posted on May, 15 2013 @ 02:18 AM
Well I'm putting my symptoms down to house moving stress, and days of painting, painting, painting....
but yes to migraine, which I've had for two
days, and vague panicky feelings, and immensely sore ribs and neck. I'm so impatient to be in the new house ...a beautiful big farmhouse well off the
road...I still can't believe it. It's like I want to hide, and feel like as soon as we're in, I'm gonna blow up the bridge so no-one can get to
And yes...people making no sense what so my current landlords saying I own them money...LIES!...
and them not being able to explain
why, as if suddenly they can't add up. It's like I'm in an alternate universe, or some weird parallel timeline where things make sense here, but
everyone else is behaving like a freak. I almost got completely lamped in my car yesterday as well by someone who literally drove AT me.
I was also looking at leylines again a few days ago, as I have a feeling that where I live just now isn't such a good place. The house itself is
fine, but the location is very dodgy in some respects, and there is a history of some not very nice stuff around it...sudden deaths, suicides etc.
I'm going to sound like a total fruitcake here, but this is ATS, so perhaps it's the right place for that. If you can imagine the leys being the
wiring on the planet, and somehow the power has been turned up....everything seems more of what it was before...more noise, more anxiety, more stress,
more tension and arguments, more junk being fired at us on every level to the point where the modern world is very painful to be around if you're
sensitised a little differently to most. Most of all, my urge to run and hide is what's bothering me the most, and I know that's not just about the
house move.
Stay safe everyone...will check back later.