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Is anyone else experiencing increased police activity?

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posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:57 PM
I agree with the OP. I believe their is some kind of National program going on where someone is pushing to get these illegal roadblocks implemented throughout the country to control the free movement of our population and tax you and harass you further by using state patrols as the Nazi's used the gestapo.

DUI patrols are just a false pretext to get them implemented by getting enough of the populations to become sheeple and go along with it.

YOU will pay pay pay and if you don't god forbid you will be made a criminal for not paying the pigs for that speed tax, seatbelt tax, insurance tax, license tax, parking tax or whatever else they can make up to steal more money from you and they will throw you in jail after they rob you, ransack your vehicle, hold it hostage for more money then they'll look up your anus, draw first blood, put you behind bars for not paying them on time. They are rapists of humanity, robbers of your labor, and murderers of our constitution.

They will be the cause of the next revolution, but not until they've stripped you from the protection of your safe vehicle, your weapons and your financial ability to fight back.

Originally posted by En4cer
I’m sorry fellas but I have to chime in here. I thought the motto of ATS is to deny ignorance?

Whats the point of having random road blocks then?

Seems like it hasn't worked for you too well. Ignorance proliferated, maybe?

Roadblocks don't belong in a free country and only dirty Nazi bastards and control freaks support them.

Originally posted by En4cer
Regarding the alleged stolen vehicle, the cop made a mistake – period.

Seems like cops are getting away with too many mistakes and they don't seem to be accountable for them. Wonder why people don't trust cops anymore?

Originally posted by En4cer
No one gets pulled over for nothing. There is always a reason. I have to admit that sometimes good police work is not always ethical but you did something to make the cop notice you. You brought attention to yourself one way or another.

Seems to me your advocating road blocks and in the same post you say nobody gets pulled over for nothing. Well, what the hell do you call a roadblock? That's being pulled over for nothing, looking for anything.

The United states is not a WAR ZONE yet, but if we let our police begin to set it up like a penitentiary or WAR ZONE it will become one.

There's still allot of good cops - mostly good departments who aren't money grubbing NAZIS. It's policies and procedures that make good police, not individuals - they always blame a few bad apples when a few get busted, but the reality is, where their's smoke their's fire. When they teach cops that the people are the enemy and they all must be treated as drunks or enemies until proven otherwise that's what the cops do or have done.

By putting up roadblocks - everyone is guilty until they prove their innocents - which is not what this country is about.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:59 PM
ABSOLUTELY!! I live outside of austin tx. The town that I live in is growing by leaps and bounds, but the town that I take my boys to school is quite small. The road connecting my city to that town is one that is only two lanes (a lane for each direction) and the cops used to only make their presence known on that road once (if even that) a month.

Here over the last 3 months, there has been a major increase in police on that road. They even have several mustangs (marked, but barely visible and the lights you wouldn't even notice until they are lit up). Now everytime I go down that road, I see on average about 3-4 cops cruising this road (which is all country-fied).

Whether they are in the jurisdiction or not doesn't seem to matter when they are pulling ppl over.

There is an unspoken system on that road that has prevailed for as long as I can remember. When ya see a cop, you warn the oncoming vehicles by flashing brights at them; however, this system has declined due to the mustangs the police are now driving.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:17 PM
They are Brain Washing the police also that we are all dangerous and break the laws and that they are doing good deeds.

I respect the people and the good deed that they attempt to do but the brain washing has made them lose sight of protecting and serving.

When you were a kid and wanted to be a police officer didn't you want to solve crimes and be a hero.... Now that your a police officer you give speeding tickets.
Not what you signed up for.


The officers will be used along with the national gaurd and the army in some cities to control the lock down. They want to gather up all the people and keep them locked up. The encampments that they have set up will be used for the ones that get caught and won't listen. Once they get in the encampments I am not sure they will leave.

I have stopped paying my speeding tickets. They can not make me. What are they going to do put me in jail? Please for what? Not paying you money? Come try.

They can not do anything to us unless we allow them to. I have something up my sleeve for the unlikely event that they get me and want to prosecute me for not paying a few $100 speeding ticket...

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by uknow_me72

I have stopped paying my speeding tickets. They can not make me. What are they going to do put me in jail? Please for what? Not paying you money? Come try.

They can not do anything to us unless we allow them to. I have something up my sleeve for the unlikely event that they get me and want to prosecute me for not paying a few $100 speeding ticket...

