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Brain Implantation..Information is the Modern Day version of Warfare.

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posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 08:13 AM
Alright, some links sent to me in reference to this thread.

To the person who sent them to me: You can also post them yourself, you know

I myself havent looked at any of them but add them for any researcher out there. If anyone notices a special gem of information, let us know.< br />

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
As an atheist you probably dont believe in the semi-psychic mental capabilities I do, but I want to add that I think you can - by neutral examination - "intuit" where something is coming from and get "impressions" and "hints" to causes and sources.

I am great believer in the power of the unconscious mind and believe that the dream process is a physiological process of 'downloading' recent experience into the long term memory. This is actually the common assessment of it in acadamia and does not mean that one has to not be conscious for it.

I dream every night...

[edit on 2-6-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 10:28 PM
This sounds a lot like this thread I began on Verichip Corporation - Biochip Stock - E*Trade. I'm just wondering if maybe they are one in the same, just from different perspectives as well as them being directed by different hands behind our backs by the Government.

If you've read anything on the Bio-Chip, Veri-Chip, Digital Angel, or the R.F.I.D. chip, they all sound very same and or similar.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:26 AM
Continued Digging...

1. Have there been issues with nose-bleeding?

2. When asking "Where does the voice come from?" where does your attention naturally go (without having to imagine anything). Does your "intuition" or "psychic sense" perceive some kind of location, city or building from which the voice emanates, some kind of device being used? If you havent done this observation yet maybe you´ll do it before answering here.

3. What was your involvement in Ren Faire, your role?

4. Could you try the following: Next time the voice comes up, imitate it by copying the exact thing it says in the exact voice it says it by means of your imagination. Do this for about 3 minutes. Does anything unusual happen?

5. Any odd childhood memory of doctor-visits? What was your childhood attitude towards doctors?


[edit on 4-6-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
Rather, it is a reframing of the interpretation of the memory(ies)/time period as well as creating an inclination for the "not remembering" of a memory

I've heard this called 'confabulation':

Main Entry:

Latin confabulatus, past participle of confabulari, from com- + fabulari to talk, from fabula story — more at fable
1 : to talk informally : chat
2 : to hold a discussion : confer
3 : to fill in gaps in memory by fabrication

Source : Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary

But that definition (number 3) doesn't really do the concept justice, in my opinion. Confabulation is an active process, wherein potentially every revisited memory is modified, in some way, by recollection. I find a more 'constructionist' model of memory to be valid (although, admittedly, less testable):

The constructivist hypothesis evolved from Bartlett's work in social psychology and characterized Piaget's later views on memory-reasoning relations. Here, the core idea was that memory traces are not bedrocks for accurate reasoning but, rather, are themselves modified ('constructed') by reasoning operations. In other words, "The schemata of the memory are borrowed from the intelligence".

Although even less testable, constructivism implies a (potentially ineffable) relationship between the processes of expression of reasoning and representation of memory in the brain:

Turning from necessity to constructivism, Reyna and Kiernan pointed out that constructivism made key predictions that went beyond predictions about relations between children's performance on memory tests versus reasoning problems. Specifically, memory for experience is supposedly based on a unitary semantic code that preserves the meanings of individual events but not their surface details. If so, performance on different memory tests that are consistent with the meaning of experience are all based on the same memory code.

Many (myself included!) are often loath to revisit childhood experiences, for fear some somehow 'tainting' the intuitive, innocent perception of childhood with adult analytical cynicism, and losing something in the process:

Opportunities to acquire the gist memories and heuristic operations that support intuitive reasoning... are available much earlier in life than opportunities to acquire the logico-mathematical operations that process the precise content of problem information. The result is what might be called an illusion of replacement in which intuitive solutions appear to be supplanted by analytical ones because the requisite specific knowledge for the latter was previously unavailable. If this confound were eliminated, intuitive reasoning might not be found to wane with age, on the contrary.

Originally posted by Skyfloating
5. Any odd childhood memory of doctor-visits? What was your childhood attitude towards doctors?

