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That's It!!! This Anti-Obama Propaganda Has Got To Stop

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posted on May, 3 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Classic divide and conquer strategy.

Obama, in even acknowledging the media creation of the Dr. Wright controversy has shown a total lack of political intelligence. There is no way his campaign shouldn't have been able to side step Dr. Wright, especially when the republicans own Billy Graham made remarks that are more inflamatory and idiotic when taken in the context of his whole dialogue. Classic divide and conquer tactics.

You have Obama the presidential candidate now having to bend over and take it in the rear, by angrily denouncing another black man who is well respected in the black community. You have Obama denouncing Dr. Wright and his recent NAACP speech. It showed poor timing and also poor judgement, as the speech transcript was put up on many online outlets and wasn't inflamatory at all to an educated mind, and many white people who looked at the transcript or saw the video of the NAACP speech were confused as to why Obama was being critical of this speech and lashing out at Dr Wright at that instant. The media didn't have much in the speech to harp on, so they continuously attempted to attach old quotes out of context and pair them with this speech. It made Obama look like an idiot, and also made him lose a whole lot of respect in the black community.

Dr. Wright's speech was actually better then Obama's was if you look at it from an academic point of view.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 04:56 PM
If you want this leading mulatto sphincter hole of controversy to go away, there are two answers. Don't vote for him, or put a bullet into his head.
He will never shut up, stop regurgitating his lies, hiding behind revisionist histories, and his elitist propaganda until he either knows the Americans in general can't stand him, and he is out. Of which he'll cry like a PMS suffering bitch that he was treated unfairly, or, a sudden blast from the rafters, makes his head explode like a water mellon hit with a 12 ga. slug. All televised in HD widscreen format worldwide. Of which will set off riots everywhere. Either way, the conspiracy theories will flow like diarrhea from the excrement spewing buttheads of the media. Take your pick!

You know damn well if he loses for any reason, he'll run again, and again, and again just like Nader. After he demands recount after recount, and takes the obvious results to the supreme court. He is a sore loser!
He'll be the resurfacing stink you can't quite wash out. His ego will be more stubborn than the worse kind of streaker stain in your shorts to eliminate. He is a SNOB of the highest order.

He represents no one, but himself. You got two choices!

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Sorry to anyone I haven't responded to lately. I've been away and busy. Thanks for your posts on this thread however, I'll be going through them.

Sorry again it's been so long.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by D_Mason

I guess my mind isn't educated enough to see how proposing that AID's is a government invention to kill black people wasn't inflammatory.

And count me as one of the white people who thought it was odd that he chose that moment to speak out against Wright. You know, as opposed to say, 20 years ago...

[edit on 3-5-2008 by _Del_]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

I see a lot of posturing and posing on your behalf about attacks on Barack Obama, but I have yet to see you post one shred of evidence to show how any of the criticisms made were false or unfair. If you truly support Obama, stop being intellectually lazy and start citing some sources.


I start a thread demonstrating the irrelevancy of much of this anti-Obama crap compared to that of his opponents, YOU miss the point, and I'M the intellectually lazy one?

I'll tell you what, why don't you understand the thread and what I'm trying to say, along with all the geniuses who gave you a star, BEFORE you make a post.

It's really not that hard.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by jbondo

Wow. This guy had no chance with you, did he?

Everyone's criticizing his pastor and says he needs to do something drastic, so while in the spot-light, his pastor blatantly continues his given reputation, Obama makes it clear that he does not agree, and now people like you (and some of these ridiculous reporters) shun him for THAT.


posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by xDove007

That is a good point you bring up.

Here's the thing though, everyone who supports any of the other candidates will most likely give you another bs reason too.

'I'm voting for Hillary because of experience.'


'I'm voting for McCain because I'm for going in there (Middle East) and doing it right.'

Same principal.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Sure you can, it also depends on how many despicable friends one surrounds onesself with.

Lie down with dogs you get up with fleas

You would make a horrible jury member.

