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succubus/incubus - please help

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posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I'm 42 yrs old now. I started dabbling in the occult at 15. Over the next 2 yrs, I became darker and darker. I sensed I had a "companion". At one point I crushed a padlock with my bare hands (me being a 120lb skinny kid).I tell this to let you know I have first hand experience.

I have spent my life searching, to put the big picture together (God, Aliens, Ancient mysteries, UFOs, demons, etc etc).

Here's the deal, like it or not. Believe me or not. To rid yourself of this problem, you must PERSONALLY accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.

I am not a "Bible Thumper", I was not raised a Christian but I am now.
I own a business in the Utility sector, I am a 10 yr military veteran and also an electrical engineer. I am not a simple minded individual.

Christ is real. What is harrassing you is most likely a nephilem spirit. The ouji board is a physical representation of your "inviting" spiritual beings into your life. We all chose an alliance wether we realize it or not. By default, we are enemies of God, we must choose to move toward him first.

I would stay away from the Catholic Church and Priests cannot help you.
Ever notice its always the Catholic followers who get possessed??
From my trying to find which Christian denomination is the purest reflection of the bible, I have found for the most part the Baptist doctrine is the most unpolluted.

Christ is real and everything is under his subjection. If you accept him, the holy spirit is sent and dwells within every true believer as opposed to the spirit that dwells within you now....

BRAVO!!This was the perfect answer. Why can't I keep it a little more simple but effective like this post?

You all should go back and read this post again. This guy is exactly right and explains exactly how to get rid of this problem.A few months ago a friend called me asking me to help someone else with this same problem.Then at church the other day I met a man that claims he was set free from Demons by Jesus Christ and that he too has been assaulted in the same manner before! This type of phenomena is increasing you guys.Remember what Jesus said in the Bible."As in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the son of man be".And what was the most significant thing to happen during those times.It can be found in Genesis Chapter 6 you all have heard it before maybe.It talks about the angelic beings that fell from heaven and were wicked were raping the human women and bearing children by them.Is it possible we are seeing the start of the return of those same beings trying to work there mischief among men again?I believe so myself.This thread makes me want to draw closer to God, closer to Jesus the manifested creator of the universe.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 01:00 AM
There is no such things as demons.. Troubled spirits, ok I can understand.
What your going through is either, sleep paralysis as mentioned.. OR Schizophrenia. But you say that you are aware of it and know its symptoms.. Ok... fair enough. So it cannot be sleep paralysis, nor Schizophrenia?

I have never in my life, read anything do I say this... "WEIRD"
My friend, either you are making this up or you have an extreme imagination, however I am NOT accusing you..what ever your reasons,.

Sorry but I don't buy this at all. Spirits no matter how evil, cannot "rape" you, they have no control over this world, it is God who is in control.
Evil spirits already have their place, and its not on this Earth thank God

Either God is doing this so you get closer to Him.. (But then again, I guess he could show you in thousands of other ways aswell...) OR.... you are going through some really tough and trying times.

You mentioned that there were 3 dots of light on your hand.. did these dots change color as well as their shapes?

If this is really happening to you, I feel your pain.
How to stop it? Well one, if you do drugs, you could always stop.
Another thing definitely worth doing is to have an MRI, just you know.. to make sure there's nothing unusual. Also, pray as much as you can if you already don't.

Good luck.

[edit on 3/6/08 by MASH_DADDY]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:50 AM
To me this either sounds like a joke, or this individual has mental problems. I am surprised that so many on this board start advocating excorcism. READ THE STORY AGAIN.

The OP goes into great detail about all sorts of small things, about the burning on their hand, and how scary the voice was, etc... but when it comes to being sexually assaulted by a demon, which most would say would be the most traumatic event of all, he says "and then i was raped".

If this were happening in the physical world there would be plenty of evidence after the fact, bruising, pain, blood, etc... The signs would be quite unmistakeable.

