posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by picrat
CONTINUATION-what is the best way to undo a bad business-lets say a car dealership which is shoddy-WORD OF MOUTH-you tell your friends ,i as a friend
tell my friends and so on and the word gets out quickly.I agree with the idea of getting the truth out to the people ,but will they accept it and
understand it,and will they begin to unite against the injustices which are taking place all over the world not just in your country sizzle and all
others as the problems are the same in all nations and it seems to get worse every time the world leaders met for conferences as to how to resolve the
worlds problems-THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. as nothing of any value or good seems to come from these meetings . who are they the illuminati,nwo and god
knows what else.
we need to calm the people of the world down first,why not use world wide chats rather than huge bundles of info .example-who and where are
you located ,what do you fear, learn about their wants ,needs wishes ,desires and fears ,ask if the same things are going on in their countries ,point
them towards this site and its relative connections-get the world involved. or send a packet to me at my snail mail and ill copy it for distribution
to some friends with this notation read it, copy it ,understand it, discuss it among friends then pass it on to others with the same instructions . it
will take time but people need to wake up first before the changes will come about ,the sooner we get started the better .