Guilt by association is NOT a morally correct stance, despite what you apparently think.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81
Oh God, I'm so worn out of all this anti-Obama BS that's going on currently.

Let's take a look at some of the arguments made by people who oppose Barack Obama, but don't happen to weigh-in THEIR presidential candidates:

Barack Obama has good oratory skills, just like Hitler.

Barack Obama has been uniting people, is he the antichrist?

Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein...Like Saddam's last name.

Barack Obama is muslim.

Barack Obama's former preacher is saying things I disagree with.

Barack Obama's supporters are glossy-eyed and zombie-like.

Barack Obama's supporters are like a cult.

Barack Obama preaches 'Change', yet people can't name anything he'd be changing.

People are voting for Barack Obama because he's black.

Barack Obama's wife said 'For once in my adult life, I'm proud of my country'.

Barack Obama hasn't been wearing a lapel pin.

Barack Obama is too inexperienced.

Barack Obama grew up overseas.

Barack Obama doesn't put his hand over his heart.

Barack Obama said 'Cling to guns and religion'.

[edit on 4/29/2008 by bigbert81]

The first two are just plain dumb.

The third and fourth are right wing tactics to try and scare some of their more uneducated right wing Christian voters away from possibly giving Obama a vote.

The fifth, well that one depends on whether you are white, black, educated, uneducated, a mindless zombie who takes what FOX puts on the airwaves as truth or an actual free thinker who looks at the whole context and analyzes the situation. Anybody who would call Wright unpatriotic or hates Wright for what he says is probably at least a tad bit racist and republican. Wright hasn't said anything Dr. King hasn't said. Anybody who questions his patriotism doesn't know the true meaning of patriotism.

The sixth and seventh are dumb.

The 8th, you would have to wait and see if he changed anything when he got in office, just as with any other candidate.

The 9th is, actually the 9th is partially true. A white man with exactly the same persona and mannerisms as Obama, would probably not do as well. We want to say skin color has nothing to do with it, but the whole Dr. Wright controversy shows us that it is still a big issue in this country.

The 10th, so what? You aren't a real patriot if you can't be critical of your country.

The 11th Who gives a # if he doesn't wear a pin?

The 12th experience as far as? Last I looked neighter McCain or Clinton have any experience being president either.

The 13th so what?

The 14th, so what?

The 15th so what?

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81


I start a thread demonstrating the irrelevancy of much of this anti-Obama crap compared to that of his opponents, YOU miss the point, and I'M the intellectually lazy one?
I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where you unequivocally proved that all the items you listed were irrelevant.. I guess because you said so is good enough.

I'll tell you what, why don't you understand the thread and what I'm trying to say, along with all the geniuses who gave you a star, BEFORE you make a post.

It's really not that hard.
What would be even simpler, is that you learn how to draft an intelligent post, then provide a few supporting facts to substantiate it .

[edit on 5/3/08 by LLoyd45]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by _Del_
reply to post by D_Mason

I guess my mind isn't educated enough to see how proposing that AID's is a government invention to kill black people wasn't inflammatory.

And count me as one of the white people who thought it was odd that he chose that moment to speak out against Wright. You know, as opposed to say, 20 years ago...

[edit on 3-5-2008 by _Del_]

Your mind isn't educated enough to look at that actual speech and see what it actually said. You would fit under the, FOX news is the word category.

Quote that from his NAACP speech if you can.

AIDS is a syndrome. Last I looked Syndromes weren't contagious.

[edit on 3-5-2008 by D_Mason]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

My question to you is; why are you voting for him? Which stances on which issues make you back him?

Because out of all the candidates (other than Ron Paul, who I would much rather have in his position), Obama comes across as the most honest, PLUS he doesn't have a forced health-care plan, doesn't support a perpetual war, and seems to me to have the best character.

