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Yes I Only Like Obama Cuz He's Black - What's Wrong With That

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posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

Well she certainly is a fighter, I'll give her that, but I really can't give her my vote.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by Kamikaze X

Well, I am referring into which people are implying, I understood your point and yes you can get a feeling of the community if you work close with them, but we get the sense that he is pandering to the black community by implying he knows what it's like, but thats a lie, he don't know jack, he can see what it's like sure and I'm sure he feels for them. But he has spent his life trying so hard to be black he forgot where he came from, he did not come from the "black community" he came from the American Community, being as he is multi racial growing up "white bread" and being exposed to a multi cultural society. But once he got older and pride set in, he left it all behind for a seat with sin, he took the wrong path bro now we all are seeing it blow up in his face. He could of embraced it all back then, never went to this church and never said these hurtful things about whites and when he got to the point he's at now, he would be smooth sailing. Ironic isn't it? Karma!

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Kamikaze X

I and the rest of America feel that he would be the best opponent for John Mccain.

You do know that he doesn't even have the popular vote over Hillary right, he is beating her by delegates, if the popular vote were the deciding factor she be winning. And since she has the popular vote it is in actuallity her that America feels would be the best opponent, but sadly our system is broken, that is how Bush got his dirty fingers in there too.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by obamafan14
...yes i do like Obama because he is black...
[edit on 2/6/2008 by Mirthful Me]

There's nothing wrong with you liking a person for any reason.
However, please vote for them because you believe they will do the job well, not because of their skin color.
Me, I'm not sure who I'm going with.
Hillary has her issues, but she's already done the job once (Slick Willie sure as heck didn't do it. He was too busy chasing skirts.)
Obama carries himself pretty well, but his knowledge of foreign politics, and his constant defense of his actions is concerning.
McCain is knowledgable and experienced, but after his spending 5 years in the Hanoi Hotel, I can't help but wonder what would do in regards to North Korea if push came to shove.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Sheeper
reply to post by Kamikaze X

Well, I am referring into which people are implying, I understood your point and yes you can get a feeling of the community if you work close with them, but we get the sense that he is pandering to the black community by implying he knows what it's like, but thats a lie, he don't know jack, he can see what it's like sure and I'm sure he feels for them. But he has spent his life trying so hard to be black he forgot where he came from, he did not come from the "black community" he came from the American Community, being as he is multi racial growing up "white bread" and being exposed to a multi cultural society. But once he got older and pride set in, he left it all behind for a seat with sin, he took the wrong path bro now we all are seeing it blow up in his face. He could of embraced it all back then, never went to this church and never said these hurtful things about whites and when he got to the point he's at now, he would be smooth sailing. Ironic isn't it? Karma!

This is all speculation you don't know Obama to say what he has and hasn't been through you probably weren't even alive when he was growing up.

Originally posted by Sheeper

Originally posted by Kamikaze X

I and the rest of America feel that he would be the best opponent for John Mccain.

You do know that he doesn't even have the popular vote over Hillary right, he is beating her by delegates, if the popular vote were the deciding factor she be winning. And since she has the popular vote it is in actuallity her that America feels would be the best opponent, but sadly our system is broken, that is how Bush got his dirty fingers in there too.

That's including the two botched primaries that Hillary agreed shouldn't have counted but changed her mind when she started to lose. If there was proper campaigning done there by Obama the popular count wouldn't have been so lopsided in Hillary's favor. Ontop of that with the additions of Closed and Open Primaries, and Caucuses the popular vote can not be properly measured which makes it an unreliable metric. Lastly, Obama should gain a slight lead back tomorrow with wins in both Montana and South Dakota.

[edit on 6/3/08 by Kamikaze X]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:45 AM
Until people stop seeing a person as a specific race we will never not be racist. Just judge him solely by his words and not his culture or background. If him being black sways your vote then you are an idiot.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Kamikaze X

Well, if I don't know him then you don't know him, right? is that how this works? your a funny guy, lol. Well, since you want me to put a disclaimer up when I talk ok here goes. I base my entire opinion on this man and his life from what I have read and seen. I realize said "facts" about this man could of been made up and manipulated.