If this is purely psychic, I still wonder why the lights on his hand were traumatic and worthy of detail, and the voice, and all that but somehow the violent sexual attack has no detail to it AT ALL. Even if the OP wanted to avoid graphic details, surely while it was happening PLENTY would be going on in his mind, yet he does not discuss that at all. No discussion of fear, no thoughts about what is happening, no attempts to communicate with the thing that is attacking him, no reflect on the event at all as it is happening.

There is something seriously wrong with this whole story. I am not trying to be cruel because it sounds like the OP maybe quite young, but still it sickens me the way people jump on the bandwagon and start screaming "This happens all the time! Start worshipping my diety to save yourself!"

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by jlawson56

These beings are difficult to understand and classify, so don't worry about trying to figure out just "what" is attacking you. All of these types feed on fear and their apparent maliciousness is only a manifestation of their weakness. Without your fear these beings have no power. It may seem impossible to overcome the fear associated with the attacks, but you can and you must. You are in no real danger. The only one who can harm you is YOU. Begin meditation for a few minutes every day, focus on the aspects of reality which are positive for you. Love and healthy relationships are good points of focus. Bathe in the light and enjoy your breath. It is difficult to overcome darkness, but once you begin to tip the balance toward light the task becomes easier. I was plagued by these things for my entire life from my earliest memories of childhood into my mid-twenties, now I terrorize them. I am not a Christian or anything. The Catholic Exorcism will not work on these things because it is an empty ritual. You are more powerful than "THEM," have fun killing these insects.


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Mad_Hatter

Your personal experiences are about the worst basis for forming a personal belief as you can get. That's why we have science, so we don't just latch on to things we see and accept them as the truth. You mention that you have to take everything on the net with a pinch of salt, well the same thing applies to our own senses - we are far too flawed as observers to offer anything substantial, unless we use a massive sampling group. Just as a video on YouTube might be faked, so might be your brain's interpretation of your surroundings.

If you, or anyone else, have evidence for demons, James Randi will pay $1m to recreate the experiment in a laboratory. So far not a single person who believes in ghosts or demons or zombie owls or whatever has managed to interact with any of them in a clinical setting.

It is cool to think they exist, though, but that shouldn't be enough for us to discard logic and reason.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by dave420

My I reiterate the Night Vision Cam < with audio > In the bedroom.

Just to investigate the issue and watch timing and reactions if nothing else.

If experiences still occur, and there is no movement or sound on the tape, its got to be 'in the mind'. Even a vocal response might signify an event, as sometime thats all you can "muster up" during an experience.

I know that there have been times < in bed > that I couldnt speak at all, and when I did it didnt sound 'human'. I could hear myself, and would have LOVED to have those experiences on TAPE to study, in the light of day. Even trying to wake someone up next to you to 'Save you' would show on tape.

Perfect timing to try.

It may offer a few options in this situation.

At least to take the 'fog of sleep' out of it.

Best Regards,


[edit on 3-6-2008 by Blitzkreigen]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Sonya610

Just a month or two ago one of my best friends called me and was seeking counsel for his friend. His friend was experiencing the EXACT same thing as this guy is saying. He was living kinda far away so our meeting never developed.
Then just last sunday someone was introduced to me that ALSO claimed they were being raped by spirits or fallen angels... Then i come on here and THIS guy is claiming the same stuff.
Thats three people in a few months claiming the exact same thing. Detail or not.. I think something is going on. You can believe what you like and so can the OP'r I'm certainly not forcing my views. I have giving my advice and stand by it however.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:22 AM
You could burn sage or sweet grass in your house and around you to cleanse yourself and home from these demon(s). Sage and sweet grass is an old natvie american thing that I believe can work. If it doesn't I think I have other ideas.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:11 AM

I've read all of the postings and I'm glad to see a variety of presentations for help. I hope that the forum moderator doesn't block this post again - I have spent hours putting together this post; to make it as helpful as possible. I once was demonised; I needed someone to close the door I opened.

When I opened that 'portal' of power, I was only looking for something to give me strength to get through this difficult life. What came to me was a malevolent entity that was particularly hateful towards people who aligned themselves to Jesus Christ. Like you, it took me about five years to recognise how this "spirit of anger" had laid to waste my life.

