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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Well the other two ain't talking. Maybe they have a clue. Are you all talking to each other? If not, perhaps you should take the time to do so.

Cadbury U2U'ed me almost immediately about Kvasir's post, and almost before I had any time to think about it saying "It's Asgard" which was brought up on thread anyway. You're saying the other two are hiding something from emsed1?

Noone has mentioned being in posession of further information from Maban beyond the U2U that was posted here. If they each have further information in the form of a piece of a three-piece puzzle that they haven't shared with each other, maybe they should.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Roark

Originally posted by spannera
Many people think "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is anti Semitic "hate literature" and a fraud.

*smacks forehead*

Dude, it has been decisively and conclusively PROVEN to be a forgery and a hoax. There is a freaking PLETHORA of information about it everywhere.

But... I guess people will just believe what they want to believe.

Yes there is a plethora of information. However, i still believe that it is PROBABLY not a fraud which i dont want to go into. Sorry to disappoint !you

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I would say that is a shallow and myopic view. I found all sorts of interesting things along the way.

A 'funny' thing happened to me..I read lots of fabric related quotes looking for references to 'satin and sunshine', including this one...

'The condition of the time is full of irregularities and obscurity. The superior man, in accordance with this, adjusts his measures as in sorting the threads of the warp and the woof.'

Well, long story short, it turns out that it is from the IChing, and I know this only because it is the hexagram that I threw last night which in itself was a spare of the moment thing. Not really relevent to anything here, but I'm in a sharing mood and I think it is generally good advice.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

No, no, no...not even remotely implying such a thing. I meant that perhaps they should confer. Apologies for any confusion.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
Hi Justice,

If you are Illuminon welcome to the thread.

He's not. Those were Maban's quotes, unattributed and without code.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:08 PM
Well it is always a good idea to follow the money if one wishes to find the real power behind any ‘throne’. To my mind it is just common sense.

Now Goethe was reputed to be illuminati. And he had this to say:
Yes, my dear fellow, it all amounts to this: in order to do something you must be something. We think Dante great, but he had a civilisation of centuries behind him; the House of Rothschild is rich but it has required more than one generation to attain such wealth. Such things all lie deeper than one thinks.
Excerpts. Ps I came to similar conclusions before I tried to find a source for my ideas so at least I’m not the only misguided person. Lol.

The leader of this group was a man named, Dr. Adam Weishaupt, who was born on February 6, 1748, the son of a Jewish rabbi. When his father died in 1753, he was converted to Catholicism by Baron Johann Adam Ickstatt, who turned the early training of the boy over to the Jesuits. Ickstatt, in 1742, had been appointed by the Jesuits to be the curator of the University in order to reorganize it. He retired in 1765, but still controlled its policies

It is believed that Weishaupt got his ideas concerning the destruction of the Church from Voltaire's writings. He studied in France, where he met Robespierre (who later led the French Revolution), and became friends with a few people in the French Royal Court. It is believed, that through these contacts, he was introduced to Satanism.
Voltaire was part of a cell. Illuminati? They used the epithet cacouac
Voltaire known as Raton
D’Allembert known as protogora
Frodenc called Dulac
Diderot called Plato or Tamplot
Frederick the Great known as Solomon
Saying attributed to the original leader D’Alembert‘..hurl the javelin but hide the hand..”
Modus operandi!
He studied the anti-Christian doctrines of the Manicheans (Mani k/a ‘son of the widow’), whose teachings revolved around astrology, medicine, and magic. He had been indoctrinated into Egyptian occult practices by an unknown merchant named Kolmer, from Jutland (in the area around the border of Denmark and West Germany),
If I recall correctly this meeting was on Malta (1771), which is also where cogliostro had a similar story of recruitment into a secret order about the same period.
Is it true I don’t know but it’s worth contemplating?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Amschel Rothschild was born in Frankfurt in 1744 into what would be regarded as poverty nowadays The jedengasse was the name of the getto where the jews were forced to live in claustrophobic conditions. This getto had a population somewhere in the region of 2000-3000 people.