That made my think of one of my own childhood experiences: When I was less than 10 years old, I had to visit an ophthalmologist, because of terrible itching in my eyes. It turns out that I had many eyelashes floating around on the surface of my eyes (more than just a few, potentially more than a dozen). I don't know if I was rubbing my eyes while awake, asleep, or if the eyelashes were a side effect, and if so, what the original cause of the itching was. I only remember holding very very still as he plucked them out, one by one, with an apparently sharp pair of tweezers.... Quite a traumatic experience for a small child. Confabulation in the context of this thread is especially spooky.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:46 AM
Citation for quotes in my previous post:

Brainerd C.J., Reyna V.F. Fuzzy-trace theory: Dual Processes in memory, reasoning, and cognitive neuroscience. Advances In Child Development and Behavior 2001, 28: 41-100.

(Why do I have a 4000 character limit on posts? Is that standard, or normal for a newer member? I think I've seen longer replies from others.)

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
1. Have there been issues with nose-bleeding?


2. When asking "Where does the voice come from?" where does your attention naturally go (without having to imagine anything). Does your "intuition" or "psychic sense" perceive some kind of location, city or building from which the voice emanates, some kind of device being used? If you havent done this observation yet maybe you´ll do it before answering here.

The reactive answer is an "abstract up" with an attempted visualization of a voice...if that makes sense. It hardly makes sense to me...

The rational side of me is quite certain that there is a building somewhere. But this to has me kind of perplexed. I can't even begin to imagine the range. I traveled from California (I rarely leave this state) to Chicago for two weeks and there was no interruption of the voices. Weird...or "Wired"...

So I think that that there is a real building with real people...some of the inflection is too interesting and...*sigh*...sometimes I wish I at least knew first names so I didn't have to sound crazy saying "the voices"...

I have toyed around with the idea of audio hallucinations....

3. What was your involvement in Ren Faire, your role?

A worker. I have been involved in various aspects at the faire, one being the Canopies department, where I dug holes and planted 30 foot poles to attach large pieces of fabric. Yes, I was taught to use heavy machinery.

During the run of faire, or operating hours, I worked for a couple of years as night security (hated the shifts) and as a "bartender" at one of the ale stands.

A couple of interesting experiences from the last year...

*One morning during set up last year, I was asked to move to "gumps" (one room sheds) from one point of the faire to another point with the forklift. Problem was that they were blocked in by lots of stuff that had been built already and that had been placed there by non-company vendors.

So they asked me because I was normally the forklift guy.

The next two hours were one of the most frustrating experiences of that faire as I was constantly barraged by my ground guy on how to do it and which controls to use etc. I was also constantly barraged by other people who would come up to me to ask inane questions that certainly could have waited. I almost dropped the load I was carrying twice. The voices were going at it and finally after a successful (but way drawn out process) I was driving the forklift to park and I heard a voice that, oddly enough, sounded like one of my co-workers and also sounded louder and more external yell out, "I'll get you *Insert real world name*".

I then parked the forklift, went into my pals trailor, and stayed there for the rest of the day...twitching a bit until someone brought me the rum.

*When in the forklift and given a more or less solitary task, I like to 'talk out loud' to "verbally release" some of the pent up stress. One particular day, I would get sarcastic (remember, I think the voices can hear me and if that is true, I get sarcastic with them every once in awhile because I am indignant that I have to go through this) and drop to a serious inflection...saying that I was pondering a very serious question and needed peace and quiet to mull over the implications. The 'question' I would always end up asking was "Why is all the rum gone?"

I did not repeat this to anyone of significance...and I must have asked that question to myself about a dozen times that day.

The following morning, at the morning meeting, the head of our crew was relating a funny story that resulted in the punchline of...yup...,"Why is all the rum gone?"

The phrase is not a common one used by our crew despite the fact that it is a popular pirate associated slogan. The timing is of course the aspect I was most interested.

*The morning meetings were always unecessarily long and would at times last for ten minutes with nothing being said. People were there, but there was nothing but the leads discussing amongst themselves until they finally said...."Yeah...continue with what you were doing."

This is not common behaviour to the seven years I worked with them. Rarely did a meeting actually consist of an actual departmental collaboration on equipment and activity.

The only real relevance to this is that I always felt the center of attention during these meetings, which is unusual as well.

