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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by spannera

That's all greek to me, lol. Do you agree with the video's numbers? Is he correct with your calculations?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

Your finger prints are a part of a massive date base. Alex Jones many years ago spoke of this. For a while he refused to get his finger prints done so he was unable to drive for a while. Just part of the massive police state we have here in America. Anyone in the past 8 years or so is required to have there finger prints taken. The idea is if your ever involved in a crime, they have a massive resource to go to and link you with a crime.

So they have a digital copy of my finger print, how hard would it be to plant evidence and link me to a crime if I come too much of a problem for them? I'd say it's not hard at all.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni
I wish I had applied myself in math class more.

This video just came out yesterday, from this brilliant mathematician who lives in Israel. He continues to make these connections with freemasonry, illuminati, pyramids, etc.

However the most recent post to the video challenges his numbers. I wonder if there are any math whizzes out there who can corraborate the video producer's numbers?

I'm not a maths whizz by any stretch of the imagination but I would question any presentation of figures that offers no real explanation or rationale of how those figures were compiled.

The pyramid is constructed using the right angle triangle, the Golden ratio (I think). Originally, presumably, the right angle triangle is derived or calculated by the alignment (at a certain point in time, I know not when) of the sun, the moon and the earth, forming a right angle triangle. By placing two right angle triangles back to back (longest ratio together) you find an exact match for the proportions of the pyramid. Essentially you then need to establish apex, draw a circle, then use the same right angle triangle to square it. Or something in that region of things. It is probably worth checking the details for yourself. But there abouts. Maths is a foreign language to me, I have had to find ways of explaining it to myself without the use of numbers and equations that have a tendency to hurt my brain. My way doesn't always translate to anyone elses.

If you consider that this information, the golden ratio or divine proportion at least, was not 'discovered' until the renaissance, then you have to wonder how so many buildings are still standing that precede that date by centuries. Someone knew about right angles well before the 16 and 17th centuries. The buildings honouring all those sky gods wouldn't have stood the test of time otherwise. Of course the Freemasons, or rather Masonry possessed hidden knowledge. That knowledge isn't hidden anymore though, but it is still not understood. I could be wrong, but I don't think any of the numbers that got crunched in that video shed anymore light on the matter either. But, you never know.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

The theory behind this sounds a lot like that movie pi. Where everything in the universe past and present is linked to mathematical pi. And the Hebrew Text are unlocked when he figures out the formula.

As intriguing as that all sounds to me, it really all sounds like circular reasoning "in the video."

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:27 PM
Seems we are all over the place lately. I have a question about the Great White Brotherhood, how are they connected to all this? I've read a number of pages about this group. While there even existence is question I personally believe that such a group exists. What do we know about this group, in previous posts when Maban was around there we hints that his group and the Great While Brotherhood were in fact partners working with one another.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by lazy1981
reply to post by Bombeni

The theory behind this sounds a lot like that movie pi. Where everything in the universe past and present is linked to mathematical pi. And the Hebrew Text are unlocked when he figures out the formula.

As intriguing as that all sounds to me, it really all sounds like circular reasoning "in the video."

It is all very intriguing, I recommend a little reading on the history of mathematics. I find it highly exciting. Sadly I have never met a mathetician that I could communicate with, my own brother included, so can never actually work out whether I understand any of the theories or principles. I particularly love Fibonnacci's sequence and the golden spiral. It is so prevalent in the natural world (of course).

Just look at this;

In all honesty that never ceases to rock my world. Mathematically perfect. Order. Design?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

I'm the same way really when it comes to mathematics, I'm left handed after all. I found mathematical theory fascinating but seem to be missing the mechanical ability to deal with large numbers I guess that's what calculators are for?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Someone knew about right angles well before the 16 and 17th centuries. The buildings honouring all those sky gods wouldn't have stood the test of time otherwise. Of course the Freemasons, or rather Masonry possessed hidden knowledge. That knowledge isn't hidden anymore though, but it is still not understood. I could be wrong, but I don't think any of the numbers that got crunched in that video shed anymore light on the matter either. But, you never know.