When I was released from this daemon, it was after a Christian gave/discerned for me a 'word of knowledge' pertaining to the legal hold this thing had over me. For me I needed to reject [the benefits of] evil [to gain power, riches, friends, comfort, peace, and so on]. After this confession and a prayer with a Christian that carried the authority of Jesus Christ, the 'portal' [my unconscious pact with evil] was closed up and the "spirit of anger" banished forever.

Please solicit prayer support from real Christians - it helped me during this time.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by firegoggles
reply to post by Sonya610

Just a month or two ago one of my best friends called me and was seeking counsel for his friend. His friend was experiencing the EXACT same thing as this guy is saying. He was living kinda far away so our meeting never developed.
Then just last sunday someone was introduced to me that ALSO claimed they were being raped by spirits or fallen angels... Then i come on here and THIS guy is claiming the same stuff.
Thats three people in a few months claiming the exact same thing. Detail or not.. I think something is going on. You can believe what you like and so can the OP'r I'm certainly not forcing my views. I have giving my advice and stand by it however.

I have heard of this happening to other people, also. It is pure and simple demonic activity. Not a big deal, just low order earthly demons. I would suggest Deliverance from the harassing spirits. If you go through Deliverance, don't feel weird or be embarrassed, etc. Deliverance Ministers have seen it all, and the what, where and whys don't really matter, because it is all from one source, Satan. It doesn't really matter what is said, because Demons lie and they may not tell the truth. They manifest in different ways. If you bind the Strongman, the companion demons will follow and leave. Praying for a Deliverance from the tormenting spirits!

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 01:41 AM
That's really scary. I've experienced it while laying in my bed more than a few times through out my life, what this is called is sleep paralysis, mine are really scary usually though, usually some scary thing on top of me raping me violently and screaming loud like the monster out of the movie darkness falls, looks similar to the darkness falls monster as well. But I'm so use to it that I just try to enjoy the experience until it ends though, there's no point in having fear over a situation you have no control in, and plus, it's not every day you can say you've gotten laid by some random demon whore lol, but I guess I just look at things from a funny point of view. But the other part of your story is strange, I suggest looking around this forum for techniques to protect yourself with, like visualizing a white bubble made of light all around you, I've never really tried it much but it may help protect you from whatever is bothering you. Try and find some kind of protective necklace(s) as well, no harm in seeing if they work. Good luck buddy..

[edit on 27-6-2008 by ThatSleepParalysisGuy]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by jlawson56

I've seen an online article posted by a guy that seems frighteningly similar to your account. You can view his information here:

It seems heartfelt and as genuine as you can get. Check it out if you're still looking for information on this.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:34 PM
Hey don't feel alone It happens to me while i am awake and i can not figure out a way to get rid of it. I don't know if it is a girl or a boy or if both are involved but i have been molested and raped by these invisible beings and i just can not find a way to get rid of them. I don't know what else to say just know you are not alone and pray that they only stay in your dreams. Don't listen to them either they will lie and tell you that they are anyone you want them to be... Or even that your life is a movie, which is also a lie so i hope you find a way to get rid of them apparently a lot of people suffer at the hands of these invisible rapist/molestors from what i have read and i just pray that someday they are removed from humanity all together.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 12:14 PM
I deal in prayer and deliverance ministry. I have had similar things happen to me my whole life, before I was a believer, including attacks from incubus and succubus as I was half asleep, you don't need to be involved in the occult to have them come after you. It can happen to anyone, even Christians who have the holy spirit on the inside of them. I became a Christian several years ago, I described what would happen to me to a Christian counselor MFT and she explained incubus and succubus demons. That was exactly what was happening to me! They can't touch me now because for some reason at the name of Jesus every demon releases and trembles. Gee I wonder why? I have literally seen people delivered and healed by all kinds of things under the cross of Jesus Christ himself and his power. Even when I am falling asleep and they have tried to choke me and push down on me and violate me sexually I am rebuking them in the name of Jesus and they let go and leave they can't violate me, I even had one encounter where some dark thing came upon me just as I was falling sleep and it was trying to hold me down and violate me sexually and a vision of Christ himself pulled him off me. Also everyone should know that incubus and succubus are unclean spirits and can infirm you and give you diseases and make you very ill and even kill you eventually. And people have known of them for centuries. Also, we have people explain these encounters over and over in ministry, even non-christians come to us about the problem. Sleep paralysis is what medical terminology calls this same encounter, when you are half asleep and it feels like something is touching you or pushing you. However, they don't address the sexual aspect of it or the awake encounters that many people have (most of the time you are almost asleep b/c demons are wimpy and usually try to hurt you when your guard is down). There are scriptures referring to these issues and all I can share with you is what I have seen, encountered, and know. Whether you want to believe it or not it's the only thing that works. And stay away from witchcraft and occultism, all it does is open doors to more demonic spirits. When you repent of these actions it shuts the doors in the spirit. I've seen it all and heard it all in deliverance ministry with the occult, ex witches, satanists, people who have left the occult, I see the same problems over and over, stay away from it, it only causes trouble. For help, seek out a five fold ministry full christian gospel church, one that believes and utilizes the spiritual gifts so you can be healed and delivered and at peace. Not all christian churches deal with this or utilize the gifts of the holy spirit, but assemblies of God, pentecostal churches or charismatics usually do and will address the spiritual realm head on under the Lordship of Christ, just as the disciples did. They are amazing ministries, you will be floored at the encounter with God and how gentle, kind and loving he really is. Trust me I'm sure Christ is just waiting to be of your assistance. He loves you and does not want you harmed, but you must go seek him out and ask for help. So pray and ask him to protect you from these beings, and ask him to send you people who can help you. HE WILL!

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:34 AM
I Always here the term Succubus/Incubus prtrayed as the same creature...

This is totally untrue.

Succubi are Succubi & Incubi are Incubi.

The very term comes from ancient Arabia.

Succubi & Incubi are/were members of the D'jinn race. They were beings similar to humans & not the horrid demons that western sociaty has turned them into in story books.

If you are being raped by something invisible without your concent, then it definately isn't a succubus or an Incubus, as both these must be openly & knowingly invited.

To invoke a Succubi/Incubi, there are specific rituals to gain their attention & you must also know the name of the D'jinn your trying to invoke & sadly, a Ouija board isn't one of the tools that can do this.

Infact, there isn't really a whole lot a Ouija board really can do, it is just a Gypsy toy.

Whatever is happening to you, it definately has nothing to do with Succubi & is more likely comming from your own mind.

However I might also add, that if you are indeed being attacked in the night by something unseen. The answer may actually be to have a Succubi or Incubi actually bound to you by a shaman.

A real Succubi or Incubi is far more powerful than what ever is attacking you & they will litterally kick its arse & keep you safe!!!

There are other benefits of being bound also, but I'll let you research that for yourself.

Anyway, what have you got to lose... Give it a try.. you won't be dissapointed... I promise...

[edit on 8/31/2008 by Ironclad]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:00 AM
Sleep paralysis is the simplist "rational" explanation for your ordeals, however, as you stated, this doesn't explain your encounter in the alcove that night.

I'm with you in the sence that i don't believe in gods and devils etc, but just because we don't believe in them, it doesn't mean they arn't there. Also you can't prove something doesn't exist, you can only say it's extremely unlikely.

I have used the ouija board quite a lot of times, and even tried to summon a succubus/succubi (the female version of your incubus/incubi)... Lets just say a sex demoness seemed very appealing to me at the time. However, nothing ever happened (sadly)

I don't believe finding faith in catholics would help you, i mean you say you arn't religeous, yet when things turn bad, you're willing to have faith?

Now don't get me wrong, i'm not some freak, satan worshiper or anything, i'm a normal guy who enjoys surfing and extreme sports, but have a more than average interest in the paranormal... so here's my advice [and remember it's only good advice if you take it

You say this all started with the ouija board... then i do believe that's what you need in order to end it. It may be a scary thought, but it can't be worse than what you're experiencing already right?

