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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Tenzin
Cadbury, do you have an IM or something? I cant U2U you for some reason?

You can't u2u anyone except the staff until you reach 20 posts.

Stand by. I will contact you.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by lazy1981

Ok, I read the FT article on the World Government. Its deplorable. In fact I just finished outlining why it's a bad thing and could never work without Despotism to a friend that believes in it (via email). Does that make him an Illuminati? No. He's a j&ck*&$. Look I get your point and I feel that you and I can have logical discussion I really am open minded. It's just that in my heart of hearts I truly don't see how this is logical is all.

Despotism, quite the cynic aren't we? In truth, I think you are right, with one serious exception. That is if Humanity does not change. If humanity adapts an enlightened mentality, a new perspective, then the very nature of humanity changes, and with it, man's future.

World Government my friend; is the only true answer to saving humanity. Unless humanity can unite under once common goal, one common purpose; we will continue to tear ourselves apart, and become extinct through centuries of attrition.

Oh yeah, "plausible deniability?" That went out the window if this guy is real! And that's my whole point. Thanks for making it for me. As the wise man Jim Marrs put it in his best selling book title, "Rule by Secrecy" not by spilling the beans.

What is his real name? Where is he? Who are his compatriots? What is their true purpose? What have they done? What do they intend to do? I see nothing revealed, only a small handful of questions have been answered, but from them even more questions have emerged. With this never-ending cycle, Maban could theoretically maintain deniability forever, could he not?

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Originally posted by emsed1
I do believe that he believes everything he is saying.

Pathological liars can convince even the best polygraph analyst. How (you ask)? Because they, "believe everything they are saying!" If you believe your own lie it sounds most convincing to the ear and even shows no sign of deceit to a machine because in fact the machine can only gauge your reactions to questions when you lie (heart rate, breathing, ect.) if you are not telling a lie (to your mind) there will be no reaction. Therefore you will be found to be truthful and showing no deceit.

Indeed, how do you think federal operatives evade lie detection. They train and hone their minds to be readily pliable in their own consciousness, so they can bend their mind at will, and lie seamlessly.

So believing that a person believes everything he is saying counts for little to nothing. I know I sound like a jerk but that's just the truth. I like facts.

That is not the point however. This means that one is able to gauge sincerity. I would take sincerity over truth any day. If they are sincere, and their actions sincere, then they cannot be all wrong, now can they. If they indeed think and act in the mentality of what they claim to be, then are they not on the same quest as you? The quest for truth? In which case listening to them may glean interesting tid-bits of information which would otherwise go unnoticed, or be forgotten?

Remember, the line between genius and insanity is not defined, but blurred with each transgression.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Originally posted by emsed1
reply to post by eventHorizon

However, those loans did occur as reported in the media. I don't think the full $4 Trillion has been accounted for, but Maban did predict it weeks before it happened.

I believe that is actually true, Maban was wrong. I believe the number was actually around 7 something. I would have to look into the actual number myself.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by Tenzin]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Darky6K

Originally posted by Darky6K
Ok, I got one, what about Dulce and Area 51, what goes on there, is Nightmare Hall true?

Dulce, disbanded. I heard they allegedly built a housing development over the old entrance.

It has since been redistributed to numerous facilities across the United States. The primary facility being that of Dugway Proving grounds.

Nightmare hall did exist, and still does. Its actually a system of containment corridors which inactive/past projects are moved into for permanent storage. Dulce was not to have thought to exist, or rather, was in speculation of existence, until some experimental information leaked out with some firsthand testimonials.

As for the work there it is not extraterrestrial in nature, but genetic. Thus the obvious confusion of a few military security guards. It was a genetics testing lab where some of the first "true" genetic retroviruses were created. The entire purpose of the facility, officially, was to develop advanced pharmaceuticals for battlefield triage and so called miracle drugs. Its actual purpose was to design plausible genetic modifications, initially for special forces, and eventually for wide-spread use in all branches of the armed forces. Essentially giving soldiers superhuman abilities.

In recent years they have shifted their mission from making genetic modifications, to genetic breeding of the perfect soldier. Theoretically, it would be spun as a way to save American lives and not endanger our troops. Thereby allowing us to make major unilateral military actions against countries on many fronts, while maintaining a vagrant and strong domestically based military force. Such a solution would be readily and unanimously agreed upon in the face, or midst of imminent disaster/destruction.

