posted on May, 22 2008 @ 02:41 PM
yup, pretty sad she is still blaming others for her own decisions?! You get fired for having a bumper sticker that says "GOP Gay Old Pedophiles".
Why would this be even humorous to you in the first place, ESPECIALLY since you have kids. I mean, I understand the joke, but it's a lame joke and
uses the word pedophile. What is funny about that word? It's like using the word rapist on a bumper sticker. I mean, sometimes those little things
like GOP stands for gay old pedophiles might be semi-humorous to say in passing, but to actually put on your car. I've read lots of posts in this
thread and feel like you haven't learned anything. Do you ever place blame on yourself? You say you made a mistake, but then you want to let the
local news know what happened. This means that you take no blame and are blaming others for your poor decisions. I figured you were 20 from your
original post, but I'm seeing you are not. You will forever be facing the same problems with your friends, your family and with employers if you
don't change your ways. I guess you can continue to blame others if it makes you feel good about yourself, but you aren't doing this world a favor
if you are going to "expose" this daycare center for firing you. Sure, they overreacted, but you were at fault for this, not them. And look, you
got a job that was closer, pays the same and you are still seeking some type of revenge?!? Be thankful for what you have, learn from your mistakes
and be a better person and American. I hate to be a jerk, but this is one of the problems with America, no one takes responsibility for anything
anymore. I really hope that at some point in the near future you learn something because you have kids. What are you teaching them by your
behaviour? Are you teaching them that they can blame others for their bad decisions? Ugh, I really hope you can learn a lesson in all of this
because it appears you haven't learned a single lesson yet.