Excerpt: It is worth noting at once that the family might never have been called "Rothschild"--literally "red shield"--at all. We know that Isak, son of Elthanan, built a house in the 1560s known as "zum roten Schild" ("the red shield"), presumably after some kind of shield of the sort often hung at the front of houses. It was common enough for residents of the Judengasse to become known by their addresses. However, Isak's grandson Naftali Herz (who died in 1685) left the house with the red shield and moved to another house, "zur Hinterpfann" ("the warming pan")

Now there was a rabbi called Naphtali Herz ben Yaakov Elthanon who in 1648 wrote a book in Amsterdam called Emeq HaMalekh (Valley of The kings) on the subject of Lurianic Kabbalah. Is it possible that they are related as this man was born and lived most of his life in Frankfurt.. If they are not related I feel that they at least were acquainted. I found both the story behind Isaac Luria (1533-1572) and this book very strange..
What they seem to indicate is a hidden stream of knowledge as the book had information about the whereabouts of the Temple treasures long before the Dead Sea scrolls where found. Unfortunately as yet I haven’t found an English translation.
What it means I don’t know. I have my suspicions that it might mean something but I found it full of loose ends and yet strangely intriguing (see link below)

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Kvasir
reply to post by spannera

I apologise if i have caused offence as i both understand your feelings on this matter and agree with you wholeheartedly but i believe there is possibly a hidden cabbalistic doctrine that this 'illuminist' group follows.

I assure you, there is not.

Interesting.! Would you care to elaborate or set me on the right path?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:00 PM
Another link perhaps or just smoke
From Juri Lina's Under the Sign of the Scorpion, p. 22-28

In 1492, the Alumbrado (The Enlightened) movement was founded by Spanish Marranos (baptised Jews who secretly kept their Talmudic faith) and a similar organization was founded in France in 1623 - "Guerients" who changed their name to Illuminati in 1722. The Spanish authorities attempted to stop the Alumbrado movement as early as 1527 when Ignatius Loyola was temporarily arrested for his activities with the Illuminati.

Loyola (Inigo Lopez de Regalde), who was of Jewish blood, was born in the 1490s. In 1534, he founded his own order -- the Jesuits -- taking out a loan for the purpose. THe Pope acknowledge the Jesuit Order on the 5th of April 1540.

Benjamin Disraeli, author and prime minister of Great Britain in 1868, and 1874-1876, himself a Jew wrote in his book "Coningsby" (London, 1844) that the first Jesuits were Jews. In this new order, all members were under Loyola's surveillance. It was the Jewish Jesuit Cardinal Roberto Bellarmino (1542-1621) who ordered the philosopher Filippo Giordano Bruno burnt at the stake on the 17th of February 1600.

In 1771, 23 year old (Adam) Weishaupt met Kolmer, a Danish Kabbalist Jew who had just returned from Egypt. Kolmer initiated Weishaupt into the secrets of Osiris magic, the Cabbala and the ALumbrado movement. Nesta Webster assumed that he had been known in Italy as Altotas, Cagliostro's master. Kolmer's occult knowledge made a deep impression on Weishaupt, who later chose the Egyptian pyramid as the Illuminati's symbol of power...

One year earlier (1770) Weishaupt had been given a post as lecturer in canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. He later received his doctor's degree and in 1773, at the age of 25, became a professor at the same university...

It was no coincidence that the Order of the Illuminati was founded on the first of May. Among the Cabbalist Jews, this date, 15 (1.5) symbolized the sacred number of Yahweh and became their occult holiday. According to Goethe, the first of May -- the day following Walpurgis Night -- is when the dark mystical forces are celebrated.

At this time a young Jew named Mayer Amschel (born February 23, 1744) was being tutored to become a rabbi. Amschel lived with his parents in the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt am Main. He later took the name Rothschild. It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who convinced Weishaupt to wholly accept the Frankist Cabbalist doctrine and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. Rothschild had given Weishaupt the task of restablishin the old Alumbrado movement for the Cabbalist Jews.

Theoretical Cabbal embraces only secret teachings about God and nature. But practical Cabbala (such as Frankism) attempts to affect earthly matters. It involves the use of amulets and magic numbers as well as the conjuring of evil spirits. Both the Talmud and Midrash contain Cabbalist information. ("Ancient Oriental and Jewish Secret Doctrines, Leipzig, 1805.)

