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Is anyone else experiencing increased police activity?

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posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by verbal kint


Usually it was only the narcs that got regular access to the impound lot to commandeer vehicles. But just last week, I saw a uniformed officer in a beat up Sentra with a busted tail-light, responding to a burglary.

EDIT to add:

Also, regular unmarked units are almost always domestic models. (Well, cars made by traditionally American companies anyway.)

I say almost, because I saw a BMW the other day, that went code right in front of me. They can tuck those LED lights just about anywhere.

[edit on 6/3/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:32 PM
It’s obvious VERYLOWFREQUENCY that you have your opinion of the world (Which is a wee bit distorted IMO) and I have mine. Clearly we will never agree. I’m actually sorry you feel the way you do, it’s quite sad. I grew up learning to respect the police. I had my brushings with the law and when I did – I deserved it. They treated me like the cocky know it all I thought I was and the end result was that I paid some heavy fines for having a heavy foot speeding. Your assumptions about the law and law enforcement are misguided and incorrect. I don’t expect to sway your opinion or any of the other posters here as I am greatly outnumbered.

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
Whats the point of having random road blocks then?

Perhaps to ensure that motorists are not driving while intoxicated, driving with a suspended license, or that someone is not driving a piece of un-inspected crap on the road. You can't check these things while a car is moving. Would you like us to announce when we do road blocks so everyone can avoid them? I’ll make sure we list the next one we’re going to do 24 hours in advance on the 5:00 news.

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
Roadblocks don't belong in a free country and only dirty Nazi bastards and control freaks support them.

Last I knew driving is a privilege in all states and not a birthright.

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
Seems like cops are getting away with too many mistakes and they don't seem to be accountable for them. Wonder why people don't trust cops anymore?

Last time I checked cops were human beings too and yes, human beings do make mistakes.

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
Seems to me your advocating road blocks and in the same post you say nobody gets pulled over for nothing. Well, what the hell do you call a roadblock? That's being pulled over for nothing, looking for anything.

Actually a new study came out this year stating the ineffectiveness of police road blocks. For example it would take almost 15 cops to staff a DUI checkpoint. They might make 7 to 8 arrests over a 6 hour period. A more productive approach has been to add extra patrols assigned specifically to DUI. Most officers on single DUI patrol will make at least 1, if not 2 arrests for the tour. Statistics are swaying jobs in my state to move away from checkpoints.

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
When they teach cops that the people are the enemy and they all must be treated as drunks or enemies until proven otherwise that's what the cops do or have done.

Sorry but that’s pure crap. Where did you even get this piece of nonsense from?

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
By putting up roadblocks - everyone is guilty until they prove their innocents - which is not what this country is about.

What would you like the cops to do? Stop patrolling the roadways so everyone can do what they want on the roads – Speed, Drive drunk, run people off the road, etc.

Out of curiosity have you guys ever thought that the summer season is starting and that’s usually the busy time for most police departments. Maybe they have beefed up their staffing to handle the additional call volume they are expecting for the summer season? The other reason for increased law enforcement presence this time of the year on the roadways can be summed up in two words – Revenue Generation.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Let us know what penitentery your going to so we can send you updates in snail mail on the hapenings in the outside world. Your sure going to get a nose full with that atitude. Probably put you in the looney bin first though so they can "Examine" you to see just what kind of Prozac like drug they can pump into you. Be sure to let us kow when this revolution starts will you? I want to start a scrap book with all the particulars!!



posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
Unless you can avoid contact that is a very dangerous thing to do, unless it was a national movement. I didn't pay a simple speeding ticket once and it eventually led to them invalidating my drivers license without my knowledge, because I had moved and didn't get the notice. Of course it's my responsibility to tell them I moved , and it's my responsibility to pay their fines. Funny how it's never their responsibility even when they screw up. So, If you don't jump through all their hoops and play the game they will tax you and may try to kill you as they did with me.

Then when I did get pulled over it was enough excuse for them write me a more serious ticket that they arrested me for and then I was nearly killed by them in jail because they refused to let me see a doctor when I was having a heart attack because I was so worked up about the whole ordeal. It was like suddenly I was in a third world county and even though there was a hospital 5 minutes away - I could not access it until I made a last stand 24 hours later when my blood flow was 90% blocked in my main artery.

The big lie is they ticket you for safety. Yeah right, I was ticketed past midnight on a highway with miles between each vehicle, dry road, clear conditions for going 68 in a 60 zone that - was nearly into the 70 zone. His only safety lecture was an animal could run out on the road. Well the only animal was the pig - and that safety nearly led to my death. Safety my butt, it was all about revenue collection.

If there is a God watching, GOD would see that they are the PREDATORS and they are the CRIMINALS. For they are molesting us, robbing us and creating distention in America.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by verylowfrequency]

Hmmmmmm You got the professional victim routine down pretty good.
Almost worthy of an academy award.

