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Is anyone else experiencing increased police activity?

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posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 08:51 PM
I've asked the same thing on this threadas well.. or something close to it ..

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 08:57 PM
I have seen Cops in the city near where I live driving around in explosives units, nothing surprises me anymore. There are over 1 cop for every 10 citizens here and Hillary Clinton thinks that every city needs more. I live in the mountains now, nice and peaceful here and the cops don't mess with me quite as much as they did when I lived in the city.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 09:44 PM
Surprisingly over the last few months we've seen a real drop in police activity. I've seen the CSI van making some rounds, and they caught some drug dealers down from our house, but aside from that, it's definetly dropped off.
We were surprised for a while because of the number. We live not to far from the sheriff station, and go through to check in and be sent out. SO dring shift change i still see a good number coming and going, and the prison guards coming in.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:46 AM
I’m sorry fellas but I have to chime in here. I thought the motto of ATS is to deny ignorance?

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
It started off like a year ago when they had the idea to do random roadblocks and checkpoints to just stop people and check their information, and this was only done on major holidays, like Fourth of July weekend, New Years Eve, and stuff like that to make sure people weren't drinking and driving. Now, they've gone off the deep end and do these roadblocks randomly, almost every weekend, and sometimes on random weeknights.

So you don’t want to see any cops on the road during the weekdays. This would allow the drunks and aggressive drivers to have a free for all on your local roadways Monday through Thursday? Whats the point of having random road blocks then?

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
For example, (just one of many) I went to my friends house one night because we were having a get together and cookout. We turned into his neighborhood and were followed by a Sheriff car that was tailgating us all the way to his house when we pulled into his driveway. The Sheriff kept going past us. But his house is the last house on the street, but the street keeps going into new neighborhood territory and there is nothing back there except a dead end. So we got out of the car to walk inside, and as expected, he came back down the street to exit the neighborhood.

I guess you don’t want the cops to patrol your friend's neighborhood either. Maybe the sheriff was routinely patrolling your neighborhood. Young adult males gathering at a residence? Might there be alcohol involved? That’s not something a cop should be worried about in his sector is it?

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
Oh, another detail i forgot to mention is that this cop was out of his jurisdiction. We all live outside the city limits in the county. So the city police have no jurisdiction out here, only the sheriffs. But this was not a sheriff, it was a city cop. So what the hell was he doing out here? And as for new detention camps, I'm not sure. Perhaps someone else knows of this??

Regarding the alleged stolen vehicle, the cop made a mistake – period. As for him being out of his jurisdiction, in most states officers of the law can make the arrest for a FELONY anywhere in the state. Normally a stolen vehicle is classified as a FELONY based on the value of the vehicle. If the officer believed that your vehicle was stolen based upon the information he received, he was merely following protocol.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
I got pulled over the other day for no reason at all. They questioned everyone in the car (me and two other friends) and asked us for cigarettes and let us go.

No one gets pulled over for nothing. There is always a reason. I have to admit that sometimes good police work is not always ethical but you did something to make the cop notice you. You brought attention to yourself one way or another.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
This is a regular occurance for me and people I know.

Why am I not suprised?

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
I got 4 tickets at once last year when I got pulled over.

Brought some more attention to yourself? Innocent too right?

I believe the moral of the story here is not bring attention to ones self. If you are at a party in a residential neighborhood and you decide to crank the music at 1:00 in the morning, chances are very highly that a cop will be knocking on your door shortly because you brought them there. If you are dealing with cops on a regular basis, you are definitely bringing way too much attention to yourself.

Too many cops? Is it a valid conspiracy or merely the paranoia of one’s guilty conscience?

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by En4cer
I’m sorry fellas but I have to chime in here. I thought the motto of ATS is to deny ignorance?

What does that have to do with anything that I've said here?

So you don’t want to see any cops on the road during the weekdays. This would allow the drunks and aggressive drivers to have a free for all on your local roadways Monday through Thursday? Whats the point of having random road blocks then?

