posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Two things trouble me when reading about incidents like this. One is truly disturbing, the other just makes me roll my eyes.
1) The "John Rambo" responses. I'd be willing to bet that half the 'internet commandos' have put fewer that 500 rounds through ANY gun. I wonder
if they realize the amount of pure adrenalin that will be rushing through their system while they stumble around in the dark trying to get their gun,
try to remember if its loaded or not, try to remember if they have a round in the chamber, all this while trying to keep kids, spouses, pets out of
the line of fire and then they still have to confront the intruder. Still hopped up on adrenalin they now must manage to get gun on target, keep a
fair sight picture and pull the trigger, possibly multiple times, all the while managing not to get shot/hit/kicked/punched by the intruder.
I wonder how often they have practiced waking up from a dead sleep, running to the closet, retrieving their firearm, taking off the safety and
responding to a simulated threat. Without shooting themselves or a loved one in the process.
Its not a simple matter of 'popping a cap in someones ass' as some would make it out to be. I doubt if many truly think about what will happen in
their own bodies if they are faced with a situation where deadly force may come into play. Not only will they have to fight with their own instincs,
but also with the intruder/assaliant/etc.
2) The 'guns are evil' folks. Well, after reading the internet commandos responses, I can almost have sympathy with them. Almost. I completely and
adamantly believe in a persons God given right to defend themselves. Firearms are the single most potent form of defence an average citizen can own
and I think it is short sighted and irresponsible to believe your security can be maintained and defended by someone you have to call on the phone.
The police, by their very nature, are a reactionary force intended to supplement a persons right to defend themselves.