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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 09:27 PM
I have yet to see anyone outside of ATS come out and say "I am a memeber of the Illuminati and here are our plans." Do you realize how absurd that sounds? where was the press conference? The people of the world would be "fit to be tied!" It just couldn't happen, that's why I don't beleive it.

They'd practicaly be dragged out into the streets and shot! The ones that are plotting speak in code saying things like, "a New World Order" and such. And I'm not so sure that it's "the Illuminati" more like the Bankers and elite of the world. In any event I just don't see this as holding any validity. I've given my reasons and choose to keep relatively within the realm of what's plausible and a group that is bent on world dommination (not sure which it is that exists) wouldn't make itself vulnerable in that way.

They may be sick, but they're not stupid...

[edit on 9-12-2008 by lazy1981]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Cadbury

I guess that even if the Wachowski's wrote the whole thing, it's still a conspiracy -- if only between themselves.

I watched V for Vendetta recently, it seems that the Wachowski brothers do have a clear agenda, though I don't think it would constitute Maban's cup of tea. Serves as an interesting companion piece to the Matrix though.

I do wonder if Illuminon 'inititation' is anything like V put Evey through. Verges a little close to 'Stockholm Syndrome' me thinks, works though, as the best military units will tell ya. I'd have been interested in Maban's insights. *sigh* Still sadly missed.

Even so, good film, important message.

('Alan Moore knows the score' - PWEI)

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by lazy1981

I have yet to see anyone outside of ATS come out and say "I am a memeber of the Illuminati and here are our plans." Do you realize how absurd that sounds?

I have seen and heard such people. Perhaps not very often as individuals, but collectively they are very much making themselves known now. What do you think all these articles in the Financial Times and other papers are about? Freemasons?

But it's not even really that Maban said "here are our plans" and proceeded to outline everything they're doing. He withheld more than he shared, and probably for the very reason you suggested.

where was the press conference? The people of the world would be "fit to be tied!" It just couldn't happen, that's why I don't beleive it. They'd practicaly be dragged out into the streets and shot! The ones that are plotting speak in code saying things like, "a New World Order" and such.

Press conference? Do you realise how absurd that sounds? Plausible deniability, friend. Plausible deniability.

And I'm not so sure that it's "the Illuminati" more like the Bankers and elite of the world. In any event I just don't see this as holding any validity. I've given my reasons and choose to keep relatively within the realm of what's plausible and a group that is bent on world dommination (not sure which it is that exists) wouldn't make itself vulnerable in that way.

They may be sick, but they're not stupid...

I won't try and change your mind any further. You are entitled to believe what you believe and that is fine. But remember one of Maban's messages to us was that the "Illuminati" aren't some singular entity. There are lots of different factions and they are certainly not all friendly with each other.

Think on that.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:23 AM
I just want to throw in here..

I talked to Maban several times over his months here by IM. Some of the things he told me I can't repeat simply because I promised not to.

However, I feel like I asked him some really tough questions both because I sought answers and also to see if I could detect inconsistencies in his message.

I have to say that I am thoroughly convinced that he knows his stuff. Many of the things he had to say about world events and the economy, etc., have proved to be remarkably accurate.

Also, I think a good indicator of a hoaxer is that the hoaxer will either ignore questions or get offended if you press them. Maban did neither.

Anyway, based on my judgment, I feel that Maban was very truthful in his answers. I am not an expert in lie detection, but many years of working in public safety and dealing with the court system have given me good experience in detecting lies.

Whether or not his statements are absolute I can't opine, but I do believe that he believes everything he is saying.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Cadbury

Ok, I read the FT article on the World Governmet. Its deplorable. In fact I just finished outlining why it's a bad thing and could never work without Despotism to a freind that beleives in it (via emial). Does that make him an Illuminati? No. He's a j&ck*&$. Look I get your point and I feel that you and I can have logical discussion I really am open minded. It's just that in my heart of hearts I truely don't see how this is logical is all.

As far as the a Masonic comment goes, I hold no ill will or feelings for them nor do I beleive that they in general hold any plots such as those metioned. I've said this before, if there is something wrong in that organization it's somewhere at the top and it doesn't permeate it's entirety. I now beleive that the wrap the Free Masons get is from the elitest that joined in years past and probably still now that do bad things and it then falls back onto them. I don't think it's a "Masonic conspiracy" as some would have you beleive. Kind of like parasites. It would be like saying there was a Congressional conspiracy or a conspiracy in the Church to molest little boys. No, just bad apples (or sick apples if you will). But that's just my opinion.

Oh yeah, "plausible deniability?" That went out the window if this guy is real! And that's my whole point. Thanks for making it for me. As the wise man Jim Marrs put it in his best selling book title, "Rule by Secrecy" not by spilling the beans.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
I do believe that he believes everything he is saying.

