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I Was Fired Today, For My Bumperstickers!!!

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by FredT

I have to question the wisdom, if not the reality testing of anyone who thinks it would be OK! DOH!

What customer is going to see that kind of bumper sticker and feel wonderful about their kid being anywhere near such an individual?

Such a parent would need their head examined if they didn't feel some wariness to alarm.


All the more so in this day and age.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:08 PM
If it were me, and this was my situation (I was in one similar. I used to be a teacher, and now I'm not because of my standpoint on certain key political views, and I have chosen not to go back into said profession because of the political bull$hit that I had to deal with), I would take it to the local news station, the newspaper, and shoot, even the national news. Make a big deal out of this. Maybe you'll get a book deal or something and be able to retire.

Just my zany $.02 rant for the evening.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

If you look back in the thread, specifically page 20, there is discussion about an article that was written about the situation in a publication called LEO.

Maybe you should look back at this before you make any more remarks about a book deal over this!

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

Maybe you should learn to give credit to SARCASM where credit is due.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by truthseeker1984]

[edit on 21-2-2010 by truthseeker1984]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:23 AM

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:39 AM
I'm sad to say, I've known some folks that work in daycare and they weren't that bright. My child nearly got thrown out of one because he was breastfed and they just thought he had constant diarrhea - I had to get a letter from my doc that his poopy was normal. :::SIGH:::

I'm sorry it happened to you though. Free Speech IS a great thing, but we're not really in an atmosphere of tolerance to accept it, no matter what the constitution says. The courts have went about too far too, IMO, saying where it stops and where it ends at the corporate and school doors, which, IMO has the whole country thinking that it's really optional, you just turn it off when it causes some trouble.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by hadriana

I don't believe getting fired from a private business for a lack of taste constitues impinging upon someone's right to free speech. I don't see the government even being able to stop anyone from having distasteful forms of expression.Having rights does not mean that someone else has to put up with your infantile behavior although a lot of people, like you, think that it does....

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by miragezero
reply to post by hadriana

I don't believe getting fired from a private business for a lack of taste constitues impinging upon someone's right to free speech. I don't see the government even being able to stop anyone from having distasteful forms of expression.Having rights does not mean that someone else has to put up with your infantile behavior although a lot of people, like you, think that it does....

In NO way did I behave ANYWAY - stating an opinion is NOT a behavior. Thanks for the personal attack.

Secondly, I didn't imply that the person's rights HAD been impinged, only that I felt that the environment wasn't a good one to exercise one's right to free speech, and that a lot of court decisions have left a lot of people - perhaps YOU?- thinking that free speech should have an on and off switch.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:55 AM
Free speech is a right, not a privledge. With that being said, free speech also comes with responsibility as "Speech" reflects upon the person making it. In your case, your speech was both juvenile and offensive. I would not want in my employ someone who is both juvenile and/or offensive as it would damage the credibility of MY business.

To wit... many of us believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy - an inside job. However, I seriously doubt any of us that believe so would go into an interview and start discussing it. Why? Because we would run the risk of looking crazy, fanatical or just plain unprofessional and/or it could be considered offensive. In other words, we exercise sound judgement when choosing our words to ensure that they might not offend anyone. Unfortunately for you, you did not exercise such discretion and your free speech pissed people off. Deal with it!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
...and that a lot of court decisions have left a lot of people - perhaps YOU?- thinking that free speech should have an on and off switch.

Um, no.... free speech doesn't have an on and off switch BUT your brain does!!! Your level of professionalism, decorum and sound judgement should be the on and off switch which governs the opinions you choose to make public. If one chooses to make ignorant or offensive statements, then such a person should expect to be viewed as being ignorant or offensive. No one is going to stop you from saying stupid things - by the same token, there is nothing to stop people from formulating an opinion about the person making the statement. It's what human beings do!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

YES please make a HUGE deal how a daycare fired you because you had a bumper sticker about a type of person who touches a child in a sexual way!!!!

Everyone needs to step back from the "they are attacking me because of my political ideals
" crap and realize this vehicle is parked in front of a place where I drop my child off at!! Why would I trust someone who makes a joke about pedophilia? Ya I trust you with my kid...

Lady, OP, get off your high horse, you are not a teenager anymore and the way you act and portray yourself will always get you into trouble. If you act or portray yourself in an unprofessional manner you will be treated so. You may think you have a case with this but truthfully you don't, you had a bumpersticker that reffered to "gay old pedophiles" AT A DAYCARE!!!