*There was a day where I would get in the forklift and hear music playing. I didn't mention it to anyone, but ten minutes after this started, a co-worker pantomimed in front of me trying to search for the source of the music/sound, acting bewildered to another co-worker.

This experience was accompanied by an odd sensation on the back of my neck....

*I slept in my van and usually away from people...I woke up to find a water ballon had been thrown at my van. I did not wake up when it occurred but the broken water balloon was on my bumper.

Only a couple of months later did a friend confirm that indeed water ballons were thrown at my van but the confirmation on the actual time it occured (date) was unsuccessfully corroborated.

I also woke up one night to having a smiley face drawn out in chalk on the ground next to where my van was parked.

Now...I drank enough on these occasions to be able to sleep soundly through these (and probably other)occasions. What I don't understand is why noone mentioned it...ever. Noone wanted to stake a claim to the night time revelry and give me a hard time for passing out.

4. Could you try the following: Next time the voice comes up, imitate it by copying the exact thing it says in the exact voice it says it by means of your imagination. Do this for about 3 minutes. Does anything unusual happen?

The voice "*Real World Name* no" by a male voice was the phrase that was utilized for this excercise. Things were silent at the beginning of the excercise. Less than 15 seconds, the female voice said, "Honey" in a high pitched inflection. And then the normal pattern (seemingly erratic to me and always different voices) resumed.

5. Any odd childhood memory of doctor-visits? What was your childhood attitude towards doctors?

Nothing really odd. I don't recall many of the doctors visits. My childhood attitude was not anxiety ridden and not fearful. Kind of neutral....I was never scared of shots.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

I have read up on the whole Targeted Individual sub culture and though I have found it easy to locate information on the net, finding an actual human to communicate with is rather difficult. Which is fine, I suppose.

I imagine or dread that many of them would be hypochondriatic and/or plants. Besides, my communication is for the most part satisfied by ATS...

Thanks for the links!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

Besides, my communication is for the most part satisfied by ATS...

Thanks for getting back with me. And I do understand completely. We have a pretty well rounded community here and there is a certain amount of trust and respect that we show each other.

My communication needs are pretty much met here, also.

I was in a situation once where some "friends" were doing some things to invite me to question my sanity as well, setting up situations to scare me and moving things around in my apartment, electronics would come on in the middle of the night, etc.

Only one person ever gave me any kind of validation and she said it is called the "Game" and people in one circle would enlist people from another circle, etc until there was a wide variety of people involved. Some of it I believed was to lesson one's credibility because of the kind of things that would happen if you described them to a "reasonable" person they would more or less write you off as a kook.

Oh, well.....................

On a side note, although I don't think I have an implant something did happen once to make me wonder. I had a skull xray done after falling down a large set of steps and the doctor was very adamant that I have a "pollup" on my sinuses, he did prescribe me allegra and told me it would greatly enhance my quality of life. Well I had no sinus problems that I knew of but since the doc touted how much I needed the meds I tried them for about a week and they just made me cough from my chest so I stopped taking them. Still no sinus problems.

The only thing at this point that really concerns me and most want to write it of as tinitus is the high pitch whine in the center of my head. It really is obnoxious and what makes it unique to me is it gets really loud if I am reading some information or studying something that is off the beaten track, you know, like MIND Control or something like that!

Someone recommended the bood "Above Black" and the whine in my head reminds me of what the military guy who wrote the book called sine waves and he was being used to "flatten" them and somehow open communication with "something" or "someone".

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Only one person ever gave me any kind of validation and she said it is called the "Game" and people in one circle would enlist people from another circle, etc until there was a wide variety of people involved.

Wow. It reminds me of the movie, "The Game". But this happened to you in real life?

Some of it I believed was to lesson one's credibility because of the kind of things that would happen if you described them to a "reasonable" person they would more or less write you off as a kook.

It's kind of why I didn't talk about it to people in real life. I had some pretty hardcore denials and accusations of crazy...or just nonchalant, dismissive ridicule. I started talking about it indirectly, as I percieved that's how they could at times communicate around me and got some very interesting results.

Originally posted by interestedalways
Well I had no sinus problems that I knew of but since the doc touted how much I needed the meds I tried them for about a week and they just made me cough from my chest so I stopped taking them. Still no sinus problems.

Yeah...I dislike that as well...prescriptions that aren't valid..

