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USA Military Officers Challenge Official Account of September 11

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posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by zorgon

The conspiracy theorists never seem to explain the Islamofascists taking credit for the 9/11/2001 attacks (as well as the previous Embassy attacks in Africa, the USS Cole, etc.).

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel
The conspiracy theorists never seem to explain the Islamofascists taking credit for the 9/11/2001 attacks

Uh, who?

The Taliban denounced the attacks and said they would help us find OBL if we were able to provide our proof that he actually did it.

Bin Laden himself conducted at least 3 interviews with major Mid-East newspapers where he denied involvement in the attacks. The most prominent of these is from the Pakistan Daily.

In fact, the only early suggestion that OBL or "al Qaeda" were behind the attacks, came (aside from perpetual mainstream media assertions) from a 'home video' that OBL allegedly made, that the US army found in the basement of a bombed-out house in Afghanistan.

In other words, the "confession" video literally came from the army.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 03:12 PM
I say YES we all need to speak out about the execution and cover up 9/11.
I ‘ve read dozens of reports and have talked to our military coming home from IRAQ, they also believe amongst themselves that it was a perpetrated event.. Why? I have heard several possible reasons. These 5 are just what I have read and seen via video tapes.

1. It was all about the oil and the almighty dollar.
2. There was talk of the US going to the EURO and that would not be a good thing for the government ( Cheney and Bush ) and their minions.
3. The Patriot Act to be brought forward which we later find, as posted that it was actually signed before 9/11.
4. The One World Order concept being invoked
5. There was even a rumor that Full Disclosure was being considered and they couldn't have that.

My belief and questions about this event and how can they keep it going?

The hi-jackers , they identified most of them could not even drive a car, how could they hi-jack and pilot a large airliner?

2. Persons involved, and listed as dead who have since shown up alive.

The fact you can clearly see an explosion on official tapes before the plane hit Tower 1 makes me a bit suspicious.

The Thermite found in the rubble of the towers that shows clearly it was used to cut through the steel girders like butter.

The fact that one of Bush's relatives was in charge of security of the Towers and they had closed it down for some reason 2 days before. Just enough time to get the explosives in place.

What about the “ coincidence “ of the military having a drill at that time and being ordered to stand down? How come no planes were in the air after the first tower was hit? What about the 2nd tower or the Pentagon or the flight on the way to PA, ( Whitehouse ) still no planes.

The “ pulling “ of Tower 7?

What about the Pentagon if a large plane hit , what would expect to find? A much larger hole, a wheel fragment, fuselage, or part of a large wing.. the hole was only about 16-20 feet wide. Pictures before and after the " Impact " show the same computer monitor sitting on the desk in the room just to the right of the impact, and it is still on the desk, yet windows are broken , I believe any kind of a ht would have knocked something off the desk as small as the computer monitor. They confiscated all surveillance cameras within 6 blocks of the Pentagon, why? Perhaps because they showed the missile that was intentionally fired and hit it’s target.

Reports of cell phone calls being made, I was given some information from a reliable source that it is not possible to phone to the ground from a jet, traveling at that speed and altitude and expect to be have a connection, if they all had access to sky phones that might have been possible, but not the run of the mill cell phones. they would not have made connection.

Reports from the pilots on the doomed flight over PA, you could hear the passengers taking control of the plane, a airline pilot posted this is not possible as there is no way to hear the passenger area from the other side of the cockpit, they are reinforced much to strong to make that possible.

I have no doubt that the people of these flights are dead, but I do not believe for one minute any of them died crashing into the Towers, the Pentagon or a field in PA. I am not saying your loved ones did not pay the price of their lives by being on the planes and we all know how many died in NY and for what?

I had a hard choice when it came time to cast my vote for the Primary Elections, but if one candidate would have come forward and say " Elect me and I will tell you the truth about the JFK Assignation or the 9/11 or other lies and cover ups you have been told, and I will give you Full disclosure as to are we alone in this universe, I know I would have voted he or she in, in a heart beat and the Super delegates would not be able to deny that the American people, want, need and deserve the truth.

