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Debunking the Chemtrail Debunker.

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posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways
It's causing the forest to look like this

Like what?

Cirrus clouds have been occurring naturally for thousands of millions of years.

Nowadays, we get a few more because aircraft exhausts aid their creation (we call these inadvertently manmade cirrus clouds contrails)

Rather than worrying about videos on youtube, try reading a book on meteorology.

(and no, I'm not wasting my time trying to find a video from the 80s that shows contrails, there are hiundreds of photos though, try here

The title of this thread is wholly misleading. far from debunking anything, all you've done is display an ignorance of basic meteorological processes and a refusal to learn ....

btw I ran a long thread here asking people to debunk the suggestion that contrails were anything but contrails. No-one came close.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by Essan]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by cutbothways

A pilot who has never seen a condensation trail?

Now I've heard everything.

And yes, I've been on a few flights. As a passenger.

Maybe you can't see the wingtips, way up there in the cockpit.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by cutbothways

You're not related to Ultima, by chance?

I've yet to see you link silver iodide to the contrails. I'd like to see that...

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways
reply to post by OzWeatherman

US Navy.

San Diego Bootcamp.
Memphis (Millington) Aviation Hydraulics Structures
Jacksonville, Fla P-3 Structures-hydraulics.
VQ-2 Rota, Spain
Desert Storm (King Fahd Saudi Arabia Helicopter Base, Jiddha)

Calling me a liar?

No, I said it appears that you are

Pilots have to know the basic cloud types, yet you are calling Cirrus those nano things.

Cirrus type one according to WMO guidelines is cirrus in filaments or strands often hook shaped. Has the WMO been wrong for 100 years, these clouds are nano technology not water vapour? I doubt it

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:51 PM
Double post

[edit on 6/5/2008 by OzWeatherman]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:58 PM
Never said I was a pilot. I flew as crew chief (engineer) on the P-3
All the other is classified. But I flew many times before the Navy. My
father was Swedish. I've made the trip to Sweden a few times.

Saw a contrail when we flew over Greenland, in the 70's

Most of the time didn't look back, except when the bay doors are open, and then you sure a hell don't want a visible contrail, cause you'd be a sitting duck.

Logical deduction.

We are screwed.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways
Water vapor does not hold together in strings.

What you have here is nano-fibers.

How, from that photo, can you draw the conclusion that something is;

a - held together?
b - strung?

You are familiar with photos from World War Two of prop driven fighters leaving contrails behind them, aren't you?

You are aware of nocticulent clouds?

How do you "know" these things - which you have no samples of - are fibrous in nature?

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:04 PM
I've lived in these same mountains most of my life. I know the clouds.

I can show you pictures all day long. I have hundreds.

Thanks for keeping the thread alive.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:07 PM
This person wants to believe so badly that you just have to let him/her. It matters not what facts you give a person who has such blind faith in a conspiracy. As I said before, there is nothing they will believe outside their own set of ideas, even facts.

I used to put some weight on the chemtrail conspiracy, and now I see that I was misinformed by people who claim this never happened before the 80's when it clearly has been happening since high altitude flight began.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways
I know the clouds.

Very clearly you do not. And you're pointedly refusing to listen to those who do, and ignoring their references and questions.

Unless you can provide evidence to back your assertions, and refute the many points made here by others, then this thread is nothing but a hoax.

btw I can provide plenty of photos of normal contrails and cirrus clouds if that's what you want

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
I used to put some weight on the chemtrail conspiracy, and now I see that I was misinformed by people who claim this never happened before the 80's when it clearly has been happening since high altitude flight began.

Its easy to be swayed by one side or the other.
Take the middle ground and see for yourself.

Way too many experts have opinions...which disagree with each other actually.
Perhaps dont be so fast to jump to the other side of the fence - but stay perched up on the fence and continue to observe both sides.

Personally I see inconsistencies in the arguments coming from the trio who defies any possibility of spraying of any sort. Doesnt really matter in the long I have said, I see what I see.

I too have taken pictures and now watched the skies (both in Atlanta, and now Hungary) for years.

As mentioned before, whatever comes out the back of the planes isnt the point.
The point is that ALL the clouds (on most of the days I observe) form solely from whatever comes out the back of the planes.

