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How to identify space beings on Earth.

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posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by rocksarerocks
Wow, go figure. Another completely fabricated bunch of information with zero proof from another delusional person. That's about 300 users I've counted in the last month who are clueless.

I suppose you can "clue in" all the delusional people right here right now, huh?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by therevelation
Hello brothers & sisters,

From channeled messages that I'm not allowed to post here, I'm going to sum up some interesting information. I have solid proof these messages are real.

Bosh! Flimshaw! And furthermore...balderdash!!! Post your so-called "channeled messages" here!

Who, pray tell, is not allowing you to post your messages?

Where is this "solid proof" of yours that these messages are real?

How do you even demonstrate proof that a "channeled message" is authentic?

I'm waiting....

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:17 AM
You think you can give more information? Because what you said kind of describes me. I have dimples, and dream about the cosmos.

Also if you could back it up a little bit more. Thanks.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:21 AM
Is asking for specifics mockery? Granted, I may have poked alittle fun, but come on.

Again, what's the source of the info? Where are these planets with intelligent residents?

These aren't reasonable questions? My skepticism is viewed as disrespect?
Posters on internet forums aren't expected to endure a little heat, or probing, or even, yes, some mockery? If you believe in something and you wish to share it, a couple naysayers or inquisitive personalities should not be discouraging. Unless of course your'e completely full of excrement...

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
I dont believe physical attributes, such as a cleft chin mean the person is alien.

I have just read a thread that suggests people who suffer from adiridia are demon or alien breed. ??? That is quite frustrating. Whats next? Kids who suffer Autism are aliens too?

Anyway, I was thinking recently of the Roswell UFO crash, where an alien or two died, just wonder when that happened to the aliens souls?

Maybe they floated up and were incarnated from that point on as 'human'... in that scenario, I feel that the aliens would be trapped or stuck here in the eternal cycle of life/death. The Govt might have the bodies of the aliens but the soul would have departed.

That would be very depressing, that would really suck!

I certainly wouldn't put up my hand to go and check out a planet if it meant you might get stuck here.

I also wonder if their alien family would be looking for them?

This is alot closer to the truth than you know from what I have gathered on my journey to knowledge. Mainly what this thread is .. is simply someone decieved exactly the way the want everyone in the world deceived. I don't even know where to begin with this buncha rubbish, so I don't think I will. I will just say I stronly disagree and feel this thread is just wrong.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by therevelation

My Grandfather had a cleft chin, my father had one, I have one, and my four children have one.

So, instead of it being a genetic trait in our family, we are 4 generations of aliens?

Sorry, I don't buy it!

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:52 AM
This thread is too funny. I just got done reply to someone who was blaming the news media for the reason why we are, as a group, considered to be a bunch of nutjobs and whatnot.

You don't think that by patronizing threads like this, that are complete and utter BUNK, that we are are helping in a way to perpetuate this stereotype do you?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Glad to see lots of responses.

I have not disappeared.

I just posted this around 2 AM and just woke up, lol!

So many questions to answer, where do I start?

I have posted the messages around 10 times in the paranormal forum and they've been deleted each and every single time... And all the thoughtful and supportive comments also get deleted, so I'm not doing that again. Believe me, there's nothing I would desire more and that's why I posted this here in my own words, so I can spread the messages little by little.

Unfortunately, it's hard to understand without reading them all first. If you don't understand about spirituality, you probably wouldn't understand about the evolution of universal beings from one planet to another until will reach the top of them all, which is called AMADA (Beloved) in spanish. Because it's loved by its sons, by God, the universe and so forth. The reason why the name is in spanish is because these messages were translated from spanish to english.

This post has exactly to do with the post in the paranormal forum.
They're the same messages, only that they deal with different topics from prehistory to the future. As I stated early, I'm not religious in any way shape or form.

I'm here for any questions guys!


Peace & Love!

[edit on 15-5-2008 by therevelation]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:03 AM
You are definitely in a trip ''brother''....

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:04 AM

I have posted the messages around 10 times in the paranormal forum and they've been deleted each and every single time...

Does that not tell you something? I mean, if you say these things are SOLID PROOF (lol) then they would have stood up to even the slightest amount of scrutiny and not have been deleted.

Perhaps your a troll> I don't know. But your certainly helping to contribute to the Ufology stereotype that folks like yourselves whine about every chance they get.

Sad. This thread belongs on a forum called GLP.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:04 AM
Hopefully the OP will return and discuss some things. I find his information interesting and conceivably very true. I think most replies so far are taking his information and being silly with it. What I believe he's saying is certain traits might be visible in physical anatomy depending on who is inhabiting the "flesh machine". I believe many people who are reincarnated onto Earth are coming from other places. Some do more tours of duty on earth, some do a single stint. While earthling is a decent term to use for all of us born here, it's a different manner on what type of soul inhabits the physical body.

Channeling info is not something everyone will want to consider. Proof will seldom be possible, so all the debunking detectives will cry impossible. But our programming makes this all so hard to believe....because it's not germaine to the reasons we're hear and the lessons/roles we need to play.

Of course consideration of wild ideas doesn't mean you have to join the "nutjob club", but simply be nice to the OP and enjoy a lively discussion. There is much more to the world that can't be proven, but you will in time find out is true....IMHO.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by therevelation

My Grandfather had a cleft chin, my father had one, I have one, and my four children have one.