Charlotte King

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 08:25 PM
follow the cookie trail to the witches house..

Silverstein owned building 7. He said in an interview that he always wanted to own the towers. This guy knew that the insulation in the building had to come out and that it was a billion dollar cleanup. So, why would he pee his pants to get buildings that were all but condemned? Well, he put specific insurance on them ahainst terrorism and in less that a year hit the jackpot. He has made billions off the event and still going for more billions as I speak.

One of Bushes relation was head of security of the towers that expired on, are you ready for this, 9-11-2001. He was also head security of the airports where the terrorist planes flew out of that day.

Bushes brother is gov of Florida and he called for martial law in Florida 5 days before 911 just after George W had paid him a visit.

May 1st 2001 a law that would allow pilots to have a gun in the cockpit safety box was resended. Most pilots didn't use that law but none could after May 1st.

June 1st 2001 Chaney had Rumsfield give him the powers to run the drills for 911 and the shootdown powers that were always in the generals control. Chaney wasn't an army man. Hell, what did he know about military tatics? One of the drills was flying planes into buildings in NY and Washington. How clever.

In the year 2000 there some squaters that somehow got into one of the upper floors of one of the towers and set up shop. What the hell were they doing there?

Norman Monetta (sp) the Sect. of Transportation said he found Chaney and his wife in the bunker of the White House almost an hour before Chaney said he was there. He told before congress that an aid came in and said the plane was 50 miles out--30 miles out--and when it got down to 10 miles out the aid asked if the orders were still the same and Chaney whipped his head around and said yes the orders still stand, have you heard different? The orders had to be to stand down on what ever hit the Pentagon.

Both Chaney and Bush would not allow themselves to be sworn in during a closed door session with the 911 Commission and they made it so they were in the room together! HA!

Prescott Bush was a traitor and he has a son and grandson following and deepening his footsteps to fascism for America.
Maybe not..
This guy won 96 of 97 cases in his tenure. He believes he could get a conviction and urges just one state attorney general to go for it. If we don't stop this runaway rape of our freedoms we are going to have hell in america that has never been seen before. Because most people are beyond help in their sheepish ways.
God help us!

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by CharlesMartel

Where did you hear this, on Faux news?
It is true that people have claimed crimes they didn't commit for their own fake glory.
How could a man in a cave pull off 911 and defeat a TRILLION DOLLAR defence? He was also sick and in need of medical treatments daily. Capture anyone and torture them for years and you could get them to admit to crimes all over the world at once. A hot needle under the fingernail or waterboarding are easy ways to torture. How about a hot rod put where the sun doesn't shine? Yes, they did that too.
If that's all you got get on the band wagon brother.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:38 PM
The answers to all your questions concerning 911 can be found at the website David Hawkins and Capt. Field McConnell have solved the case and it's all there for anyone to see.

Field McConnell's sister Kristine Marcy is one of the named defendants along with Michelle Obama.

Please go to Hawkscafe and then spread the word. The case has been solved.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:03 PM
You can always tell when an Alex Jones disciple discovers ATS, the same myths appear.

Silverstein owned building 7. He said in an interview that he always wanted to own the towers. This guy knew that the insulation in the building had to come out and that it was a billion dollar cleanup. So, why would he pee his pants to get buildings that were all but condemned? Well, he put specific insurance on them ahainst terrorism and in less that a year hit the jackpot. He has made billions off the event and still going for more billions as I speak.

The towers were far from "condemned". They were at 95% occupancy and thriving. As for the insurance, the WTC had insurance against terrorist acts long before Silverstein owned them. In addition, during the lead up to his purchase, his bankers forced him to get MORE insurance. Making billions? You do realize that he still had to pay 120 million a year (in 2002, it went up after that) in rent to the PA, for property that wasnt producing revenue? Not to mention the rebuilding costs. He isnt making "billions"

One of Bushes relation was head of security of the towers that expired on, are you ready for this, 9-11-2001. He was also head security of the airports where the terrorist planes flew out of that day

Wrong again. Marvin Bush was on the board of directors of Securacom, a company that did some security related work for the WTC. However, Bush left the board in June 2000, before his brother was even the GOP nominee for President. Saying he was the head of security for the towers is an out and out lie.