Originally posted by interestedalways
The only thing at this point that really concerns me and most want to write it of as tinitus is the high pitch whine in the center of my head. It really is obnoxious and what makes it unique to me is it gets really loud if I am reading some information or studying something that is off the beaten track, you know, like MIND Control or something like that!

Interesting...I have tinitus as well...except I have multiple 'ringings'....and at times they will oscillate (real annoying) but I haven't noted any correlation with activity/occasion.

I will have to check out "Above Black"...

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

As far as the "game" goes I haven't seen the movie, but yes it really happened, including the guy downstairs saying someone wanted to kill him and he had people come over and he was moaning and hitting the walls and stuff.

A guy moved in next door and would be sitting in his car in the back of my house (off street parking lot) and he would be looking at me holding up a little baggie like it was drugs in it, I ignored him and the next day he came up to my apt and asked if he could use my phone and started acting odd, telling me he had a chip in his head, and that there was a little boy sitting on my empty couch! Whew! It was something else.

Another odd thing is when I drove down the road a block from my house a truck in a drive way flashed it's lights at me, and then a few more houses down a man was standing in the yard and he was waving his hands!

I am not sure what the actual motives of this all was, but when I moved from that apartment it stopped, might have had something to do with what the neighbors were into.

As far as the ringing goes, I have noticed that if I move my head from side to side the sound changes.

The oddest part about the ringing to me is that it began immediately when I started being online in 2006, about the time I joined this site, and NO I am not implying that there is a correlation, just telling what I noticed. And another thing about the ringing is that at times it can build into a cresendo like locusts do, starting quitely and building to a frenzy!

Thanks for listening. Just wanted to share a bit of my experience on your thread.

And about Above Black...........I was turned on to it by a member here called "el cid" I printed the book off of a site he linked me to for 10 dollars. If I still have it in my directory I will link you.

[edit on 4-6-2008 by interestedalways]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Judging from your last response-post it would seem we are not dealing with "audio hallucinations" but with highly criminal activity at your expense.

All the indicators point to a two-way-radio implanted into your brain. The music, someone else picking it up, the voices.

But it seems improbable that someone would be sitting around all day broadcasting pointless voices into your brain. Which is why it might be a recording with only sporadic "live-interventions".

Of course transmission could also occur without an implant I guess.

But if its indeed not radio-transmission then the only thing I could imagine is "another aspect of yourself" playing tricks on you. Some call this "entity possession" but I´ll say "another aspect of yourself". Others would say "He´s nuts".

But if what you say is true - such as the spookiness of people climbing into your window and your girlfriend telling you to go back to sleep - then we have a case of crime here. A crime against humankind, in fact.

You´ve stopped associating with these people and they dont call you back anymore either?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by MemoryShock

You´ve stopped associating with these people and they dont call you back anymore either?

I run into a few of them every once in awhile.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
But this to has me kind of perplexed. I can't even begin to imagine the range. I traveled from California (I rarely leave this state) to Chicago for two weeks and there was no interruption of the voices. Weird...or "Wired"...

That's the major sticking point I have with the 'implant' theory, too. How does the implant receive its signal? If it's 'pre-canned' playback, then it obviously doesn't need to -- some kind of internal storage (with periodic 'update dumps' when possible) would suffice.

But most people who report these things report them as being dynamic, and responsive. Very responsive -- such that some kind of low-latency transmission technology would be necessary.

I can think of four possibilities (suspending plausibility!), off the top of my head:

1) Electromagnetic (radio frequency) transmission, such as used by cell phones, broadcast television, etc. This would have to be covert, robust, and capable of multiplexing (since I assume it would be prohibitive to design and implement such a system for just one individual). But there's things that attenuate electromagnetic signals -- large amount of metal, distance, Faraday cages (anyone ever tried this?), etc. Reports aren't consistent with this implementation.

2) Unknown transmission-layer implementation, by known technology standard. In some areas, secret government research has in the past been shown to be many years ahead of technology known to the public. Secure broadcast communications using quantum entanglement, for example, is plausibly predictable. It might exist now in some NSA lab. But microscopic enough to fit in an implant? That's pushing it!

