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What do a billion Muslims really think?

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posted on May, 19 2008 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by earthman4
Muslim women tend to make the best speaches. Here is one of my favorite ones:
Is she not the most attractive woman ever?
Yes she's an absolute stunner! She also seems very down to Earth and concerned about her people.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:43 PM
I say they are a lot more like us than you think. They know right from wrong. The only difference is that they don't hold Jesus to be God, just a prophet. For those that do not know Jesus and Mohammad are the most talked about prophets in the Koran. They too are followers of Jesus and his teachings and honor whats right and not the wrong. The media has a way of making them seem like heartless pagans.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

I would give my right arm and left leg to find out the absolute truth.

And i'm serious.

It can be arranged.

And I'm serious.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Erastis07
The media has a way of making them seem like heartless pagans.

The media also has a way of making it seem that Christians are heartless fanatics.

Its kinda like the media wants to cause some friction.....

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by ppskylight

Only if you know the absolute truth.


posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Lone Star Patriot

Also I see NOTHING in there regarding women and democracy.

I think that says a mouthful.....

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

I provided a crystal clear undeniable link between Iraq and 9-11. Just because it wasn't mentioned in the links that you provided does not deny the reality that the link I traced does exist.

The reason given for the terrorist attacks against the U.S., and other terrorist attacks as well, including the first WTC attack were because of the U.S. troops present in Saudi Arabia. The U.S. troops were station in Saudi Arabia after the first gulf war as a deterent to Saddam Hussain's military agression. Saddam Hussain's military agression brought about his overthrow.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by projectvxn

I provided a crystal clear undeniable link between Iraq and 9-11. Just because it wasn't mentioned in the links that you provided does not deny the reality that the link I traced does exist.

The reason given for the terrorist attacks against the U.S., and other terrorist attacks as well, including the first WTC attack were because of the U.S. troops present in Saudi Arabia. The U.S. troops were station in Saudi Arabia after the first gulf war as a deterent to Saddam Hussain's military agression. Saddam Hussain's military agression brought about his overthrow.

You didn't provide crystal clear evidence of anything. Osama is Saudi born. He fights a war against S.A. and the U.S. Reason being is because S.A. is complicit to station U.S. troops in their country permanently. If we had Chinese or Russian bases here. Air craft flying from other countries, troops from elsewhere, it would be UNAMERICAN to stand by and do nothing. How can we expect Osama, or anyone else for that matter NOT to do the same. We are NOT entitled to have troops stationed anywhere but here. We are not entitled to force our imperialism on others.

Saddam Hussein was a totalitarian dictator. Why would he support a wild card like Osama? Why would he have someone with their own military(And a shi'ite for that matter) in his country when he wants total control? Hussein is a Sunni, his own political party(The Ba'ath party) is a Sunni organization. Why would Osama join forces with Hussein? Your argument is weak because you lack any sort of cultural understanding and the history between these two groups of Muslims. You get all your queues from distorted sources and claim it as fact. Rhetoric and accusation is NO substitute for research. I suggest you do some.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by poet1b

Hey Poet, here's a newsflash for you:

Bush, 2006:

"First, just if I might correct a misperception, I don’t think we ever said — at least I know I didn’t say that there was a direct connection between September the 11th and Saddam Hussein."

9/11 Commission, 2006:

"9/11 Commission concluded that "to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States."

CIA, 2006:

"We did not have "credible intelligence reporting" of operational collaboration between Iraq and al-Qaeda."

Nuff' Said? I think so.

Your beloved Fuhrer admitted to his own lies. Stop defending him.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by pakkiflytillhigh

I have to say thanks for the reply, you are the first Muslim on the thread who has been willing to make some honest comment about their beliefs.

You say "There is nothing in honor killings. What honor is there in killing a soul?"

When I talk about honor killings, I am referring to fathers having their daughters killed, physically not spiritually, not their soul but their physical bodies, or killing their daughters themselves because their daughters adopted western ways or fell in love with non-muslims. You can find stories about these honor killings with a simple web search.

If you must get the approval of your father, then who you marry really isn't your choice. If someone lives in fear that their family would kill them should they marry outside of their religion, then they do not have the freedom to marry who they choose. It seems that you would rather pretend that things are one way, when in fact they are the other.