I'm sure that the Egyptians understood the principles of mathematics and Geometry very well. And I know that Pythagoras did for sure (Pythagorean Theorem). Not to mention the Neolithic Celts, they erected structures like Stone Henge (etc.). So the Celts also had to have an understanding of such Mathematics.

I particularly love Fibonnacci's sequence and the golden spiral.

I know of this one too. It's pretty cool. Anybody that searches through Esoteric Teachings will eventually come across this. It goes on and on like some divine matrix.

Some say that it is the Sacred Geometry spoken of in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Greece.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 12:58 PM
Euclid proceeds to use the points, lines, etc., that he has introduced to show how to construct various plane figures. His first proposition uses two circles to construct an equilateral triangle. I choose to imagine the circles being constructed by Egyptian rope-stretchers. For example, two people might have done this. A first one could hold a rope and turn around in the same place, while a second one holds the rope taut at some distance. and walks around the first person traces out a circle, perhaps with a stick. They would be acting as a kind of compass of the sort we use to draw circles. Of course, or perhaps I should say unfortunately, Euclid says nothing about such a procedure. He simply postulates that a circle can be described with any center and radius, however you manage to do this.

They also used sighting rods possible with a lens on top such as mentioned when discussing the eye of Ra etc and light rays passing through temples such as at karnak. Least as best i can remember reading. Its also possible they had telescopes using more than one lens

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 01:49 PM
with regard to the great white brotherhood. Odd about the various connections with snakes. I never noticed till recently that the pharoes headress is actually a cobra. Then i had a closer look at the jackal god anubis and whilst looking at a picture realised it wasnt a jackal at all but a horned snake. ?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by oconnection
reply to post by Bombeni

Your finger prints are a part of a massive date base. Alex Jones many years ago spoke of this. For a while he refused to get his finger prints done so he was unable to drive for a while. Just part of the massive police state we have here in America. Anyone in the past 8 years or so is required to have there finger prints taken. The idea is if your ever involved in a crime, they have a massive resource to go to and link you with a crime.

So they have a digital copy of my finger print, how hard would it be to plant evidence and link me to a crime if I come too much of a problem for them? I'd say it's not hard at all.

Thanks Oconnection for your thoughts on that. This is the first time that I ever recall having my fingerprints taken. I am positive the last time I had my license renewed they didn't take my fingerprints. I have not been able to get this out of my head, that trip to the Tag Agency to get my license renewed. I would like to elaborate some more and appreciate any comments.

I am not asking anyone to prescribe to the "mark of the beast" prophecy necessarily, but you would have to admit you can see why Christians could be suspicious and want to tie this technology into prophecy, but I digress, here is more on my experience:

I was required to give digital fingerprints from both hands, which the employee spent some time on, retaking one a 3 or 4 times, until she had it just right.

My photo was taken with a system linked to a computer; I couldn't see what the employee was doing but she moved the mouse around a lot and did a lot of keyboard work while I sat in the chair to be photographed. I was told to take my glasses off which I did, after she said "no glasses this time" -- I just did what I was told, there were other people waiting, but I thought why take my glasses off? I am required to wear glasses it says so on my license so why do they need them off for the picture?

So then I am told to wait for processing, and I get up and the next person does the fingerprint thing, then sits in the chair for photo and in the meantime I had walked over to where I could just barely see the computer screen of the employee, and the other customers face is in it and the employee takes several poses, some very very close up, so that all you saw in the entire screen was the person's face.

Are they taking biometric pictures of us now, to be used in face and/or eye recognition scanners?

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

I know some states do. If you ever walk into any major air port this biometric technology is at least being tested. I remember reading a report (don't know how valid it is) but it did mention biometrics being used tied to your drivers license. It's well with in there means to do such.

If we look at the UK who has the most security cameras per square mile then any other place in the world, biometrics is widely used. Typically you can see a trend of what's introduced in the UK as far as security measures is at least attempted to be introduced in some part of the United States.

It comes no surprise to me and many really that we are seeing all the obvious byproducts of a police state. It's been a gradual increase where if one was aware could of seen this coming 20+ years, at least. Given I'm only 25, I've had a lot of catching up to do.