3) Unknown transmission-layer implementation, by unknown technology standard. Insert theories of secret human-alien collusion, super-advanced ancients, etc., here. Outside context problem that Occam's razor raises an eyebrow towards.

4) No transmission layer (or even necessarily implant) -- a 'matrix' like reality, that coordinated agencies at this 'level' are able to affect (or are, themselves, induced to affect). This influence could, by today's physics models, be masked behind quantum indeterminism. Quantum mechanical effects do indeed play a part in neuronal function, but there's no epistemological basis for this belief, and it is in fact unprovable. So moot point in attempting a rational explanation.

Anyone have any more ideas or expansions/corrections for these?

And, on a second note (and feel free to ignore the previous and only respond to this, or not): Why? It seems an awful lot of trouble to go though just to mess with someone's head. Any theories, other than "that's just what these twisted sickos do"?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Ian McLean
But most people who report these things report them as being dynamic, and responsive. Very responsive -- such that some kind of low-latency transmission technology would be necessary.

This is very consistent with my experience. To answer your parrot question, of which I would re-define as an entrainment of sorts, it does happen. I have zoned off and listened to the words that I have indeed just sub-vocalized. At times there has been an interesting (less than one second) time lapse in either direction...but it has happened.

1) Electromagnetic (radio frequency) transmission, such as used by cell phones, broadcast television, etc. This would have to be covert, robust, and capable of multiplexing (since I assume it would be prohibitive to design and implement such a system for just one individual). But there's things that attenuate electromagnetic signals -- large amount of metal, distance, Faraday cages (anyone ever tried this?), etc. Reports aren't consistent with this implementation.

In my opinion....this is the only plausible.And it has been refined in cell phone technology...

And, on a second note (and feel free to ignore the previous and only respond to this, or not): Why? It seems an awful lot of trouble to go though just to mess with someone's head. Any theories, other than "that's just what these twisted sickos do"?

The advertising industry makes how much annually on intangible product. Lots of money in being able to quantify how to persuade an individual's behaviour.

As well, security issues are always present in our political and social presentations...from domestic violence to terrorism.

I don't think it is a personal thing for me....I think I represent a part of the average.

They are perhaps not sickos and I have experienced charitable and kind acts from people that I perceive are 'in on it'...that is not to say that I haven't experienced very negative occasions that I haven't noted other people to have had to be affronted well as interact with personalities who have specifically told me that there would never be any validation on an official verifiable level on these interferences. They seemed quite adamant on that...

I think a better question would be...Where do Ethics and Science meet?

I think Science will always win...

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 11:47 AM

1. Remote Mind Control

2. Insanity

3. Entity-Possession

Ive pretty much ruled out 2 and 3 but before I entirely discard No. 3 I´d like to say a bit more. Why? By ruling it out entirely we can zoom in on Option 1 "Remote Mind Control"...the option that you must tend towards.

"Entity-Possession" is a new-age term that describes a split-off part of yourself (thats how a psychologist might say it) or a demonic discarnate spirit (thats how religion might say it) playing tricks on you. Neither the religious nor the psychological definitions are entirely acurate in my opinion.

Traditionally, some entities are able to "talk to you", which is heard as a voice in the mind. As they hardly have intelligence of their own their talking is said to be repetitive, often pointless, sometimes agressive. They feed off of what is called a persons "energy body" and the type of energy they love to feed off is fear and hate. To some extent these parasites have the ability to distort perception and attract unpleasant events into your world.

There are a few therapists out there (but they are rare) who are aware of the phenomenon and treat people in healing it.

One method of finding out if entity-possession is a possibility is the technique I asked you to do a few posts earlier: Intentionally copying/repeating and mocking what the voice says. If it suddenly stops or changes its tone thats an indicator of an entity.

I realize that you are approaching this on a strictly scientific basis, but ask you to consider a possible spiritual dimension to the whole thing.

Things speaking against the entity-option:

* The radio-music incident in the forklift
* Friends behaving strangely and conspiratorally
* Hearing the voice of one of your ren-faire-colleagues.
* You having examined this since a long time and concluding Option 1 is the correct one.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 12:14 PM
Update: Due to new information having come in I hereby discard the entity-theory and look forward to proceeding with the mind-control-theory.