Ummm...yes, they will put you in jail for that. In fact, they've started a new policy in my city where, if you owe them money, and you have a court date, and you go to court without your money to pay them, then you go directly to jail, do not pass go. And you said a few hundred dollar speeding tickets? When you don't pay your ticket, it is not $100 anymore. It becomes a warrent that you have to get locked up for, then bonded out for, then pay court costs so it goes from like $100 to $400 instantly. You should probably pay those I'm thinkin.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter

Originally posted by uknow_me72

I have stopped paying my speeding tickets. They can not make me. What are they going to do put me in jail? Please for what? Not paying you money? Come try.

They can not do anything to us unless we allow them to. I have something up my sleeve for the unlikely event that they get me and want to prosecute me for not paying a few $100 speeding ticket...

Ummm...yes, they will put you in jail for that. In fact, they've started a new policy in my city where, if you owe them money, and you have a court date, and you go to court without your money to pay them, then you go directly to jail, do not pass go. And you said a few hundred dollar speeding tickets? When you don't pay your ticket, it is not $100 anymore. It becomes a warrent that you have to get locked up for, then bonded out for, then pay court costs so it goes from like $100 to $400 instantly. You should probably pay those I'm thinkin.

They can also take your DL away leaving you even more vulnerable to their system.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by eye open doors

Yes, in my state if you have 8 or more tickets within a 3 year period you automatically get a suspended drivers license for 6 months or $150 to reinstate it, whichever comes first. And if you fail to pay your tickets or show up for court then they suspend it also.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by uknow_me72

They can not do anything to us unless we allow them to. I have something up my sleeve for the unlikely event that they get me and want to prosecute me for not paying a few $100 speeding ticket...

Unless you can avoid contact that is a very dangerous thing to do, unless it was a national movement. I didn't pay a simple speeding ticket once and it eventually led to them invalidating my drivers license without my knowledge, because I had moved and didn't get the notice. Of course it's my responsibility to tell them I moved , and it's my responsibility to pay their fines. Funny how it's never their responsibility even when they screw up. So, If you don't jump through all their hoops and play the game they will tax you and may try to kill you as they did with me.

Then when I did get pulled over it was enough excuse for them write me a more serious ticket that they arrested me for and then I was nearly killed by them in jail because they refused to let me see a doctor when I was having a heart attack because I was so worked up about the whole ordeal. It was like suddenly I was in a third world county and even though there was a hospital 5 minutes away - I could not access it until I made a last stand 24 hours later when my blood flow was 90% blocked in my main artery.

The big lie is they ticket you for safety. Yeah right, I was ticketed past midnight on a highway with miles between each vehicle, dry road, clear conditions for going 68 in a 60 zone that - was nearly into the 70 zone. His only safety lecture was an animal could run out on the road. Well the only animal was the pig - and that safety nearly led to my death. Safety my butt, it was all about revenue collection.

If there is a God watching, GOD would see that they are the PREDATORS and they are the CRIMINALS. For they are molesting us, robbing us and creating distention in America.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 06:51 PM
Thanks you all for my well being, If they get me and I refuse to pay this is where we come in, you can do the same thing I will give you the secret.

If they still want to play hard the worse it is for them. The more their Tyranny comes out.

Get a recording device and watch them flex on small issues, in the end you may just get let go and we can probably make a harassment case afterwards.

All you have to do is ask why? Then do not agree. You can still drive a car with out a liscense. They take your car only shows the tyranny....

Isn't this what we want... don't we want documented proof of their judges saying BECAUSE THE LAWS SAYS SO.


I am here to start a revolution and the revolution team is going. Going along with there policies is only enforcing their existance and thats what they need.

Get ready because it's comming. Say no to the chip.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:55 PM
Let us know what penitentery your going to so we can send you updates in snail mail on the hapenings in the outside world. Your sure going to get a nose full with that atitude. Probably put you in the looney bin first though so they can "Examine" you to see just what kind of Prozac like drug they can pump into you. Be sure to let us kow when this revolution starts will you? I want to start a scrap book with all the particulars!!


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:55 PM
Out here in NJ I was driving my son to a birthday party Saturday and noticied a check point in a small suburban town. This was the middle of the day, Usually you would think they do this at night if there checking for drunks.
Id also like to find out what police actions are legal during these stops, if they see your inspection sticker is over due, can they give you a ticket for that?
Another time my wife's friend was at the supermarket and came out a cop was waiting for her to get in her car, she started to drive, he pulled her over and gave her a ticket for expired insurance. Is this legal to randomly run plate checks and then pull someone over like that?

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by crw2006

Yes it is legal. Because its a priviledge and not a right, they have the jurisdiction to check plates, Insurance and stickers any time they feel the need. Like I said before this is how you get more money out of the populace without going trough the election problem of raising taxes.


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Yep...for the past two weeks or this area, it's out of the ordinary for sheriff's deputies to do traffic work, but for the past two weeks they've been giving LOTS of tickets for speeding, dark window tint, etc...

