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I Was Fired Today, For My Bumperstickers!!!

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:49 AM
First, I am surprised that it takes 200 people to point out that they can be fired for whatever reason.

Second, if the whole issue is over a political sticker that is a bit offensive, can I have teachers, store clerks, cashiers, etc fired for having stickers of calvin peeing on things, stickers that say "I'm a pagan" or "My other car is a broom" or anything religious or offensive to me?

Granted, mention of pedophiles around schools / day-care / etc is not cool, its also not against the law. Personally, things have gotten way out of hand in regards to pedophiles ( sexual offenders are called pedophiles, even if they didn't molest a child. As such, kids who mooned grandma moses from their cars are called sexual offenders )

Stop taking offense to everything. If it didn't disrupt the job, then leave it be. Or at least then fire everyone for offensive stickers, mud guards, etc ...

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Bumper sticker idea:

"Duct tape is like the force: It has a dark side and
a light side and it holds the universe together."
- Carl Zwanzig

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by JediK
- Aside from the pink background on your avatar...
- Aside from the picture...

"Hotbakedtater" hasn't mentioned whether or not he/she is a male or female...What if this person is indeed male? Then, it would be a cause for concern...

Why? Because females aren't considered pedophiles? Goes back to my other post here. Seeing / reading a word instills panic. I've seen enough offensive things to choke big foot. Adult stores that hire trans-gendered, gays, etc ... odd-ball stores ( there is one named Spencer's ) that hire kids with spiked black hair, chains, rings and whatnot hanging all over them. They wouldn't be hired at DQ, but can work there ...

The music the store plays can / is offensive at times ... They sell adult material where God and everyone can get to it ( when state / city laws state it has to be protected, etc ) ... how can they get away with it?

If the word is offensive - then change the word. If its because it makes people think of a certain type of person ... again, change your thinking. The word is overused ( like a Clinton sex joke ) ...

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:09 PM

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 03:26 PM
I don't have kids but if I did I wouldn't want you watching them either. Young children especially... They don't deserve to be subject to your type of extreme view until they are old enough to understand them... they get confused too easily.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:55 PM
i know your type topic maker. your the person with the 3,000$ car that has half of the back bumper with anti republican stickers because you hate anything and everything they stand for. i know your voting for obama and i personally dont give an F that you are. you people make me laugh with your BS COEXIST stickers... ya like that will ever happen. get over youself

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:28 PM
I would have fired you too. You are showing very poor judgement and that alone would preclude you from working with children.

When you work in a dynamite factory, you don't have bumper stickers that say, "I smoke at work, and the boss doesn't know it!"

You don't go to a Martin Luther memorial and have a bumper sticker that says, "James Earl Ray is innocent!"


posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 12:02 AM

Whether or not it was right to display a bumper sticker related to gays and pedophiles or not, you most certainly have the right to your point of view and nobody and nothing should be let stand in your way.

Quite frankly you are better off without that job. They sound like a bunch of uptight Bulls***ters.

The right thing to do would have been to ask you to cover up or remove the offending stickers. They should have allowed you this opportunity.

Better that you get a job with people you can actually discuss topics like that with rather than a job where you spend most of your day attempting to find where their arse ends and their head starts.

[edit on 5/10/2008 by Kryties]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater
I would suggest removing your bumper stickers and not replacing them.

This is no longer a free country and giving out too much information via displaying your beliefs outwardly is not a good idea.

Working in a child care center and having any kind of reference to a child sexual predator even the p word, or a hint of it on public display is a big no no as it could detract from business and cause rumors to fly.

If they wanted to be nice, they should have called you into the office and asked you to remove the GOP sticker explaining this, but I suspect you rubbed the owner the wrong way because she is a Republican and or still pro Bush and also did not like the "Arses of Evil" Sticker.

Best of luck.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 12:56 AM
Isnt Amercia a free country?

She should be able to put what ever she likes on HER car

Her bumper stickers in no way advoctaed pedophilia IMO

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by hotbakedtater
I would suggest removing your bumper stickers and not replacing them.

This is no longer a free country and giving out too much information via displaying your beliefs outwardly is not a good idea.

Working in a child care center and having any kind of reference to a child sexual predator even the p word, or a hint of it on public display is a big no no as it could detract from business and cause rumors to fly.

If they wanted to be nice, they should have called you into the office and asked you to remove the GOP sticker explaining this, but I suspect you rubbed the owner the wrong way because she is a Republican and or still pro Bush and also did not like the "Arses of Evil" Sticker.

Best of luck.

It doesn't matter if it's no longer a free country, the government doesn't enter into it. The OP'd have been fired that at any point in America's history, (had there been cars and bumper stickers to put them on during the parts too long ago)

If your bad taste is bad for business, then your employer is going to fire you. Same as if you were actively mouthing off to customers while working.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 01:33 PM

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:44 PM
I think maybe your approaching this from the wrong angle...