X-ray recommended.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 12:46 PM
The new information, (or rather recently recalled memory to the context of this thread) is relevant......

I agree. There are too many occurances and situations and people. I really can go on for many pages describing events and experiences that only come up in my memory on occasion and after I have been thinking about things like this specifically for days on end.

Like the time, I was sitting on my bed playing guitar (trying). I was ~twenty and living in Gardena. Well, my then girlfriends ex stormed into the room with a friend. His friend grabbed the guitar from me and I jumped onto the bed and so did her ex.

He then started to hit me several times and I was so shocked that I didn't fight back. He stopped while we were still standing on the bed, leaned in until we were eye to eye and said something like, "This is what fear is."

His friend was on the ground wielding my guitar as a weapon should I try and go in that direction ('away').

They then left and here is the kicker...he locked the door. He hadn't been living with her for quite a long time and when I questioned the girl about whether or not he had a key, she said, "No."

Situations like that are my personal experience and for some reason it seems normal to me.

And here is why I finally decided to post this publicly..

I don't want this.

I see people around me moving and getting on with their lives and I'm still going through this crap trying to be presentable in the real world; I have an exaggerated sense of social responsibility because I have had an abnormal experience(s).this is real to me.

X ray forthcoming...I have interesting circumstances and an inherent disinclination to do anything 'out of the routine'...

[edit on 7-6-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:33 PM
Forgive me MemoryShock, but given the contents of that courageous posting, I have to add one other possibility to Skyfloating's list:

4. Deliberately induced dissociative symptoms

Caveat: I'm no shrink, and am neither qualified nor licensed to make any psychological diagnoses.

I looked a little at the various dissociative disorders described on this page; in my opinion none of them seem to apply to you, from what you're describing. Plus, you seem very sane to me. But there's some things that made me think:

Many individuals with dissociative disorders 'hear voices':

In a study of 115 combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, the majority (65%) reported hearing voices. These dissociative voices included command hallucinations to which the individuals responded with a feeling of automatic obedience. Source

Some sources make the distinction between dissociative voices (known to be heard inside the head, able to be conversed with), and schizophrenic voices (heard externally, as if through the ears, and more nonsensical). But I found this (emphasis added):

Voices are heard by many individuals otherwise meeting criteria for DID, and have been argued to be the prime cause for the apparently frequent misdiagnosis of DID as schizophrenia. Indeed, the two ‘pathognomic’ voice symptoms of schizophrenia (voices commenting and voices conversing) are quite common in DID1. While there is an entrenched clinical belief that ‘dissociative’ voices differ from ‘psychotic’ voices (primarily by being perceived ‘inside’ the head) there is no compelling evidence that this is so. At least 50% of persons meeting diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia hear internal voices, a third exclusively so (Copolov, Trauer & Mackinnon, 2004). These percentages do not significantly differ from those found in DID (or for that matter from non-patients, Honig et al, 1998) Source

You said this, when describing what I would consider traumatic incidents: "for some reason it seems normal to me". To me, that sounds like an adaptive response -- such things no longer overwhelm. How? The connection between traumatic experiences and dissociation is well known; the use of trauma to induce dissociation or dissociative symptoms is less well known, but its hardly a secret that shadowy unethical organization have been experimenting with such for quite some time.

Hypno-behavioral therapy is a common treatment for dissociative symptoms. I believe that what can be treated by hypnosis can also be induced by hypnosis. Your descriptions of people you have known in the past having subsequently shown aptitude for hypnotherapy could be considered relevant.

Again, no offense intended with these speculations; I only mention them due to my own exaggerated sense of intellectual honesty, and because I am quite sure you are sane and strong enough to consider them rationally.... Huh, I should quit tiptoeing around your feeling so much, I guess -- perhaps someday I'll challenge you to a debate here, and you can attempt to kick my butt for being so condescending.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean

Thats what I meant by option 2 "insanity". We mustnt rule that out. Its quite possible that a highly intelligent, sane-appearing person does have a mental disorder.

The only thing that speaks against options 2 & 3 (psychological disorder and entity-possession) is the odd behaviour of his friends.

So either he is making up these stories about his friends and acquaintences or a criminal conspiracy of scientific experimentation is taking place.

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