Ok, happy, from what I have seen, he is full of ****!

About the America feels he would be the best bla bla, in other words, nummnumm numm, thats you biting your tongue!

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:17 PM
OMG black people dont get equal rights, give me a break.

There are

Black Sheriffs
Black Mayors (Atlanta's Mayor)
Black Fire Chiefs
Black Generals and Admirals in the Military.
Black athletes (who make a ton of money)
Black head coaches
Black actors and actresses
Black musicians
Richest woman in the world is a black woman (Oprah)
etc..... (see were I am going with this)

God help white people if the made the equivalent of Black Entertainment Television and called it WET it would be called the all racist channel and there is also black only colleges, not any white only colleges.

Before I get blasted for this post I serve with a ton of black people in the military and they are highly intelligent guys and gals. Here is the problem with Black America and my roommate who is a black man agrees with this, is that blacks don't want equal rights they want special rights, and hell they got with the creation of welfare and affirmative action. Also all of the black positions I listed above those people got there by busting there asses. If they are black people and can do it why cant the rest of black Americans. I read a book by a rapper named Canibus (who I ll post about later about some of the crap he sings in his songs) were he said that white people really don't care about blacks getting reparations because its not like there actually going to go out and use that money to buy a book or use it on education. Nope they will go spend it on stupid stuff. Giving black people money wont solve the black peoples problem. If they did accept reparations that would be saying that you could actually put a price on something as bad as slavery. Alright im starting to bird walk here but all im trying to say is that black people have the same opportunity as all races in this country do. I will say this though I am voting for Ron Paul (yeah maybe a wasted vote) but dammit its time for an independent to unite us all and run this country. I will say this though if a black president is elected and after all the "first black" president hype white people will never have to hear about "equal" rights or the "first black person to do this" ever again.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:33 PM
Barak Obama is still related to the Bush family and everyone else that is going for the President role so no matter what colour they are they are all in it together and you can still dream if it takes a Half black man president to make a difference.

I wonder if the spate of winning Black actors and actresses in Oscars are conditioning us for this President. I would prefer to see an really Black president as in dark as ATS black and have no connections to any Royals and Bush families than this guy. Colour is not the issue they are all same players in this dynasty.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by The time lord

I dont know if the black actors and actresses winning oscars are conditioning us to see a black president but maybe the black mayors, sheriffs, fire marshals, and military personnel are.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Sheeper

Perhaps i should clarify. Whites don't have to apologize for their skin color but those with a "guilty conscience" have brought it up here in this forum thus I addressed. There isn't a single white person here (I'm yet again assuming) that can proclaim ownership of another person regardless of their color so they can't assume responsibility of the transgressions of anyone before them. I think there are many here that are racist, overtly or covertly or even politically so. To assume (there's that word again) that I'm racist displays an even greater ingnorance. Fact of the matter is, if I was to express a perspective that didn't jive with certain individuals I would either be "racist" or even worse "liberal".

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:39 PM
Barrack Obama is a "JEW"....

Is it a coincidence that out of nowhere a dark skin person comes to the worlds rescure? (Hahaha)

Lets be real for one second,most black folks are going to vote for Obama,due to the fact he has dark skin.


What most black folks dont understand like most other races,is that "no one gives a # about you!"

This world been in a #hole for its entire life,what in the hell says anyone is going to save anyone?

Its all a #in game of chess to these people (Assyrians/Jews)

Understand,"Balance",ocourse someone who is going to be the "next" isnt goin to be worse of what was=Bush.

Its all to make "the stupid people happy"

Ever wonder why we "americans"kep supporting good ole "Israel?

and by the way,it was "Assyrians" who made black folks slaves,they also made every other race slaves too....(Rome,Russia,Britian,Israel,China etc....)

Its just black folks was the first because they were the first race.

If you need proof,go look at the giza pyramids,in which have all "Assyrians" covered on them.

Weak people vote for a president,they need a leader because they arent one!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by ValhallasValkyrie

Do they have legs? Arms? Brains? Can they extend their hand and flip it over? Yes? Then they can get a job, even if it is flipping burgers, and work to get the life they want.

you can't raise a family on minimum wage, and finding good employment is hard when you live in a poor neighborhood.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:41 PM

I can't imagine a effigy of Obama being burnt in Baghdad.