Given that people will not tolerate the idea of genetic modification for warfare for long on American citizens; it would need to be used in something which is thought of by the general populous as something which is "less-than-human." With a force of genetically engineered super soldiers, this kind of strong and easily replaceable military force could conceivably enter into many military action indefinably and simultaneously. Genetically delete certain emotions and they seem like nothing more than mindless automatons, easily dehumanizing them and making the transition that much more easy, and subtle.

The only cost of this program is the maintenance, refinement, and creation of more "clones." After all, where do you think George Lucas got some of his ideas? With advanced hormone therapy treatment, accelerating gestation and growth periods, a functional soldier could be bred with genetic knowledge of combat, and be in the field within six months of conception. It does cause irreparable cellular damage with the toxic levels of hormones necessary to make the transition. But, when something is less than human, its easy to simply order a replacement after it serves its use. After all, it's unlikely it would last very long in the field anyway. So long as its natural life expectancy is longer than it's in-theater survivability period, academically its a success.

Politically, its the perfect weapon to fight the never ending war on terror.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by Tenzin]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by lazy1981

I'm a sceptic about some things. Although I will concede that I have sneaking suspisions from time to time. I guess I can say that I'm not willing to buy the farm on Maban's behalf (lock stock and barrel).

Good, you should remain skeptical always, its the only protection our minds have.

Maybe that's really why I even read his initial post to begin with, just to sooth a curiosity.

But then again, logic requires at least one skeptic for balance so I guess I have suited my purpose. Until such a time that I feel secure in some evidence provided, I'll just have to stand by that.

We each serve a purpose. The question is if we know what that true purpose is.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by Tenzin]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Yeah well I am from Chicago and in light of the current affairs I think you can get a grasp of how things go around here. So I think you can afford me a little latitude in the cynicism department. If your informed around these parts and haven't dunk the Kool-Aid then you get that way after a while.

You seem to have a bit of a Utopian outlook on this New World Order of things. Optimism is a good quality. I hope it's not blind optimism. Being a skeptic or even cynical is little more than due diligence when matters such as national sovereignty are at stake. I fully understand the notion of mankind becomming one. And the logical deduction of such would be one government; however this is at best a long way off. And still I Shutter to think what will become of man with one ruling power that may well overstep it's bounds still being "enlightened."

Human nature is a powerful thing and I am not that confident in such ggodwill based on "enlightenment." My freedoms and those of the world at large hanging on the idea of "enlightenment?" Not a solid enough foundation to win me over. In any event we have too many differances as a common species at this point to have a successful try at world government yet. Most especialy one that has the taint of a so-called "Illuminati" at the helm or at the very least as it's creator. If it were to work for the benefit of all man and not the powers that be it would have to work for all. And at this point (for all intent and purpose) what's good for you is not good for me. There for it can only lead to rebelion and overthrow or Despotism in order to cosolidate and preserve the new government. All governments derive their power from the consent of the people, if not they are eventually overthrown.

And I do suppose that there is a certain amount of deniability that "they" would be able to keep with Maban's post I guess. My point is why bother? We can't help his cause, we are non-inclusive (in the "Illuminati"). So it really suites no purpose, and that's another flaw, in my book.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by lazy1981

Maban did not speak of a "New World Order," on the contrary he despised it.
I am proposing a form of pure democracy amongst the people of the world.

Yes indeed you have a very valid point, too many differences divide our people. So why should people like Maban not try to smooth or render those differences obsolete? I think with time, patience, and help from those whom may be powerful, but kind, will get us far further, faster than merely allowing humanity to help out. And who says that the Illuminati are all "bad" and/or "evil?"

You seem to be a patriotic fellow, and as you said value national sovereignty. That aside, I think that the knowledge that a better government was formed by men who were all a part of a secret society would be contradictory to your view point, isn't it? So how can you deplore one secret organization for trying to create a better government/world, when you so readily entrust and love the country which was itself created by a secret society of sorts? Just an honest question.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by Tenzin]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 01:23 AM
I say New World Order because that's how "I" view any plan to covertly destroy national sovereignty (again this is just how I see things, "tearing down nations"). And that's also how many so-called world leaders choose to describe such efforts. They go about this in a sneeky and underhanded way might I add. A process of incremantalism. The EU, and now they push for the NAU via the SPP. If I see 1 baby blue helmet!
Anyway, I understand fully the "theoretical" notion of people such as Maban trying to go about this in a manner that is in our best interest as opposed to his "counterparts" (NWO).

In any event I feel that "if it moves in the shadows it's most likely up to something nefarious." Although this is a very stereotypical observation of the way things are, this is life experiance speaking. To ignore ones instincts is foolish.