Bushes brother is gov of Florida and he called for martial law in Florida 5 days before 911 just after George W had paid him a visit.

Bzzzzzt wrong again.

Here are the two Executive Orders signed by Jeb Bush. The first is a routine Executive Order that sets out that the National Guard must train to assist civilian agencies during emergencies and covers issues related to that. Most states have similiar orders on file. NOWHERE does is state the military is taking control of law enforcement activities. Now I could cut and paste the whole thing, but I think its easier for you to go and read it.

Issued Sept 7, 2001

This one was issued in response to the events of 9/11 and it does not declare martial law either. It basically enacts the state's emergency responses in case of further acts of terrorism and gives permission to the state division of law enforcement to direct "any and all state, regional and local governmental agencies that the department may designated to take the precautions needed to protect the State of Florida...." The only place the National Guard is mentioned is here...and again, it is clear that the military IS NOT in charge.

I hereby order the Adjutant General to activate the Florida National Guard for the duration of this emergency, and I hereby place the National Guard under the direction of the State Coordinating Officer for the duration of this emergency.

Issued Sept 11, 2001

June 1st 2001 Chaney had Rumsfield give him the powers to run the drills for 911 and the shootdown powers that were always in the generals control. Chaney wasn't an army man. Hell, what did he know about military tatics? One of the drills was flying planes into buildings in NY and Washington.

Another Internet falsehood. Period...well except for the fact that Cheney wasnt an Army man.

Try doing some real research

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 11:43 PM
In an attempt to get this thread back on the topic about the soldiers voicing their concerns about 9/11, instead of derailing it into (yet another) 9/11 investigation thread...

From what I gather about these soldiers wanting to honor their military oath to uphold the Constitution, I think the best way I can help them get investigations going would be to check out a few pieces of legislation in Congress. From what I've found there, some are already on the table & about halfway passed into action, are some measures to enhance protection for "whistleblowers" in the government who are trying to enforce accountability.

In the US Code, Title 5 it describes general duties & responsibilities of government organizations & employees. Congress has been passing (& continues to work on) additional modifications & enhancements to Title 5 that can protect these people as they "blow the whistle" on wrongdoing that they discover. Some of those new measures that are "in the works" right now (appropriatley named as "whistleblower protections") & I think may help these soldiers would be:
H.R. 985: Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2007
S. 274: Federal Employee Protection of Disclosures Act
S. 508: Congressional Whistleblower Protection Act of 2007
If you find that these & perhaps others that may help out our real patriots in uniform, you can try Open the Congress to actually contact your Senators & Reps with your views. Keep in mind that some of these measures have already passed in the Senate or House of Reps & others haven't even been voted yet, so keep track of exactly what you're saying to who...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel
The conspiracy theorists never seem to explain the Islamofascists taking credit for the 9/11/2001 attacks (as well as the previous Embassy attacks in Africa, the USS Cole, etc.).

The taliban would not turn over OBL to the US becasue they could not provide them with enough evidence that he was behind 9/11.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel
The conspiracy theorists never seem to explain the Islamofascists taking credit for the 9/11/2001 attacks (as well as the previous Embassy attacks in Africa, the USS Cole, etc.).

Why not take credit if you are being blamed anyway and get a few cheers from the home team? Not like that hasn't happened before

"official story" theorists never explain how come half these guys were still alive, or why the FBI has no charges against Bin Laden for 911

[edit on 9-6-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by MidnightDStroyer

Excellent post... thanks
I did not have this data...

