posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:25 AM
The "Intent" of a Person, is much differant than the "Instinct" of an animal.
Add drugs to the equation, like '___', or PCP, or Crack, or Speed or ICE, or Cheese heroin, and all bets are OFF.
Then you get into the just MEAN, evil , sadistic , cruel people and I personally consider them Spiritual and Physical enemies.
Dogs, and other animals are not really ever EVIL, and CUJO just needed some good meds and antibiotics. The bob cats were just hungry, attracted by my
dinner,< I tell myself > and I think it was a mama and her 'rather large' cubs. They tried for hours though...
Yes the trait of EVIL, unfortuntely lies only in the hearts of 'men'.
I dont feel obligated to succumb to their whims.
I find that I am thinking about this thread while I go throughout my day, and I think I have become even more Spiritual reading this.
I'm logging off.
Ya'll have a great day. I've said all I'm going to.
Thank You All for such a deep discussion and lasting thought processes.
Best Regards,