posted on May, 31 2008 @ 01:40 AM
Ok, it has been a while since I posted in ATS, but there is always something of interest every once in while worth posting on. First off welcome to
ATS, secondly it's unfortunate that you got an evil entity harrassing you, and yes just like there is good there is evil. I've had my more than
fair share of experiences dealing with these so-called evil entities, I don't really share those experiences with anybody ,but I've come to the
realization that they exist, and they are there, and they wanna play rough, but there is also those good beings that are on your side that you may not
be able to see them, but they are there trying to help you, so here is my recommendation: These beings are not mortal, so you cannot kill them, they
are made of a different matter, the only thing you can do is teach them to respect you. Somewhere along your life you allowed these beings to come
into your life without feeling any respect for you, you sort of allowed them, how?? I don't know, its like allowing some people that you think might
be good people into your house, and they turn out to be abusers, and rapists, and now that you told them to go away, they just don;t wanna go away.
In order to make them go away you just can't tell them to go away, you need to analyze their mind, feelings, thoughts, and figure out why the hell
they like to paralyze you and rape you, you need to think about what you have that they like, ask yourself some questions: Am I good looking, or in
good shape for to be liked by some non-mortal being? Am I rich? Strong? Open minded? Is it the music I listen to for crying out loud? Why don't
they pick on somebody else? Why dont they pick on my friends, the ones I played the ouji board with? why me?! Next you break the routine, change
your plans, take drastic measures, do things you never have done before. Here are some personal suggestions:1. Befriend new people---Some of the new
people you befriend will most likely be examined by the entity, some of these new begotten friends may have an "aura", or guradian angel ten times
more powerful than the entity bothering you, and may turn IT off from keeping harrassing you. 2. Travel--Visit places you have never gone before,
specially foreign countries, the entity may be turned off by the places you are visiting because just like you, IT will feel like a foreign tourist in
some other entity's turf, entities which may not be friendly to IT at all, and may even require IT to stay in your home town rather than come along
with you. 3. (Only If you are single). I dont know if you are a man, or a woman, but I suggest you start making out with somebody from the opposite
sex, I mean a real human, this will might let the entity know that you are not only his/hers, and if you can get a real bf/gf it would even be better
than just some casual sex. 4. Visit your grandfather's, and father's grave and seat beside them for a good while 15-20 minutes and tell them what
you did with the ouiji board, and that you didn't meant to disturb their sleep, or summoned them to this crazy world of ours again!, or just tell
them that you didnt mean to mess with that childish crap, and that now you got a problem, and need to figure out how to solve it, and to see if they
can help, or at leat to give you a blessing of protection, just tell them whats going on. 5. If worst comes to worst and none of the other
strategies that you come up with work, just tell the entity the next time it appears to you, or rapes you, or after it finishes, that you arent gonna
stand up the abuse anymore, and that it will stop because you say so, and if they are many entities that are playing around with you they will
probably laugh, or something will move, or make a sound ett..., so if that happens you just tell them that you are not going to stop them alone, and
that you will get some help, because there are many good people that are willing to help you, like bart from ats, ha,ha, they probably know who bart
is by now, if not youll give IT/THEM some homework, so to put it in short suggestion number 5 is to Face your fears, stand up , and declare war. I
hope this puts a different view of this matter into perspective.