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
After reading all these post it almost looks like the Police have become like thugs in the Mafia. Either you pay them and pay them on time or they will turn your life into hell.

What ever happened to protect & serve? Now we see their main interest is to protect and serve themselves. Half the police in America have become gangsters and its no wonder nobody respects them anymore.

I disagree with the notion that driving is a privilege. I am a free man and in order to exercise that freedom I demand the freedom to move about unmolested. Maybe it's time "WE THE PEOPLE" change the laws so, they can't use driving as a loophole to subvert our constitution.

I ask what was the Primary means of personal transport when the Constitution was created - let me guess either walking, horses or wagons pulled by animals. Do you think that when the constitution was created they intended that you don't have your rights when you rode your horse to work, school, or for other travel ect.?

Did they say you could be molested and searched and the constitution doesn't count while riding your horse as personal transport. I don't think so, just because we've replaced the horse with a machine and I don't think driving an auto is any different than driving a horse. The regulations are for safety not as an agreement to give up your rights. I claim BS on the driving is a privilege that means you trade in your rights when doing so.

The drivers license was created as a means to make sure people were competent to drive. It has been whored into a means of control with subversion and tax collection.

And as long as geniuses like you continue to drive they way you do, I’ll have job. Thanks for keeping me in business.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by En4cer

Well, thanks for being nice and I do respect your opinion even though I disagree with much of your perspective.

As I stated I don't agree with any privilege BS. There is no HUMAN on Earth who has the authority to take or give me any of my god given rights. That includes the right to live and pursue my happiness unmolested by others and that means move freely daily within the territory I chose to earn a living and play. As long as I don't infringe on others rights by being dangerous or drunk mine should remain. While I fully support DUI patrols and I've even called cops on drunks on the highway for their own safety and that of others in their path, I will never support checkpoints outside of those at or near our borders.

Sorry for coming off so strongly, but that's the way I feel and I don't sugar coat it for anyone.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:09 AM
It's ironic that most of you who were always denying and making jokes about those of us who tried to warn everyone about Operation Garden Plot, Black Helicopters, that the Twin Towers was a CIA Black Op False Flag and that the Bush family were traitors and a long list of other's ironic that not until the cops are swarming all around you that you begin to wake up. Unfortunately, you are all waking up too late. Welcome To America and the New World Order. It's a Wonderful Club to be in; unfortunately, YOU AIN'T IN IT !!!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
They are more aggresive in they're demeanor, much quicker to take offence and act with very low regard to the citizenry. 40 years ago when I was a pain in the ass most of the time, the officers I dealt with didn't take it as a PERSONAL insult because I was speeding or in a minor fist fight with another person. They wrote the ticket or broke up the fight and usualy had a good laugh at you for being dumb but didn't try to BAIT you into a confrontation like these jacbooted thugs we have on our force now. The average citizen is more likely to be hurt buy the investigating officer than the actual incedent they are involved with today. Thats just wrong period and its a testement to the missguided training and psychological paramiters they use to allow someone to gain a badge of authority.

New recruits have changed but I’ll disagree with you on the aggressiveness ZINDO. Keep in mind I’m only speaking regarding my county. New cops here don’t care about the job as the ones did when I came on. All they care about is punching the clock and collecting a check. They want to do as little as possible right out of the gate – year one. They don’t want the busy sector, they want the slow sector. No ambition, No passion, and care only about themselves. As far as the Academies go, they are not misguided in their training. We have one of the best police academies in the country - cops get computer training, learn Spanish, etc. in a rigorous 7 month curriculum (20% drop out rate). I think the big problem with today’s rookie is that they do not know or have the skill to verbally communicate to people properly. They have lost that skill somewhere with the tech boom. They do know how to text their rear end off on their cell phone though and therein lies the problem. Also today’s rookie is a Generation Xer so they think they know it all day one at the job. This might account for more mistakes being made because they think have all the answers when they don’t.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by En4cer

Hmmmmmm You got the professional victim routine down pretty good.
Almost worthy of an academy award.

Well, thanks I'll take that as a compliment.

And as long as geniuses like you continue to drive they way you do, I’ll have job. Thanks for keeping me in business.

Actually I'm a very good, safe and very respectful driver and I don't give them very many opportunities to pull me over. I was driving a new vehicle and having a bit too much fun driving when I got 3 speeding tickets all in the same year after 10 years without one - that & the fact it had oversize wheels & tires that made the speedometer off I later learned.

