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I am prejudiced

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

That's fine John, you're not required to like me. Just don't stalk me okay? Don't troll my threads.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 04:36 AM
Just a reminder...

Please focus the responses on the Topic of discussion and NOT each other's character and or person.

Thank you.

General Conspiracy Discussion » I am prejudiced » Post Reply

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by telepath
You've got a right to your opinion and I to mine.

Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is not.


Isn't racism being prejudice, never say never telepath

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by carslake


There are all kinds of prejudice. I'm not here to give you a lesson in semantics carslake. No, racism is racial prejudice taken in context of the first definition. Which is the following:

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Carslake. I've got nothing to prove. The burden of proof is upon you.

Just back up your claims. Back 'em up, with PROOF,

instead of ad hominem... I will acquiesce.

I have put aside all vestiges of pettiness. Can we have an argument now?

[edit on 28-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by telepath

Well we can not stop ignorance because no matter how much you talk, they don't listen! Stupidity can be stopped, by implanting a chip into every crack head, high school drop out, and just stupid people! I think that people are ignorant because of parents, people are stupid becuase of lack of discipline, I can understand if you have a learning problem though.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 07:56 AM
Thanks for pointing out my spelling mistake can you forgive me. Well what can I say about this you are part of the problem aren't you. You start a thread on the semantics involved and tbh who gives a # about the semantics this isn't an exercise in the meaning of things, this is real life. You slap labels on actions and people totally innacurately and without discernment and then go HA! look you don't even know what your on about.

We look for answers and different aspects to try and find a better understanding. While you want to find cause with the minutae of the semantics involved or the spelling, I find that strange. The objective is to progress while your occupied with the irrelevant. Lets go over how we both feel about this.

Racism and predjudice is wrong.
Violence is wrong.

You can dictate whats wrong as much as you like but I've got no time for people who recite the obvious, c'mon we know it's wrong give me some # solutions or stop taking up space.

hey you changed your avatar Orby will be disappointed

[edit on 28/5/08 by carslake]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:14 AM
are you asserting that people throwing around the word "prejudice" aren't understanding the meaning or that "prejudice" as used in common vernacular is okay?

I'm assuming the former. You are right. If people choose to use a word as an accusation (or defense) they should make sure they're using the right word. Unfortunately, the definition of prejudice isn't clear.

prej·u·dice Audio Help /ˈprɛdʒədɪs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prej-uh-dis] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -diced, -dic·ing.
1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.
3. unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, esp. of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.
4. such attitudes considered collectively: The war against prejudice is never-ending.
5. damage or injury; detriment: a law that operated to the prejudice of the majority.
–verb (used with object)
6. to affect with a prejudice, either favorable or unfavorable: His honesty and sincerity prejudiced us in his favor.

Going by def 1 ... bad
Going by def2 ... necessary part of being a thinking and functional human.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by mysterychicken]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by telepath

What if you know all the facts but you still act Xenophobic about them? What is that then?

[edit on 28-5-2008 by LuLuLenin]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:42 AM
its being human. No one expects you to be altruistic or open minded and egalitarian all the time. We all have ups and downs. Sometimes we are very enlightened and reasonable and allow ourselves to have an open heart and be guided by love. othertimes, less so...stress, lack of sleep, frustration, makes these things harder. There is nothing wrong with being human. Do we judge people harshly sometimes? sure. Sometimes when i get home after work and am tired and just want to sit i may find myself snapping at or being impatient with people i love, even though my belief is that they are good people. How much easier to do this to someone we dont know? Its ok to be human. Just perhaps to not make HABITS of attititudes and behaviours like this.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by carslake

Kind sir,

You have slain me, I continue this thread posthumously.

I am simply asking you to remove for a moment the rose colored spectacles you view the world through and take a look at them.

Let me break this down because there are a lot of misconceptions here:

Originally posted by carslake
Well what can I say about this you are part of the problem aren't you. You start a thread on the semantics involved and tbh who gives a # about the semantics this isn't an exercise in the meaning of things, this is real life.