There are virtually no cars on the road at night in my city....its pointless to have them then and a waste of taxpayer money.

I guess you don’t want the cops to patrol your friend's neighborhood either. Maybe the sheriff was routinely patrolling your neighborhood. Young adult males gathering at a residence? Might there be alcohol involved? That’s not something a cop should be worried about in his sector is it?

Who says we were drinking? I said we were having a cookout in his house, maybe you should learn to read. Deny igonorance, right? He followed us into the neighborhood. So therefore, he could not have known that "young adult males" were gathering at the residence. And you know it was his sector?

Regarding the alleged stolen vehicle, the cop made a mistake – period. As for him being out of his jurisdiction, in most states officers of the law can make the arrest for a FELONY anywhere in the state. Normally a stolen vehicle is classified as a FELONY based on the value of the vehicle. If the officer believed that your vehicle was stolen based upon the information he received, he was merely following protocol.

Why would officers PATROL out of their jurisdiction, when their job is to patrol WITHIN their jurisdiction. What was he doing there in the first place?

No one gets pulled over for nothing. There is always a reason. I have to admit that sometimes good police work is not always ethical but you did something to make the cop notice you. You brought attention to yourself one way or another.

Really? You were there? Where were you? What evidence do you have to support this completely ignorant statement you made? You seem to know alot about my situations without being present. And FYI, I've seen police act an ass plenty of times for no reason at all. You may not have, but I have. Please don't tell me what I have seen and what I haven't. And why don't you tell that to the people that get assaulted and beat by them every day. i'll give you their phone numbers and you can talk to them personally and tell them that the officers were not wrong.

Why am I not suprised?

Hmmmm....are you judging me? What an A-Hole you are.

You don't even know anything about me. Your blatent dislike for me is strongly apparent in the tone of your posting, for whatever reason.

Brought some more attention to yourself? Innocent too right?

I believe the moral of the story here is not bring attention to ones self. If you are at a party in a residential neighborhood and you decide to crank the music at 1:00 in the morning, chances are very highly that a cop will be knocking on your door shortly because you brought them there. If you are dealing with cops on a regular basis, you are definitely bringing way too much attention to yourself.

Too many cops? Is it a valid conspiracy or merely the paranoia of one’s guilty conscience? seem to be doing an awful lot of assuming here to be talking like you're stating facts. If we would have been blasting music at 1:00 in the morning I would have said, "We were blasting music at 1:00 am."
In your little fantasy world where the police can do no wrong, that may be the way it is, but in the real world, that's not how it is. Police can be just as arrogant and cruel as the next person. Once again you assume things ignorantly. I'm an adult thank you and I know the difference between right and wrong. I handle my business actually, probably better than you do. I'm 23 and make $250,000 a year. I think I'm pretty responsible and capable of recognizing a responsible decision versus an ignorant one. So your picking apart my post and condescending me like a kid is not cool. And what reason have I to have a guilty conscience? You need to go somewhere else and pass judgement with all your assumptions instead of indirectly calling me a liar. Not here.

[edit on 6/3/2008 by Mad_Hatter]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:16 AM
Oh and I found out that they HAVE actually increased the police force here by about 200 officers. So no, I don't think it is paranoia.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
What does that have to do with anything that I've said here?

A great deal when you are making blind assumptions.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
There are virtually no cars on the road at night in my city....its pointless to have them then and a waste of taxpayer money.

And this evidence is based on???? The statement of one individual over how long a period of time? o.k.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
Who says we were drinking? I said we were having a cookout in his house, maybe you should learn to read. Deny igonorance, right? He followed us into the neighborhood. So therefore, he could not have known that "young adult males" were gathering at the residence. And you know it was his sector?