Pathological liars can convince even the best polygraph analyst. How (you ask)? Because they, "believe everything they are saying!" If you believe your own lie it sounds most convincing to the ear and even shows no sign of deceit to a machine because in fact the machine can only guage your ractions to questions when you lie (heart rate, breating,ect.) if you are not telling a lie (to your mind) there will be no reaction. Therefore you will be found to be truthfull and showing no deceit.

So believeing that a person believes everything he is saying counts for little to nothing. I know I sound like a jerk but that's just the truth. I like facts.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 11:01 PM
somehow i thought i posted this but can't find my post here...
i also U2U-ed emsed at that time, i wonder if he can confirm.

several weeks back there was an official confirmation of
saudi loans used by US Treasury. it was actually discussed on ATS.
interesingly, maban preceded this event by several week.

emsed1 - didn't we talk about this via posts?

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by eventHorizon

Yep we did. Not long before Maban disappeared (coincidentally right when the Icelandic economy was collapsing) he told us about $4.3 Trillion in loans from the Saudis. This was before the bailout was voted on, I believe.

At any rate he said the loans are being filtered in through a variety of sources so it wouldn't be a big obvious activity.

However, those loans did occur as reported in the media. I don't think the full $4 Trillion has been accounted for, but Maban did predict it weeks before it happened.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
At any rate he said the loans are being filtered in through a variety of sources so it wouldn't be a big obvious activity.

However, those loans did occur as reported in the media. I don't think the full $4 Trillion has been accounted for, but Maban did predict it weeks before it happened.

I'm sure I saw a thread somewhere demonstrating that many members had predicted much of the economic crisis, including bail-outs (I think even Rockpuck, saw that one coming!). The fact that loans are to be used is no shock, it is the way such things have been handled for about 200 years or so. No shock to anyone. With the contacts that Maban claimed to have, even less so. To quote the man himself:

Originally posted by Maban
As an example I will mention was in regards to our research into Precognition. We have found that individuals with heightened senses of self awareness can better subconsciously predict what is going to happen. From a scientific standpoint the more variables that are concrete numbers within an equation; the more accurate the answer is inevitably. The same is true with precognition. Those who are able to process more information from their surroundings are able to better predict what is going to happen. Whether it is within a time span of a few seconds, or a few weeks we have seen that it is nothing more than the wonders of the worlds most powerful computer subconsciously analyzing input data from its surroundings, and guessing at what will happen. This represents a prime example of how seeing the potential in things give you far greater answers in life. Both figuratively, and literally. This is also where the entire concept of meditation originated from. The greater you are able to comprehend your surroundings, the more you inevitably understand.

I could 'predict' that taxes will go up, but it isn't much of a prediction, it is simply a consequence of the actions of government borrowing, just as government borrowing is a result of over-expenditure, just as bail-outs are a result of stupid, greedy people being stupidly greedy. The point is, that as tax payers (as I am), we're the ones who are going to foot all these bills, most likely as a result of indirect taxation, eventually by direct taxation. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer (amen). Predictions are just wowsee, but they don't get us any closer to breaking the cycle do they?

For my part, I don't see Maban as a member of an organisation but as an individual with more influence than me, and that was the level that I attempted to converse with him, not necessarily successfully mind. I don't think anyone should have any more influence than me, I don't think anyone should have any less than me either. Maban's 'predictions' may have been more accurate than most, but then he has access to better intelligence than most. He said it himself in a number of ways.

Predicting the future is within all our capabilities, but according to Maban so is shaping it. I'd like to see a greater emphasis on the latter. And really, how long before we learn that this ain't working??!!

I, for one, keep this most in mind when I think of Maban, his own last words on the matter. They're good'uns...

Originally posted by Maban
As Mahatma Gandhi said:

We must be the change we wish to see in the world.

For tomorrow has yet to be written, and its first drafts will be made in our hearts and minds; through our caring actions.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

you could predict that taxes will go up.
you could also predict a crisis.
however these are not specific predictions.
to "predict" Saudi loans to US weeks before
that info leaks to MM is not a prediction.

the fact that we would need loans was NOT clear.
plus, even if you would somehow logically deduct
that loans will be needed then thse loans could
have flown from China, Japan, EU, UN, who knows.
the fact that Saudi loans were mentioned, and
later that fact was confirmed by MMs, to me, is
a strong confirmation that Maban had some prior
knowledge of the event.

not to mention the amount.

ps. emsed, i wouldn't worry about numbers not matching.
you can't really trust numbers publicly reported.
they even refuse to disclose what US companies
are on taking that money...unbelievable.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by eventHorizon
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

however these are not specific predictions.
to "predict" Saudi loans to US weeks before
that info leaks to MM is not a prediction.