Much appreciated.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by zorgon

You're welcome.
But I'll have to thank you too...Despite some of the differences of opinion I've had with you over the past couple of years, you're one of the handful of people that I often run into here that actually makes me think...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Griff

How far and wide do you think that Territorial Marker goes is the real question!

The STATURE OF LIBERTY=THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. Now what is in that clause.

Does that stature resemble the Queen of France and Old America's policies or what?

I like how QUEEN LIKE in appearance she is. And the torch carried in the right hand= RIGHT HANDED PATH=ORDER.

[edit on 9-6-2008 by menguard]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:26 PM

official story" theorists never explain how come half these guys were still alive, or why the FBI has no charges against Bin Laden for 911

Yes, we have explained many, many times the issue regarding the names of the hijackers and the similar names of people still alive. Do some good old fashioned research of the threads on ATS.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:43 PM

The hi-jackers , they identified most of them could not even drive a car, how could they hi-jack and pilot a large airliner?

I have no idea where you got the tripe that they could not drive a car, but thats patently untrue. As for piloting an airliner...I guess you did not realize that several of them had their pilot's licenses.

2. Persons involved, and listed as dead who have since shown up alive.

As listed in my above post, the hijackers, all 19 of them are dead. Men who had similar names are still alive....or do you think that once your mommy and daddy named you, no one else in the world in all of history was allowed to have the same or similar name to yours?

The Thermite found in the rubble of the towers that shows clearly it was used to cut through the steel girders like butter

No, thermite was not found in the rubble, numerous threads on ATS address this fallacy. As for the steel girders cut like butter, you are referring to the pictures of girders with 45 degree angle cuts....which were made with cutting torches during the clean up.

The fact that one of Bush's relatives was in charge of security of the Towers and they had closed it down for some reason 2 days before. Just enough time to get the explosives in place

Nope, none of Bush's relatives were in charge of security of the Towers. John O'Neill was. Again, this has been addressed in numerous threads on ATS...including this one. As for the comment about "enough time to get the explosives in place, that shows a complete lack of knowledge of demolitions....again, addressed in many threads on ATS.

What about the “ coincidence “ of the military having a drill at that time and being ordered to stand down?

You would be hard pressed to find a day during the year where there werent drills of some kind going on in the US military.....and we were never ordered to stand down, thats an oft repeated lie.

What about the Pentagon if a large plane hit , what would expect to find? A much larger hole, a wheel fragment, fuselage, or part of a large wing.. the hole was only about 16-20 feet wide.

Plenty of plane wreckage was found, engine pieces, seats, wheel rims, seat belts, fuselage skin etc...not to mention that the total length of the impact area was about 90 feet.

Reports of cell phone calls being made, I was given some information from a reliable source that it is not possible to phone to the ground from a jet, traveling at that speed and altitude and expect to be have a connection, if they all had access to sky phones that might have been possible, but not the run of the mill cell phones. they would not have made connection.

Most of the phone calls were from airfones, and I know for a fact that you can make cell phones from planes..ive done it, even way back in 2000.

Reports from the pilots on the doomed flight over PA, you could hear the passengers taking control of the plane, a airline pilot posted this is not possible as there is no way to hear the passenger area from the other side of the cockpit, they are reinforced much to strong to make that possible.

Cockpit doors were reinforced AFTER 9/11. And yes, in that final push to retake the plane, the cockpit door on flight 93 was breached......and yes, voice recorders can, and DO pick up voices in that part of the aircraft.

Try doing some honest research and quit relying on BS videotapes.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
Despite some of the differences of opinion I've had with you over the past couple of years,

Funny that... I don't recall you as an adversary...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:08 PM
The Stature Of Liberty:
What is liberty?