I never said you were drinking. I inquired with a question mark – Maybe there was alcohol involved? Perhaps you should learn to read. Secondly so the Sheriff followed you – big deal. Thirdly – How do you know it’s not the Sheriff’s sector? By the way you spelled ignorance wrong.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
Were You were there? Where were you? What evidence do you have to support this completely ignorant statement you made? You seem to know alot about my situations without being present. And FYI, I've seen police act an ass plenty of times for no reason at all. You may not have, but I have. Please don't tell me what I have seen and what I haven't. And why don't you tell that to the people that get assaulted and beat by them every day. i'll give you their phone numbers and you can talk to them personally and tell them that the officers were not wrong.

I don’t need the phone numbers of those individuals who feel that they have been treated unfairly by the police. I don’t need to hear the stories of all the ACQUSATIONS regarding police officers and excessive use of force. I do however have a good nose to smell a pile of crap. Once again I will state no one gets pulled over for nothing.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
Hmmmm....are you judging me? What an A-Hole you are.
You don't even know anything about me. Your blatent dislike for me is strongly apparent in the tone of your posting, for whatever reason.

I don’t think you’re a BLANK BLANK. I just think you’re misinformed. You really shouldn’t resort to expletives because when you do, you start to lose the argument. It’s a sheer sign that your opponent in the debate has struck a few nerves.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter seem to be doing an awful lot of assuming here to be talking like you're stating facts. If we would have been blasting music at 1:00 in the morning I would have said, "We were blasting music at 1:00 am."
In your little fantasy world where the police can do no wrong, that may be the way it is, but in the real world, that's not how it is. Police can be just as arrogant and cruel as the next person. Once again you assume things ignorantly. I'm an adult thank you and I know the difference between right and wrong. I handle my business actually, probably better than you do. I'm 23 and make $250,000 a year.

I’m not assuming. I’m interpreting your statement or deposition as they call it in my profession, something that I have been doing for almost 20 years. Once again I never stated you were playing loud music. I cited it as an example. Maybe you should learn to read again. No one cares about your age or your yearly salary. You shouldn’t state that you make X amount of dollars a year as if it gives you some sense of credibility. Britney Spears makes millions and she is dumb as dirt.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
Oh and I found out that they HAVE actually increased the police force here by about 200 officers. So no, I don't think it is paranoia.

Perhaps they had to do so due to an increase in call volume? They certainly didn't do it to follow you and your friends around.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by En4cer

Well i never said the increase was so they could follow me and my friends around. I just stated that there was an increase and cited a personal example in the OP because I've personally noticed alot more police. And your attitude suggests to me that you are involved with law enforcement as well as your screen name. So it is natural that you would defend the police. All sides of argument are welcome here, so your opinion is well respected. I am not going to argue with you as I have nothing to prove to YOU. The thread was designed so people could put various input into the original question. The question was "Has anyone noticed increased police activity?" to which I stated personal examples. Then, enter you, who says my personal examples are not valid and proceed to portray me as ignorant. The only thing I don't appreciate is you portraying me to be an irresponsible ignorant kid, which I am not. And your posts have a degree of condescensions in them towards me. I just don't appreciate that because I would not come into your thread and treat you the same way. Thats all.

EDIT: And I didn't state my age and salary to give myself credibility, I did it to prove that I am a responsible adult that handles my business because I worked hard to earn it. It was not given to me. Your lack of respect is appalling to me. Its easy to call someone ignorant through a computer screen but if you were standing in front of me disrespecting me to my face, I would seriously smack the sh*t out of you. Maybe it's not your fault though, maybe your mother should have taught you how to respect others.

"Britney Spears makes millions and she's dumb as dirt"

Really??? Do you know her? How do you know she's dumb as dirt? Just another example of your lack of respect for others. You are quick to pass judgment on others. THAT is obviously apparent. Maybe you should examine yourself.

[edit on 6/3/2008 by Mad_Hatter]

[edit on 6/3/2008 by Mad_Hatter]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
I...HATE...the police. This is a regular occurrence for me and people I know.