GOP Gay Ole Pedophiles...

If I were homosexual I would take offence at being lumped in with the pedophiles, for sure... and being associated with the Republicans would defiantly peeve me...

I might even, ummmm. not want to drop my adopted child off at that day care anymore...

perhaps my significant other and me would really be insulted...

By the insensitive, pseudo liberal who doesn't have the discretion to be PC and not hurt my homosexual feelings...

I guess, if I were gay...


[edit on 10-1-2009 by Azgard123]

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Azgard123]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:00 AM
I think people that clutter their car with bumper stickers are
pretty hard up for attention.

Look at me!!! Look at me!!!
Hey, read what I think!!! I have an opinion!!!

You got your attention so now what?!

Now you gotta deal with this pain in the ass situation,
because you had to express yourself with somebody elses
idea that they sold to you for 3 dollars.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:07 AM
You deserved to be fired.

You are a caregiver of children. Flaunting your personal belief, whatever it is, on your bumper, like, forgive my term, "white trash", is not impressive in my mind, as an employer.

Your employer and more importantly your employer's customers, may not like your blatant adolescent flair ups.

Yes, you are able to express yourself, as provided in the constitution.

No, it does not mean that your expressions do not come without consequences.

Grow up.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 05:41 PM
I don't think there's a conspiracy afoot, there are just thin-skinned conservative moms who don't like their parking lot stained with inflammatory material.

I suggest for the next job you keep the bumper stickers covered up until you've passed their probationary period (if they're like some employers there'll be maybe 30-90 days or so when they can fire you for any reason), then uncover them. If they then fire you, you may have some additional legal recourse.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:12 PM
First it does sound like an unfair situation I admit that. Second, for anyone to apply at then get hired at a Daycare then drive their vehicle to work with anything remotely hinting at pedophilia is bordering on "asking for it" but to have a bumper sticker with the word "Pedophile" in it where anyone can see it is beyond words. Except maybe that you "can't understand why" you were fired.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater

So, I do, and Redhead says,

"The staff are all gossiping about your bumperstickers."

"So, I am , "Why?"

Redhead asks me what "Goop" means.

I said, "Its GOP, which stands for Grand Old Party". She had no idea what I meant. So, as the bumpersticker says, GOP=Gay Old Pedophiles,


Are you serious? Not to be rude, but... LOL. Why would you
consider a job at a daycare center, not as a janitor, but to
tend to the children as a chaperone, while being conscious
of having a bumper sticker that says "Gay Old Pedophiles?"


You need to, or should I say, "you should," respect their
decision for your hire.

Best way to look at this, is this job was certaintly "not for you."

Best of luck to you... honestly!

Yeah, I wish I would've noticed that this was such an
old thread, with so many pages to it. Put this post
right into the "BummyBag."

[edit on 21-2-2010 by Tek-Neek55]

[edit on 21-2-2010 by Tek-Neek55]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:51 PM

I just wanted to clarify, I NEVER joked about pedophiles, one of the employees who was smoking in the parking lot had to lean onto my trunk to read that

With the dozen plus pages, I will leave my comment off about the whole bumper sticker. As many stated, the OP probably got the message loud and clear.

My thoughts, in regards to the quote above stated by the OP, many of the responders stated loudly that they would pull their kids from the day care if someone had this bumper sticker, right?

So, what about the 2nd / 3rd hand smoke your child is inhailing from the employees? Or that your kid may smell like an ashtray when they come home. Granted, if you smoke - then that's your deal. But I would think I'd have more problems with employees smelling like smoke around my kids.

Believe me, I smoke and my clothes and the space around me stinks for quite a while ( I am quitting though - that's another story )

So, ultimately, we have to know where to pick our battles. Was it right to fire her? Probably. You can be fired for less ( as its been mentioned )

Just my 1/2 cent comment. Take as you will.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by StarShin07

Originally posted by JediK
I've seen enough offensive things to choke big foot. Adult stores that hire trans-gendered, gays, etc ... odd-ball stores ( there is one named Spencer's ) that hire kids with spiked black hair, chains, rings and whatnot hanging all over them. They wouldn't be hired at DQ, but can work there ...

The music the store plays can / is offensive at times ... They sell adult material where God and everyone can get to it ( when state / city laws state it has to be protected, etc ) ... how can they get away with it?

I agree. We have a Spencer's in the mall in my area. First time I visited it and saw the back of the store, I was puzzled. No signs marking it "18 and over only", nothing to state / police to keep the kiddies out of ... and yet, a lot of that stuff can be found in an adult store ( that CLEARLY is marked adults only )

How can they? Its not front and center, its towards the back of the store ( at least that store ) ... so its not easily known. *shrugs* My guess anyway.

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