Jakob Frank (1726-1791) was the most frightening phenomenon in Jewish history, according to the Jewish professor Gershom Scholem. His actions were totally immoral. Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman shows in his book "To Eliminate the Opiate" (New York, 1974) that there was a clear connection between Frankism and Weishaupt's Illuminism. The goal of the Frankists was to work in secret to establish Jewish world supremacy. Professor Scholem has clearly documented that they achived extensive political power.

Jakob Frank (actually Leibowicz) was born in 1726, in Polish Galicia. He officially converted to Catholicism but this was just camouflage. Jakob Frank was jailed in 1760 for continuing to teach the Cabbala (Zohar) and for practising secret Jewish rituals. In 173, the Russians attacked the region of Poland where Frank was held prisoner. He was released and moved to Offenbach (near Frankfurt am Main) in Germany where he began to lead a luxurious and wild life. His deeds were evil, his personality nefarous. This information comes from Scholem's books "Cabbala" (New York and Scarborough, 1974) "Sabbatai Zevi" (New Jersey, 1973) and "The Messianic Idea in Judaism" (New York, 1971).

Jakob Frank summed up his doctrine in his book "The Words of the Lord". He asserted that the creator God was not the same as the one who had revealed himself to the Israelites. He believed God was evil. Frank proclaimed himself the true Messiah. He vowed to not tell the truth, rejected every moral law, and declared that the only way to a new society was through a total destruction of the present civilization. Murder, rape, incest and drinking of blood were perfectly acceptable actions and necessary rituals.

Frank was one of those refractory Jews who worshipped devils. The extremist Jews were particularly fond of a devil called Sammael. (C.M. Ekbohrn, "100000 frammande ord", Stockholm, 1936, p. 1173.)

Joseph Johann Adam Weishaupt was born on the 6th of February 1748 in Ingolstadt, by the Danube, in Bavaria, into an assimilated Jewish family. (Pouget de Saint Andres, "Le auteurs caches de la revolution francaise", p. 16). His father was a professor at the University of Ingolstadt. ("The Trail of the Serpent", Hawthorne, 1936, p. 68) He was educated in a Jesuit monastery and studied law, literature, and atheist philosophy. In 1773 the 25 year old Weishaupt left the Jesuit Order. This may have been bvecome he had developed his independent ideology, but the subsquent dissolution of the Jesuit Order in 173 by Pope Clemetn XIV may also have been a factor. The Jesuit Order in France, Spain, Portugal, Naples and Austria was dissolved. A few years later, Weishaupt's

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:04 PM
perhaps more smoke etc

In 1777, the Illuminati began to cooperate with all the Masonic lodges (especially the Grand Orient) in order to infiltrate them. The Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of Germany, said in 1794 that the Masonic lodges were controlled by the Illuminati. When Weishaupt became a member of the Grand Orient, the lodge was backed financially by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812), according to the British historian Nesta Webster.

Bernard Lazar, a well-known Jewish author, wrote in his "L'Antisemitisme" in 1894, that exclusively Cabbalist Jews surrounded Weishaupt. Confiscated documents show that of 39 Illuminati holding lesser leading positions, 17 were Jews (i.e., 40%.) The higher one looked in the ranks, the larger was the percentage of Jews. Even the fact that the Illuminati headquarters in Ingolstadt were later converted into a synagogue was symbolic of this conspiracy. Lazar stated that all these Jews became the agents of revolution because they had "revolutionary souls."

There were four especially important Jews in the Illuminati leadership. Hartwig (Napthali Herz) Wessely, MOses Mendelssohn, the banker Dnaiel von Itzig (1723-1799) and the businessman David Friedlander (La Vielle France, 31st of March, 1921.)

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Originally posted by emsed1
Anyway, welcome aboard. Hopefully you can stick around and help us understand the information that Maban entrusted to the "three"..

Hehe. I have had the impression that despite Kvasir's assumption you'll know what everything means, that you guys find it almost as cryptic as the rest of us. Would that be at all accurate? Then again, I considered that you might simply be trying to create a false impression.

Well the other two ain't talking. Maybe they have a clue. Are you all talking to each other? If not, perhaps you should take the time to do so.