This isn't an exercise at all. It is my observation, my "rose colored specs." No, I respectfully disagree with you, this thread has everything to do with reality.

You slap labels on actions and people totally innacurately and without discernment and then go HA! look you don't even know what your on about.

Without a label for what you mean to say, how would you say it? Where would we be without the orderly classification of thought? I beg to differ, I know precisely what I am "on" about.

We look for answers and different aspects to try and find a better understanding. While you want to find cause with the minutae of the semantics involved or the spelling, I find that strange. The objective is to progress while your occupied with the irrelevant. Lets go over how we both feel about this.

What I have to say is no more irrelevant than what you have to say. This is more of your contemptuous dismissal, which I find intellectually repugnant by the way.

Racism and predjudice is wrong.
Violence is wrong.

Ah, you've missed the point entirely. Prejudice strikes everybody, most are in denial about this.

You can dictate whats wrong as much as you like but I've got no time for people who recite the obvious,

Actually, what I have to say is not obvious. It is quite often overlooked.

c'mon we know it's wrong give me some # solutions or stop taking up space.
[edit on 28/5/08 by carslake]

This is called "special pleading." Chaff like this scores you no points in the argument. Yes, I changed my avatar... c'mon man, have an argument.

Yes I agree violence and racism is wrong. Where I part ways with you is prejudice.

This is my hypothesis: I hold that everybody has preconceived notions of other people especially those who would self-righteously deny that it is so. It is impossible not to have preconceived notions of others: our minds are constantly estimating; calculating; modeling; analyzing; filling in the voids. This is colloquially called "being human."

Preconceived notions originate from lack of knowledge and so it follows that a lack of knowledge is ignorance.

Ignorance is not a crime. It is fixable.

Proud, pointed ignorance however, is a vile intellectual crime. Real acts of crime begin with one's mind.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by telepath]

[edit on 28-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by mysterychicken

Yes, exactly. People toss words around willy nilly without knowing their true meaning. Without a precise understanding of the words you use, one (unwittingly) spreads disinformation by degrees of ignorance. As a result this ignorance is perpetuated throughout the community. It stops with me, I won't have it.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by LuLuLenin
reply to post by telepath

What if you know all the facts but you still act Xenophobic about them? What is that then?

[edit on 28-5-2008 by LuLuLenin]

Although the definition of xenophobe does not state ignorance outright, it does imply it:

: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin


The part that states "unduly fearful" is the give away. The usual reason for undue fear is lack of information--ignorance.

I suppose one could still be xenophobic "with all the facts" however I would modify that statement slightly: "with all the available facts." There are always more facts!
Interesting point though.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
I consider myself a racist to some extent. Simply because I happen to acknowledge that there are indeed differences between races, cultures, histories, etc. I choose however to celebrate those differences, instead of blindly accepting the programming that we are supposed to be all the same. I don't look upon someone negatively just because they happen to be different from me. So by recognizing the differences, I suppose that makes me a racist, since I am not colorblind.

My views EXACTLY.

I recognise differences, but I do not act upon them. I give every person a fair chance. And I choose to celebrate diversity than to deny that it exists.

Well said, Jackinthebox, well said.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by telepath

This isn't an exercise at all. It is my observation, my "rose colored specs." No, I respectfully disagree with you, this thread has everything to do with reality.

I think your going through the motions while totally disregarding what the outcome is.

Without a label for what you mean to say, how would you say it? Where would we be without the orderly classification of thought? I beg to differ, I know precisely what I am "on" about.

What I have to say is no more irrelevant than what you have to say. This is more of your contemptuous dismissal, which I find intellectually repugnant by the way.

I'm looking for answers, not the new age vernacular, if your not going to help you can shove your intellectualism where the sun don't shine.

Ah, you've missed the point entirely. Prejudice strikes everybody, most are in denial about this.

No I didn't miss the point I agree with this.

This is called "special pleading." Chaff like this scores you no points in the argument. Yes, I changed my avatar... c'mon man, have an argument.

No I don't want an argument, I want some insight, you've told me nothing that I couldn't work out for myself.

