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Yes I Only Like Obama Cuz He's Black - What's Wrong With That

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by modusoperandi

Having said that, IF you are white and honestly believe that black people don't fall victim to racial profiling are incredible fortunate to never have received such treatment. As one poster stated, "the system isn't perfect" so one white person may have his/her way while another may not. Same with black people. I also find it quite ironic that this is primarily a black/white thing. I have seen legitimate mexican people painted with the same brush. In a country that prides itself in being a melting pot I don't see much tolerance of other races.

The point you are missing is that all people deal with discrimination and an unfair life.

CNN has been having this ongoing series about being "black in America" and I'm really annoyed by what I've been seeing on there. They followed this black guy's search for a job and sent a secret camera with him to an interview.

He goes in, they say the hiring manager isn't there and give him a paper application to fill out. As he leaves, they make it seem like it was because hes black. I'm sorry, but we all go through that. I'm white and that's happened to me more times than I can count. Why is it racist and special when it happens to him and just everyday life when it happens to me?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by obamafan14

Well to me that is VERY silly. Its not what colour he is, When he does his job. its about how good he is at his job. Colour or race does not affect or should affect how you see him as president doing his job. What if he screws up his eight years, or you going to not like him, then, or his colour will have to be taken into consideration before making your judgment??? Judge him as a human being, not by his skin, we are all human, walking around in different skin.

Therefore you are not focusing on the important issues.

In a way you've made a silly judgment yourself.

Put it too you this way, if white people were to go around and say that I'm voting Hillary because she is white, and i like her because she is white. aAot of coloured people would say its racisist. I as, a white person would also think its absurd.

Looks like this will be the topic for the next 8 years in America, more deflection and shifting attention to unreal matters. Exactly what America does not need right now

This is one thread, I think I've just wasted 2 minutes too! Now where was I, oh I got to have some breakfast now

[edit on 28-7-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Black people in this country have way more rights than white people. Equality? Name a channel White Entertainment Television & every black would call it racist, but BET is all good to go. Black's pull the racism card for everything. When's the last time a white person couldn't be fired from their job for being white? Check this out, two friends, one black, one white went & applied for a job at the company my wife works for. They hired the more qualified white guy who had more experience & then the black guy sued them because he said it was racism & won. If they give blacks anymore rights & free money U might as well just start sending ur paychecks to the local ghetto.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by ybab hsur
reply to post by tyranny22

Bush was not a war president when he was elected either.

lmaooooooooooo. dumb quote of the year of 2008! please, get some sense!

if you'll allow your liberalism to be set aside for a moment, and remember his presidency before 9/11, and even a few years after, was at record highs.
If you could put your republicanism aside
what are you trying to point here for the love of god......

How many dictators, and how many terrorist leaders do you think will exploit that? How many terrorist attacks does this country have to endure before people like YOU finally say "enough is enough, my heart no longer bleeds for terrorist criminals!!!!"

Wow this was a very silly paragraph. Waffle to the highest degree, can you please tell me WTF are you trying to point out, who is the terrorist here??? and??? what else do you BS about?

Sorry but I have to get this BS straight on this thread, this guy is not a bit clear or accurate on what I've quoted

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:40 PM
My apologies is this has been already asked, but for the OP and those who share their fondness of Obama simply because he is black, I would like to ask this:

Do you have a problem if people DO NOT like him simply because he is black?

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe


If you're trying to clear up the BS, maybe you should start with This post

As much as i now despise president Bush - he was, indeed, not a war president when he was elected.

If he was a war president, as you so incorrectly try to assert, then explain to me which war we were a part of when he was inaugurated.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
reply to post by mind is the universe


If you're trying to clear up the BS, maybe you should start with This post

As much as i now despise president Bush - he was, indeed, not a war president when he was elected.

If he was a war president, as you so incorrectly try to assert, then explain to me which war we were a part of when he was inaugurated.

It was his job to provoke and engineer the wars he has been in the last 8 years.

If hes not a war president.
Then why does he behave like Hitler. He has invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and now wants to invade Iran. He even talked of invading Pakistan and North korea.

If hes not a war president
Why did he continue on the dirty oil business of his fathers steppings.

If hes not war president
Why did he go against the UN council.

If hes not a war president
why did "he" change the constitution to allow any american president declare war on any nation he feels where necessary.

If hes not a war president.
Why is America now more unsafe than it was 8 years ago.

If hes not a war president
Why did he lie to his nation WMDs on Iraq

If hes not a war president.
How come he deals with EVERY conflict, by means of war.

If hes not a war president.
Why is he at war........

If hes not a war president.
Why has he and the government not come clean about 9/11

I could go on, I typed this up in less than 2mins.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:52 PM
voting for someone on the basis of their skin color or gender is quite possibly the dumbest thing i have ever heard. why not vote on the issues? voting on image is more important than substance?

if most people in america vote on such trivial bullcrap ive than got to get out of this country...

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

I can tell you typed it up in less than 2 minutes. The lack of suitable information to back your claim is clear.

Look, you seem to be taking the claim that bush is like hitler.

Thats asinine. Completely and utterly rediculous

I despise Bush too, but i dont think he's anything like hitler for a multitude of reasons.

Im sick of sensationalism. You're a prime example of it.

Bush is not evil
Bush is just a bad president.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin

If he was a war president, as you so incorrectly try to assert, then explain to me which war we were a part of when he was inaugurated.

He wants WW3, is that worth a mention. He's mentioned it a few times purposly. I'm as well to aware of the damage and provoking that does when you mention things like that to dumb sheeple Americans.