As to the question of the Freemason's role in the founding of this great country, I have lost the view of them being a "secret society" as they are called. They are in fact very open and forthright in most aspects (in my opinion). Freemasons once paraided, laid the cornerstones of buildings, and today have lodges listed in phone books. As opposed to the "Illuminati" who supposedly lurk in the shadows and neither confirm nor deny existance for either would confirm it. Not to mention the Conspiracy Theory that they (Illuminati) had a hand in America's making.

As to the signers of The Declaration Of Independence, only these 9 of the 56 signers were proven Freemasons.

William Ellery, RI
Benjamin Franklin, PA
John Hancock, MA
Joseph Hewes, NC
William Hooper, NC
Robert Treat Paine, MA
Richard Stockton, NJ
George Walton, GA
William Whipple, NH

I find that this hardly constitutes a Country born by a Masonic hand. Rather, the principals of Freemasonry caused these men to rise to the occasion of liberation from despotic rule. This shouldn't scare or cause alarm for anyone. Politicians do that all by themselves!

[edit on 24-12-2008 by lazy1981]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:37 AM
Hello. I have returned for a short period of time, however I honestly cannot say how long I shall remain, I feel that my presence here is useful if not necessary. I am glad to see that individuals have perpetuated my thread and discussed what I have put forth. I am glad to see that many of you have debated and contemplated the true meanings of my words, and my message most importantly.

After sifting thought the nearly insurmountable myriad of U2U's and through the numerous posts have been added, I feel that many lurking questions can be simultaneously resolved by sharing a "secret" with you all. To me it may be a secret, in the regards of a "sacred" belief/idea that I have held close to me, as every other Illuminon has throughout the knell of time. For others this is less of a secret, and more of a revelation of sorts. A dichotomy or paradigm shift in thinking and action.

This "idea" is that the Universe comes in threes, it comes in three elemental subatomic particles, it comes in positives, neutrals, and negatives; just as well as it appears in good, evil, and indifferent.

Humanity en whole lives in a state of mass indifference; desensitization, globalization, and materialism have all but made humanity empty; hollow. The last visages of true, spiritually embraced lives are but fleeting, like waning tail lights on a distant road.

Humanity has held steadfast to what could only be defined as the median way, averting all sudden change, for good or evil. Leading lives like droning husks.

The moment an individual sets on a path towards a better way, towards a brighter way, towards peace, happiness, and kindness, this is what we call "grace." "Grace" can only be described as perfection in the definition of a greater beings. Grace is a perfect world untouched by any darkness, greed, lust, hate; volatile human traits which have been learned over the countless centuries struggling for their very survival and return to innocence. What humanity has yet to see, yet to realize, is a choice stands before them. A choice of path, a choice of self determination.

Humanity faces a decision to deviate from the middle way and embark upon a path. The issues is that not all choose the same path. As more near the cusp of understanding, the cusp of realization; the paths diverge greatly and more radically.

At one path stands the path of Illumination, the path of seeking betterment. A path of communal self sacrifice for all, a state where all live in what the scriptures of the world call paradise; a paradise shaped by the hand of man with spiritual inspiration. This path towards understanding, complete compassion, total selflessness to the point of instinctive self sacrifice, is the path of Illuminsim. Upon its cusp is where the true "place," the true "state" of Enlightenment exists. Once one crosses the threshold to a new existence, an existence ungoverned my by the primitive laws of man and allegedly immovable human natures a new existence and purpose for man unfolds.

At the other diverging path, stands the path towards darkness, a path towards despair and inevitable but nearly irreversible emptiness. We refer to this path as Devoidism, or what is more commonly referred to as "darkness" As an individual embraces all that which gains them power, they loose a part of themselves, more so as their power exponentially increases. We have a saying among the Illuminated, "with power comes pain." To wield any power means subjecting the self to a part of the darkness, and in turn a sacrifice of the self to wield that power. The devoid is not beyond the grasp of redemtion or as some may call "salvation." However, redemption mut be foudn on thier terms, and in their eyes, and not that of another. It is possible to claw one's way back from the brink; the cusp of oblivion, of the void back to the light.

The truly devoid no longer answer or experience true emotion. They are after all the "devoid." They pursue a purpose like all, a purpose to find innocence once again, but in the process cast aside all that they are, and all that they were to escape the brutalizing pain of power, of control, of hegemonic domination. Their forfeit their spirits, their souls to find innocence again, and in their quest only find emptiness, a void around self, and encased in the self.

There also lies a precipice, a cusp, a point of no return. Whence an individual looses all that is human, all that is good, and the light, the flame within them extinguishes, it distinguishes forever never to be kindled again. Like the fleeting embers of a fire their spirit withers and dies into a infinite void and all encompassing, and unexceptionable eternal night.