I haven't spoken to one of them, but Cadbury and I talked a bit today. Still feeling things out but I don't have a ton of insight right now.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
'The condition of the time is full of irregularities and obscurity. The superior man, in accordance with this, adjusts his measures as in sorting the threads of the warp and the woof.'

That explains our problem. If we wish to travel to the stars, we need warp and woof drive, powered by sun-like reactions, to bend the fabric of spacetime. Warp drive is only half the truth.

That or the Illuminons have no idea what the heck it means either and are putting us to task through intrigue in order to figure it out for them.

[edit on 5/7/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 10:13 PM
Arighty then, I will just throw out more assocations staying largely within Maban's realm.

The Enlightened Ones are also known as angels, oranges, yellows, etc. Angels are often depicted as wearing robes that perhaps appear to be like satin. They are also said to have an aura of yellow-orange light that shines like the sun which is why the color yellow has special meaning to The Shards.

Additionally, a clue from a site called The Buddhist Blog:

Within some Tibetan Buddhist schools, If their sleeveless tunic is trimmed with yellow brocade or they are wearing yellow silk and satin as normal attire, they are probably eminent monks or considered living Buddhas.


One could view this as an attempt at emulation of The Enlightened Ones appearance.

"All shall be revealed on the day of satin and sunshine."

My understanding from Maban's text:
Maban has stated that upon The Enlightened Ones' return, when we have shown ourselves to be ready, the Three Truths shall be revealed to humanity en whole. We shall all come to know the truth about our history and our destiny.

Perhaps there is, to the monks, a significant day of the year that might be referenced by the satin and sunshine symbolisms?

"The new earth civilization will come upon the wings of sunshine and satin."

My initial recollections:
The New Earth Civilization will begin when The Enlightened One's return. They will come to help us build this new chapter in humanity's evolution. Eventually, Earth will join the Universal Civilzation and humanity will be introduced to the many species comprising it.

In his disclosure to The Three, he adds the return of the 144,000 into the story, who might be construed to be the enlightened Buddhas, and were taken off-planet:

[The Lumen ab Verum] brought Enlightenment to Gautama Siddhartha as upon ascension was one (if not) the first of the 144,000 swept off to the home of the Enlightened Ones. There they teach them about the ways of the Universal Civilization, and what must become of humanity in order to join it. Upon a certain time they will return as ambassadors to Humanity, liaisons between Humanity, The Enlightened Ones, and the Universal civilization which represents virtually billions of other species, if not more.

In the disclosure, Maban talks of what is expected of us:

[The Lumen ab Verum] taught us Illuminons that humanity will rise or fall, and upon either pinnacle the Enlightened Ones will make contact with us, if, and only if, we are prepared and capable as a whole of moving forward and creating a better world. Their teachings made it clear that we the people, will not be held accountable to our leader's actions. For they will not trust us with other worlds, if we cannot take care of the one we have inherited.

I am a bit puzzled by the emboldened text. It seems slightly contradictory. Perhaps Kvasir would care to clarify?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 10:55 PM
An interesting picture from a blog called Buddha's Dharma:


Amitabha Buddha and the Bodhisattvas are coming to receive people to The Pure Land

Auspicious Days for Buddhists

17th Day of 11 Lunar Month | Birthday of Amitabha Buddha | 01 January 2010

Amitabha Buddha

Amitabha Buddha is the Buddha of Infinite Light. One of his great vows was to establish a Pure Land known as Sukhavati, the Western Paradise. One who is able to call on Amitabha's name with "an undivided mind" will be reborn there, and never have to endure rebirths in the cyclic suffering of samsara. The Maha Twin Lotus Ponds, the siddhi (fruition) of the True Buddha School Dharma, are an extension of the Western Paradise.


A Future Buddha who is a being destined to Buddhahood. Bodhi means Enlightenment and Sattva means Sentient and Conscious. Therefore Bodhisattva refers to the sentient being of or for the great wisdom and enlightenment. Bodhisattva's vow/aim is the pursuit of Buddhahood and the salvation of others and of all. He seeks enlightenment to enlighten others. He will sacrifice himself to save the others. He is devoid of egoism and devoted to help the others. The way and discipline of Bodhisattva is to benefit the self and the others, leading to Buddhahood.