Encarta Dictionary:

1.right to choose
the freedom to think or act without being constrained by necessity or force

freedom from captivity or slavery

3.basic right
a political, social, and economic right that belongs to the citizens of a state or to all people

4.breach of ettiquette
an action or remark that violates the polite distance usually left between people and that may strike the person at whom it is directed as insultingly familiar

5.leave from navy
NAVY a short authorized leave from naval duties

at liberty or freed after a period of imprisionment or other constraint or allowed to do something

take liberties with somebody

to behave inappropriately toward somebody, especially by way of excessive familiarity or sometimes sexual harasment


take liberties with something
to be deliberately inaccurate when dealing with facts

1.take the liberty

to be bold enough to do something, sometimes without permission


New Twin Towers layout:

[edit] Major donors

[edit] Major donors
The foundation building the memorial made public on June 1, 2005 a list of the largest donors, including:

New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg ~ $15 million
Deutsche Bank AG ~ $15 million
David Rockefeller ~ $15 million
The Starr Foundation ~ $25 million
Forest City Ratner Co. ~ $5 million
Larry Silverstein ~ $5 million
Consolidated Edison ~ $10 million
Verizon ~ $10 million
Merrill Lynch ~ $10 million
American Express ~ $10 million
Goldman Sachs ~ $10 million[2

Are the names above just good citizens or just trying to fix an extortion scheme

1.obtaining something by illegal threats
CRIMINAL LAW the crime of obtaining something such as money or information from somebody by using force, threats, or other unacceptable methods

2.charging of unfairly high prices

3.getting something by force
the accquisition of something through the use of force or threats

Funny how extortion and liberty are pretty close to one another.

Why were those building so important? Who is inside them, what intelligence runs them?

David Rockefellower Sr. wikipedia

He was born in New York City, at 10 West Fifty-fourth Street, a nine-story mansion owned by his father, then the largest private residence in the city. It contained rare, ancient, medieval and Renaissance treasures collected by his father — some, such as the Unicorn Tapestries

The Unicorn Tapestries
Real Interesting Stuff:

1.The Unicorn is found
2.Hunters search for the unicorn with dogs
3.The unicorn defends itself
4.the unicorn is penned

1.The Alien is found.
2.Hunters search for the alien with dogs
3.The alien defends itself
4.The alien is penned

1.The human is found
2.Hunters search for the human with dogs
3.The human defends itself
4.The human is penned

So those that don't know Unicorns were beings thought to have magical powers or abilities like supernatural means.

Rockefellower has some kinship in France

Jay Rockefeller[34]

In his private capacity he has worked with every United States president since Eisenhower, at times serving as an unofficial emissary on high-level diplomatic missions (an "ambassador without portfolio")

[edit on 9-6-2008 by menguard]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Funny that... I don't recall you as an adversary...

The one primary occasion that sticks in my memory involved a very long thread about the Egyptian Sphinx & Pyramids & their proposed age of construction...Water not only under the bridge, but gone way out to sea.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel
reply to post by zorgon

The conspiracy theorists never seem to explain the Islamofascists taking credit for the 9/11/2001 attacks.

What's to explain? You were fooled by a psy-ops story from a bin Laden "confession" tape that was conveniently "found" by the CIA. This is why bin Laden doesn't appear on the FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorist" list and isn't wanted by them for the events of 9/11. The official story believers never seem to explain that.

Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks

September 17, 2001

DOHA, Qatar (CNN) -- Islamic militant leader Osama bin Laden, the man the United States considers the prime suspect in last week's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands.

In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said.

"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.

Asked Sunday if he believed bin Laden's denial, President Bush said, "No question he is the prime suspect. No question about that."...

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by MidnightDStroyer

despite all this feel good stuff;

"In the US Code, Title 5 it describes general duties & responsibilities of government organizations & employees. Congress has been passing (& continues to work on) additional modifications & enhancements to Title 5 that can protect these people as they "blow the whistle" on wrongdoing that they discover. Some of those new measures that are "in the works" right now (appropriatley named as "whistleblower protections") & I think may help these soldiers would be: "

the man WHO CAN splain it to you is; [ rodney stich ]

the man has, BEEN THERE and DONE THAT, and them laws for protection of whistleblowers aren't worth the paper they are printed on [ they are window dressing for the naiive ]

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