Don't be dense enough to continue with your pitty party and be an adult and remove the bumper sticker if you want to work at an establishment where there are young children.

Keep all of the rest of your bumperstickers but just make sure they don't mention pedophiles if you want to work around children.

OP, What would you think if someone who worked at a women's shelter had a bumpersticker that said something like "My wife doesn't listen, so I don't let her out of the house." It's a joke but not everyone is going to find it funny, certainly not people at a women's shelter. Do you get my point? Plus bumperstickers are for teenage girls and truckers

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Cool Breeze

Once again, another person that doesn't get my sarcasm.
I totally agree with you. Get rid of the bumperstickers and be professional. It's pretty simple.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:00 AM
I realise that the original post is quite old, but I had to put my 2 pence worth in.

Personally I don't think the OP was fired for her political affiliations - although I know in the states some people can be a bit extreme in their intolerance of others' political leanings. I think it comes down to working in a daycare and having 'pedophile' on your bumper sticker. Whether it's a joke or not parents might not take it that way. Lots of people in this world are not intelligent enough to understand things in the way they are meant to be taken.

An example of the idiocy of people in this world and the mob mentality by which they work is the story from the UK where a story appeared in a newspaper about a man who was a PEDIATRICIAN (doctor who works with children) - one numbnut didn't understand what a pediatrician was and thought it must be PEDOPHILE and a mob of people hunted this poor man down and attacked him.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

Sorry about that
I just picked your post to reply to wasn't exactly directed at yourself.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Eirian

So you think because some parents might find this bumpersticker distasteful they are not intelligent? How does that work... I was thinking it would be the other way around... I know what the bumpersticker is saying and think it is juvenile, let alone someone working at a daycare with it. "Hey lets joke about pedophilia around little children and the parents of those little children." Hmm doesn't sound too smart to me, but hey I could be wrong...

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 04:39 PM
I cant believe someone un necroed this thread!

Thanks for all the opinions, a small update if anyone cares.

I have been gainfully employed elsewhere ever since (my firing led to my job now, that I LOVE).

I removed the offending bumpersticker. It was a political joke against the republicans who were sexing with their teenage interns. Of course now it is outdated.

To this day my car is still covered in bumperstickers, and to this day I get people talking to me about my bumperstickers.

Yes I love bumperstickers because I love attention, it isnt a crime. Some of us are just like that.

I am still not ashamed or sorry I had the bumpersticker in the first place.

Yes I was featured in local media.

(ignore the picture I have lost weight since then).

No I dont want a book deal.

Again thank you for ALL the replies and if you have any more questions I will answer them.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by hotbakedtater]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
Yes I love bumperstickers because I love attention, it isnt a crime. Some of us are just like that.

I am still not ashamed or sorry I had the bumpersticker in the first place.

Yes I was featured in local media.

Grats, although I know that you know that the first amendment which people have died for wasn't intended to protect this type selfish infantile behavior. The moderators are evidently confused about this issue also...

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
In NO way did I behave ANYWAY - stating an opinion is NOT a behavior. Thanks for the personal attack.

Secondly, I didn't imply that the person's rights HAD been impinged, only that I felt that the environment wasn't a good one to exercise one's right to free speech, and that a lot of court decisions have left a lot of people - perhaps YOU?- thinking that free speech should have an on and off switch.

Well on this very thread you can see that censorship in the privated domain is perfectly pemissible.... and yes it is idiotic at times in their regards to what is defended and what isn't... you might even say the irony exibited by private censors borders on insanity when they believe they are morally bound to censor someone for calling someone fool who is complaining about being censored for exibiting hrm.. "exceptionally displeasurable behavior" I think is what it's called... ;-)

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:24 AM
If you had to explain the bumper sticker, your then co-workers are stupider than the average idiot. That level of stupidity in contact with children in their formative years is the real threat.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:06 PM
Wait, let me get this straight, you have a bumper sticker that says "Gay Old Pedophiles" on it, you worked at a daycare, and are confused why they would have a problem with it?

This is not a violation of your civil rights, it is not a travesty, it's certainly not a conspiracy. When you work for a company, you represent that company, they could rightly say that you posed a risk to the business should current or potential clients see that sitting on company property. I hate to say this because a hate calling people names, but you're pretty ignorant if you don't understand this one.

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