Hillary is a lying phony who's only putting on a bs show, and McCain...I don't even know where to begin with him.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

Sounds like you are leaning over and landing on the right side of the fence. The side that says Obama is a hyprocritical, lieing, Muslim Communist trying to get into the highest office of the free world.

Do you support Communism and Islam?

Jexnet, it sounds to me like you are a prejudicial, blind ATS'er who chooses to ignore the FACTS so that you can spread your anti-islam agenda to others.

Obama is not a Muslim, nor is he a communist, yet you enjoy spreading this disinfo to other ATS members. I hope the MODS see this post and consider your membership here a short one.

[edit on 5/3/2008 by bigbert81]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Then it comes down to trust. After having done my homework, I would trust McCain or Hillary, but never Obama.

Perhaps then friend, you should do a bit more homework and research.

McCain has flip-flopped more times than I can count, and Hillary has a solid 35 year record of lying.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

If you are unaware of what I'm speaking about (as this IS a grown up debate), feel free to leave.

What's so sad is that you STILL don't get it.

Go back and read again please. Some people just take a little longer to absorb information as others.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by blahdiblah

Yet he wouldn't object to a war in Iran.

He voted to reinstate the patriot act.

He voted to continue funding the Iraq War.

Hey blahdiblah. Ok, let's go through this small list here.

The war with Iran...well I can't really say too much about this as I don't really have that much info on it, but I have seen him in a debate talk about meeting with enemies first in hopes to avoid war, so that's all I can really say about that.

The Patriot Act, once again I don't know too much about it or how it was presented to the Senate, or when it was voted for reinstatement, but I do know that several VIPs who did vote for it regret their decision now because they did not know that it would be used against our own citizens.

And funding the war...c'mon now and think about this one. We're in the midst of a war with thousands of people dying, and you think that stopping funding would be a good idea? No. I would have done the same thing as Obama. If we're in there, we need to do our best to preserve as much life as possible.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by bigbert81
It's very clear that some people take a lot longer to get the point. Why don't you try and provide a few sources along with your posts rather than just opinions? I guess that would require a little work though, huh?

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by spacedoubt

I don't think I've EVER seen a candidate SCREW UP a free ride, like Obama has. His innate elitism is obvious in the way he handles criticisms,

Huh. True about him screwing up big time, no arguments there; however the elitism thing?

Hillary started using that BS, and people are eating it up. Obama is the LEAST elitist of them all, and you know it. Don't fall for Hillary's BS labels.

The worst so far, being the way he referred to Pennsylvanians as "clingers tp Gun and religion".

Yes, stupid thing to say, but a debatable point. I still don't think it would've been an issue had the media not exploited the heck out of it, and Hillary's ridiculous accusations.

". And the way he refused to distance himself from his family reverend until it was clear Rev. Wright was hurting his campaign. Then he completely turned on him. Tossed his own reverend aside.

Have you heard about the relationship they had? They were close, and throwing away a 20 year relationship is not the easiest thing in the world to do. Give the guy a break in this regard at the very least.

And it wasn't just Obama who threw the relationship aside. Wright knew when he went to the NAACP in the first place that he would be closely scrutinized, and he spewed crap like that anyway. It was a mutual departure.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by qxlb52

Bigbert81 you are a classic example of an Obamite or Obama supporter. You're as fanatical as a Nazi sympathizer, as starry-eyed as a Hitlerite, and as unobjective as they come.

And you fit the bill of someone who doesn't read the thread, because this Obamite crap has already been discussed.

You also fit the mold of someone who has shut out a presidential candidate because of crap you've been fed through anti-Obama people.

Drop this Obama-goggle, Obama-cultist type rhetoric, and consider that he might just be a better candidate, instead of thinking that Obama supporters are brainwashed zombies.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by D_Mason
Quote that from the NAACP speech.

AIDS is a syndrome. Last I looked Syndromes weren't contagious.

You're right. My bad. I got my hate speeches mixed up.
It was the Press Corps speech where he affirmed the "government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color."

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