posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Not sure why people post so readily their disappointment that someone didn't prove anything to them - no one asks you to believe a thing - nor did
Mr. Stone come on here and claim to have proof - he was here to answer questions which he did. For all you posters out there who find it fulfilling to
'badger' the people who volunteer to come on and talk, start your own post and stay out of the ones like Mr. Stones because you're just getting in
the way of real researchers. Is way to easy to sit at the comfort of your keyboards and send out criticisms and disappointments for not getting what
you think you deserve - proof - What proof is there of God? What proof is there that love exists? And even more to the point, what time have you
invested in books, interviews, tidbits of information here and there? Fortunately, some of us see through all the BS (belief systems)
Just because 'you' haven't seen what you need as proof, does NOT mean it doesn't exist - it just means 'you' haven't seen it. And since they
have unlimited man?power and technology, evidence of anything is precious and few and when discovered not thrown out to the general public. Those
little bits and pieces get collected and shared among the others dedicated to the same thing - trying to let people know we've been lied to and
there's a plan bigger than you can imagine in place - and honestly with all the stuff out there now (amongs all the fraud and disinformation), there
IS proof everywhere if you'd shift your focus a little!
So for those of you who chose to spend these end times badgering others trying to fill in a few gaps here and there in the hope that those with real
ears will hear and with real eyes will see, you are most welcome to pursue your triteness in the cozy comfort of your home instead of really being in
the field with these people doing what they do. Armchair critics are the norm on the internet - but in real time some of these people have spent
literally years of their lives trying to put all the tiny pieces (NWO, aliens, environment, politics, history, religion, cover-ups, military ops, etc.
etc.) of a very large story together into a WHOLE picture without any resources - or income because you simply can't work full time and do this
research too, not to the extent some people like Mr. Stone has done.
It's also unfortunate that those of you who like to discredit or just take a pot shot don't use more than a couple very short sentences instead of
having any substance to back it up - I also know this post will not make one iota of difference to most of you and you will continue anyway - but
maybe a couple of you will think twice next time and that really is the point.... to think.....