And of course:

Means "the Enlightened One" or "the Awakened One".

[edit on 5/7/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
'Theys' that are plain evil and are in it for power and greed. Certain black magicians may in fact appear to do good things but this is only to repent for their wrongdoings and maintain their power. Hitler was a vegetarian (or at least reduced meat intake) and in occult magic this would allow a slight positive polarization over those whom he wished to dominate. I'll say that in opposition to KilgoreTrout's assertion that the Nazi's only used it as a propaganda control mechanism; little nuggets like that give away true intentions. My sense is Bill Gates is one as he was aquainted with Charles F. Haanel's work.

Originally posted by Bernard the Monk
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I don't think Bill Gates is that bad.

Which is it?

I have been offered a job, should I accept, Mr Gates will be paying my salary ...on my list of the pros of accepting the job is that it meets my ethical requirements, it is a very worthwhile project...but theoretically, if Gates is messing with evil Joo-joo then these good deeds could be only to balance out his karma (or some such thing)...would I be indirectly contributing to evil...? Assuming that Gates is using magic for nefarious purposes that is.

I have already decided to accept, so I ask in only semi-seriousness (the I Ching already told me to take the job...
, I jest, but it did!!).

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
My sense is Bill Gates is one as he was aquainted with Charles F. Haanel's work.

Originally posted by Bernard the Monk
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I don't think Bill Gates is that bad.

Which is it?

Two different ATS members. Yes, BtM and I disagree on that. Though she is the one that informed me about his joo-joo.

I have already decided to accept, so I ask in only semi-seriousness (the I Ching already told me to take the job...
, I jest, but it did!!).

In that case, tell him he was perfect for his era like Carnegie and the rest were for theirs.

[edit on 5/8/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
In that case, tell him he was perfect for his era like Carnegie and the rest were for theirs.

I doubt very much that I'll ever get within spitting distance.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:45 AM
Please take all your shards and shove them up your illuminated arse.

The same goes for any 'secret' organisation that thinks they are superior.
You have the nerve to come on here and talk about your criminal, murdering, plotting and scheming bunch of crooks.

(This is as mildly as I can put it, otherwise I will be banned for life).

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by mumblyjoe
Please take all your shards and shove them up your illuminated arse.

The same goes for any 'secret' organisation that thinks they are superior.
You have the nerve to come on here and talk about your criminal, murdering, plotting and scheming bunch of crooks.

(This is as mildly as I can put it, otherwise I will be banned for life).

Well, since Maban is dead now I don't think he will be able to read this.

If he were still alive I think he would have replied with patience and insight, or just ignored you completely.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by mumblyjoe

Originally posted by mumblyjoe
Please take all your shards and shove them up your illuminated arse.

The same goes for any 'secret' organisation that thinks they are superior.
You have the nerve to come on here and talk about your criminal, murdering, plotting and scheming bunch of crooks.

(This is as mildly as I can put it, otherwise I will be banned for life).

The Illuminon are not superior in any way, we are equal to all. We come here not to scare, but to inform and inspire. Hope and perseverance are greater weapons than the gun or truncheon. We merely carry greater duties, greater responsibilities than most, but that does not make us any more, or any less than yourselves.

As you may or may not be aware there are many whom claim the name Illuminati. Although we hold its original teachings, we wish not to call ourselves by this tainted name. I feel Maban made many mistakes here, even though his work had noble intent. The Shards are no more, and instead we Illuminon operate more autonomously as of late. But once, they were the greatest opposition to the very evils you speak of; their arch nemesis. But, it now appears with the joint effort under hate, several of our enemies have united in a singe front against our kind.

We have been taught since we were young, and continue to believe in, the idea that the power of this world has always been in the hands of its people. But, unless the people wisely use that power, our world will end. Humanity must take responsibility for its world and its destiny, if it does not than villainy and tyranny will bring it to a dark and swift end; erasing millenia of discovery, art, and knowledge. But this process cannot be forced or coerced, under fear that such action will hasten its destruction. Humanity must find its way, its path, in its own time; not on anyone else's.

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