posted on May, 24 2008 @ 05:50 AM
Interesting thread. I'm amazed at how civil this has remained for the most part.
Myself, I didn't know I was an atheist until I was in probably the 6th or 7th grade, when I was finally confronted with real religious belief and
found out I was on a "side". I knew all the stories, celebrated Christmas, and so on, but that's all they ever were, just stories. Old faerie tales
that nobody really believed, carry-forward traditions like Thanksgiving Day from a simpler time. It truly amazed me, and still does to this day, that
people can believe the things they do.
I have never thought there was a higher power. Ever. All I've ever thought is that there is me and six and a half billion other humans, struggling to
make it through life as best we can, leaning on each other to be able to survive. Everything else is just unnecessary complication, and detracts from
the focus you need to make the most of what little time you have.
My mother is very passively Christian, my father is a staunch atheist. I took after him very strongly, and although there were some rather rough spots
between us, I do not hate, nor even dislike him. On the contrary - I love him very much. So much for the father theory, I guess.
Originally posted by Bigwhammy
On a very deep level, I believe atheists know that God exists.
On a very deep level, I believe that the religious know that they could very well be wrong, and are padding their lives with rules they don't really
believe in, "just in case".