other examples. During WW2, anti-america propaganda was *shocker* treasonous.

First off, what Websters dictionary or other countries say is treason means nothing. The law of America is the Constitution...the one that called you a name...thats the only
definition of treason that matters in America.

Please repost and acutally reply to things I have said. Explain why Bush swore to protect the Constitution and 5 years later called it a goddamned piece of paper. Acutally read the constitution. If you read it you will realize why the Revolutionary War matters. They give us the right to have a LEGAL revolution. The only side I have taken in my post is the American side. You reply with filth because you know that you cannot fight the Constitution, which was neither written by a Democrat or Republican. If you want to debate the issues...then reply to what I acutally said. Lets debate.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by blahblah123]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:08 PM
I like how Ybab Hsur doesn't answer any of the issues. All he can say is "you're avoiding things" or you are a Liberal,I'm guessing, but how dare you guess me as a Conservative. Oh an my favorite everybody is a name caller. Grow up and reply to my post. Don't pull all the bull#, acutally reply or just shut up.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by blahblah123]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:24 PM
Flagged and star'ed!!
Keep fighting the good fight buddy!

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Lone Star Patriot

I just can't stand Conservatives who just don't get it.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by blahblah123
Aww how sweet, your read my profile.

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