And after the clouds we get either a grey mass blanketing the skies or some funky weather. We just had hail yesterday. And again, the trio are so sure of what people see, it seems, yet they are not located where Im at, so in a sense, I defy them to even say that ALL the clouds I see dont come from planes.

Point is they have an opinion, and as I pointed out to the original poster, if the glass if already full you cant put new info in it. And Im sure they will say the same about me.

In the end, it all comes down to the individual one can think for you - though they often try.



p.s. - looks like weather modification to me, and it looks like it works rather well.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by dAlen]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by dAlen

Personally I see inconsistencies in the arguments coming from the trio who defies any possibility of spraying of any sort. Doesnt really matter in the long I have said, I see what I see.

Personally I have never denied that some spraying may take place (and of course we all known that cloud seeding has been taking place since at least the 1950s).

All I do is point out that the evidence presented is flawed and simply the result of misidentification born of (understandable) ignorance

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by cutbothways

Ah, grease-monkey. Not actually "flying" around in planes.....just riding.

And the last line of your post is simply trolling.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Essan
Personally I have never denied that some spraying may take place (and of course we all known that cloud seeding has been taking place since at least the 1950s).

Then my apologies to you Essan, - thanks for the clarification.



posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:59 PM
I will try to explain the HAARP Ionospheric Artificial Dust Layer Program.

The Blanket Effect weblog is dedicated to locating relevant information related to worldwide weather modification programs and research papers. We strive to make it as understandable as possible and to provide links for those who want to learn more.

On this same page, you will find this article.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering
Dr. Ferraro (image at right) has been the principal investigator of several Office of Naval Research contracts through which he proved the feasibility to generate extremely low frequency (ELF) radio signals by modulating the ionosphere current systems from ground based high frequency transmitting facilities.
He authored several papers on the theory of ionospheric heating and implemented experiments which used these effects to measure ionospheric parameters.

He was involved in the design of several ionospheric heating facilities at locations around the world including Puerto Rico, Alaska, Colorado, Norway, and Penn State.

Heating the ionosphere? How. With silver iodide. Silver is highly conductive. Also reflective, and it doesn't dissipate like aluminum or barium.

But, they are introducing bacteria to try to modify weather.

Bacteria In CloudsC&EN Subscriber Content Icon

Microbial meteorologists investigate how airborne microbes might influence weather.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by cutbothways]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways

Heating the ionosphere? How. With silver iodide. Silver is highly conductive. Also reflective, and it doesn't dissipate like aluminum or barium.

So how do they get the silver iodide into the ionosphere? Space Shuttle?

I'm pretty sure those contrails you see aren't all made by a huge fleet of secret space shuttles (besides they're all many miles too low) ..... so we have further corroboration than such contrails are nothing to do with whatever else you think is going on

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Essan

They put it in the jetstream, and then

heat rises.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 03:55 PM
Wow, this is like arguing the moon hoax in the space exploration forum, lol. A total waste of time. Logic, reason and common sense is trying to have a discussion with paranoid, delusional ignorance. What a sad waste.

Look, chemtrail die hard believers, I am sorry you need to believe in something that IS NOT HAPPENING on a large scale (outside of controlled and publicly documented experiments that you people constantly think is proof that every jetliner has some secret nozzles in it, lol)

Anybody trying to argue with this guy is wasting their time. He does not grasp the facts behind contrails, and his ignorance leads him to believe whatever he need to believe in order for him to feel important about something. I actually feel sorry for him and his kind. I would hate to go through life that ignorant.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways
reply to post by Essan

They put it in the jetstream, and then

heat rises.

That makes no sense, the jetstream would blow it away from the target....thats just ridiculous

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:29 PM
I understand HAARP, fairly well. Even made a report or two when they were doing some testing back a few months ago with atmospheric bounces. I digress, this is for a different thread.

The THEORY of heating the ionosphere with HAARP is to create a bulge that causes a drag on satellites. This puts them either on a different orbit or causes them to re-enter the atmosphere.

This is were the ionosphere is located. Not at heights that planes usually fly in but much, much higher. Silver Iodine or nano-whatevers introduced in the troposphere or stratosphere would have zero affect on the ionosphere. Heat rising doesn't work at this elevation. There is a scientific explanation for this, but science isn't being used in this thread.

But then I don't have all the education or experience be flaunted in this thread.

Please, keep building the case of debunking the debunkers....

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