And I find your lack of respect to law enforcement just as appalling. From the above statement I take that you deal with law enforcement a little too much. You say you want respect but based on the above statement you deal the cops more than usual. In my experience, people who deal with the cops on a regular basis are not too respectable but I’ll leave room for error and give you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps your excessive dealings with law enforcement are mere coincidence or unfortunate circumstances? That’s the usual sob story.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
EDIT: And I didn't state my age and salary to give myself credibility, I did it to prove that I am a responsible adult that handles my business because I worked hard to earn it. It was not given to me. Your lack of respect is appalling to me. Its easy to call someone ignorant through a computer screen but if you were standing in front of me disrespecting me to my face, I would seriously smack the sh*t out of you. Maybe it's not your fault though, maybe your mother should have taught you how to respect others.

Just because you own a business and make X amount of dollars does not entitle you to respect junior. You have much to learn. Also don’t make claims you can’t back. You’re not smacking anyone. Another recommendation - you should also leave mothers out of arguments.

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
Really??? Do you know her? How do you know she's dumb as dirt? Just another example of your lack of respect for others. You are quick to pass judgment on others. THAT is obviously apparent. Maybe you should examine yourself.

Actually she might be dumber than dirt. Have you ever heard her speak in public? Need I say anymore. She also does a fantastic job of raising her children.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by En4cer

Sigh... some people...

I hate police because they are nothing more than an organized gang that overexerts power on innocent people. Instead of pulling me and my friends over for nothing, which they do on the regular....(and they have admitted doing it "just to check up on us.") maybe they should be out catching criminals know, like its their job to do.

And you can't make judgement on Britney Spears because you have not been put in her situation. You should really look at things from the viewpoint of others. She's still a human being that makes mistakes. You talk like you make no mistakes. And yeah, I have alot to learn, I am far from perfect, but I still show others respect, until they show me none. And who says I'm making claims I can't back? You strike me as a very sad person. I'm sorry that you have to be that way. Most cops are.

Just because you own a business and make X amount of dollars does not entitle you to respect junior.

Once again, you are condescending and you should read what I wrote. Once AGAIN, I did not give my age and income to merit respect, or credibility. I SAID, I gave it to show that I am responsible, make responsible descisions, and I EARNED it...It was not given. Quit twisting my words to suit your police agenda. Typical cop.

[edit on 6/3/2008 by Mad_Hatter]

[edit on 6/3/2008 by Mad_Hatter]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
reply to post by En4cer

Sigh... some people...

I hate police because they are nothing more than an organized gang that overexerts power on innocent people. Instead of pulling me and my friends over for nothing, which they do on the regular....(and they have admitted doing it "just to check up on us.") maybe they should be out catching criminals know, like its their job to do.

And you can't make judgement on Britney Spears because you have not been put in her situation. You should really look at things from the viewpoint of others. She's still a human being that makes mistakes. You talk like you make no mistakes. And yeah, I have alot to learn, I am far from perfect, but I still show others respect, until they show me none. And don't get mad at me because your mother obviously didn't raise you right. yeah, your mother. I said it.

I salute your candor in the matter. Yes, I have made mistakes in my life also, but I have learned from them. If you remember one thing from our argument please learn from your mistakes. It’s not very enjoyable when you repeat them (Speaking from personal experience). LOL regarding the mother comment, just my sense of humor. With regards to Britney Spears I don’t think we need to waste anymore time on her. She's really not worth the energy.

Enough of the un-pleasantries. My sword is sheathed. I enjoyed the debate very much and believe it or not I respect your opinion and understand it better than most. Most of my peers would not. You guessed right. My blood is blue – NAVY BLUE – as in part of that thin blue line. Sorry to interject in your post but I feel obligated to defend my fellow brothers. I will be the first one to tell you that in my profession we have our share of A********S.

With all due respect to the original topic of your thread. Most of the agencies in my county are increasing manpower but only by 5% to 10%. Most of the increases are due to department’s operating shorthanded for years and finally getting the approval to staff their respective departments accordingly based on call volume. The actual increases are still leaving them somewhat understaffed. Ironically the county police department is looking to decrease staff from 2,600 sworn officers to 1,800. Personally I think it’s impossible as well as imprudent for them to do it but they are headed into financial dire straights and feel they have to cut the so called fat where they can.