So, instead of it being a genetic trait in our family, we are 4 generations of aliens?

Sorry, I don't buy it!

Let me give you an insight into something you might probably not be aware of,

Before we are born, in spirit, we choose our family members, our friends, every single person that will cross in front of us in our lives. It would make perfect sense that if you come on a mission from a certain planet, you would choose people from other planets as your parents, even though they don't necessarily have to be from the same planet as yours. It just means they were in a similar mission to yours. Yes it closely resembles to what we know as genetics, but yes it makes sense that if you do come with a little more spiritual progress, you would choose parents like you... Thus all of your family members displaying the same physical characteristics... Call it genetics, that might be it, in your case.

But these are physical attributes that describe space beings, temporarily reincarnated as humans.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

I have posted the messages around 10 times in the paranormal forum and they've been deleted each and every single time...

Does that not tell you something? I mean, if you say these things are SOLID PROOF (lol) then they would have stood up to even the slightest amount of scrutiny and not have been deleted.

Perhaps your a troll> I don't know. But your certainly helping to contribute to the Ufology stereotype that folks like yourselves whine about every chance they get.

Sad. This thread belongs on a forum called GLP.

Because the messages are under a copyright filed originally for the book, and you can't post that kind of material here. I love it how uninformed people think they're always right and they always have the answer, thus closing themselves to valuable information even more!

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by GreenRobot
but simply be nice to the OP and enjoy a lively discussion.

It's "lively" discussions such as this that perpetuate the stereotype that some in this very thread are complaining about on other threads. Entertaining things like this, that are utter rubbish (if I have to explain why, your part of the problem) is a waste of time and makes this whole subject look bad.

Maybe things like this should be moved to some other forum or something, I don't know. But don't come on here and claim you have solid proof of anything and continue to BS the community into entertaining a FOOLISH discussion such as this, seriously.

The government does not have to cover up UFOs or aliens at all. They only need to step in when the mainstream starts to take it seriously. But, thanks to things like this, that is not going to happen anytime soon. Threads like this do the government's job for them. Genius, isn't it?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by GreenRobot
Hopefully the OP will return and discuss some things. I find his information interesting and conceivably very true. I think most replies so far are taking his information and being silly with it. What I believe he's saying is certain traits might be visible in physical anatomy depending on who is inhabiting the "flesh machine". I believe many people who are reincarnated onto Earth are coming from other places. Some do more tours of duty on earth, some do a single stint. While earthling is a decent term to use for all of us born here, it's a different manner on what type of soul inhabits the physical body.

Channeling info is not something everyone will want to consider. Proof will seldom be possible, so all the debunking detectives will cry impossible. But our programming makes this all so hard to believe....because it's not germaine to the reasons we're hear and the lessons/roles we need to play.

Of course consideration of wild ideas doesn't mean you have to join the "nutjob club", but simply be nice to the OP and enjoy a lively discussion. There is much more to the world that can't be proven, but you will in time find out is true....IMHO.

Thank you brother!!!

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by GreenRobot
Hopefully the OP will return and discuss some things. I find his information interesting and conceivably very true. I think most replies so far are taking his information and being silly with it. What I believe he's saying is certain traits might be visible in physical anatomy depending on who is inhabiting the "flesh machine". I believe many people who are reincarnated onto Earth are coming from other places. Some do more tours of duty on earth, some do a single stint. While earthling is a decent term to use for all of us born here, it's a different manner on what type of soul inhabits the physical body.

Channeling info is not something everyone will want to consider. Proof will seldom be possible, so all the debunking detectives will cry impossible. But our programming makes this all so hard to believe....because it's not germaine to the reasons we're hear and the lessons/roles we need to play.

Of course consideration of wild ideas doesn't mean you have to join the "nutjob club", but simply be nice to the OP and enjoy a lively discussion. There is much more to the world that can't be proven, but you will in time find out is true....IMHO.

Thank you brother!!!

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:16 AM
can you answer my question too??

i did ask nicely!

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:16 AM
therevelation...Let's engage in some friendly discourse here:
First and foremost, you claim: "these messages were all channeled from a great spiritual Master."

And how do you know this person is a great spiritual Master?
Because they wrote a book? Because they claim to channel messages from
advanced civilizations? Tell me how you KNOW "these messages were all channeled from a great spiritual Master."

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by alienstar
Ok im not even going to respond to this thread.

[edit on 15-5-2008 by alienstar]

You just responded to the thread!

Note: This is not a one line post. End Note.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by lw2525

My guess is that he will not be able to respond to this query in a manner that will satisfy anyone that has common sense, reason and logic on their side. For obvious reasons. If by "obvious reasons" you do not understand what I mean, then move on, this post is not for you.

Let's hope this thread dies the death it deserves. If not, at least I am now on record stating my opinion (which I have no doubt is shared by anyone with common sense, reason and logic, that is unfortunate enough to actually read the utter tripe that is posted in this thread.)

This post is dedicated to the overwhelming amount of people that laugh at a thread like this and choose not to are not alone in your thoughts, and I accept your thanks for taking one for the team by posting what you think/feel.

[edit on 15-5-2008 by IgnoreTheFacts]

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