Anyway you seem like a pretty reasonable cop - at least from here. So, you welcome for the business, but don't get too cocky cause most the time I drive like as smooth as silk and I know most of your tricks and hideouts. I will give you business again someday, but I can't afford the gas - maybe that's good for safety eh, hope it doesn't kill your department budget too much.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:35 AM

Appreciate the kind comments. Sorry to beat up on you. In all honesty I actually hate righting tickets - it sucks. Lets face it, no one likes getting a ticket and I certainly don't enjoy issuing them. That part of the job is just a JOB to me. I have always enjoyed CIP (Crime in progress). Catching the burglar or the car thief is what I enjoy and has always been the most rewarding aspect of the job. Aside of helping victims (Ambulance, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Crimes), the rest of it is all bureaucratic BS.

Peace and respect. If you do drive, in all seriousness please drive safe.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Mad_Hatter

Don't be sorry dude, you are dealing with a cop. He stated his and all there point of view very clearly when he said, "no one get's pulled over for nothing...blah...blah...blah..".
These scumbags don't need a reason.
My favorite reason for stopping me is that, "I fit the description of".
They pull that old chestnut out whenever they are fishing for a reason to pull you over, wether you are driving or walking. I have a mohawk and 6" goatee in a braid, I don't fit the description of very many people, so horse# to that one.
Another good one is " we had a report of a break and enter a couple of blocks away".
Yeah, right, and I being the perp decided strolling along eating a bag of chips a couple of blocks away from a crime I just committed would be a sensational idea.
So don't feel sorry for not respecting law enforcement, they don't respect you. They don't have to. All they have to do is keep the jail full and the grant money flowing. Scumbags. Liars. Bullies.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:56 AM

I have to admit that sometimes good police work is not always ethical but you did something to make the cop notice you.

It must be tempting to fabricate the truth, and abuse your power?

That statement of yours literally makes me sick.

[edit on 6/4/2008 by eye open doors]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by En4cer

Wow, 7 whole months of training, so you can carry a gun and take someones life away, either permanently or in jail.
Plumber: 3 years.
mechanic: 5 years
chef: 3 years
Explains everything doesn't it?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by eye open doors

I have to admit that sometimes good police work is not always ethical but you did something to make the cop notice you.

It must be tempting to fabricate the truth, and abuse your power?

That statement of yours literally makes me sick.

[edit on 6/4/2008 by eye open doors]

I not going to lie about. I don't subscribe to that type of enforcement, nor have I ever done so, but it's there and some cops do. Every job has their BLANK BLANK and we have ours.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by morthn1waytoskinacat
reply to post by En4cer

Wow, 7 whole months of training, so you can carry a gun and take someones life away, either permanently or in jail.
Plumber: 3 years.
mechanic: 5 years
chef: 3 years
Explains everything doesn't it?

I’m so sorry. I forgot to mention that before you go to the academy you have to pass the following.

Written Exam
Polygraph Test
Psychological Test
Physical Agility Test
Medical Physical
Background Investigation


2 Years of College is now preferred.

Once you pass the Academy you have to do 12 Weeks of Field Training. Once you complete field training you are then on 18 Months probation. Screw up good once and your gone – good bye. After that you are eligible for the first supervisor test in 3 years – no less.

Also included are Mandatory Yearly Certifications – Passing Grades Required

Emergency Medical Training
Defensive Tactics


Plumbers, Mechanics, and Chefs all go through the same thing right? How’s that polygraph test for the Chefs, pretty tough right?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by En4cer

You don't suscribe to it?
You just said that sometimes good police work is unethical.
That makes zero sense, and frankly, say's more about the state of police work in general than anything I've ever heard.
It's exactly why the police should not be allowed to investigate themselves.
ie: " The officer was found to have used more force than necessary, but has been cleared of all wrong doing and no disciplinary action will be taken".
" Sometimes good police work is unethical, but we don't subscribe to it, so, oh well".
Makes me sick as well. Unsurprised, but sick.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by morthn1waytoskinacat
reply to post by Mad_Hatter

These scumbags don't need a reason.

Yes we do - it's called PROBABLE CAUSE sunshine.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by En4cer

How can it be "good" police work then? You clearly make a distinction between yourself and the "blank blank" officers. However your words say something else.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by En4cer

Polygraph tests aren't even admissible in court so:
1. who cares
2. psychotics regularily pass them
3. what good are they before the fact
Examiner: "would you ever do something you aren't allowed to do?"
Recruit: "never"
Examiner: "well then, off you go!"

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by En4cer

Another word for " I don't really have a reason".

[edit on 4-6-2008 by morthn1waytoskinacat]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by eye open doors
reply to post by En4cer

How can it be "good" police work then? You clearly make a distinction between yourself and the "blank blank" officers. However your words say something else.

Hypothetically speaking – An illegal gun was removed from the street. Whether the search of the suspect was ethical or not, the end results is a gun is off of the street. The removal of the weapon may have possibly saved a civilians life or another officers therefore it is considered good police work.

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