When I lived in Saudi, I saw more discrimnation against blacks and asians (mostly asian islanders), than I ever saw against white Americans. This was primarily because these groups represented a large proportion of those who did menial labor, and they were thus (wrongly) relegated to that status and treatment by the Arabs.

But voting for or against someone due to race? Mind-boggling...
then again, even Wayne Brady is more "black" when compared to Obama, hehe...

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 12:16 PM
I'm not only worried about Barack Obama if he gets elected as President but I'm truly worried about those groups and peoples associated with Obama, the kinds that represents the worst fringe of political and racist ideologies. They are very interested seeing the United States of America destroyed as a world and economic power before the world's eyes.

Think of them as racist Bolsheviks pulling off a twisted, mixed version of the Nazi purges and Mao's Cultural Revolution upon the American people. Expect right-wing, pro-USA folks to be rounded up and sent to concentration camps for re-education and political correction programs. If they resist, they would be permanently detained for life without trial or sentenced to die after the ruling by a far-leftist military tribunal.

Be warned of those far-left politically-connected Obamaniacs and Islamists within the future Obama administration.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 08:05 PM
the op is a retard that need's there voter reg. took away.

yet another that admits they vote for obama ..because he is black

LORD help us american...THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY

vote for the person that seem's like he has his act strait...and some backbone..

not four thousand vote's in a senate... its all the man has

he has to expertise............
it's like letting a me do brain surgery..cause i am black..even if there is a white doctor right beside you..did 5000 never lost 1 life.
based on a man's color.


posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 05:30 PM
Sorry if someone else posted this, but I don't have time right now to go through all the pages. It makes me mad when people say that they are voting for Obama because he is black, because that man is just as white as he is black. He was raised in a white home, he went to Harvard, and later taught there. He has never experienced the trials of black life here in America; the blackest thing he's ever done is attend Trinity United, and he only did that so that he'd look black to get voted in as Senator.

[edit on 10-6-2008 by Zezima]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:03 PM
Take a moment to consider what the OP has said here. Interesting yes?

Now put the shoe on a white persons foot, and then DARE to imagine what would happen if they came out and said the same thing, only in regard to Hillary Clinton or John Mccain.

Dont think there is white guilt being played upon in this country? Dont think there is a set of double standards at work here?

Imagine the backlash that would ensue if a white voter were to admit in a public forum that they will be voting for the WHITEST candidate possible. You would be lucky not to be stoned to death by a mob of angry PC liberals.

Seems to me that being racist these days is sort of like saying the "N"'s ok for black people to do it.....but nobody else.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by ole_army_new_coasty

God help white people if the made the equivalent of Black Entertainment Television and called it WET it would be called the all racist channel and there is also black only colleges, not any white only colleges.

I fraggin hate it when people make this stupid argument. It's short sighted and basically ignorant. I go into more detail here.

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
BET was founded in 1980. If anyone is going to say that the media was completely integrated and represented black people evenly then, they are wrong. BET was a place for black people to get entertainment that wasn't being supplied by the mainsteam white media. Now that BET has been moderately successful for 26 years([jk]of course due to the support of honkey owned companies [/jk]), would you have them change their name?

The UNCF was founded in 1944 when black people had almost no chance of getting into colleges, let alone paying for it. And, even though they would claim otherwise, 'white' schools would deny admittance to blacks. They were successful through some of the most violent civil rights clashes in American history. Would you have them change their name because some people don't see the racism that still exists in society?

Besides, these days BET doesn't exist to enlighten and praise African American culture, but instead propogates racial stereotypes. They do this so that Black children know what music they are supposed to listen to. Same with white people and MTV, and other white people with VH1.

The fact is that mainstream media's only purpose is to catagorize, organize, and direct the thoughts of the people. We are only supposed to listen and watch what we are told. The rivalry that is now forming is either a known or unknown side effect of that programming.

Now, if you want to discuss that, go there. This one is about voting for a candidate because he's black and from a lower middle class background who worked his own way up from that level to a Democratic presidential candidate.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:50 AM

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