Yesterday I was out protesting in front of a local Federal Building where a local group organized a rally for April 15th, on top of the building were unidentified, what I assumed federal agents with sniper rifles and binoculars. We were all being filmed, who knows, they could of been adding us all to the Federal no fly list.

Though our protest as far as I could see was completely peaceful we had the police harass us the entire time with there k-9s, there riot gear, and just an intimidating presence.

So yes, this is the state we live in, sadly. Welcome to the NWO?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by oconnection

That's what I was afraid of; there was more to that than just getting a picture to put on my license.

I don't know how you believe, but to any Christians who read this, could this be tantamount to taking the mark of the beast? I think it is possible that the "mark" Apostle John saw in his visions could have been something he just described the best way he knew how; he saw a vision of someone's forehead (eyes?) being used, or their hand (fingerprints?) to buy and sell things. Of course Apostle John had no clue of cameras, scanners, etc.

So, knowing how deceptive and tricky the antichrist will be, deceiving even Christians according to scripture, could we be taking the mark when we get our license renewed?

I have wondered, with all the talk warning people NOT to take any kind of mark, has he circumvented the warnings and found an easy way?

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:10 PM
Is the barcode the Mark of the Beast?
Some info i saved which might be of interest

Do barcodes really contain the number 666?
Is the barcode paving the road to 666: the Mark of the Beast?
have received several e-mails pointing out that the numerical value of Vav (often transliterated as W) is 6, and therefore WWW has the numerical value of 666!
Coincidence or providence

Apocalypse 13: 17 "And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
13: 18 "Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six."
13: 8 " And all the inhabitants of the earth will worship it (the beast) whose names have not been written in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain from the foundation of the world."
Kings 5: 1 - 12 tells us the King of Tyrus made a league with king Solomon and in 1 Kings 10:14 we read that the King of Tyrus sent Solomon 666 talents of gold in the year the temple was being built. The king of Tyrus also sent another Hiram to help Solomon build the temple and the certain rituals which Solomon learned from Hiram are still present today in the rites of the Masonic temples. No sooner had the temple been completed, and after warnings from God Himself, directly to Solomon, telling him that if he did not walk in God's statutes as his father David had done, God would split the kingdom of Israel out of the hands of Solomon's son, Solomon goes off and marries the daughter of Pharoah. 2 Chronicles 8:11 confirms that Solomon knew he did wrongly because he records in the Scriptures that he did not take the daughter of Pharoah to the City of David because: "My wife shall not dwell in the house of David.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

Well what most Christians believe the mark of the beast is an actual mark, some believe it will be a microchip planted in the body on the forehead of your wrist. It says that you won't be able to buy, sell, or trade without such a mark. There are those who further speculate that this will be used to keep the population under control in the sense all they have to do is deactivate your chip and that alone for many will get people in line. This is why you hear stories of many apocalyptic Christians storing up masses amount of food, water, guns, and ammo.

Do I think it's possible? Yes in fact I think this is in fact pretty likely, especially when you consider the news today. Not too long ago world leaders ranging from Russia, to China, to leaders in the European Union calling for at least a new world currency to combat the inflated dollar.

I believe this is the excuse that they will need to bring in the NWO, a world depression, or at least when enough people are desperate.

For those who will resist, Maban's message still rings true, he said many times if you remember one thing, love your neighbor as you love your self, if it plays out in the way I've described, taking care of loved ones, and neighbors, banding together will not only be the loving thing but a necessity in order to survive.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by oconnection

Right, we don't know for sure, but I think we will know it when we see it, don't you? I have a bad feeling about all this being done for a license.

Sometimes lately I've wondered to myself, that the antichrist is going to have one helluva time putting a mark on anyone, even atheists are against that. So, it makes sense he is going to have to trick us into it don't you think? Jesus and the prophet Daniel and Apostle John warned us over and over how deceptive the Man of Sin would be.

And p.s. I ditto what you said about the Love thing. We gotta help one another at every turn now more than ever.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

Even with everything I've seen and experienced in my life there is no need to worry or be paranoid. (Not saying your paranoid) You need to live your life to the fullest. Use the information and use it intelligently. It's easy to get over whelmed when you study subjects such as these, when you sit around and worry you've in essence let them win.

