posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:11 PM
I can only talk about what I have seen because I never studied religion.
My Grandma has absolutely no sense of anything "etheric" or "spiritual" or "out there."
Nothing. If it's not described in dollars and cents or physical sense, it's crazy to her.
Then my sister had to convert to a Church in order to marry this guy, so she talks all the time about "meeting Jesus." How do you meet Jesus if
he's not human? And she reads his books and she raises her hands and prays out loud. Something is obviously going on in her head.
My brother in the Army is mad at God. I don't know what good that is supposed to do, to be mad at God. How can you be mad at somebody who's not
standing in front of you? But he must figure God is REAL or he couldn't be mad at him, right?
Now for myself, every once in a while a thought pops into my head and I now its not mine. I just know it's not a familiar thought that I learned
anyplace. If its a thought that doesn't harm anything I'll keep it and if its a thought about getting even or playing a trick I dismiss it because
I don't want to be that kind of person.
That must mean that I have some idea buried somewhere what kind of person I do want to be I suppose. So I take things one thought at a time.