Get out the ouija board again (alone or with a friend) and fight fire with fire. If you have a demon/incubi attacking/raping you then purely giving you advice on my readings of religeous texts, you have 2 choices....

1) Through god, ask St. Michael for help. He is an angelic warrior famous from paintings and art as been depicted with sword, helmet and shield ready to strike down evil/demons. Apparently, if you're having problems with bad things... he's your guy.

2) Ask Satan to help rid yourself of this incubi. Before that freaks you out, Satanism isn't about demons and sacrifices and the like, that's just christianitys scare mongering and a silly stereotype, like not all witches are butt ugly and ride a broom stick. Satan isn't some red horned devil, he is a fallen angel, long blonde hair, handsome and white wings?
Or if dealing with satan freaks you out a bit still, ask the ouija board for Lilith. She is the queen of the succubus and also known as the "Princess of hell" She was Adams 1st wife before eve. However, she questioned that if she was equal to adam she should sometimes be on top during sex... adam refused so she denied him sex and she was cast out by god and taken in by satan. But she was the 1st succubi and if i remember correctly, all succubus and incubus are decended from her. So if anyone can rid you of this incubi, it's her.

I mean Satan was a fallen angel just for questioning gods will and Lilith was cast of for wanting equality, to be honest they dont sem such a bad bunch when you look at it that way.

Well that's my advice on it all. As i said, the above is my advice going by religeous texts, and not my beliefs. Hope it all works out for you.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:59 PM

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 06:23 PM

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 02:12 PM
Sorry, but I have to agree with Sonya610. To me, the original post sounded off. I’m 33-years-old and have had a lot of paranormal experiences myself over the years. True, you do get used to certain things happening and even something new doesn’t necessarily scare you the way it once would have. Over time, you sort of desensitize to the surprise of such things, for lack of a better way of describing it. But that’s not what I’m sensing from this. jlawson56 talks of what I would think would be a series of terrifying occurrences and attacks. Yet I don’t get a feeling of true fear from the posts at all. I used to work with a guy who a really big gamer and devoted many, many hours to RPGs. Some days at work, he would spend five or six hours going on about various campaigns that he and his friends were involved in with either of the two RPGs they played. Honestly, that’s what jlawson56’s posts sound like to me - role play fantasy. They lack a sense of realism. Nothing I read there convinced me otherwise.

jlawson56, on a cautionary note, though, Ouija boards are dangerous. Especially when viewed as nothing but a game. Please be careful. Or, better yet, stay away from them altogether. Even in the hands of someone trained in the proper use of them and proper shielding techniques, accidents can happen. To simply play with one is just asking for trouble.

Scott Harper

Originally posted by Sonya610
To me this either sounds like a joke, or this individual has mental problems. I am surprised that so many on this board start advocating excorcism. READ THE STORY AGAIN.

The OP goes into great detail about all sorts of small things, about the burning on their hand, and how scary the voice was, etc... but when it comes to being sexually assaulted by a demon, which most would say would be the most traumatic event of all, he says "and then i was raped".

If this were happening in the physical world there would be plenty of evidence after the fact, bruising, pain, blood, etc... The signs would be quite unmistakeable.

If this is purely psychic, I still wonder why the lights on his hand were traumatic and worthy of detail, and the voice, and all that but somehow the violent sexual attack has no detail to it AT ALL. Even if the OP wanted to avoid graphic details, surely while it was happening PLENTY would be going on in his mind, yet he does not discuss that at all. No discussion of fear, no thoughts about what is happening, no attempts to communicate with the thing that is attacking him, no reflect on the event at all as it is happening.

There is something seriously wrong with this whole story. I am not trying to be cruel because it sounds like the OP maybe quite young, but still it sickens me the way people jump on the bandwagon and start screaming "This happens all the time! Start worshipping my diety to save yourself!"

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:08 PM
can someone please explain the mirror thing a little?... Why it works?

I'm having a very similar dilemma

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