That is precisely what I was saying, though obviously none too clearly. Maban had better intelligence/information than the rest of us and therefore was better able to anticipate events. I was picking at the use of the term 'prediction', that is all. Apologies for the confusion.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

all right - then we are on the same page.
Maban had some prior knowledge of Saudi money
flowing back to US.

back - because it was US money, printed in US,
paid for Saudi oil. Saudis provided the loan because
this is part of the deal between US and S. Arabia.
i think Maban even touched on the details of the deal.
so did J.Perkins.

amazingly, this completely skips our MMs. for decades.
"freedom of speech!" - right...

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by eventHorizon

I think I used the word "predict" incorrectly. Maban reported it as an event that had already happened but told us we wouldn't hear about it or at least not the whole amount.

I was shocked to learn that when we get 'loans' from other countries a lot of the money comes from selling them Treasury Securities. Even countries on the 'axis of evil' list and 'terror watch list' can buy T-Bills.

We owe countries like Libya, Oman, Somalia, China, Nigeria, etc. money when the T-Bills come due.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:02 AM
OKay, what about the rumors of Dulce and Area 51?

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:09 AM
Ok, I got one, what about Dulce and Area 51, what goes on there, is Nightmare Hall true?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by lazy1981

Ok, I read the FT article on the World Governmet. Its deplorable. In fact I just finished outlining why it's a bad thing and could never work without Despotism to a freind that beleives in it (via emial). Does that make him an Illuminati? No. He's a j&ck*&$.

Why would it make him an "Illuminati?" I wasn't implying that anyone who agrees with it is one of them, merely that the controlled media is talking about "them" a lot more.

Look I get your point and I feel that you and I can have logical discussion I really am open minded. It's just that in my heart of hearts I truely don't see how this is logical is all.

Thank you. That is understandable.

As far as the a Masonic comment goes, I hold no ill will or feelings for them nor do I beleive that they in general hold any plots such as those metioned. I've said this before, if there is something wrong in that organization it's somewhere at the top and it doesn't permeate it's entirety.

I can agree with this, except I'm not so sure there is a "top." There may well be, though, I guess. There may well be.

Oh yeah, "plausible deniability?" That went out the window if this guy is real!

Why would that be? A certain degree of plausible deniability was maintained here, certainly more than there would be if they'd done as you said and called a press conference.

And that's my whole point. Thanks for making it for me. As the wise man Jim Marrs put it in his best selling book title, "Rule by Secrecy" not by spilling the beans.

And that's my whole point. Thanks for making it for me. It is why I told you a post or so ago that one of Maban's messages was that there are different "factions," or "shards and remnants" (if you will). He frequently told us that the shard's responsibility was to "maintain stability" until such a time when we are ready for change. If I may quote the Maban's own words:

The eternal “duty” of the Shards is to maintain “global stability” at any personal cost. All in an effort to help usher in an era of global peace and unity. We have come to learn that in due time humanity will find enlightenment and in it, a new era will emerge. We are the stewards of this movement, nothing more, nothing less.

Which brings me to my next point. If he's lying about that and they are trying to take over and "rule," as you so aligned yourself, then isn't that still "ruling by secrecy?" Which brings me to my next point. You say 'As the wise man Jim Marrs put it in his best selling book title, "Rule by Secrecy" not by spilling the beans,' but are the beans not already split, Sir? If Marrs knows about their plans and wrote a best-selling book about them then are they not already split?

I think you ought to go back and read what Maban was saying a second time. He wasn't here to "spill the beans," he was here to clean beans up. But don't take my word on that. Read. Read. Read!

[edit on 15-12-2008 by Cadbury]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Cadbury

Cadbury, excellent reply.
Maban was real.

I hope one day we will hear more from him...

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by eventHorizon
Cadbury, excellent reply.
Maban was real.

Thank you. And yes, Sir. Yes Sir he was.

I hope one day we will hear more from him...

Maybe he will come back? Who knows? We can but hope.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Cadbury

Well it's good to see that we agree on some things, but I'll just have my reservations about whether or not there is a real Illuminati or not. At least untill I see something akin to what was turned up on them centuries ago in Europe.

I'm a sceptic about some things. Although I will concede that I have sneaking suspisions from time to time. I guess I can say that I'm not willing to buy the farm on Maban's behalf (lock stock and barrel). Maybe that's really why I even read his initial post to begin with, just to sooth a curiosity.

But then again, logic requires at least one sceptic for balance so I guess I have suited my purpose. Until such a time that I feel secure in some evidence provided, I'll just have to stand by that.

Continue seeking knowledge and truth, happy hunting.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:30 PM
Cadbury, do you have an IM or something? I cant U2U you for some reason?

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