At which point even we Illuminons are unsure of the final transformation, however these dark deviants, these soulless entities are what humanity calls "evil." Beings without regard or reserve. Relinquishing their search for innocence, to fill their greed for power and control. Their lust for chaos, violence, and death. They are our equal and opposite, they are the axiom of total darkness unencumbered by any and all restraints. They possess no weakness, and are what humanity would call "all powerful."

These are the spectrum of self determination, the paths all and humanity must choose. Few civilizations can rise without the inevitable infighting of these two paradigms, these two paths towards their creation. Inevitably one will win the long battle, the battle of good versus evil, the battle of light versus dark. Inevitably the dark is more powerful and stronger than the light. But the everlasting and pervasive light wielded by the enkindled spirits of countless souls will outshine and illuminate the dark. The question is not of whom will prevail, or whom will join. The only question remains is which side will humanity choose as their true path, their true destiny.

I live by a personal saying. "I will be as weak as possible, and as strong as I need be." It is when we are weakest, we are most innocent, and it is when we are most innocent we are usually happiest and at peace; like the life of an early child. Our civilization, our species, has been tainted with the temptation of the darkness, its seductive lure to those whom wish to regain innocence quickest, and most easily through the use and extortion of others. The end goal of both the Illuminated and the Devoid remain one and the same, but it is how we go about doing it that separates us.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:41 AM
In the end all we truly can decide, is whether we are good or evil.

Many may question my allegiances; with good reason. I admit, I have allowed the taint of darkness upon me, but so only to protect those innocent in need of my protection, so they will not have to forge the sacrifice of innocence themselves. I have taken the darkness into me, with its powers to wield against it, and know I will readily die before I allow it to take control over me. Subtle or not as an Illuminated being, I cannot allow the darkness to extinguish yet another flame in the already dark void humanity has created around its still cold hearts.

- Maban

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by lazy1981

Living in the People's Democratic Republic of Illinois as well I can certainly understand your cynicism! :-)

I also agree that we Freemasons have nowhere near the organizing capability to affect even local affairs, much less world affairs. I imagine there probably are Masons in authority but I think it's probably coincidental and not the result of Freemasonry.

Some of the themes presented here echo the teachings of Freemasonry (or indeed any of the mystical schools). Searching for light necessarily means shedding oneself of materialism, egoism, and greed.

I also think that at some point in our existence we have to make a choice. We can't just float along on the road of mediocrity and apathy forever.

I think the light will always be there and available up until a soul has permanently and forever chosen purposefully to avoid it. I believe at this point the soul who has chosen darkness is simply destroyed, or erased, never to return.

I also believe (and hope) that whoever or whatever is the source of light is eternally compassionate and forgiving. The downside of free will is that at some point a choice has to be made in order to return to the eternal light of Paradise, but in the mean time we have to suffer the cruel and painful existence of mortality, along with its associated burdens like pain, sorrow and suffering.

In the end all we can do is help another. Despite powerful dogmatic differences among the world's belief systems one powerful message seems to emerge among most of them: Love your neighbor.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Maban
In the end all we truly can decide, is whether we are good or evil.

Many may question my allegiances; with good reason. I admit, I have allowed the taint of darkness upon me, but so only to protect those innocent in need of my protection, so they will not have to forge the sacrifice of innocence themselves. I have taken the darkness into me, with its powers to wield against it, and know I will readily die before I allow it to take control over me. Subtle or not as an Illuminated being, I cannot allow the darkness to extinguish yet another flame in the already dark void humanity has created around its still cold hearts.

- Maban

It seems throughout history that it has been necessary for good men to sometimes use darkness in ways they would rather not in order to serve the greater good.

Unfortunately it sometimes takes an overwhelming use of force to deal with a situation that is getting out of hand.

Given a choice between sending a soul to its maker in the hope of correcting its path might be preferable to leaving it unhampered to wield its evil over others and potentially be forever engulfed in darkness.

In other words, "This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you..."

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:49 PM
Maban as percieved was merely an experiment. When he was addressed he withdrew. The person representing himself as Maban is still here in the shadows. Fear nothing and move on.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Maban as percieved was merely an experiment.

Conducted by whom, and for what purpose?

When he was addressed he withdrew.

He was also addressed several hundred times whilst he was still here and didn't withdraw. He answered.

The person representing himself as Maban is still here in the shadows.