Peace and respect. I look forward to future debates and will make more of an effort not to be cynical.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by En4cer]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by En4cer

I am sorry if I have offended you at all, really and truly, but I tend to get really passionate about things that I believe in. It's just how I am. And I know that not ALL cops are like that, but in my experience, I have dealt with alot of bad ones. and I know the difference because I have dealt with good ones as well. I do have alot to learn and I have learned alot from this debate. I am constantly learning more. And you DO have the right to defend your law enforcement brothers which is why I said your opinion is welcomed and respected. You have to understand that my biggest pet peeve is people condescending me. It really pushes my button. And yeah, I did make some childish statements I will admit because it is how I am sometimes and it is something I need to work on and have been working on. I have a hell of a temper when pushed. It is a burden that comes with being young, and being forced to be responsible at an early age. I DEMAND respect. I always have. Its just how I am for some reason. Like I said though my problem here wasn't your argument or anything you said, it was how you said it. I look forward to clashing debate with you again, as i feel it is an important exercise of the mind. Touche officer....Touche...

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:55 AM
I have noticed here in the northeast a problem with borderline stops that just barely meet the standard of probable cause. I mean JUST barely. What I have noticed though is the differance in the type of LEO that is being hired. They are more aggresive in they're demeanor, much quicker to take offence and act with very low regard to the citizenry. 40 years ago when I was a pain in the ass most of the time, the officers I dealt with didn't take it as a PERSONAL insult because I was speeding or in a minor fist fight with another person. They wrote the ticket or broke up the fight and usualy had a good laugh at you for being dumb but didn't try to BAIT you into a confrontation like these jacbooted thugs we have on our force now. The average citizen is more likely to be hurt buy the investigating officer than the actual incedent they are involved with today. Thats just wrong period and its a testement to the missguided training and psychological paramiters they use to allow someone to gain a badge of authority.


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:00 AM

No one gets pulled over for nothing. There is always a reason. I have to admit that sometimes good police work is not always ethical but you did something to make the cop notice you. You brought attention to yourself one way or another.

Police work should always be ethical. How are coppers serving the community by being unethical? They are examples of law in action. By them breaking the law while upholding it is an oxymoron.

I watch Cops sometimes. Ever notice how it is totally Okay for the pigs to manhandle, demean, and physically assault the "criminal"? I saw one where a guy that got caught was being assaulted by the pig. He said to the pig, "get your finger out of my rib". The copper was doing the rib rub, even though the dude was cooperating.

The piggy then maced the guy and shoved him in the car. The media tells us the cops are in a high risk job, and the adrenaline fuels them. That is BS. I see many times how these Jackals joke about their victims, talk to them like they are pieces of crap. How is this giving a good image of police? How is victimizing the people "protecting and serving"?

Don't get me wrong, police when they are ethically doing their job are a great boon. There are cops out there that are good, and mindful. I do not hate them, but i do recognize their fear tactics.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 04:57 PM
Maybe the city got funding for more police and hired a bunch of greenhorns.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:01 PM
i havent notcied more police activity, but ihave noticed more undercover vehicles...its alost rediculous how many unmarked cars there are

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:40 PM
Woh, I saw a grey Grand Prix with flashing lights in the bay area (Santa Clara) yesterday.

Im starting to finally notice more and more patroling the roads. Also im starting to hear radio ad's daily for Commuter train and city police jobs.

The thing I hate, is atleast 3 times last month and once this morning, I would have a cruser swoop in behind me, accerate hard and then pass me.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:50 PM
The police here just started to move a lot just as well, before this the police never really used to "patrol" you'd see like maybe one or two after driving 10 miles across town, now you see at least twice or triple that amount moving about. Sometimes even fifteen. Sure makes me not want to go 50 or 55 in a 45 zone :p.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:50 PM
I'm thinkin about investing in a police scanner. Its not illegal to have one of those is it? I would like to monitor the stations sometimes...get ahead of the game a little. Imma check ebay.

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