posted on May, 26 2008 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by stevo351
I don't know if I'd ask a 'Grey' anything of significance ... from what I read (no personal experience), they would appear to be like the
'workers' or 'scouts', and as someone already said would not be very forthcoming because they probaly don't know the answers to the questions
(could be totally wrong of course).
Now the 'Blues' (or at least the one that I was up close and personal with), are something entirely different ... they seem to be the 'wisdom
keepers' or teachers if you will.
During my experience I asked many questions, mainly about ancient civilizations and the knowledge they had. Apart from being extremely interested in
this subject, it seemed like a reasonable assumption that the secret knowledge of the ancients could hold some valid pointers for our future and the
changes that are taking place right now ... seeing as everything in the universe would appear to have cyclactic tendancies.
The answers I got (to all my questions), were mostly what I'd suspected ... with some very interesting additions.
Best experience of my life ... and in answer to the other poster ... YES, he/she/it, most definately did call again !
YES, I am being serious ... NO, I'm not a crazy. However, I don't expect anyone just to take my word for it and nor should you.