posted on May, 24 2008 @ 01:38 AM
I read a book called The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes
as I recall it theorized that in ancient times many thousand years ago, we had not yet developed self conciousness to the extent that we feel today.
Essentially people were more like animals, living in the moment. Then as time went on these ancient people started to have visions of the gods which
would command them to do certain things. These gods, cited extensively from ancient writings of the greeks, the oddysey, the illiad etc would urge the
person to do what was necessary. This inner voice is what we currently experience as our inner monologue or the inner voice which we now think of as
'I' in ancient times was seen as a wholly seperate entity. This has to do with the way the hemispheres of the brain cross communicate to cause a
sense that this voice is an external spirit or divine communication.
Religion springs up from this change in brain function. Then over time these religions became a cultural control method enabling the social elite, the
emmisaries of the gods, your popes and your priests, to get all the wealth and power they wanted. Notice how the ancient kings were gods on earth in
Egypt etc. or In Japan the emperor was said to be a living god too. you see this in many many cultures.
ok, this is about to get seriously offensive. I apologize in advance, please don't be personally offended by my opinions....
I think Christ is about as believable as Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny, and the bible is garbage. A Mishmash of myths legends, pseudo-history and
other nonsense compiled from numerous authors over hundreds or thousands of years. full of inaccuracies and lies. I think religion is an acceptable
form of insanity in society, a more adult progression of the imaginary friends you have as a kid. I think organized religion is a disgusting abuse of
faith extorting wealth and power from a brainwashed legion of fools. I find the whole sordid thing repulsive. How many televangelists/priests make a
tidy profit off their congregation, as soon as money enters the equation the spiritual aspect is currupted beyond hope of salvation.
I am NOT an atheist. I used to be, and specifically because of my traumatic horrible life, just as it was explained early in this thread. I used to
feel like God had abandoned me to the wolves, so to speak. Every day was worse than the next and I prayed for my own death and the death of everyone
Now I study Buddhist teachings and I think there could be a god but only in that sense that god is the whole of existence and everything is connected.
I still adamantly oppose the concept of God as this biblical character who writes rules on stone blocks that nobody adheres to, floods the whole world
out of wrath/vengeance, and lives in a fluffy cloud behind some pearly gates. The whole notion is foolish. The world is right in front of us, it is
what it is, you can experience it and draw your own conclusions, why in the world would you want to listen to a bunch of nonsense that doesnt make a
bit of good sense. have these people ever heard the saying that 'the most obvious conclusion is often the correct one' well nothing about our
current world religions seems to rely on the obvious conclusion. Its all abstract, metaphorical, long winded, outdated, irrational unscientific
drivel. I don't mean to specifically target christianity really, even if it seems like that, Thats just the group I've had the most trouble with.
Really every world religion seems wacko to me. I don't even think of buddhism as a religion, its more like the worlds oldest most effective self help
when it comes to religion, deny ignorance. use your head. think for yourself.