I don't know what you mean by soul killing. If killing a person is killing their soul, then what do you call the part that goes to heaven? This could be interpreted in many ways, could you explain further?

What is disgraceful about two people from different cultures falling in love?

What does two people falling in love have to do with Mohammad's scientific predictions from the past. Are you aware that scientifically, the Middle East, while once as region was among the most advanced civilizations in the world, since the rise of Islam, today is among the most primitive. This doesn't say much for the teachings of Mohammad. It seems that Muslims would want to learn the ways of more successful cultures, instead of just attempt to copy their technology.

I don't know how much people understand or fear, but I do think that the British people have every right to defend their way of life. It seems as if you are saying that the British should allow Muslims to take over their government. The people of Brittain are far more free than the people who live in Muslim controlled nations. You are sadly mistaken when you call the Brits tyrants. In addition, the people in Brittain have far better living conditions. Maybe you don't believe this, but I know many people from many Muslim nations, and they agree that life is much better in western nations.

These are not the the only problems that Muslims are creating in Europe. You should do some research on the internet and start to recognize how much conflict exists between our two cultures. The problem you fail to recognize is that Islam is not respecting the ways of Westerners. When you say that "We will respect your faith if you respect ours." Then you are saying that Muslims should have their own political and religious control when they live in other nations, but yet you refuse the Israelis the same rights. Why shouldn't Israelis have control of the government in Israel? You claim that a bunch of corrupt jews took Israel, but the Israelis have a different story. Being that you are so badly informed about the things that Muslims are doing to non-muslims all over the world, I suggest you should maybe reconsider your opinion.

You claim that Muslims do not punish women who are rape victims, but you are wrong. Once again, these things are happening in the Muslim world regularly. It seems that you are not very well informed about the things going on in the Muslim world. Also, a British woman was jailed for allowing one of her students to name a teddy bear Mohammad. Do you recognize how foolish jailing this woman was, or do you just think it is foolish for a child to name a teddy bear Mohammad? The stories of the problems with the rates of rape committed by Muslim men in Europe are also broadly published and can easily be found on the internet.

It is a very important belief in the Western world that no one is above criticism, not even God, or Jesus Christ, or Mohammad. Freedom of speech means that anyone can freely criticize what ever they want to criticize. If you want us to respect your beliefs, then you must respect ours.

With all these things that I have pointed, do you now understand why the Western world distrusts Islam?

If you don't think a woman's private parts should be looked at, then you shouldn't look. Aren't these things up to the people who are doing them. Once again you are not respecting the faith of others. Many Muslim men who come to western nations enjoy going to the places where they can engage in these activities, and then want to bad mouth western women, and disrespect western women. That is hypocrisy, and goes against the teaching of Christ, who Muslims claim to respect. This explains why there are so many rapes committed by Muslims in Europe.

As far as the 11 sins in Islam go, do you recognize that some of them go against the beliefs of others? I suspect the first sin goes directly against the beliefs of Buddhists. If you are not Islamic, obviously the second sin goes against your beliefs. Sins 3 and 5 through 10 makes sense, but sin 4, once again, sodomy should be up to the individuals who are doing the act. Then we come to sin 11.

"Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption (done) in the Land it is as if he had slain humankind entirely. And whoever saves one -it is as if he had saved humankind entirely."

Many believe a soul is immortal, why does this say soul, instead of a person, or simply whoever murders another? The term corruption leaves open a vast array of possibilities for permitting the killing of another?

At least these answers you have given leave some ground for discussion, unlike the survey that started the thread. Obviously there are many conflicts between the Muslim culture and western culture, and many other cultures as well. To pretend these differences do not exist is only making the ground fertile for hostility.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

You are not making sense.

I explained the link between Hussain and 9-11 and other terrorist attacks, why don't you try and prove me wrong, instead of some quotes about things that have nothing to do with the link I pointed out.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by poet1b

...some quotes about things that have nothing to do with the link I pointed out.

Did you READ my post? "Some quotes"....

The Administration that made the claim Hussein and Al-Qaeda were in cahoots have NOW RETRACTED IT. The claim you are repeating like a prayer has been RETRACTED.
Because they realized they couldn't keep the charade too long.

Mark my words carefully: Retracted. Withdrawing something that is no longer valid.
As in Bush himself would you tell he doesn't believe in any connection.