No the 'special pleading', was actually calling you out so you can stop prevaricating over the OP in 'Am I a Racist' thread.

There was no need to change the avatar. Orby and I liked it very much.

This is my hypothesis: I hold that everybody has preconceived notions of other people especially those who would self-righteously deny that it is so. It is impossible not to have preconceived notions of others: our minds are constantly estimating; calculating; modeling; analyzing; filling in the voids. This is colloquially called "being human."

Preconceived notions originate from lack of knowledge and so it follows that a lack of knowledge is ignorance.

Ignorance is not a crime. It is fixable.

Proud, pointed ignorance however, is a vile intellectual crime. Real acts of crime begin with one's mind.

No your reciting the obvious.

Well what I was hoping for was someone to say, 'as it stands there is no solution whether it be by social program or government diktat or just the embarrassment of having outdated thinking so too save us from the problem we have to reverse multiculturalism'

You have slain me, I continue this thread posthumously.

So now your the undead can you actually be defeated

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:46 PM

carslake: Lets go over how we both feel about this.

Racism and predjudice is wrong.
Violence is wrong.

telepath: Ah, you've missed the point entirely. Prejudice strikes everybody, most are in denial about this.

carslake: No I didn't miss the point I agree with this.

Emphasis added.

You've just contradicted yourself on the pivotal point of this thread. Goodnight.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by telepath

carslake: Lets go over how we both feel about this.

Racism and predjudice is wrong.
Violence is wrong.

telepath: Ah, you've missed the point entirely. Prejudice strikes everybody, most are in denial about this.

carslake: No I didn't miss the point I agree with this.

Emphasis added.

You've just contradicted yourself on the pivotal point of this thread. Goodnight.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by telepath]

No it's not a contradiction. The fact that people can feel like this and know it's wrong is the dilemma that was the whole point of Orby1976's thread, it's not mutually exclusive.

I want some insight obviously you ain't got it. Oh and you spelt prejudice wrong

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by pexx421

I dunno. Prejudice means you judge before knowing. I dont do this. I judge based on past experiences. So if i see someone lurching down the who react appropriately to the energy they are projecting.

I appologize if this gets off topic, but this post received some stars, and I can only go by my experiences.

Judging before knowing is what a lot of people do. That is what our paraents taught us, right or wrong, and we have our own personal experiences to go by.

I have known several white people that claim, "the clothes make the man."
It's obvious when a person in need approaches you in rags that they are going to ask you for some coins, but don't be fooled. Some of the sharpest looking people who have the attitude like I described are far worse than any person dressed in rags.

I am no longer prejudiced against anyone. I am prejudist against everyone! I trust nobody!

When I say that I trust nobody, does that make me prejudiced against anyone? Nope. It means I am left pleasantly surprised when I meet a person who exeeds my expectations of the whole human race. My attitutude is cross cultural, non religios specific, and what it is.

I trust no person, anywhere. I especially don't have any regard for folks who look like they are "good." Those are the ones I am most leary of.

Does that make me prejudiced? Yep. I am prejudiced against everyone, really.

Every culture, religion, race, or person has the capacity to be either good or bad. I've seen the merits and the detriments of all.

Trust yourself, don't label, and let the chips fall in to place.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

I consider our beliefs and values to prejudge/pre-create our reality. After all, depending on how we see the world and all in it, changes every thing. If I see the world as void of anything but life as an accident, then it becomes limited to this, until I change what I believe in.

I go around my life seeing others as a part of some huge virtual reality/god's dream/my dream. If every thing exists in my head (as I know it) then I prejudge you all to be an essential and vital part of me. Without me you wouldn't exist, and vice versa.

I strongly agree. The "prejudging" of the world around us is what makes us "human" and is what makes us think we "know" therefore denying us access to its actual nature. There is nothing wrong with it, and there is nothing wrong with any thing. But to recognize it for what it is as it happens, this is something special. My truth...

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:43 PM
Remember this : a bandit is a bandit no matter his color, and the same is a friend

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:38 PM

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