I wouldn't say shadows exactly any more. He just posted right here several posts above you.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:02 PM
Maban, good to see you back. I want to ask you about something. Do you believe that we are all one? Would you agree that the mandelbrot set shows us a clear understanding to what God really is? In this model called the mandelbrot set there are voids and areas of complete darkness, is this what you are talking about?

Also it is said that for humanity to evolve we must attain a critical mass of consciousness to exceed 144,000. Could you please elaborate on this a little more. I understand there are certain topics which you are not allowed to discuss, so what ever you can tell us would be much appreciated. Thanks!

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Maban
Humanity faces a decision to deviate from the middle way and embark upon a path. The issues is that not all choose the same path. As more near the cusp of understanding, the cusp of realization; the paths diverge greatly and more radically.

At one path stands the path of Illumination, the path of seeking betterment. A path of communal self sacrifice for all, a state where all live in what the scriptures of the world call paradise; a paradise shaped by the hand of man with spiritual inspiration. This path towards understanding, complete compassion, total selflessness to the point of instinctive self sacrifice, is the path of Illuminsim. Upon its cusp is where the true "place," the true "state" of Enlightenment exists. Once one crosses the threshold to a new existence, an existence ungoverned my by the primitive laws of man and allegedly immovable human natures a new existence and purpose for man unfolds.

I'm not sure you can convince me Maban that the majority of humanity is close to achieving the middle way even.

And you ask us to raise ourselves up to the holistic enlightenment you propose. Can it be done without leaving alot of people behind seems unrealistic.
I'm not in opposition, I agree in the breadth and in the depth of your message, well most of it

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Maban, good to see you back. I want to ask you about something. Do you believe that we are all one? Would you agree that the mandelbrot set shows us a clear understanding to what God really is? In this model called the mandelbrot set there are voids and areas of complete darkness, is this what you are talking about?

Could you please expound on this, I do not believe I have heard of this interpretation/idea before. Perhaps I have, and am simply misinterpreting you. Therefore the more detail or explanation of your question you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Also it is said that for humanity to evolve we must attain a critical mass of consciousness to exceed 144,000. Could you please elaborate on this a little more. I understand there are certain topics which you are not allowed to discuss, so what ever you can tell us would be much appreciated. Thanks!

I will contact you about this matter via U2U.

- Maban

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by carslake

Originally posted by carslake
I'm not sure you can convince me Maban that the majority of humanity is close to achieving the middle way even.

Perhaps you misinterpreted my meaning, or perhaps I simply misspoke. Humanity en whole is a long ways from choosing any path. In totality most people are of the "median way" (let this not be confused with the Buddhist "middle way," that is a different idea altogether), this median way is of indifference and a degree of self centrism, and alack for compassion, or hatred for their neighbor. Only extreme groups and "elite" leaders are of the devoid path. Individual the spectrum varies, but en whole most are in the "middle," indifferent.

And you ask us to raise ourselves up to the holistic enlightenment you propose. Can it be done without leaving allot of people behind seems unrealistic.

I seriously doubt it can be accomplished in our lifetime, short of supernatural
events. Most plausibly this change will occur over a long period of time (centuries, even millennia) where humanity will finally find its way. Many will be "left behind," but they will lead "normal" lives, with the proceeding generation building atop their progression. In time a mass movement either way will occur. However, it should be painstakingly noted, that our actions here and now effect the direction we move in. They may not affect them en whole, but they slowly "nudge" them in either direction. The only question remains is; "down which path?"

I'm not in opposition, I agree in the breadth and in the depth of your message, well most of it

This also mostly depends upon interpretation and perception. I attempt to convey my messages without equivocation and precision conciseness, to avoid such subtle misinterpretations.

- Maban

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Maban

Perhaps you misinterpreted my meaning, or perhaps I simply misspoke.

Both in fact.

In totality most people are of the "median way" (let this not be confused with the Buddhist "middle way," that is a different idea altogether), this median way is of indifference and a degree of self centrism, and alack for compassion, or hatred for their neighbor. Only extreme groups and "elite" leaders are of the devoid path. Individual the spectrum varies, but en whole most are in the "middle," indifferent.

Now I understand.

I seriously doubt it can be accomplished in our lifetime, short of supernatural events.

The second coming, the alien invasion.....

Most plausibly this change will occur over a long period of time (centuries, even millennia) where humanity will finally find its way. Many will be "left behind," but they will lead "normal" lives, with the proceeding generation building atop their progression.
In time a mass movement either way will occur. However, it should be painstakingly noted, that our actions here and now effect the direction we move in. They may not affect them en whole, but they slowly "nudge" them in either direction. The only question remains is; "down which path?"

You "nudge" very well.

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