And your still inclined to believe there is one.
Are you a member of the Flat Earth Society by any chance?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 04:08 AM
this is a strange survey indeed, it seems to exist in a parallel world to the reality of life in many (if not most) Islamic countries, where free speech isn't a reality

odd indeed

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by Erastis07
I say they are a lot more like us than you think. They know right from wrong. The only difference is that they don't hold Jesus to be God, just a prophet. For those that do not know Jesus and Mohammad are the most talked about prophets in the Koran. They too are followers of Jesus and his teachings and honor whats right and not the wrong. The media has a way of making them seem like heartless pagans.

I wish you well and suggest you live in a country with a muslim majority to fully test this world view, and see how your Christian worship is treated- perhaps start in Egypt

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Like a said twice now, U.S. troops were in Saudi Arabia at the request of the Saudi government. If you were well informed and understood the world, you would know that a great many nations around the world continuously ask for military aid from the U.S., because most nations consider the U.S. to be a force for good in the world.

Saddam Hussain's military aggression is the reason that the Saudi Governnemt requested that U.S. troops be stationed in Saudi Arabia. Osama Bin Laden attacked the U.S. several times because U.S. troops were in Saudi Arabia. Being that Saddam's military aggression brought U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia that makes Saddam responsible for his own downfall.

No Husain military agression, no U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, Osama would have no reason to attack the U.S., NO 9/11.

By the way, being that Saddam and Osama are both Sunni's, it makes sense that they would make and alliance, except Saddam had far less restrictive religious views than Osama. Saddam allowed women to walk around bare headed and attend college, which was against Osama's beliefs, therefore the two weren't exactly friendly. Then again, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Personally, I think they are all in cahoots.

If you want to lecture me on the Middle East, you might want to get your story straight.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 04:21 AM
Back in 06 I worked for a short while with a lady who was of Iranian heritage, as in she had only been here in the states for a few years. She was very nice, a very colorful person. Being that I had never really had close one on one interaction with an actual Iranian citizen I picked her brain a bit as to what things were really like for her in her home country, and what she said went against everything that I had ever heard up to that point.

I had assumed that women were oppressed in their culture and I assumed that they were not really exposed to many western ideas, but that is where I was completely wrong. She told me that her family was middle class and lived very well in Iran. She actually owned her own business for many years and was quite an entreprenuer previous to coming to the US. She said that the people in Iran are very progressive, they love American music and film, they study our history in more detail than many westerners would. What interested me even more was the fact that she was not religious, and in fact she said that most people in Iran are moderate and many are even agnostic and they hate the radical nut cases as much as the rest of the world.

If only every person here could sit down with a real actual person and find out for themselves that people are pretty much people, no matter where they are from. I view it this way, these people are stuck in a situation as bad or worse than our own. Their Ahmadenijad (sp?) is the equal to our Bush, everyone detests him and his regime but can do little or next to nothing to oppose him. Sound familiar?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn

You didn't provide crystal clear evidence of anything. Osama is Saudi born. He fights a war against S.A. and the U.S. Reason being is because S.A. is complicit to station U.S. troops in their country permanently.

erm, do you actually read any of Osama the terrorist's public statements- he says the only way to prevent further attacks is for countries like the US to convert to Islam, perhaps if you would stop acting like an apologist for a man who sanctions the butchery of children, you would have some credibility.

EVERYTHING with Osama boils down to global islamic conversion, he despise the US in Saudi ( who were invited by the Saudi authorities for protection!!!!) because the US is dirty non muslim filth to him and his fellow islamists- they despise the US for being there (at the invite of the Saudi rulers) because they are dirty non muslims

He is a grade a racist scumbag, stop making excuses for him

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

Re-read my prior posts on the subject, and try engaging your brain first. I know, it is hard to escape the vicious cirlce you are trapped in, but it would really do you some good. I am trying to stick to the subject at hand, the one the thread is supposed to be about.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 04:29 AM
"Many Muslims believe that women should have the right to vote and to hold any job outside the home that they qualify for."

I wish americans felt the same way.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by JPhish
"Many Muslims believe that women should have the right to vote and to hold any job outside the home that they qualify for."

I wish americans felt the same way.

yeah, the freedom of women in America is much less, than, say Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran etc etc

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