So yes be concerned, use your concern to do something proactive. I've personally have taken preparations such as buying gold, bought a few guns, taken survival classes, tracking classes, I was in the Army, I have about 1 year of food and water. To some this sounds paranoid, I like say I'm prepared in case the worst happens.

On another note, does anyone else have any other information regarding "the Great White Brotherhood"? A website, a book, secret documents?
Being how secret they are I wouldn't doubt there is little to nothing people can share, after all the true secret societies are well secret. If anyone could throw me a bone it would be appreciated

[edit on 16-4-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by oconnection
On another note, does anyone else have any other information regarding "the Great White Brotherhood"? A website, a book, secret documents?

Don't hold me to it but somehow an idea was given to me that they don't even meet physically and initiations aren't conducted in the physical realm.

Somewhere I came across a "welcome" document though. (Yet another for my reference backlog on this thread).

I guess I saw a UGWBO.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Basically what I know about this organization is little at best, yes I've read that they are what they call "Ascended Masters". Supposedly they have been here since the dawn of modern man if not longer. How one becomes an Ascended Master is one must master all frequencies, when one meets this requirement the journey begins.

To me this sounds a lot like Astral Projection or OBE (Out of Body Experience). I've played around with such things when I was in my teens, scared the crap out of me, haven't tried it since.

Like the Illuminati there are many wannabe groups out there with a much more public face, but I believe such groups are a distraction to the source.

The reason why I asked the question is because the material that Maban left us seems to closely related to what I know about the Great White Brotherhood. Though finding information on this group will be as hard if not harder then finding good information on the Illuminati. They seem very closely connected, to me at least.

Here's a quote from a Wiki page on this group, I have little material to cross reference so I can't really verify much of it.

The idea of a secret organization of enlightened mystics, guiding the spiritual development of the human race, was pioneered in the late eighteenth century by Karl von Eckartshausen in his book The Cloud upon the Sanctuary; Eckartshausen called this body of mystics, who remained active after their physical deaths on earth, the "council of light".[2][3] Eckartshausen's proposed communion of living and dead mystics, in turn, drew partially on Christian ideas such as the Communion of the Saints, and partially on previously circulating European ideas about secret societies of enlightened, mystical, or magic adepts typified by the Rosicrucians and the Illuminati.[4]

The Mahatma Letters began publication in 1881 with information purportedly revealed by "Koot Hoomi" to Alfred Percy Sinnett, and were also influential on the early development of the tradition. Koot Hoomi, through Sinnett, revealed that high ranking members of mystic organizations in India and Tibet were able to maintain regular telepathic contact with one another, and thus were able to communicate to each other, and also to Sinnett, without the need for either written or oral communications, and in a manner similar to the way that spirit mediums claimed to communicate with the dead. The letters published by Sinnett, which proposed the controversial doctrine of reincarnation, were said to have been revealed through this means.[5]

Somewhere I came across a "welcome" document though. (Yet another for my reference backlog on this thread).

I guess I saw a UGWBO.

Have a copy to spare? Is it in PDF format?

While I have a guess what UGWBO is, can you clarify?

Also if you feel like reading a bit this book was mentioned in the Wiki page, perhaps it's a start: Karl von Eckartshausen in his book The Cloud upon the Sanctuary
(PDF Format)

[edit on 16-4-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by oconnection

Somewhere I came across a "welcome" document though. (Yet another for my reference backlog on this thread).

I guess I saw a UGWBO.

Have a copy to spare? Is it in PDF format?

I do not recall at the moment where it came from. My girlfriend found it and I don't know if she saved it or not. I've got quite a mess of stuff here. I think it was an additional leaf to some other document.

While I have a guess what UGWBO is, can you clarify?

Sorry, Unidentifed Great White Brotherhood Object.

I suggest finding The Masters and the Path by C. W. Leadbeater. I was not able to Google a link to the full .pdf that I have (it might be gone), only previews. Perhaps you'll have better luck.

Other fanciful ideas of mine were from The Lucis Trust which I'm guessing this should already be familiar to most anyway.

That should help dequeue 'The Great Ones' and 'meeting non-physically' from my reference backlog.

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