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:04 PM
interesting, I should also mention to the person that will refuse to pay a ticket, be careful.
We know somebody that didnt pay some tickets, a minor moving violation and they got arrested.
The police actually came to her house cuffed her and took her down to the police station. I dont agree with this method, especially for people who have parking tickes of all things, but it can happen!

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:09 PM
Yea I live in Roseville California and I have only lived here for around three years and in that time I have noticed the police activity increase very rapidly. It used to be only a patrol car here and there but now you cant go down the street without seeing two or three patrol cars.

And, they over react to everything. One night in the apartment complex i lived in these kids were coming home from a party they were coming in from they gate and a helicopter flys over them shining a light on there car next thing you know, not even two minutes later, the entire front of the complex is lit up like a christmas tree. There had to be atleast ten to fifteen patrol cars, and it was all in vain too, the cops thought they had a bunch of house burglers when they were just some kids coming home from a party.

I have been stopped three times for very strange reasons. Two times because my license plate was hanging too low (wtf?) and one because I didnt have a front license plate. They all let me go no ticket but they were all pretty stupid reasons to pull me over.

Yea all the police activity is getting way out of hand, and way threatening.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

They cant stop you without a justified reason though.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:15 PM
In Los Angeles there has been a huge increase in the testing of the Emergency Broadcast System. I find that to be really strange, as I have lived here for 8 years now and never remember it being tested as much as it has been this year.

I hear it on the radio at least two to three times a week and on the TV at the bottom of the screen at least twice a month.

As far as increased police activity here, I don't see anything and believe me they need all the increased police activity they can get. This place is falling apart. They have check points at LAX, but they are never maned, so you never have to stop.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by caballero
reply to post by ZindoDoone

They cant stop you without a justified reason though.

They can make up a justified reason, and if they find some dirt on you who do you think the Judge is going to believe. I know, because I have experienced this. The piggy-man lied during the arrest, and in court. In fact, I have experienced it more than once.

I have also been hand cuffed behind my back and made to sit on a street curb for over a half hour. I am a big dude, and the piggies just sat there cracking their jokes and having a good ol' time. They let me go, but 2m minutes later another cop pulled a gun on me. It was a bad day to say the least.

The copper that pulled the gun on me said there was robbery and I fit the description. Another good story. I told the piggy that it wasn't me, and I didn't have any dirt and that I was just arrested not so long ago.Also, I know people who were forced against their will to give blood tests. This same person was harassed by the 5.0. They were recording what he said, but when they talked they turned off the recording.

This bit them on the tail in the end. That same person was pulled over another time. When the hater came up to the door he asked him." Do you know why I pulled you over"? The person said "no". The pig said "because I can". That's just a taste of what they do.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by eye open doors

I agree cops are very power hungry and corrupt. I would love to hear a cops opinion on these things and why cops do them, because when they do things like that they are breaking the law.

I hate hate HATE!! when cops think they are above the law, they arent they are in place to uphold and abide by the law just like everyone else is supposed to. They are supposed to set examples. GOD I HATE COPS!!!!!!

Sorry I get fired up about the pigs taking advantage of their power.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:46 PM
After reading all these post it almost looks like the Police have become like thugs in the Mafia. Either you pay them and pay them on time or they will turn your life into hell.

What ever happened to protect & serve? Now we see their main interest is to protect and serve themselves. Half the police in America have become gangsters and its no wonder nobody respects them anymore.

I disagree with the notion that driving is a privilege. I am a free man and in order to exercise that freedom I demand the freedom to move about unmolested. Maybe it's time "WE THE PEOPLE" change the laws so, they can't use driving as a loophole to subvert our constitution.

I ask what was the Primary means of personal transport when the Constitution was created - let me guess either walking, horses or wagons pulled by animals. Do you think that when the constitution was created they intended that you don't have your rights when you rode your horse to work, school, or for other travel ect.?

Did they say you could be molested and searched and the constitution doesn't count while riding your horse as personal transport. I don't think so, just because we've replaced the horse with a machine and I don't think driving an auto is any different than driving a horse. The regulations are for safety not as an agreement to give up your rights. I claim BS on the driving is a privilege that means you trade in your rights when doing so.

The drivers license was created as a means to make sure people were competent to drive. It has been whored into a means of control with subversion and tax collection.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:49 PM
There has been a major increase of police and police helicopters in my old neighborhood. It's rare to go more than a mile and not see less than three police cruisers and a police helicopter in the air. The neighborhood is just a mild lower-class neighborhood that admittedly has it's drug issues but no real violence or crime. It's really disturbing because I'm more afraid of the cops than anything that might be going on in that neighborhood.

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