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I am prejudiced

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:59 PM

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:34 AM

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:50 AM
I don't care what colour someone is, i have never judged someone on it and never will.

However i got called a racist for talking about genetic differences recently discovered between races. I wasn't talking about it in a negative way, simply quoting science fact. Like the fact that people of certain south american countries have a higher risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack. Is that racist?

I pointed out white people have higher risks of certain cancers according research, is that racist?

I think we've become so politically correct, at least here in the UK, that if anyone even mentions race in relation to any issue, they are labelled racist.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:45 AM
I dont have the time to hate people over color. There are idiots of all races. I hate the rednecks as much as the la raza and black power folks. Not because they are idiots but they usually are poor and smell like sweat and sour milk

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:48 AM
I don't care about someones race or culture, I dislike people who are self absorbed, loud and obnoxious, doesn't have any respect for themselves or anyone or anything else. Also people who are nosey and believe that everybody should live the way they do.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
I don't care what colour someone is, i have never judged someone on it and never will.

However i got called a racist for talking about genetic differences recently discovered between races. I wasn't talking about it in a negative way, simply quoting science fact. Like the fact that people of certain south american countries have a higher risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack. Is that racist?

I pointed out white people have higher risks of certain cancers according research, is that racist?

I think we've become so politically correct, at least here in the UK, that if anyone even mentions race in relation to any issue, they are labelled racist.

Not at all racist, my friend.

These differences must be investigated and researched. Certain racial groups are predisposed to certain illnesses. I myself am predisposed to coronary heart disease.

Even non-medical differences should be investigated and researched. Origins, history... these are the things that define groups (races) of people. They must be catalogued and celebrated!

There is too great a push to deny that race is a valid biological and social demarkation. There is too great a push saying that we all are, and all must be the same. Why?! I love the fact that people approach life in different ways... it makes the world that much more interesting, and a team that much more varied and equipped to tackle a wider range of problems.

Acceptance and celebration of diversity is of greater value than the homogenization of society and "tolerance" of differences. We must never "tolerate" one another, we must accept one another.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

Originally posted by jpm1602
Bingo pexx. We all bleed red. And we all die alone. I cannot stand rascist buggers. They make my head hurt.

Colour of blood means nothing. Skin colour apparently does. Don't at least all land mammals and all birds bleed red? I don't have black and white stripey skin although it would solve one area of racial divide. Or a pair of wings.....?

We are all HUMAN! Genticists and whoever would tell you that every person on the planet has HUMAN DNA. (please, I know some of you believe there are "others" but for the sake of making a point.....sssshh!). Ok, as the HUMAN RACE we are diverse in cultures, traditions, history, levels of technology and all the other -ologies and -ations etc and of course skin colour. So we a very DIFFERENT! Here in Britain we're told from a young age to eat all your food, especially in someone else's house. It's bad manners and implies the food isn't nice. Yet, in China, if you eat all that's on your plate it's taken as an insult as you are questioning their generosity.

Imagine there was only one colour. Does that mean there would be no racism? I don't know. But it there would still be prejudice. We fear what we don't know. hence why there is the "Great Quest for Knowledge" happening everyday. We want to know everything about everything. Including each other.

Britain is a melting pot of all the colours. I use this as an example only cos I live here. Whites see it as they have built up this country, albeit by Imperialism, but nonetheless they have, and they've fought and had family that have fought and died defending this country over generations to maintain their way of life. The country wasn't perfect, what with homelessness, drugs, crime - murders, rapes, unemployment, sectarianism (take note). These things happened but hey the country was booming. All these lands owned across the globe brought many diverse and interesting goods to trade. They'd heard of and sometimes seen other colours but they were working hard in another part of the Great country. Then different colours started appearing on their streets. Blacks, Yellows, Browns, Reds all came from White owned territories from all over the world. "To our lands?"

The new colours needed jobs, housing, health care, education for either themselves and/or children and they would've been able to claim benefits. Whites didn't like the fact they'd built up this nice little gig that worked for the majority of them, just to let someone else reap the rewards (or benefits). "They're taking our jobs, and homes and overloading our schools and hospitals". When different colours entered workplaces some whites wouldn't have it. They made life difficult for a lot of the new colours. So some of the new colours went out and created jobs for themselves. restaurants, take-aways, shops were the most popular choices (I'm not stereotyping!). Whites still weren't happy. "There's no jobs and it's cos of the new colours taking all the jobs. Let's trash their businesses!" Hard-working colours' liveliehoods were ruined. Lives destroyed. Colours fighting on the streets, terrorising homes with little colours inside. The little colours got very scared and many grew up with fear and resentment for the whites.

But now all these little colours - white, black, brown, red, yellow have all grown up. Many have blossomed into fine colours. Some haven't. Having been told and reminded and reminded again of how bad things have gotten since all the new colours arrived. They see the land as much theirs as any other colours. Resentment on all sides embedded in the minds of all the young colours.

Some colours like all other colours.
Some colours like other colours but not all.
Some like none but their own.
Some even act like they are other colours.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by telepath

You know, I should of just waited for this thread before making my reply to the other. You pretty much worded what I was trying to say in a much more ellogant manner.


posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by dariousg

Thanks darious,
Glad you could make it

Some threads become similar to a cage of overcrowded with apes throwing feces at each other.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 08:14 PM
You may choose not to judge others but you yourself will be judged..if you're White.One thing I've learned living in a very 'Diverse'State,is that the only People who think that Race is unimportant and who consider Racial solidarity to be sheer ignorance are Whites.Their is no Black or Brown equivalent to the Guilty White liberal/leftist.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:09 AM
I am glad that so many of you dont judge others by their skin, but today thats not all that prejudice entails. prejudice is using a stereotype to take the place of their character when you judge anything.

if i was from the south would you call me inbred? if i dressed nice would you call me rich? if i was overweight would you say that i am eating myself to death, or that i am lazy?

DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM or is that a stereotype?

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