When he was not stirring up a war, he was stirring up the fear for one,

Please DO get your head out of the sand ffs.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

You are funny

Thank you for bringing humor into this discussion

now its time to prove up

show me one line - anywhere - where President Bush has asked for WW3 (since you claim he has)

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
reply to post by mind is the universe

I can tell you typed it up in less than 2 minutes. The lack of suitable information to back your claim is clear.

Look, you seem to be taking the claim that bush is like hitler.

Thats asinine. Completely and utterly rediculous

I despise Bush too, but i dont think he's anything like hitler for a multitude of reasons.

Im sick of sensationalism. You're a prime example of it.

Bush is not evil
Bush is just a bad president.

Bush is not evil is your opinion.

I'm a prime example of someone who has no time BS, and T.V you seem to imitate along just nicely too.

There is nothing to insane or asinine about what I said, when your government is 100% responsible for these engineered wars of today. The world has become insane and crazy, and you better realise that this is real life.

People say that George bush staging 9/11 is crazy, but hey the world we live in is crazy

you keep being a sheeple

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Your words dont make any sense what so ever.

And you claim to be here to clean up the BS?

Come on man, you're talking to one of the biggest opponents of Bush of all time - and im telling you that you sound asinine.

Talk about BS?


The BS is the garbage you allow yourself to believe that says bush is responsible for 9/11.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
reply to post by mind is the universe

You are funny

Thank you for bringing humor into this discussion

now its time to prove up

show me one line - anywhere - where President Bush has asked for WW3 (since you claim he has)

1. his behaviour and actions.

2. The fact that he mentions it on and off over the last year or two from Jan 07, look it up,( it's not my fault your ignorant.)

3. War is profits, and the American government have been at war every few years, GOD you need to wake up

P.S What more do you want? T.V to section every word down to a 4 year old basic speech to prove to you that Bush is an evil man in writing and special effects? Use your brain.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin

The BS is the garbage you allow yourself to believe that says bush is responsible for 9/11.

Oh how so?

EDIT. you will learn one day. Not for me to tell you. BTW this thread is getting off topic.

If you really want my view on it email me. Most people say I make sense when I give them my clear observation, and its my observation not garbage.

Its called having a gift of dicernment.

[edit on 10-8-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Scorched Earth
My apologies is this has been already asked, but for the OP and those who share their fondness of Obama simply because he is black, I would like to ask this:

Do you have a problem if people DO NOT like him simply because he is black?

Or what if he was a really bad president, not saying he would be but.. This thread paints the picture that hes black and that's why hes liked and choosen bottom line, so if he #ks up it won't matter as the bottom line here hes picked solely because of his skin colour.

Crazy eh? yes

This is what the elites wants us to argue about, DANG. This is why he is the next president another 4 years of deflection, conflict, shock factor into America. this is the sad tacting reason why he will be a presdent and his pupperty rol is for. The illumunati control on us. Feeding us more problems that they have been stirring us up for.

We are all human beings when it comes down to it. When it comes to the job judge him as where his qualities fit to the job. Its really that simple. So people stop makeing deluded non sensical threads like this. Stop judging others as we are all separate etc. we are still human beings even if we have different religious beliefs. So be aware of what the elites do to us be aware how they control us, be aware of the affects and control it has on us.

I really feel for the sorry state that nation is in ffs.

[edit on 11-8-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by obamafan14

Yes I Only Like Obama Cuz He's Black - What's Wrong With That

Here is the problem with your sentiment:

Yes I Only Like McCain Cuz He's White - What's Wrong With That

Last time I checked the census data, there were more whites than blacks in this country. You might want to re-think your reasoning. What's good for the goose...

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 03:16 PM
This has to be one of the most ignorant, and naive posts I have ever been witness to. Obama never came from a lower-middle class neighborhood, and he most certainly is NOT in touch with Black America. For much of his life he did not even live in America, let alone amongst the Black-American populace. When he was not living amongst Southern Asians in Indonesia, he was living amongst Caucasians, and Pacific Islanders in Hawaii. When not living in Hawaii, he was living amongst White Farmers in Kansas. So tell me, when was Barack Obama EVER in touch with Black America? Quite simply Obama was NEVER interested in Black America, he was more interested in a Political Career, and his Runaway Father's African Roots (Which has absolutely NO connection whatsoever to Black America).

Also, you yourself have no connections to Black America, or reality for that matter, if you one for instant actually hold the belief that his being Elected into office will miracuosly uplift Millions of Black Americans, make everyone forget about Racial Differences, and Completely change American's Opinions, Feelings, and Beliefs. You cannot force such change upon people, as they can only progress themselves through their own will. The Federal Government can, should, and does enforce Civil Rights, through laws and policies. Such enforcement can and has been succesfully accomplished. However, the conceived notion that you can forcefully manipulate opinions, serves to do nothing short of deepening such pre-held beliefs, and further entrench such differences.

Congratulations on you yourself representing the prime example as to why so many despise Barack Obama, and the Modern Democrat/Socialist Party. The Democrat Party used to be a great institution, yet since Lyndon Johnson it has done nothing but become cynical, hypocritical, and downright ignorant.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 04:19 PM
This is really scary if indeed he is a registered voter,that would rank up there with "I'm not voting for Obama because he's black,hope others use more logic then this

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by lucien

So what if blacks support Obama because he is black. How is that different from women voting for Hillary because she is a women and evangelicals voting for a Christian who believes in their bible?

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